共找到2條詞條名為張大永的結果 展開
- 中國藥科大學藥物科學研究院教授,院長
- 西南財經大學副教授
英國伯明翰大學經濟學博士, 2006。
2007-現在 西南財經大學經濟與管理研究院,副教授。
2006-2007 University of Leicester, Teaching Fellow。
2005-2006 University of Birmingham, Lecturer (PT)。
2002-2006 University of Birmingham, Teaching Assistant。
1. Zhang, D., (2008) “Oil Shock and Economic Growth in Japan: A Nonlinear Approach”,Energy Economics,30, 2374-2390.
2. Dong, Y., Kui-Wai Li and D. Zhang, (2011) “Determinants of Chinese and American Outward Investment”, The Chinese Economy, 44, 58-78.
3. Zhang, D. and Yu Wu, (2012) “Household Saving, Stock Market and the Economic Growth in China”, Emerging Market Finance and Trade, 48, 44-58.
4. Broadstock, D., H. Cao and D. Zhang, (2012) “Oil Shocks and their Impact on Energy Related Stocks in China”, Energy Economics, 34, 1888-1895.
5. Chen, Zhihong, Shihe Fu and D. Zhang, (2013) “Searching for the Parallel Growth of Cities”,Urban Studies, 50, 2118-2135.
6. Chen, Alex A., Hong Cao, D. Zhang and David Dickinson, (2013) “The impact of shareholding structure on firm investment: Evidence from Chinese listed companies”,Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 25, 85-100.
7. Zhang, D. and Hong Cao, (2013) “Sectoral Responses of the Chinese Stock Market to International Oil Shocks”, Emerging Market Finance and Trade,49, 37-51.
8. Gan, L. and D. Zhang, (2014) “Economic and Financial Challenges and Issues in the Asia-Pacific Countries: Guest Editors' Introduction”, Emerging Market Finance and Trade.
9. Zhang, D., Marco Barassi and Jijun Tan, (forthcoming) “Residual Based Tests of Fractional Cointegration: Testing the Term Structure of Interest Rates in US and UK”,Econometric Reviews. DOI:1080/07474938.2014.956624.
10. Broadstock, D., Rui Wang and D. Zhang, (2014) “Direct and indirect oil shocks and their impacts upon energy related stocks”,Economic System, 38, 451-467.
11. Huang, L. and D. Zhang, (forthcoming) “Hedging or Speculation, What Can We Learn from the Volume-Return Relationship?” Emerging Market Finance and Trade.
12. Zhang, D. and D. Broadstock, (forthcoming) “Club Convergence in the Energy Intensity of China”, The Energy Journal.
13. Zhang, D., D. Broadstock and H. Cao, (2014) “International Oil Shocks and Household Consumption in China”,Energy Policy, 75, 146-156..
2.《家庭財富與消費:基於微觀調查數據的分析》,經濟研究 (2012),增1期,53-65,與曹紅合著。
3.《長期記憶模型在經濟與金融中的應用》,經濟資料譯叢 (2013),第2期。
4.《基於預測能力的擴展極限邊界分析法》,數量經濟技術經濟研究 (2014),第2期,99-112,與鄒沛江合著。
6.《中國能源核算以及對其TFP的解釋--基於兩部門核算模型和EBA方法》,數量經濟技術經濟研究 (2015),第1期,97-113,與鄒沛江合著。
2. “Energy Market Integration in East Asia”, ERIA Research Project 2013 Working Group (已結項)
3. 211工程三期青年成長項目:“投資選擇與中國經濟增長的實證分析” (211QN10088,已結項)
4. 國家自然科學基金青年項目:“不完全樣本下的統計推斷問題及其應用” (11001224,主研已結項)
5. “Financing Renewable Energy in EAS Countries: A Primer of Effective Policy Instruments”, ERIA Research Project 2014 Working Group (在研)
Energy Economics, China Economic Review, Econometric Reviews, Environmental and Resource Economics, Emerging Market Finance and Trade, Journal of Economic Integration, Journal of Economics and International Finance, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, Bulletin of Economic Research, British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade.