1993 | 中國山東農業大學動物科技學院學士 |
B.S. Department of Animal Science and Technology, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an, China | |
1996 | 中國農業大學動物科技學院生殖生物學碩士 |
Department of Animal Science and Technology of China Agricultural University, Beijing, China | |
2000 | 中國科學院動物學研究所生殖生物學國家重點實驗室生殖生物學博士 |
PH.D. State Key Laboratory of Reproductive Biology, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China |
2012- | 同濟大學生命科學與技術學院 教授、博士生導師 Tongji University,Shanghai, China |
2005-2012 | 北京生命科學研究所研究員 |
Assistant Investigator, National Institute of Biological Sciences, Beijing, China | |
2004-2005 | 美國康涅狄格州大學助理教授 |
Assistant Professor at University of Connecticut ,USA | |
2004 | 美國坦普爾大學醫學院費爾斯腫瘤和分子生物學研究所助理科學家 |
Associate Scientist at Fels Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Biology , Temple University School of Medicine ,USA | |
2002-2004 | 美國坦普爾大學醫學院費爾斯腫瘤和分子生物學研究所博士后 |
Post-doctoral Scientist at Fels Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Biology , Temple University School of Medicine , USA | |
2000-2002 | 英國蘇格蘭愛丁堡大學羅斯林研究所基因表達與發育系博士后 |
Post-doctoral Scientist at Department of Gene Expression& Development of Roslin Institute, Britain | |
1998-2000 | 美國布朗大學醫學院羅得島州婦幼醫院不孕不育科研究員助理 |
Research Associate at Division of Reproductive Medicine and Infertility Women or Infants Hospital of Rhode Island, Brown University School of Medicine , USA |
工作主要集中在研究哺乳動物體細胞克隆胚胎髮育過程中再編程(Reprogramming)的分子機理。將體細胞核通過顯微操作移入去除遺傳物質的成熟卵母細胞中從而啟動胚胎髮育是一個由體細胞基因表達逆轉進入胚胎細胞基因表達的再編程過程,正是由於我們對卵母細胞再編程的分子機理不清楚才使克隆成功的效率仍然處於非常低的水平。而能夠分離純化卵母細胞中特有的再編程因子(Reprogramming Factors) 將會對克隆效率的提高以及幹細胞的研究起到十分重要的意義。我們今後工作重點之一就是要通過核移植並結合生物化學的方法鑒定卵母細胞胞質中的這些重要因子。
1. 研究克隆胚胎再編程(Reprogramming)的分子機理,鑒定與純化卵母細胞中特有的再編程因子(Reprogramming factor)。
2. 建立克隆胚胎幹細胞系並進行體外分化與功能的研究。
3. 小鼠卵母細胞與早期胚胎極性發生機理的研究。
• Liu W, Yin J, Kou X, Jiang Y, Gao H, Zhao Y, Huang B, He W, Wang H, Han Z, Gao S. (2014) Asymmetric reprogramming capacity of parental pronuclei in mouse zygotes. Cell Reports (in press)
• Le R, Kou Z, Jiang Y, Li M, Huang B, Liu W, Li H, Kou X, He W, Rudolph KL, Ju Z, Gao S. (2014) Enhanced telomere rejuvenation in pluripotent cells reprogrammed via nuclear transfer relative to induced pluripotent stem cells. Cell Stem Cell 14(1):27-39.
• Gao Y, Chen J, Li K, Wu T, Huang B, Liu W, Kou X, Zhan Y, Huang H, Jiang Y, Yao C, Liu X, Lu Z, Xu Z, Kang L, Chen J, Wang H, Cai T, Gao S. (2013) Replacement of Oct4 by Tet1 during iPSC induction reveals an important role of DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation in reprogramming. Cell Stem Cell 12(4):453-69. (Cover Story; Previewed by Cell Stem Cell)
• Yuan W, Wu T, Fu H, Dai C, Wu H, Liu N, Li X, Xu M, Zhang Z, Niu T, Han Z, Chai J, Zhou XJ, Gao S, Zhu B. (2012) Dense chromatin activates Polycomb repressive complex 2 to regulate H3 lysine 27 methylation.Science 337(6097):971-5. (Co-correspondence)
• Kang L, Wang J, Zhang Y, Kou Z, Gao S. (2009) iPS cells can support full term development of tetraploid blastocyst-complemented embryos. Cell Stem Cell 5(2):135-138. (Highlighted by Nature, Nature China; Selected as “Must Read” by Faculty 1000; Featured in TIME Magazine, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Xinhua News, USA Today, The Scientist, The Economist, ABC News, The Independent, Scientific America etc.)
• Wang S, Kou Z, Jing Z, Zhang Y, Guo X, Dong M., Wilmut I, Gao S. (2010) Proteome of mouse oocytes at different developmental stages. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107(41):17639-44.
• Liu Y, Cheng H, Gao S, Lu X, He F, Hu L, Hou D, Zou Z, Li Y, Zhang H, Xu J, Kang L, Wang Q, Yuan W, Gao S, Cheng T. (2013) Reprogramming of MLL-AF9 leukemia cells into pluripotent stem cells. Leukemia. 2013 Oct 22. doi: 10.1038/leu.2013.304. [Epub ahead of print] (Co-correspondence)
• Jiao J, Yang Y, Shi Y, Chen J, Gao R, Fan Y, Yao H, Liao W, Sun XF, Gao S. (2013) Modeling Dravet syndrome using induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and directly converted neurons. Hum Mol Genet. 22(21):4241-52.
• Jiao J, Dang Y, Yang Y, Gao R, Zhang Y, Kou Z, Sun XF, Gao S. (2013) Promoting reprogramming by FGF2 reveals that the extracellular matrix is a barrier for reprogramming fibroblasts to pluripotency. Stem Cells 31(4):729-40.
• Wang Y, Zheng C, Jiang Y, Zhang J, Chen J, Yao C, Zhao Q, Liu S, Chen K, Du J, Yang Z, Gao S. (2012) Genetic correction of β-thalassemia patient-specific iPS cells and its use in improving hemoglobin production in irradiated SCID mice. Cell Research 22(4):637-48.
• Yang P, Wang Y, Chen J, Li H, Kang L, Zhang Y, Chen S, Zhu B, Gao S. (2011) RCOR2 is a subunit of the LSD1 complex that regulates ES cell property and substitutes for SOX2 in reprogramming somatic cells into pluripotency. Stem Cells 29(5):791-801.
• Wu T, Wang H, He J, Kang L, Jiang Y, Liu J, Zhang Y, Kou Z, Liu L, Zhang X, Gao S. (2011) Reprogramming of trophoblast stem cells into pluripotent stem cells by Oct4. Stem Cells 29(5):755-63.
• Kang L, Wu T, Tao Y, Yuan Y, He J, Zhang Y, Luo T, Kou Z, Gao S. (2011) Viable mice produced from 3-factor induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells through tetraploid complementation. Cell Research 21(3):546-9.
• Hu J, Wang F, Yuan Y, Zhu X, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Kou Z, Wang S, Gao S. (2010) The novel importin-alpha family member Kpna7, is required for normal fertility and fecundity in the mouse. J. Biol. Chem. 285(43):33113-22.
• Kou Z, Kang L, Yuan Y, Tao Y, Zhang Y, Wu T, He J, Wang J, Liu Z, Gao S. (2010) Mice cloned from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Biol. Reprod. 83:238-243.
• Zhao Q, Wang J, Zhang Y, Kou Z, Liu S and Gao S. (2010) Generation of histocompatible androgenetic embryonic stem cells using spermatogenic cells. Stem Cells 2010; 28(2):229-239.
• Zhang M, Wang F, Kou Z, Zhang Y, Gao S. (2009) Defective chromatin structure in somatic cell cloned embryos. J. Biol. Chem. 284(37):24981-7.
• Guo X, Gao S. (2009) LGN regulates meiotic spindle organization, anchoring and involves in cortical polarization during mouse oocytes maturation. Cell Research 19(7):838-48.
• Wang Y, Jiang Y, Liu S, Sun X, Gao S. (2009) Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from human beta-thalassemia fibroblast cells. Cell Research 19(9):1120-3.
• Sung LY*, Gao S*, Shen H, Yu H, Song Y, Smith SL, Chang CC, Kuo L, Lian J, Tian XC, Tuck DP, Weissman SM, Yang X, Cheng T (2006) Differentiated cells are more efficient than adult stem cells for cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Nat. Genet. 38(11): 1323-1328. (* Co-first author)
Cellular Reprogramming 編委
Cell Regeneration 編委