1. Ph.D. in Economics, January 2005 Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong
2. M.S. in Numerical Mathematics, 1989 Shanghai University, China
3. B.A. in Applied Mathematics, 1986 Fudan University, China
2、Semiparametric and Nonparametric Estimation of Sample Selection Models Under Symmetry,
Journal of Econometrics,2008
3. Semi-parametric Estimation of Transformation Model under Symmetry with Non-stationary ,
Volume 99,Issue 1,April 2008,Pages 107-110, Economics Letters.
4. Estimating the Correlation Coefficient for the Generalized Bivariate Probit Model (with S. Chen),
Volume 141,Issue 2,December 2007,Pages 1100-1114, JOURNAL OF ECONOMETRICS.
5. 民營企業R&D投入對企業業績的影響——對浙江省桐鄉市民營企業的實證研究(with許玲麗),
6. A Simple Matching method for Estimating Sample Selection Models Using Experimental Data
(with S. Chen), ANNALS OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE 6, 155-167(2005).
2. 國家自然科學基金
項目批號:70871073 (2009年1月-2011年12月) 主持
3. 211基金(二期)項目
1. Estimation of the Box-Cox Transformation Model with a Partial Linear Structure.
2. Estimation of the Box-Cox Transformation Model with Sample Selection.
3. Estimation of the random coefficient dummy endogenous variable under nonparametric mechanism.
4. 融資約束對管理層薪酬激勵機制影響的實證研究。(With 吳華晶)
5. 變係數面板數據模型--中國各省市經濟收斂速度的實證研究。(With 劉俐含)
2. 榮獲上海財經大學第五屆“我心目中的好老師”稱號。