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- 馬鞍山市人民醫院醫師
2013.09-至今 吉林大學工程仿生教育部重點實驗室,教授/博導。
2008.09-2013.09 吉林大學工程仿生教育部重點實驗室,副教授/碩導。
2010.10-2011.09 英國布里斯托爾大學,博士后/訪問學者。
2009.12-2013.06 吉林大學材料學院,博士后。
2003.09-2006.12 吉林大學,農業機械化工程,博士。
2000.09-2003.07 吉林大學,農業機械化工程,碩士。
1993.09-1997.07 原吉林工業大學材料學院,本科。
1、Y. Liu, K.T. Zhang, Y. Son, W. Zhang, L.M. Spindler, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. A smart switchable bioinspired copper foam responding to different pH droplets for reversible oil-water separation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, DOI: 10.1039/C6TA10772A
2、 Y. Liu, K.T. Zhang, W.G. Yao, C.C. Zhang, Z.W. Han, L.Q.Ren. A facile electrodeposition process for the fabrication of superhydrophobic and superoleophilic copper mesh for efficient oil-water separation, ACS Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2016, 55, 2704–2712
3、 Y. Liu, W.G. Yao, X.M. Yin, H.Y. Wang, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. Controlling wettability for improved corrosion inhibition on magnesium alloy as biomedical implant materials, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2016, 1500723
4、 Y. Liu, S.Y. Li,S.C. Niu, X.W. Cao, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. Bio-inspired micro-nano structured surface with structural color and anisotropic wettability on Cu substrate. Applied surface Science, 2016, 379:230-237
5、Y. Liu,K.T. Zhang, W.G. Yao, J.A. Liu, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. Bioinspired structured superdrophobic and superoleophilic stainless steel mesh for efficient oil-water seperation. Colloids and Surface A, 2016,500:54-63
6、Y. Liu, S.Y. Li, Y.M. Wang, H.Y. Wang, K. Gao,Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. Superhydrophobic and superoleophobic surface by electrodeposition on magnesium alloy substrate: wettability and corrosion inhibition, Journal of colloid and interface science, 2016, 478:164-171
7、Y. Liu,W.G. Yao, G.Y. Wang, Y. Wang, S.M. Ana, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. Reversibly swichable wettability on aluminum alloy substrate corresponding to different pH droplet and its corrosion resistance. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 303, 565-574
8、Y. Liu, Y.Y. Song, S.C. Niu , Y.L. Zhang, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. Integrated super-hydropobic and antireflective PDMS bio-templated from nano-conical structures of cicada wings. RSC Advances, 2016,6:108974-108980
9、Wang G.Y, Liu S, Wei S.F, Liu Y,Lian J.S, Jiang Q. Robust superhydrohyobic surface on Al substrate with durability, corrosion resistance and ice-phobicity. Scientific Reports, 2016,20933
10、Y. Liu, J.D Liu, S.Y. Li, Y.M. Wang, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. One-step method for fabrication of biomimetic superhydrophobicsurface on aluminum alloy. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 466 (2015) 125-131
11、Y. Liu, S.Y. Li, J.J. Zhang, J.A. Liu, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren.Corrosion inhibition of biomimetic super-hydrophobic electrodeposition coatings on copper substrate. Corrosion Science 94 (2015) 190-196
12、Y. Liu, Y. Bai, J.F. Jin, L.M. Tian, Z.W. Hana, L.Q. Ren. Facile fabrication of biomimetic superhydrophobic surface with anti-frosting on stainless steel substrate. Applied Surface Science 355 (2015) 1238-1244
13、D.D. Han ,Y.L. Zhang , Y. Liu, Y.Q. Liu, H.B. Jiang ,B. Han, X.Y. Fu, H. Ding, H.L. Xu, H.B. Sun. Bioinspired Graphene Actuators Prepared by Unilateral UV Irradiation of Graphene Oxide Papers. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2015, 25, 4548-4557
14、J.N. Wang, Y.L Zhang, Y. Liu, W.H. Zheng, L. P. Leed, H.B. Sun. Recent developments in superhydrophobic graphene and graphene-related materials:from preparation to potential applications. Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 7101–7114.
15、X. Jia, L. Shen, M.N. Yao, Y. Liu, W.J. Yu, W.B. Guo, S.P. Ruan. Highly efficient low-Bandgap polymer solar cells with solution processed and annealing-Free phosphomolybdic acid as hole transport layers. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7,5367−5372
16、J.C. Chen, Y.M. Wang, J.Y. Cao, Y. Liu, J.H. Ouyang, D.C. Jia, Y. Zhou. Flexible and solid-state asymmetric supercapacitor based on ternary graphene/MnO/carbon black hybrid film with high power performance. Electrochimica Acta 182 (2015) 861–870
17、W.J. Yu, L. Shen, X. Jia, Y. Liu, W.B. Guo, S.P. Ruan. Improved color rendering index of low band gap semi-transparent polymer solar cells using one dimensional photonic crystals. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 54638
18、 Y. Liu, X.M. Yin, J.J. Zhang, S.R. Yu, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. “A electro-deposition process for fabrication of biomimetic super-hydrophobic surfaceand its corrosion resistanceonmagnesium alloy.” Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 125: 395-403
19、Y. Liu, S.Y. Li, J.J. Zhang, Y.M. Wang, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren.“Fabrication of Biomimetic Superhydrophobic Surface with Controlled adhesion by Electrodeposition”, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 248:440-447
20、Y. Liu, J.D. Liu, S.Y. Li, Z.W. Han, S.R. Yu, L.Q. Ren. “Fabrication of biomimetic super-hydrophobic surface on aluminum alloy”, J Mater Sci, 2014, 49:1624–1629
21、Y. Liu, J.J. Zhang, S.Y. Li, Y.M. Wang, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Fabrication of superhydrophobic graphene surface with excellent mechanical abrasion and corrosion resistance on aluminum alloy substrate, RSC advances, 2014, 4,45389-45396
22、 Y. Liu, J.D Liu, S.Y. Li, J.A. Liu, Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. “Biomimetic superhydrophobic surface of high adhesion fabricated with micronano binary structure on aluminum alloy”. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2013, 5: 8907-8914
23、Y. Liu, G.L. Lu,J.D. Liu,Z.W. Han,Z.N. Liu.“Fabrication of Biomimetic Hydrophobic Films with Corrosion Resistance on Magnesium Alloy by Immersion Process”,Applied Surface science, 2013, 264:527-532
24、Y. Liu, X.M. Yin, J.J. Zhang, Y.M. Wang , Z.W. Han, L.Q. Ren. “Biomimetic hydrophobic surface fabricated by chemical etching method from hierarchically structured magnesium alloy substrate”. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 280:845-849
25、S.R.Yu, Y. Liu,W. Li, J.A. Liu, Yuan Dongsheng. “The running-in tribological behavior of nano-SiO/Ni composite coatings”. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2012, 43:1070-1076
26、L. Wen, Y.M. Yaming, Y. Liu,EIS study of a self-repairing microarc oxidation coating, Corrosion Science, 2011, 53(2):618-623
27、Z.W. Wang, Y.M. Wang, Y. Liu, “Microstructure and infrared emissivity property of coating containing TiOformed on titanium alloy by microarc oxidation”, Current Applied Physics, 2011, 11:1405-1409
28、S.J. Wang, L.Q. Ren, Y. Liu,Z.W. Han, Y. Yang, “Mechanical characteristics of typical plant leaves”, Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2010, 7(3): 294-300