共找到4條詞條名為余岩的結果 展開



余 岩:四川大學生命科學學院副教授。


2007/9 - 2012/6,四川大學植物學,博士
2003/9 - 2007/6,四川大學,生物技術,學士


2014/3 - 2015/9,Duke University and North Carolina State University,Visiting scholar
2012/7 - 2015/12,四川大學,生命科學學院,講師
2015/12 - 至今,四川大學,生命科學學院,副教授


2、中國蔥屬的分子系統學與細胞地理學研究 (編號:31270241) ,國家自然科學基金,2013-2016年度,80萬,參加
Yu Y, Xiang Q*, Manos PS, Soltis DE, Soltis PS, Song BH, Cheng S, Liu X, Wong G. Whole-genome duplication and molecular evolution in Cornus L. (Cornaceae) - Insights from transcriptome sequences. PLoS One, 2017, 12:e0171361.
Yu Y, Harris AJ, Blair C, He X*. RASP (Reconstruct Ancestral State in Phylogenies): a tool for historical biogeography. Mol Phylogenet Evol, 2015, 87:46-49.
Yu Y, Downie SR, He X, Deng X, Yan L. Phylogeny and biogeography of Chinese Heracleum (Apiaceae tribe Tordylieae) with comments on their fruit morphology. Plant systematics and evolution, 2011, 296:179-203.
Yu Y*, Harris AJ, He X*. S-DIVA (Statistical Dispersal-Vicariance Analysis): A tool for inferring biogeographic histories. Mol Phylogenet Evol, 2010, 56:848-850.
Altinordu F, Peruzzi L, Yu Y*, He X. 2016. A tool for the analysis of chromosomes: KaryoType. Taxon, 2016, 65(3):586-592.
Ali SS*, Yu Y*, Pfosser M, Wetschnig W. Inferences of biogeographical histories within subfamily Hyacinthoideae using S-DIVA and Bayesian binary MCMC analysis implemented in RASP (Reconstruct Ancestral State in Phylogenies). Ann Bot, 2012, 109:95-107.
Call A, Sun Y-X, Yu Y, Pearman PB, Thomas DT, Trigiano RN, Carbone I, Xiang Q-YJ. 2015. Genetic structure and post-glacial expansion of Cornus florida L. (Cornaceae): integrative evidence from phylogeography, population demographic history, and species distribution modeling. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 15:1137-1146.
Wang Q, Wang XQ, Sun H, Yu Y, He XJ, Hong DY. Evolution of the platycodonoid group with particular references to biogeography and character evolution. J Integr Plant Biol, 2014, 56:995-1008.
Wang Z-X, Downie SR, Tan J-B, Liao C-Y, Yu Y, He X-J. Molecular phylogenetics of Pimpinella and allied genera (Apiaceae), with emphasis on Chinese native species, inferred from nrDNA ITS and cpDNA intron sequence data. Nordic Journal of Botany, 2014, 32:642-657.
Ali SS, Pfosser M, Wetschnig W, Martinez-Azorin M, Crespo MB, Yu Y. Out of Africa: Miocene dispersal, vicariance, and extinction within Hyacinthaceae subfamily Urgineoideae. J Integr Plant Biol, 2013, 55:950-964.
Liao C-Y, Downie SR, Yu Y, He X-J. Historical biogeography of the Angelica group (Apiaceae tribe Selineae) inferred from analyses of nrDNA and cpDNA sequences. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2012, 50:206-217.
Li QQ, Zhou SD, He XJ, Yu Y, Zhang YC, Wei XQ. Phylogeny and biogeography of Allium (Amaryllidaceae: Allieae) based on nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer and chloroplast rps16 sequences, focusing on the inclusion of species endemic to China. Ann Bot, 2010, 106:709-733.
Feng T, Downie SR, Yu Y, Zhang X, Chen W, He X, Liu S. Molecular systematics of Angelica and allied genera (Apiaceae) from the Hengduan Mountains of China based on nrDNA ITS sequences: phylogenetic affinities and biogeographic implications. Journal of Plant Research, 2009, 122:403-414.
Wang Q-Z, He X-J, Zhou S-D, Wu Y-K, Yu Y, Pang Y-L. Phylogenetic inference of the genus Bupleurum (Apiaceae) in Hengduan Mountains based on chromosome counts and nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS sequences. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 2008, 46:142-154.
Xue H-G, Zhou S-D, He X-J, Yu Y. Karyotype in fifteen populations belonging to thirteen species of Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae) in China. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 2007, 45:619-626.
Xue H-G, Zhou S-D, He X-J, Yu Y. Molecular authentication of the traditional Dai medicinal plant Croton caudatus. Planta Medica, 2007, 73:611-613.
Song-Dong Z, Xing-Jin H, Yan Y, Jie-Mei X. Karyotype studies on twenty-one populations of eight species in Allium section Rhiziridium. Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica, 2007, 45:207-216.