



主要在研項目:1. 華南晚古生代塊狀硫化物礦床研究(國家自然科學基金重點項目);2.東天山二紅窪-鏡兒泉與超鎂鐵岩伴生的過鋁花崗岩帶成因研究(國家自然科學基金項目);3.遼寧清原地區深變質塊狀硫化物礦床下盤蝕變和礦化形成機制研究(國家自然科學基金項目);4.在差異應力和無外加流體條件下成礦物質再活化實驗模似(博士點基金項目)。


顧連興主要研究金屬礦床成礦機制、礦石結構、成礦流體、油氣成藏機制和花崗岩與成礦關係。最主要成果是:1.命名了中國的“華南型”塊狀硫化物礦床,論證了這類礦床比國外的蘇利文型礦床更能代表大陸地殼的成礦特徵。2.對硫化物礦石的某些結構作了比國內外學者更深入的研究,挪威學者稱顧連興的成果代表了當前對磁黃鐵礦研究的前沿; 3.帶領課題組在新疆發現了一個找礦遠景地帶,地勘部門根據我們的提議,目前已經在這個帶上找到了一個中型銅鎳礦床; 4.發現了一種儲集於火成角礫岩中的油氣藏,並稱之為斑岩型油氣藏,美國AAPG編輯部在信中說,顧連興的論文提出了油氣藏的一種新類型。5.提出了塊礦硫化物礦床中礦石糜棱岩內銅金銀等金屬的再活化富集機制。6.在同一個反應室內用模擬實驗證實了,在差異應力條件下不需要外來流體就能發生成礦物質再活化的機制。研究項目曾獲國家教委科技進步二等獎(第一完成人)、國家教委科技進步一等獎(第五完成人)、國家自然科學三等獎(第五完成人)、新疆維吾爾自治區科技進步三等獎(第二完成人)。


[1] Gu Lianxing and McClay K R, 1992, Pyrite deformation in stratiform lead-zinc deposits of the Canadian cordillera. Mineralium Deposita, Vol.27, 169-181. (SCI)
[2] Gu Lianxin, Hu Wenxuan, Hejinxiang and Xu Yaotong, 1993,Geology and genesis of the Upper Paleozoic massive sulphide deposits in South China. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. Section B: Applied earth science, 83-96.(SCI)
[3] Gu Lianxing and Vokes F M, 1996, Intergrowth of hexagonal and monoclinic pyrrhotites in some sulphide ores from Norway. Mineralogical Magazine. 60, 304-316.(SCI)
[4] Lian-Xing Gu, Wen-Xuan Hu, Jin-Xiang He, Pei Ni and Ke-Qin Xu,2000,Regional Variations in Ore Composition and Fluid Features of Massive Sulphide Deposits in South China: Implications for Genetic Modelling. Episodes, 23(2): 110-118. (SCI)
[5] Lianxing Gu, Zuowei Ren, Changzhi Wu, Ming Zhao, Jin Qiu, 2002,Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in a Trachyte porphyry Intrusion in the Eastern Depression of the Liaohe Basin, NE China. American Association of Petroleum Geologist. AAPG Bulletin 86(10): 1821-1832.(SCI)
[6] Lianxing Gu, Khin Zaw, Wenxuan Hu, Kajiun Zhang, Pei Ni Jinxiang Hec, Yaotong Xu, Jianjun Lu, Chunming Lin. . Distinctive features of Late Palaezoic massive sulphide deposits in South China. Ore Geology Reviews, in press.見該刊網頁,(SCI)
[7] Gu Lianxing, Zheng Yuanchuan, Tang Xiaoqian, Fernando Della-Pasque, Wu Changzhi, Tian Zeman, Lu Jianjun, Ni Pei, Li Xin, Yang Futian. Copper, Gold and Silver Enrichment in Ore Mylonites within Massive Sulphide Orebodies at Hongtoushan, NE China. Ore Geology Reviews, in press.見該刊網頁,((SCI)
[8] 顧連興、徐克勤,1986,論長江中,下游中石炭世海底塊狀硫化物礦床.地質學報,60(2): 176-188.(SCI)
[9] 顧連興、胡受奚、於春水、李宏宇,2000,東天山博格達造山帶石炭紀火山岩及其形成地質環境.岩石學報,16(3): 305-316. (SCI)
[10] 顧連興、胡受奚、於春水、趙明吳昌志、李宏宇,2001,東天山博格達造山帶擠壓—拉張構造轉折期的侵入活動,岩石學報,17(2): 187-198.(SCI)
[11] 顧連興、胡受奚、於春水、吳昌志、嚴正富,2001,論博格達俯衝撕裂型裂谷的形成與演化.岩石學報,17(4): 585-597.(SCI)
[12] 顧連興、苟曉琴、張遵忠等,2003,東天山一個多相帶高銣氟花崗岩的地球化學及成岩作用.岩石學報,19(4): 585-600 (SCI)
[13] 顧連興,湯曉茜,鄭遠川,吳昌志,田澤滿,陸建軍,肖新建,倪培,2004,遼寧紅透山銅鋅塊狀硫化物礦床的變質變形和成礦組分再活化. 岩石學報,20(4):923-934.(SCI))
[14] 顧連興,湯曉茜,王子江,鄭遠川,吳昌志,陸建軍,倪培,吳學益, 2005.362oC和差異應力條件下硫化物在NaCl溶液中的再活化實驗研究. 岩石學報, 21(5): 1429-1434.(SCI)
[15] 顧連興,張遵忠,吳昌志,王銀喜,唐俊華,汪傳勝,郗愛華,鄭遠川, 2006.關於東天山花崗岩與陸殼垂向增生的若干認識.岩石學報,22(5): 1103-1120.(SCI)
[16] Gu Lianxing, Hu Shouxi,Chu Qiang, Yu Chunshui and Xiao Xinjian, 1999, Pre-collision granites and post-collision intrusive assemblage of the Kelameili-Harlik orogenic belt. Acta Geologica Sinica (English edition), 73(3): 316-329.(SCI)
[17] Gu Lianxing, Du Jianguo, Zhai Jianping, Zhao Chenghao, Fan Jianguo, Zhang Wenlan. 2002. Eclogites of the Dabie retion: retrograde metamorphism and fluid evolution. Acta Geologica Sinica.76(2):166-182. (SCI)
[18] Gu LX, Hu WX, Ni P. 2003. Puculiar geochemistry of massive sulphide deposits in the Nanling area, South China. Geochimica et Cosmohimica Acta, spec. suppl., Abstrat of the 13th Annual V.M. Goldshmidt Conference, Kurashiki, Japan, Sept. 7-12: A126 (SCI)
[19] Gu LX, Tang XQ, Wang ZJ, Sun Y, Wu CZ, Xiao XJ, Ni P, Wu XY. 2004. Remobilization Experiment of Chalcopyrite in Massive Sulphide Ore by NaCl Solution at 362oC and a Differential Stress. Tenth International Symposium on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry. Lithos, 73 (suppl.): 47.(SCI)
[20] Gu LX, Tang XQ, Wu CZ, Lu JJ, Ni P, Sun Y. 2004. Copper- and gold-enriched ductile shear zones inside massive sulphide orebodies at Hongtoushan, NE China. Geochimica et Cosmohimica Acta, suppl. A741.(SCI)
[21] Xiao Xinjian, Gu Lianxing (corresponding aurhor), Ni Pei, 2002, Multi-episode fluid boiling in the Shizishan copper-gold deposit at Tongling, Anhui Province: its bearing on ore formation. Science in China (Series D), 45(1): 34-44.(SCI)
[22] 吳昌志,顧連興(通訊作者),任作偉,王銀喜,趙明,張遵忠,湯曉茜,張光輝. 2004. 遼河盆地沙三期火山-侵入岩地球化學與岩石成因. 岩石學報, 20(3): 545-556(SCI)