共找到8條詞條名為董艷的結果 展開
2002年獲倫敦政治經濟學院金融經濟學碩士, 2007年獲英國愛塞克斯大學經濟學博士。
“what Drives Fixed Asset Investment and Its Investment Efficiency in China", with Charles Leung, Dongliang Cai, International Real Estate Journal, forthcoming
"A Comparison of China and U.S. ODI", The Chinese Economy,Vol. 44 No. 02
“Dynamic Modeling of Asset-backed Securitization in Banks –Profit Maximization vs. Interest Rate Risk Immunization” with Sheri Markose, 2007
“Analysis of Cost of Securitization and Implication of Asset Quality Deterioration” 2007
“NPL Securitization in China” 2007