共找到45條詞條名為王志的結果 展開
- 主持人
- 呼倫貝爾學院黨委書記
- 重慶市大足區委常委、人民政府副區長
- 北京理工大學副教授
- 中國建設銀行寧夏區分行國際業務部原總經理
- 成都理工大學教授
- 漢川市第六屆委員會常務委員會委員
- 中國聯通河南省分公司副總經理
- 南寧海關關長、黨委書記
- 河北省行唐籍烈士
- 山西大同市中級人民法院原副處級審判員
- 四川省德陽市人大常委會主任
- 天津大學教授
- 明朝開國將領
- 濟南大學教授
- 四川省委辦公廳會議處處長
- 西安工程大學團委書記
- 優秀人才培養計劃人選
- 深圳信誠展業的創始人
- 達州愛瑞眼科醫院
- 國際健美聯合會專業健美教練
- 北京市廣播電視局黨組成員、副局長
- 王秀利
- 中國當代實力派山水畫家
- 吉林省高級人民法院原審判員
- 天津大學化工學院教授
- 樅陽縣浮山鎮執法中隊長
- 中國改革報社文化藝術部主任
- 江油市人民醫院副院長
- 油畫藝術家
- 山東大學機械工程學院副教授
- 書法家
- 淮海書法藝術學校書法導師
- 吉林大學講師
- 南開大學教授
- 清華大學副研究員
- 綿陽日報社黨組成員
- 樂清市三改一拆辦公室黨組成員
- 中國虎牌控股集團家居電氣有限公司總經理
- 北京金輪坤天特種機械有限公司總工程師
- 南朝宋駙馬都尉
- 西江詩社會員理事
- 成都市泡桐樹小學教導主任
- 湖北工業大學教授
- 武漢五洲萊美整形外科醫院醫生
1992-1996年 西南師範大學物理系,理學學士學位。
1998-2001年 成都理工大學應用地球物理系,理學碩士學位。
2003-2007年 日本愛媛大學地球動力學研究中心,理學博士學位。
2008-2010年 日本海洋研究開發機構,日本學術振興(JSPS)博士后。
2006-2008年 副教授, 成都理工大學信息工程學院。
2007-2009年 研究員,成都理工大學“地質災害防治”國家重點實驗室。
2008-2010年 日本學術振興會外國人特別研究員,日本海洋研究開發機構。
2008-至今 教授,成都理工大學信息工程學院。
2009-至今 博士生導師,成都理工大學信息工程學院。
2008-至今 研究員,成都理工大學“油氣藏開發”國家重點實驗室。
Wang, Z., Interplate coupling and seismotectonics under the forearc regions of Japan, Earthquake Science (in press), 2010。
Pei, S., J. Su, H. Zhang, Y. Sun, M. Nafi ToksoZ, Z. Wang, X. Gao, J. Zhao, H. Liu, Three-dimensional seismic structure across the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan, China, Tectonophysics (in press), 2010。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, S. Pei, Structural control of rupturing of the Mw7.9 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China, Earth Planet. Sci. Letts. 279 (2009), 131-138。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, D. Zhao, S. Kodaira, O.P. Mishra, A. Yamada, Structural heterogeneities in the crust and upper mantle beneath Taiwan, Tectonophysics 476 (2009), 460-477。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, R. Huang, X. Tang, O.P. Mishra, Structural Heterogeneity in Northeast Japan and its implications for the Genesis of the 2004 and 2007 Niigata Earthquakes in Northeast Japan, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am. 99 (6), 2009, 3355-3373。
Huang, R., Z. Wang*(通信作者), S. Pei, Y. Wang, Crustal ductile flow and its contribution to tectonic stress in Southwest China, Tectonophysics 473 (2009), 476-489。
Zhao, D., Z. Wang, N. Umino, and A. Hasegawa, Mapping the mantle wedge and interpolate thrust zone of the northeast Japan arc, Tectonophysics 467 (2009), 89-106。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, S. Kodaira, R. Huang, Role of fluids in the initiation of the 2008 Iwate earthquake (M7.2) in Northeast Japan, Geophys. Res. Letts. 35 (2008), L24303, doi:10.1029/2008GL035869。
Wang, Z., R. Huang, J. Huang, Z. He, P Velocity and gradient images beneath the Okinawa Trough, Tectonophysics 455 (2008), 1-13。
Wang, Z., R. Huang, X. Wang, Z. He, Structural heterogeneities and dynamics under the West Pacific subduction zones (in English), Sichuan Science and Technique Publishing House, pp1-243, 2008。
Mishra, O.P., D. Zhao, Z. Wang, The genesis of the 2001 Bhuj, India, earthquake (Mw 7.6): A puzzle for Peninsular India? Indian Minerals, 61, 149-170, 2008。
Zhao, D., Z. Wang, N. Umino and A. Hasegawa, Tomographic imaging outside a seismic network: Application to the northeast Japan arc, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am. 97 (2007), 1121-1132。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, O. P. Mishra, A. Yamada, Lithospheric heterogeneity and its implications for the low-frequency tremor in Southwest Japan, Earth Planet. Sci. Letts. 251 (2006), 66-78。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, J. Wang, H. Kao, Tomographic evidence for the suducting Eurasian lithosphere beneath Taiwan, Geophys. Res. Letts. 33 (2006), L18306, doi:10.1029/2006GL 027166。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Vp and Vs tomography of Kyushu: New insight into arc magmatism and forearc seismotectonics, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter.157(2006), 269-285。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Seismic evidence for the influence of fluids on the 2005 west off Fukuoka prefecture earthquake in southwest Japan, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter.155 (2006), 313-324。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Seismic images of the source area of the 2004 Mid-Niigata prefecture earthquake in Japan. Earth Planet. Sci. Letts. 244 (2006), 16-31。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Suboceanic earthquakes location and seismic structure in the Kanto district, central Japan, Earth Planet. Sci. Letts.241 (2006), 789-803。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Seismic imaging of the entire arc of Tohoku and Hokkaido in Japan by using P-wave, S-wave and sP depth-phase data, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 152 (2005), 144-162。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, A. Yamada, Seismic tomography of the entire Tohoku arc region: From the forearc to the back arc (in Japanese), Earth Monthly 52 (2005), 16-22。
Wang, Z., Interplate coupling and seismotectonics under the forearc regions of Japan, Earthquake Science (in press), 2010。
Pei, S., J. Su, H. Zhang, Y. Sun, M. Nafi ToksoZ, Z. Wang, X. Gao, J. Zhao, H. Liu, Three-dimensional seismic structure across the Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan, China, Tectonophysics (in press), 2010。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, S. Pei, Structural control of rupturing of the Mw7.9 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China, Earth Planet. Sci. Letts. 279 (2009), 131-138。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, D. Zhao, S. Kodaira, O.P. Mishra, A. Yamada, Structural heterogeneities in the crust and upper mantle beneath Taiwan, Tectonophysics 476 (2009), 460-477。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, R. Huang, X. Tang, O.P. Mishra, Structural Heterogeneity in Northeast Japan and its implications for the Genesis of the 2004 and 2007 Niigata Earthquakes in Northeast Japan, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am. 99 (6), 2009, 3355-3373。
Huang, R., Z. Wang*(通信作者), S. Pei, Y. Wang, Crustal ductile flow and its contribution to tectonic stress in Southwest China, Tectonophysics 473 (2009), 476-489。
Zhao, D., Z. Wang, N. Umino, and A. Hasegawa, Mapping the mantle wedge and interpolate thrust zone of the northeast Japan arc, Tectonophysics 467 (2009), 89-106。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, S. Kodaira, R. Huang, Role of fluids in the initiation of the 2008 Iwate earthquake (M7.2) in Northeast Japan, Geophys. Res. Letts. 35 (2008), L24303, doi:10.1029/2008GL035869。
Wang, Z., R. Huang, J. Huang, Z. He, P Velocity and gradient images beneath the Okinawa Trough, Tectonophysics 455 (2008), 1-13。
Wang, Z., R. Huang, X. Wang, Z. He, Structural heterogeneities and dynamics under the West Pacific subduction zones (in English), Sichuan Science and Technique Publishing House, pp1-243, 2008。
Mishra, O.P., D. Zhao, Z. Wang, The genesis of the 2001 Bhuj, India, earthquake (Mw 7.6): A puzzle for Peninsular India? Indian Minerals, 61, 149-170, 2008。
Zhao, D., Z. Wang, N. Umino and A. Hasegawa, Tomographic imaging outside a seismic network: Application to the northeast Japan arc, Bull. Seis. Soc. Am. 97 (2007), 1121-1132。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, O. P. Mishra, A. Yamada, Lithospheric heterogeneity and its implications for the low-frequency tremor in Southwest Japan, Earth Planet. Sci. Letts. 251 (2006), 66-78。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, J. Wang, H. Kao, Tomographic evidence for the suducting Eurasian lithosphere beneath Taiwan, Geophys. Res. Letts. 33 (2006), L18306, doi:10.1029/2006GL 027166。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Vp and Vs tomography of Kyushu: New insight into arc magmatism and forearc seismotectonics, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter.157(2006), 269-285。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Seismic evidence for the influence of fluids on the 2005 west off Fukuoka prefecture earthquake in southwest Japan, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter.155 (2006), 313-324。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Seismic images of the source area of the 2004 Mid-Niigata prefecture earthquake in Japan. Earth Planet. Sci. Letts. 244 (2006), 16-31。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Suboceanic earthquakes location and seismic structure in the Kanto district, central Japan, Earth Planet. Sci. Letts.241 (2006), 789-803。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Seismic imaging of the entire arc of Tohoku and Hokkaido in Japan by using P-wave, S-wave and sP depth-phase data, Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 152 (2005), 144-162。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, A. Yamada, Seismic tomography of the entire Tohoku arc region: From the forearc to the back arc (in Japanese), Earth Monthly 52 (2005), 16-22。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, Seismic imaging in the curst and upper mantle under Southwest China, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, America, 13-19, December, 2009。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, Arc volcanism, forearc seismotectonics and plate coupling in the Kuril-NE Japan, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 21-23, October, 2009。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, D. Zhao, S. Kodaira, Structural heterogeneities of the crust and upper mantle beneath Taiwan, Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, May 16-21, 2009。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, and S. Pei, Structural control of rupturing of the Mw7.9 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, America, 14-19, December, 2008。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, S. Pei, Genesis of the Mw 7.9 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China: Implications from Seismic Tomography, Asia Seismology Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 24-29 November, 2008。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, Shuichi Kodaira, Dapeng Zhao, Seismic imaging for the Mj7.2 2008 Iwate earthquake, Asia Seismology Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 24-29 November, 2008。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, and S. Kodaira, Structural control the rupturing of the M7.92008 Wenchuan earthquake, China, Conference in the University of Tokyo, Japan, August 6,2008。
Wang, Z., Structure heterogeneities along the West Pacific Island Arcs, Invited presentation in IFREE of JAMSTEC, Japan, 9-13 June, 2007。
Wang, Z., P-wave velocity and gradient images under the Okinawa Trough, American Geophysics Union, San Francisco, December 14-19, 2007。
Wang, Z., New insight into the structural heterogeneities under the Taiwan Island, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido, May 22-27, 2007。
Wang, Z.,Seismic imaging beneath the island of Taiwan, China, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Geophysics Union, Qingdao, China, October 18-24, 2007。
Wang, Z., Hypocenter location and the structural heterogeneities under the Island Arcs of West Pacific Ocean, (Special presentation for Fu-Chongyi Young Scientific Award) Annual Meeting of the Chinese Geophysics Union, Qingdao, China, October 18-24, 2007。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, O. P. Mishra, Tomographic evidence for the Eurasian lithosphere subducting beneath South Taiwan, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Nagaya, November 1-3, 2006。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Seismic structures of P-wave and S-wave in the entire-arc region of central Japan, 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Beijing, China, July 24-27, 2006。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Seismic imaging of the entire-arc of Tohoku and Hokkaido in Japan using P-wave, S-wave and sP depth-phase data, 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Beijing, China, July 24-27, 2006。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, P-wave and S-wave tomographic images under the subduction zone in Southwest Japan, 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Beijing, China, July 24-27, 2006。
Mishra, O.P., D. Zhao, J. R. Kayal, Z. Wang, O. P. Singh, G. K. Chakrabortty, D. Ghosh, Aftershock investigation of the 26 December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake (Mw 9.3) in Andman-icobar Islands of India and its seismotectonic implications, 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Beijing, China, July 24-27, 2006。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, O. P. Mishra, A. Yamada, Lithospheric heterogeneity and its implications for the low frequency tremors in Southwest Japan,Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, May 22-26, 2006。
Zhao, D., Z. Wang, J. Lei, S. Zheng, Akira Yamada, A lifetime of subduction of the Pacific slab from Japan trench to CMB, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido, October 19-21, 2005。
Hirata, M. Z. Wang, D. Zhao, Crustal structure under the Nankai Trough derived from OBS and Hi-net data, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido, October 19-21, 2005。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Locating suboceanic earthquakes: Method and application to the Pacific off central Japan, American Geophysics Union, December 19-21, 2005。
Zhao, D., Z. Wang, Structure heterogeneities on the upper boundary of the subduction zone and the interplate earthquakes, Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, May 22-26, 2005。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Seismic imaging of the source area of the 2004 Chuetsu Niigata earthquake, Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, May 22-26, 2005。
Zhao, D., Z. Wang, Double-difference with velocity discontinues and the depth variations, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Fukuoka, October 9-11, 2004。
Todo, S., Z. Wang, D. Zhao, 3D velocity structure of Kyushu using double-difference tomography, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Fukuoka, October 9-11, 2004。
Hirata, M., Z. Wang, D. Zhao, Crustal structure under the Nankai Trough derived from OBS and Hi-net data, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Fukuoka, October 9-11, 2004。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Tomographic imaging of Hokkaido and Tohoku forearc region under the Pacific Ocean, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Fukuoka, October 9-11, 2004。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Seismic imaging of the entire northeast Japan arc by a joint inversion of land and sub-oceanic data, Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, May 9-13, 2004。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, Seismic imaging in the curst and upper mantle under Southwest China, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, America, 13-19, December, 2009。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, Arc volcanism, forearc seismotectonics and plate coupling in the Kuril-NE Japan, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 21-23, October, 2009。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, D. Zhao, S. Kodaira, Structural heterogeneities of the crust and upper mantle beneath Taiwan, Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, May 16-21, 2009。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, and S. Pei, Structural control of rupturing of the Mw7.9 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, America, 14-19, December, 2008。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, S. Pei, Genesis of the Mw 7.9 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China: Implications from Seismic Tomography, Asia Seismology Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 24-29 November, 2008。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, Shuichi Kodaira, Dapeng Zhao, Seismic imaging for the Mj7.2 2008 Iwate earthquake, Asia Seismology Conference, Tsukuba, Japan, 24-29 November, 2008。
Wang, Z., Y. Fukao, and S. Kodaira, Structural control the rupturing of the M7.92008 Wenchuan earthquake, China, Conference in the University of Tokyo, Japan, August 6,2008。
Wang, Z., Structure heterogeneities along the West Pacific Island Arcs, Invited presentation in IFREE of JAMSTEC, Japan, 9-13 June, 2007。
Wang, Z., P-wave velocity and gradient images under the Okinawa Trough, American Geophysics Union, San Francisco, December 14-19, 2007。
Wang, Z., New insight into the structural heterogeneities under the Taiwan Island, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido, May 22-27, 2007。
Wang, Z.,Seismic imaging beneath the island of Taiwan, China, Annual Meeting of the Chinese Geophysics Union, Qingdao, China, October 18-24, 2007。
Wang, Z., Hypocenter location and the structural heterogeneities under the Island Arcs of West Pacific Ocean, (Special presentation for Fu-Chongyi Young Scientific Award) Annual Meeting of the Chinese Geophysics Union, Qingdao, China, October 18-24, 2007。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, O. P. Mishra, Tomographic evidence for the Eurasian lithosphere subducting beneath South Taiwan, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Nagaya, November 1-3, 2006。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Seismic structures of P-wave and S-wave in the entire-arc region of central Japan, 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Beijing, China, July 24-27, 2006。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Seismic imaging of the entire-arc of Tohoku and Hokkaido in Japan using P-wave, S-wave and sP depth-phase data, 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Beijing, China, July 24-27, 2006。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, P-wave and S-wave tomographic images under the subduction zone in Southwest Japan, 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Beijing, China, July 24-27, 2006。
Mishra, O.P., D. Zhao, J. R. Kayal, Z. Wang, O. P. Singh, G. K. Chakrabortty, D. Ghosh, Aftershock investigation of the 26 December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake (Mw 9.3) in Andman-icobar Islands of India and its seismotectonic implications, 2006 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Beijing, China, July 24-27, 2006。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, O. P. Mishra, A. Yamada, Lithospheric heterogeneity and its implications for the low frequency tremors in Southwest Japan,Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, May 22-26, 2006。
Zhao, D., Z. Wang, J. Lei, S. Zheng, Akira Yamada, A lifetime of subduction of the Pacific slab from Japan trench to CMB, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido, October 19-21, 2005。
Hirata, M. Z. Wang, D. Zhao, Crustal structure under the Nankai Trough derived from OBS and Hi-net data, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Hokkaido, October 19-21, 2005。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Locating suboceanic earthquakes: Method and application to the Pacific off central Japan, American Geophysics Union, December 19-21, 2005。
Zhao, D., Z. Wang, Structure heterogeneities on the upper boundary of the subduction zone and the interplate earthquakes, Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, May 22-26, 2005。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Seismic imaging of the source area of the 2004 Chuetsu Niigata earthquake, Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, May 22-26, 2005。
Zhao, D., Z. Wang, Double-difference with velocity discontinues and the depth variations, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Fukuoka, October 9-11, 2004。
Todo, S., Z. Wang, D. Zhao, 3D velocity structure of Kyushu using double-difference tomography, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Fukuoka, October 9-11, 2004。
Hirata, M., Z. Wang, D. Zhao, Crustal structure under the Nankai Trough derived from OBS and Hi-net data, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Fukuoka, October 9-11, 2004。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Tomographic imaging of Hokkaido and Tohoku forearc region under the Pacific Ocean, Annual Meeting of the Seismological Society of Japan, Fukuoka, October 9-11, 2004。
Wang, Z., D. Zhao, Seismic imaging of the entire northeast Japan arc by a joint inversion of land and sub-oceanic data, Japan Earth and Planetary Science Joint Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, May 9-13, 2004。
2010年 入選四川省傑出青年學術技術帶頭人培養計劃。
2009年 入選教育部新世紀優秀人才計劃。
2008年 獲日本學術振興特別研究基金資助。
2007年 Physics of Earth and Plantenary Interiors Most cited paper 2004-2007 Award。
2007年 傅承義青年科技獎。
2004年 獲日本文部科學省獎學金。