







Preface 前言
Chapter 1Introduction緒論1
1?1General Information機械總論2
1?2Teaching Content and Object of the Course機械原理課程的研究對象與內容6
1?3Purpose of This Course學習機械原理課程的目的8
Chapter 2Structural Analysis of Planar Mechanisms平面機構的結構分析11
2?1Kinematic Chain and Mechanisms運動鏈與機構12
2?2Schematic Diagram of Mechanisms機構運動簡圖16
2?3Degree of Freedom of Planar Mechanisms機構自由度的計算22
2?4Mechanism Analysis and Innovation機構分析與創新30
Chapter 3Kinematic Analysis of Planar Mechanisms平面機構的運動分析41
3?1Introduction 平面機構運動分析概述42
3?2Velocity Analysis with Instantaneous Centers用速度瞬心法對機構進行速度分析44
3?3Kinematic Analysis by Graphical Method用相對運動圖解法對機構進行運動分析48
3?4Kinematic Analysis by Algebraic Method用解析法對機構進行運動分析60
Chapter 4Force Analysis of Planar Mechanisms平面機構的力分析67
4?2Force Analysis Including Inertia Forces in Mechanisms計入慣性力的機構力分析68
4?3Force Analysis Including Friction in Mechanisms計入摩擦的機構力分析76
4?4Friction and Design of Self?locking Mechanisms摩擦與自鎖機構的設計88
Chapter 5Synthesis of Planar Linkages平面連桿機構及其設計95
5?1Characteristics and Types of Planar Linkages平面連桿機構的特點與基本型式96
5?2Fundamental Features of Four?bar Linkages平面連桿機構的基本性質104
5?3Synthesis of Four?bar Linkages平面連桿機構的設計112
Chapter 6Design of Cam Mechanisms凸輪機構及其設計131
6?2Basic Types of Follower Motion and Design從動件的運動規律及其設計138
6?3Cam Profile Synthesis凸輪輪廓曲線的設計150
6?4Sizes of Cam Mechanisms凸輪機構基本尺寸的設計158
6?5Computer?aided Design of Cam Mechanisms計算機輔助凸輪設計164
目錄Theory of Machines and Mechanisms (Bilingual Edition)Chapter 7Design of Gear Mechanisms齒輪機構及其設計171
7?1Classification of Gear Mechanisms齒輪機構的分類172
7?2Fundamental Law of Gearing齒廓基本定律174
7?3Involute Properties and Involute Tooth Profiles漸開線齒廓及其嚙合特點176
7?4Nomenclatures of Standard Spur Gear and Gear Sizes
7?5Meshing Drive of Standard Spur Gears漸開線直齒圓柱齒輪機構的嚙合傳動186
7?6Forming and Undercutting of Gear Teeth漸開線圓柱齒輪的加工及其根切現象196
7?7Nonstandard Spur Gears變位齒輪概述202
7?8Parallel Helical Gears平行軸斜齒圓柱齒輪機構206
7?9Worm and Worm Gears蝸桿傳動機構214
7?10Bevel Gears錐齒輪機構220
Chapter 8Design of Gear Trains輪系及其設計227
8?1Classification of Gear Trains輪系及其分類228
8?2Ratio of Ordinary Gear Trains定軸輪系傳動比的計算230
8?3Ratio of Epicyclic Gear Trains周轉輪系傳動比的計算236
8?4Ratio of Combined Gear Trains混合輪系傳動比的計算240
8?5Some Considerations for Design of Planetary Gear Trains周轉輪系設計中的若干問題244
8?6Introduction of Miscellaneous Planetary Trains其他類型的周轉輪系簡介252
Chapter 9Introduction of Screws, Hook?s Couplings and Intermittent Mechanisms
9?1Screw Mechanisms螺旋機構260
9?2Universal Joints萬向聯軸器262
9?3Ratchet Mechanisms棘輪機構264
9?4Geneva Mechanisms槽輪機構268
9?5Indexing Cam Mechanisms凸輪式間歇運動機構272
9?6Intermittent Gear Mechanisms不完全齒輪機構274
Chapter 10Spatial Mechanisms and Robotic Mechanisms
10?1Introduction of Spatial Mechanisms空間連桿機構概述280
10?2Introduction of Robotic Mechanisms機器人機構概述286
Chapter 11Design of Mechanism Systems機構系統設計293
11?1Introduction of Mechanism Systems機構系統設計概述294
11?2Harmonization Design of Mechanism Motions機構系統的運動協調設計296
11?3Combined Methods of Mechanism Systems機構系統的組合方法298
Chapter 12Fluctuation and Regulation in Speed of Machines
12?1Operating Analysis of Machinery機械運轉過程分析308
12?2Equivalent Kinetic Model of Mechanism Systems機械系統的等效動力學模型312
12?3Kinetic Equations of Mechanism Systems機械系統的運動方程及其求解320
12?4Periodic Speed Fluctuation and Regulation in a Machine周期性速度波動及飛輪設計324
12?5Aperiodic Speed Fluctuation and Regulation in a Machine非周期性速度波動及其調節332
Chapter 13Balance of Machinery機械的平衡337
13?1Introduction 機械平衡概述338
13?2Balance Design of Rigid Rotors剛性轉子的平衡設計340
13?3Balance Test of Rigid Rotors剛性轉子的平衡實驗344
13?4Balance of Planar Mechanisms平面機構的平衡簡介350
Appendix 附錄352
References 參考文獻362