

1939年出生於山東省,1956-1961年就讀於蘭州大學化學系無機化學專業稀有元素專業方向(五年制)。1981-1983年由國家公派在日本筑波大學從事稀土新材料研究,其成果獲得日本化學會最佳論文獎;1988 –1989年由國家公派在美國東南路安娜大學校長辦公室研究美國高等教育管理;1990 – 1991年和1993 -1994年兩次由國家公派在美國佛羅里達州立大學與Choppin教授進行合作研究(高級訪問學者)。1997年受中國科協派遣作為中國代表隊副領隊赴加拿大參加29屆國際奧林匹克化學競賽;1999年受中國科協派遣擔任大陸科教團副團長率代表團回訪台灣教育與科研單位。1961 – 1984年在西北師範大學化學系任助教和講師;1985年破格晉陞為教授,1997 – 2005年間受聘為中科院蘭州化物所和西北工業大學兼職博士生導師。2002年受聘為西北師範大學博士生導師。曾擔任西北師範大學化學研究所所長、化學系主任和化學化工學院院長等行政職務。




(1)溶液中稀土配合物光譜化學--4f電子的成鍵性質及其分析應用,(2)高溫固-液熔融萃取,(3)光度分析中的高靈敏高選擇性反應及其分析應用,(4)化學振蕩現象在分析化學中的應用,(5)低溫等離子體化學,(6)材料化學等。先後邀請日本筑波大學長島弘三教授,日本東京理科大學中井 泉教授,日本大阪大學足立吟也教授,瑞士洛桑大學J.-C.G. Bunzli教授,美國西北大學Fred Basolo教授,新加坡理工學院 Leong Chee Liak教授,以及烏克蘭國家科學院Peter E Strizhak教授等同行學者來我院講學或合作研究。合作出版著作和教材7部:(1)溶液中鑭系配合物光譜化學(電子科技大學出版社,1995年),(2)光度分析中的高靈敏反應及方法(科學出版社,2000年),(3)配合物電分析化學(中國石化出版社,2000年),(4)消費者化學化學工業出版社,2002年),(5)化學論文英語寫作(中國石化出版社,2003年版和2010年第2版),(6)化學英語寫作(甘肅教育出版社,1996年),(7)化學英語閱讀手冊(中國石化出版社,2012年)。






兼職:曾任中國化學會理事暨分析化學專業委員會委員(1997-2002);甘肅化學會常務理事暨分析化學專業委員會主任委員(1993-2002);中國稀土學會理事暨理化檢驗專業委員會委員(1993--2011 );甘肅省自然科學系列高級職稱評審委員會委(1987-1993);甘肅省高等學校高級職稱評審委員會委員暨化學學科組組長(1986--2010 )。
現任中國等離子體學會理事(2005-- )。
曾任“化學通報”編委(1997-2002);“環境化學”編委(2003--2009 ),“化學教育”編委(1997--2010 ),“Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences”編委(2005--2009 )等。
現任“甘肅科學學報”編委(1993-- ),“Plasma Science & Technology”編委(2005-- )等。
目前擔任“Analytica Chimica Acta”、“Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry”、“Journal of Chromatography A”、“Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis”、“Catalysis Letters”、“Food Analytical Methods”、“Luminescence”、“Spectrochimica Acta Part A:”、“Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture”、“Water Research”、“Chemosphere”、“Chromatographia”、“Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing”、“Journal of Hazardous Materials”、“Plasma sources science & technology”、“Plasma Science & Technology”、“Rare Metals”、“Chinese Chemical Letters”、“Journal of University of Science & Technology Beijing”、“Chemical Research in Chinese Universities”、“Chinese Journal of Chemistry”和“Journal of Rare Earths”等雜誌審稿人。


(1) Improved Sensitivity for Transition Metal Ions By Use of Sulfide in the Belousov-Zhabotinskii Oscillating Reaction, (2006), Analytica Chimica Acta, 571: 150-155
(2) Determination of furfural by oscillating chemical reaction using an analyte pulse perturbation technique, (2006), Analytical & Bioanalytical Chemistry,384:1438-1443
(3) Kinetic determination of ascorbic acid by the BZ oscillating chemical system, (2001), Talanta,55: 99-107.
(4) Kinetic Determination of Hydroquinone by Belousov-Zhabotinskii Oscillating Chemical Reaction, (2002), J.Electroanal.Chem, 520(No.1-2), 157-162
(5) Determination of L-valine Based on an OscillatingChemical Reaction, (2002), Electroanalysis, 14(17), 1191-1196
(6) A novel nanoscale ceria ion-selective CMC membrane electrode for determination of dopamine by the B-Z oscillating reaction using analyte pulse perturbation technique, (2007), Microchimica Acta,157: 35-40
(7) Determination of 1-Naphthylamine by Using Oscillating Chemical Reaction, (2007), Journal of Hazardous Materials,144(1):67-72
(8) Kinetic Determination of L-tryptophan by using the BZ Oscillating Chemical System, (2009), Amino Acids,36(3):391-397
(9) Plasma Degradation of Dyes in Water with Contact Glow Discharge Electrolysis, (2003), Water Research, 37: 267-272.
(10) Oxidative degradation of nitrophenols in aqueous solution induced by plasma with submersed glow discharge electrolysis, (2004), Plasma processes & Polymers, 1:171-176
(11) Oxidative degradation of phenol in aqueous induced by plasma with direct glow discharge , ,(2003), Plasma sources science & technology,12: 533-538
(12) Synthesis and characterization of polymethylmethacrylate by using glow discharge electrolysis plasma, (2009), Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing,29(5):387-398
(13) Degradation of 2,4-Dichlorophenol by Using Glow Discharge Electrolysis, (2006), Journal of Hazardous Materials, 136(3): 526-531
(14) Decoloration of brilliant green by using glow discharge electrolysis, (2006), Journal of Hazardous Materials, B137: 431-436
(15) Decoloration of alizarin red S in aqueous solution by glow discharge electrolysis, (2008), Dyes & Pigments, 76:47-52
(16) Synthesis of PANI/TiO2-Fe3+ nanocomposite and its photocatalytic property, (2007), Journal of Materials Science,42(9):3190-3196
(17) Synthesis and characterization of a novel fluorine-containing polymer emulsion with core/shell structure, (2006), Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 127 (2): 282-296
(18) Simultaneous determination of inorganic anions and cations by chromatography with indirect photometric detection, (1993), Journal of Chromatography A, 657: 95-101.
(19) Anion separation by high-performance ion chromatography coupled with indirect photometric detection and 1,2-dihydroxybenzene-3,5-disulfonate or sodium sulfosalicylate as eluent, (1997), Journal of Chromatography A, 789: 195-199
(20) Determination of trace europium based on new ternary fluorimetric enhancement system of europium(III) with thenoyl trifluoroacetone trisalicylicamido triethylamine, (1998), Analyst, 123: 1745-1748
(21) Studies on lanthanoids-antimony-chalcogenides. I. Synthesis and crystal data of threenew lanthanum antimony chalcogenides, (1983), Bulletin of Chemical Society of Japan, 56: 2615-2617.
(22) Synthesis and crystal data of Ln3S4(Ln=La, Ce, Sm) and LnS2(Ln=Nd) type sulfides containing a small amount of antimony, (1983), Chem. Lett., 1779-1782.
(23) Preparation of ultrafine nickel powder and its catalytic dehydrogenation activity, (2001), Materials Chemistry and Physics,71: 215-219
(24) Kinetic-spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of vanadium, (2000), Talanta, 51: 447-453
(25)Thermodynamic investigations of aqueous-molten paraffin wax liquid-liquid extractions and synergisticextractions of some trivalent rareearth elements, (1994), Talanta,41(4): 541-546
(26) Studies on β-type rection and kinetics of lanthanides with p-bromochloroarsenazo, (1995), Talanta, 42(9): 1897-1903
(27) Studies on β- type binuclear chelate of lanthanides with chlorophosphonazo-mA,(1987), Inorg. Chim. Acta, 140:, 271-272
(28) Synthesis and characterization of superabsorbent composite by using glow discharge electrolysis plasma,(2008), Reactive and Functional Polymers,68:1377-1383
(29)Synthesisand Characterization of Montmorillonite-Graft-Acrylic Acid Superabsorbent by Using Glow-discharge Electrolysis Plasma, (2010), Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing,30(6):873-883
(30) Glow-discharge Electrolysis Plasma Induced Synthesis of Polyvinylpyrrolidone/Acrylic Acid Hydrogel and Its Adsorption Properties for Heavy-metal Ions,(2011), Plasma Proc. Polym.,8(9): 803-814


等離子體降解水溶液中有機污染物的裝置(ZL03134546.8)超微鎳粉製取的工藝方法納米二氧化鈰選擇性膜電極的製作方法(ZL 20040073476.4).接觸輝光放電等離子體發生裝置等離子體飲用水凈化裝置