



1. 受教育經歷
2003/09– 2007/06,中國西南大學,學士
2. 研究工作經歷
3. 研究興趣與方向
1) 母體低營養對胎兒在子宮內發育及其後天生長的影響。
2) 環境熱應激對胎兒和新生兒胰腺內分泌的調控研究。
先後主持了西南大學博士基金和中央高校基本科研業務費各1項;曾主要參與了美國NIH R01-DK-084842,NIH T32-HL-7249,NIH F32-DK-088514和USDA 2012-67012-19855等項目;並與美國亞利桑那大學(The University of Arizona)擁有非常深層次的交流與合作擔任動物科技學院《生物化學》和《分子生物學》本科教學。
. 期刊論文(通訊作者以“*”標出)
曾在《American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism》(2013年生理學類Top 7),《Journal of Physiology》(2013年生理學類Top 8)等國際一流生理學期刊和國際會議上發表論文10餘篇,第一作者3篇,並編寫英文教材1部。
1)Chen X (陳小川), Green AS, Macko AR, Yates DT, Kelly AC, Limesand SW*. Enhanced insulin secretion responsiveness and islet adrenergic desensitization after chronic norepinephrine suppression is discontinued in fetal sheep. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Jan 1;306(1):E58-64. doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.00517.(2014, IF = 4.514).
2) Macko AR, Yates DT,Chen X, Green AS, Kelly AC, Brown LD, Limesand SW*. Elevated plasma norepinephrine inhibits insulin secretion, but adrenergic blockade reveals enhanced β-cell responsiveness in an ovine model of placental insufficiency at 0.7 of gestation. J Dev Orig Health Dis. 2013 Oct 1;4(5).(2013, IF = 1.207).
3) Yates DT, Macko AR,Chen X, Green AS, Kelly AC, Anderson MJ, Fowden AL, Limesand SW*. Hypoxaemia-induced catecholamine secretion from adrenal chromaffin cells inhibits glucose-stimulated hyperinsulinaemia in fetal sheep. The Journal of Physiology. 590(Pt 21):5439-47.(2012, IF = 4.38).
4) Yates DT, Macko AR, Nearing M,Chen X, Rhoads RP, Limesand SW*. Developmental programming in response to intrauterine growth restriction impairs myoblast function and skeletal muscle metabolism. Journal of Pregnancy. 2012:631038.(2012).
5) Chen X, Rozance PJ, Hay WW Jr, Limesand SW*. Insulin-like Growth Factor and Fibroblast Growth Factor Expression Profiles in Growth Restricted Fetal Sheep Pancreas. Experimental Biology and Medicine (Maywood). 237(5):524-9.(2012, IF = 2.803).
6) Green AS,Chen X, Macko AR, Anderson MJ, Kelly AC, Hart NJ, Lynch RM, Limesand SW*. Chronic Pulsatile Hyperglycemia Reduces Insulin Secretion and Increases Accumulation of Reactive Oxygen Species in Fetal Sheep Islets. The Journal of Endocrinology. 212(3):327-42.(2011, IF = 4.746).
7) Green AS, Macko AR, Rozance PJ, Yates DT, Chen X (陳小川), Hay WW Jr, Limesand SW*. Characterization of glucose-insulin responsiveness and impact of fetal number and gender on insulin response in the sheep fetus. American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism. 300(5), E817-823. (2011, IF = 4.746).
8)Chen X, Fahy AL, Green AS, Anderson MJ, Rhoads Jr RP, Limesand SW*. β2-Adrenergic Receptor Desensitization in Perirenal Adipose Tissue in Fetuses and Lambs with Placental Insufficiency-induced Intrauterine Growth Restriction. The Journal of Physiology. 588(Pt 18):3539-49.(2010, IF = 5.139).
9) Leos RA, Anderson MJ,Chen X, Pugmire J, Anderson KA, Limesand SW*. Chronic exposure to elevated norepinephrine suppresses insulin secretion in fetal sheep with placental insufficiency and intrauterine growth restriction. American Journal of Physiology Endocrinology and Metabolism. 298, E770-778.(2010, IF = 4.686).
1)Chen X,Green AS, Macko AR, Anderson MJ, Zehri A, and Limesand SW*. Chronic norepinephrine infusion suppresses insulin secretion but once removed, leads to enhanced insulin secretion in the fetal sheep. Diabetes 70th Scientific Session. Abstract 2496-PO. Orlando, Florida,USA. (2010).
2)Chen X, Macko AR., Green AS, Yates DT, Anderson MJ, Kelly AC, Zehri A, and Limesand SW*. Enhanced Insulin Secretion in the Fetal Sheep after Chronic Norepinephrine Infusion Suppression. Society for Gynecologic Investigation 2011 Annual Meeting. 18(4):F-116. Miami, Florida,USA. (2011).
3)Chen X, Yates DT, Macko AR, Kelly AC, and Limesand SW*. Chronic Norepinephrine Exposure Desensitizes Fetal Sheep Islets and Enhances Insulin Secretion. Society for Gynecologic Investigation 2012 Annual Meeting. 19(3):T-088. San Diego, California,USA. (2012).
1) Yates DT,Chen X, Limesand SW. Environmental Physiology of Livestock. (Environmental Heat Stress Impairs Placental Function, Fetal Growth and Development, and Postnatal Performance in Livestock). Wiley-Blackwell by John Wiley &. Sons, Inc. ISBN-13: 978-0-8138-1176-5. 368 pages. (2012).
陳小川,美國亞利桑那大學E. Ray Cowden獎學金,2007-2012
[1] 基礎獸醫學(專業代碼:090601);研究方向:動物生理學(代碼:02)
. 實驗室組員(2013 – 至今)
李妍鎣,2012級動物科學本科在讀,主要實驗方向:RT-PCR & Real-time PCR
湯琦,2012級動物科學本科在讀,主要實驗方向:Total RNA的提取和實驗室管理