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Jieren Yang, Ruirun Chen*, Hongsheng Ding, Jingjie Guo, Jiecai Han, Fu Hengzhi. Mechanism and evolution of heat transfer in mushy zone during cold crucible directionally solidifying TiAl alloys. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013, 63(8): 216-223。
Jieren Yang, Ruirun Chen*, Hongsheng Ding, Jingjie Guo, Jiecai Han, Fu Hengzhi. Thermal characteristics of induction heating in cold crucible used for directional solidification, Applied thermal engineering , http://dx. /10.1016/ j.applthermaleng.2013.05.014。
Ruirun Chen, Hongsheng Ding, Jingjie Guo, Yanqing Su, Hengzhi Fu.Microstructure and mechanical properties of a rapid directional solidifiedTi47Al alloy. AppliedMechanics and Materials, 2012, 117-119: 217-221。
Feng Huang, Ruirun Chen*, Hongsheng Ding, JingjieGuo, Yanqing Su, Jieren Yang, Hengzhi Fu. Grain growth behaviors ofmulticrystalline silicon during cold crucible continuous casting, AppliedMechanics and Materials, 2012, 117-119: 398-401。
Jieren Yang, Ruirun Chen*, Hongsheng Ding, Jingjie Guo, Yanqing Su, Feng Huang,Hengzhi Fu. Temperature Distribution and Operating Efficiency in RectangularCold Crucible Directional Solidifying Ti46Al0.5W0.5Si Alloys, AppliedMechanics and Materials, 2012, 117-119: 335-338。
Feng Huang, Ruirun Chen*, Hongsheng Ding, Jingjie Guo, Yanqing Su, Jieren Yang, Hengzhi Fu. Feasibility of directional solidification of silicon ingot by electromagnetic casting. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing (accepted) doi:10.1016/j.mssp.2011.12.006。
CHEN Rui-run,YANG Jie-ren, DING Hong-sheng, HUANG Feng, SU Yan-qing, GUO Jing-jie, FUHeng-zhi. Effect of power parameter and induction coil on the magnetic field incold crucible during continuous melting and directional solidification. ChinaFoundry, 2012. 1: 15-19。
Huang Feng, Chen Ruirun*, Guo Jingjie, Ding Hongsheng, Su Yanqing, Yang Jieren, and Fu Hengzhi. Continuous melting anddirectional solidification of silicon ingot with an electromagnetic coldcrucible. China Foundry, 2012. 1:24-27。
Ruirun Chen, Feng Huang, Jingjie Guo, Hongsheng Ding, Yanqing Su,Jieren Yang, Hengzhi Fu. Effects of technical parameters on initial siliconmelting in round cold crucible continuous casting. Advanced Materials Research,2012,472-475:740-743。
Feng Huang, Ruirun Chen*, Jingjie Guo, HongshengDing, Yanqing Su, Jieren Yang, Hengzhi Fu. Effects of parameters on thestability of silicon melt pool in cold crucible continuous casting. AdvancedMaterials Research, 2012, 472-475:771-774。
Ruirun Chen, Jieren Yang, Hongsheng Ding, Jingjie Guo, Yanqing Su,Feng Huang, Hengzhi Fu. Study of solid/liquid interface of Ti46Al0.5W0.5Siingot directionally solidified by a near-rectangular cold crucible. AdvancedMaterials Research, 2012, 472-475:767-770。
Yang Jieren, Chen Ruirun*,Ding Hongsheng, Guo Jingjie, Huang Feng, Fu Hengzhi. Numerical Calculation of Flow Field inside Ti-Al Meltduring Rectangular Cold Crucible Directional Solidification. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2012, 1: 157-163。
Chen Ruirun,Yang Jieren, Ding Hongsheng, Huang Feng, Su Yanqing, Guo Jingjie, Fu Hengzhi.Effect of Configuration on Magnetic Field in Cold Crucible Using for ContinuousMelting and Directional Solidification. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2012,2:404-410。
Chen Ruirun,Ding Hongsheng, Yang Jieren, Huang Feng, Yanqing Su, Guo Jingjie, Fu Hengzhi.Temperature Field Calculation on Cold Crucible Continuous Melting and Directional Solidifying Ti50Alalloys. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2012, 3: 647-653。
RuirunChen, Hongsheng Ding, Xinzhong Li, Yanqing Su, JingjieGuo, Hengzhi Fu. Directionalsolidification of Ti6Al4V ingots with an electromagnetic cold crucible byadjusting the meniscus. ISIJ international (accepted and will be published in2012:7。
RengenDing, Ian P Jones, Yulung Chiu, RuirenChen. Microstructure and mechanicalproperty of directionally solidified Ti46Al0.5W0.5Si alloys with and withoutGd. Intermetallics, 2012, 20(1): 123-134
J.Q. Zhu, C.Z. Jiang, J.C. Han, H.L. Yu, J.Z. Wang,Z.C. Jia, R.R. Chen. Optical andelectrical properties of nonstoichiometric a-Ge1−xCx films prepared bymagnetron co-sputtering. Applied Surface Science, 2012, 258(8): 3877-3881。
Z.C. Jia, J.Q. Zhu, C.Z. Jiang, W.X. Shen, J.C. Han, R.R. Chen. Effect of gasflow ratio on the microstructure and mechanical properties of boron phosphidefilms prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering. Applied SurfaceScience, 2011, 258( 1): 356-360。
Nie Ge, Ding Hongsheng, ChenRuirun, Guo Jingjie, Fu Hengzh. Microstructuralcontrol and mechanical properties of Ti-47Al-2Cr-2Nb alloy by directionalsolidification electromagnetic cold crucible technique, Materials and Design, Doi:10.1061/j.matdes.2012.02.057。
Ruirun Chen, Jieren Yang, HongshengDing, Feng Huang, Jingjie Guo, Hengzhi Fu. Magnetic field in a near-rectangularcold crucible designed for continuously melting and directionally solidifyingTiAl alloys, Journal of Materials Processing Technology. DOI:doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2012.04.018。
NieGe, Ding Hongsheng, Chen Ruirun, GuoJingjie, Fu Hengzh. Microstructural control and mechanical properties ofTi-47Al-2Cr-2Nb alloy by directional solidification electromagnetic coldcrucible technique, Materials and Design, 2012, 39(8): 350-357。
DingHongsheng, Nie Ge, Chen Ruirun, GuoJingjie, Fu Hengzhi. Influence of oxygen on microstructure and mechanicalproperties of directionally solidified Ti-47Al-2Cr-2Nb alloy. Materials andDesign, DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes. 2012.04.050。
Ruirun Chen, Feng Huang, Jingjie Guo, Hongsheng Ding, Jieren Yang,Hengzhi Fu. Electromagneticcharacteristics of square cold crucible designed for silicon preparation. China Foundry, 2011, 8(2):206-211。
Jieren Yang, RuirunChen*, Hongsheng Ding, Jingjie Guo, Hengzhi Fu. Columnar crystal growth of Ti46Al0.5W0.5Si alloysdirectional solidified by rectangular cold crucible. Advanced MaterialsResearch. 2011, 154-155:743-751。
FengHuang, Ruirun Chen*, Hongsheng Ding,Jingjie Guo, Jieren Yang, Hengzhi Fu. Experimentalstudy of the silicon start-up heating and melting process in a cold crucible. AdvanceMaterials Research. 2011,154-155: 756-762。
Ruirun Chen, Feng Huang, Jingjie Guo, Hongsheng Ding, Yanqing Su,Jieren Yang, Hengzhi Fu. Effect of parameters on the grain growth of siliconingots prepared by electromagnetic cold crucible continuous casting. Journal ofCrystal Growth,2011, 332(1): 68-74。
L.H. Kong, R.R.Chen,T.T.Song, Y.L.Gao, Q.J.Zhai. Magnetic characterization of dual phase FeZrB softmagnetic alloy. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2011, 323:3285-3289。
FengHuang, Ruirun Chen*, Hongsheng Ding,Jingjie Guo, Yanqing Su, Jieren Yang, Hengzhi Fu. Experimental study on surfacequality of silicon ingots prepared by electromagnetic continuous casting. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. doi:10.1016/j.mssp.2011.10.009。
Ruirun Chen , Feng Huang, Jingjie Guo,Hongsheng Ding, Jieren Yang, Hengzhi Fu. Experimental study on hot meltsplashes during electromagnetic continuous casting silicon. Vacuum. 2011.86(4):409-414。
丁宏升,張永,姜三勇,陳瑞潤,郭景傑. 穩恆電場對小晶面晶體生長的影響.材料科學與工藝,2011.2:144-149。
LIU Jiang-ping; LUO Liang-shun; SU Yan-qing; XUYan-jing; LI Xin-zhong; CHEN Rui-run;GUO Jing-jie; FU Heng-zhi. Numericalsimulation of intermediate phase growth in Ti/Al alternate foils Transactions of Nonferrous MetalsSociety of China, 2011.3:598-63。
Jianglei Fan, Xinzhong Li, Yanqing Su, Ruirun Chen, Jingjie Guo, Hengzhi Fu.Directional solidification of Ti–49at.%Al alloy. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing. 2011, 105(1):239-248。
Jianglei Fan, Xinzhong Li, Yanqing Su,Ruirun Chen, Jingjie Guo, Hengzhi Fu.Dependency of microstructureparameters and microhardness on the temperature gradient for directionallysolidified Ti–49Al alloy. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2011,130(3):1232-1238。
Jianglei Fan,Xinzhong Li, Yanqing Su, Ruirun Chen,Jingjie Guo, Hengzhi Fu. Microstructure evolution of directionally solidifiedTi–46Al–0.5W–0.5Si alloy. Journal of CrystalGrowth. 2011,337(1): 52-59。
Dongmei Liu, Xinzhong Li, Yanqing Su, Liangshun Luo,Bo Zhang, Ruirun Chen, Jingjie Guo,Hengzhi Fu. An analysis of non-equilibrium peritectic reaction driven by solutediffusion under a temperature gradient. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2011, 334(1): 195-199。
R. Chen, R. Ding, I.P.Jones, Y. Chiu, J. Yang, H. Ding, J. Guo, H. Fu. The Role of Gd Addition in the Microstructure andMechanical Property of Directionally Solidified Ti46Al0.5W0.5Si Allo. The 12thWorld Conference on Titanium, Oral presentation, 19-21 June 2011。
Ruirunchen, Hongsheng Ding,Feng Huang, Jingjie Guo, Hengzhi Fu. Grwoth andcharacteriaztion of multicrystalline silicon ingot prepared by cold crucible.The 13th international symposium on Materials science andengineering between Chonbuk National Universityand Kyushu Universiity. October 13-14, 2011, Jeonju, Korea.P 17-21 Oral presentation。
XU Yan-jin, SU Yan-qing, LUO Liang-shun, LI Xin-zhong,LIU Jiang-ping, GUO Jing-jie, CHENRui-run, FU Heng-zhi. Effect of traveling magnetic field on gas porosityduring solidification, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2011, 21:1981-1985。
丁宏升,陳瑞潤,畢維生,郭景傑,賈均,傅恆志,蘇彥慶. 鈦基合金的水冷電磁銅型定向凝固方法. 專利號:,授權日期:2006年12月。
陳瑞潤,丁宏升,畢維生,郭景傑,傅恆志.一種採用電磁冷坩堝連續熔鑄鈦合金近單晶錠的方法, 專利號:ZL200710144309.8,授權日2009年1月7日。
丁宏升,陳瑞潤,汪明月,郭景傑,賈均,傅恆志.連續熔鑄與定向結晶的方形冷坩堝,專利號:200710072714. 授權日2009年02月11日。
丁宏升,張永,姜三勇,陳瑞潤,郭景傑,傅恆志.一種電效應驅動凝固結晶過程的觀測方法.發明專利,專利號:201010184717 2011年12月07日。
丁宏升,張永,姜三勇,陳瑞潤,郭景傑,傅恆志.一種電效應驅動凝固結晶過程的裝置.發明專利專利號:201010184719 2011年08月17日。

