

孫根樓,男,1963.2,博士,加拿大聖瑪麗大學終生教授,安徽農業大學講席教授,長期從事植物分子遺傳、種質資源小麥族物種生物學的研究, 定位和克隆了一些基因,揭示了植物種質資源的遺傳多樣性,並首次提出利用已培育的不同品種作為基因定位的群體可能性。研究成果為通過生物技術改良農作物提供了理論基礎。


1. 基因定位和克隆2. 基因表達的研究3. 作物種質資源的分子遺傳變異的研究4. 小麥遺傳資源的分子群體和系統生物學研究


1992年:獲四川省青年優秀科技論文獎1993年:獲四川省優秀論文三等獎1995年: 獲得四川省十大傑出青年基金1995年:獲以色列國家教育部博士后基金1996-1998年:瑞典生物多樣性中心博士后基金1999年:四川省科學技術進步獎一等獎2000年:中國國家自然科學獎二等獎2003年:New Opportunities Fund Award, The Canada Foundation for Innovation2007年:獲日本科學學術振興會訪問教授基金2011 年:獲中國“引智配套工程”短期項目


北美Elymus trachycaulus複合種群的分子遺傳變異和系統學研究,由加拿大自然科學和工程研究署資助(Molecular diversity and phylogeny of Elymus trachycaulus complex in North America, funded by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada)
分子遺傳變異,系統學和農業基因組研究,由加拿大創新基金會資助(Molecular studies of genetic diversity, phylogeny and agricultural genomics funded by Canada Foundation for Innovation)
雲杉基因組的結構和功能研究,由加拿大基因組資助 (Comparative structural and functional spruce genomics, funded by GenomeCanada)
馬鈴薯抗變黑基因的研究,由Agrio-Focus 2000資助 (Characterization of gene controlling potato after cooking darkness, funded by Agri-Focus 2000)
水貂基因文庫的建立和基因定位,由Agrio-Focus 2000資助 (Mink genomic library and gene mapping, funded by Agri-Focus 2000)




在“PlantMolecular Biology”,“Molecular breeding”, “Theoretical and Applied Genetics” ,“Genome”, “Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution”, “Plus One”等國際知名學術 刊物發表論文110多篇,SCI收錄50多篇,部分論文目錄如下:1. Huan Wang, Dongfa Sun,Genlou Sun.2011. Molecular phylogeny of diploidHordeum species and incongruence between chloroplast and nuclear datasets. Genome (in press)2. Chi Yan,Genlou Sun,Dongfa Sun. 2011.Distinct origins of the Y genome and St in Elymus species: evidence from the analysis of large samples of St genome species using two nuclear genes. PloS One 6(10): e26853. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.00268533. Yan C, Sun GL. 2011.Nucleotide divergence and genetic relationships ofPseudoroegneriaspecies. . Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 39: 309-319.4.Sun GL, Zhang XD.2011. Origin ofH genome inStH-genomeElymus species based on single copy nuclear gene DMC1. Genome 54: 655-6625. Wang H,Sun GL.2011. Molecular phylogeny and reticulate origins of American polyploidHordeum species. Botany 89: 405-415. 6. Liu M, Zhang M, Jiang W,Sun GL, Zhao HX, Hu SW.2011. Genetic diversity of Shaanxi soybean landraces based on agronomic traits and SSR markers. African Journal of Biotechnology 10(24): 4823-4837.7. Oliver AG, Harnish K,Sun GL. 2011. Genomic constitution and phylogenetic position of several New Zealand Triticeae species revealed by two single copy nuclear genes. Australia Journal of Botany, 59: 1-6.8. Ni Y, Asamoah-Odei N,SunGL 2011. Maternal origin, genome constitution and evolutionary relationships of polyploidElymus species andHordelymus europaeus revealed by cpDNA sequence. Biologia Plantarum 55: 68-74.9. Xiao N,Sun GL, Hong Y, Xia R, Zhang C, Su Y, Chen J.2011. Cloning of genome-specific repetitive DNA sequences in wild rice (O. rufipogon), and the development ofTy3-gypsy retrotransposon-based SSAP marker for distinguishing rice (O. sativaL.)indicaandjaponica subspecies. Genetic Resource and Crop Evolution. DOI 10.1007/s10722-010-9651-8.