

工學博士,副教授,碩士生導師。現任中國輕工業生物基材料工程重點實驗室副主任,生物反應器工程國家重點實驗室固定人員,生物工程學院外事秘書。入選華東理工大學“青年英才引進與培育計劃”。近年來以第一作者或通訊作者在Metabolic Engineering,Biotechnology Advances,ACS Synthetic Biology,Applied and Environmental Microbiology,Biotechnology and Bioengineering等本領域重點期刊上發表SCI收錄論文二十多篇。申請美國專利4項,授權2項。申請WIPO專利1項。申請中國發明專利7 項,已授權3項。申請PCT專利1項。擔任Bioresources and Bioprocessing雜誌Lead guest editor(2015-2016)和Executive Editor(2016-); Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology編委;多個本領域國際期刊如Biotechnology Advances, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Biotechnology for Biofuel, Microbial Cell Factories, Biotechnology Journal, Bioresource Technology, Biochemical Engineering Journal, Process Biochemistry, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, Bioresources and Bioprocessing, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry等審稿人。多個國內雜誌《生物工程學報》、《微生物學報》、《生物加工過程》等期刊審稿人。


2004年-2009年 華東理工大學,生物工程學院,發酵工程,工學博士
2000年-2004年 南京工業大學,製藥與生命科學學院,生物工程,工學學士


2009年-2011年 中國科學院上海生命科學研究院植物生理生態研究所,博士后
2011年-2014年 美國萊斯大學喬治布朗工程學院生物工程系,博士后
2014年-2015年 華東理工大學生物工程學院,講師,碩士生導師
2015年 -至今 華東理工大學生物工程學院,副教授,碩士生導師


運用生物信息學及代謝工程的最新技術和方法,建立以可再生生物質資源為原料的新型高效微生物細胞工廠,用於生產多種平台化合物和生物活性物質,如丁二酸,3-羥基丙酸,1,3 丙二醇,谷胱甘肽,生物聚酯,氨基酸,脂肪酸及其衍生物等。
3. 基於微生物電化學合成的代謝工程與合成生物學


1.WeiLi#, Hui Wu#, Mai Li, Ka-YiuSan*. 2017. Effect of NADPH availability on free fatty acid production in E. coli. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. DOI 10.1002/bit.26464.(First two authors contributed to this paper equally)
2.Qing Li,Bing Huang, Hui Wu*, Zhimin Li, Qin Ye. 2017. Efficient anaerobic production of succinate from glycerol in engineered Escherichia coli by using dual carbon sources and limiting oxygen supply in preceding aerobic culture. Bioresource Technology.231:75-84.
3.Xing Zhang#, Hui Wu# , Bing Huang, Zhimin Li*, Qin Ye. 2017. One-pot synthesis of glutathione by a two-enzyme cascade using a thermophilic ATP regeneration system. Journal of Biotechnology.241:163-169. (First two authors contributed to this paper equally)
4.QingLi, Hui Wu, Zhimin Li, Qin Ye*. 2016. Enhanced succinate production from glycerol by engineered Escherichia colistrains. Bioresource Technology. 218: 217-223.(First two authors contributed to this paper equally)
5.YunjieLi, Bing Huang, Hui Wu*, Zhimin Li*, Qin Ye, Yi-Heng Percival Zhang. 2016. Production of succinate from acetate by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli. ACS Synthetic Biology. 5:1299-1307. (*Co-corresponding)
6.JianhuaYang, Wei Li, Dezheng Wang, Hui Wu*, Zhimin Li*, Qin Ye. 2016. Characterization of bifunctional L-glutathione synthetases from Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniaeand Actinobacillus succinogenesfor efficient glutathione biosynthesis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 100(14): 6279-6289. (*Co-corresponding)
7.JingZhang, Cong Quan, Cheng Wang, Hui Wu*, Zhimin Li*,Qin Ye. 2016.Systematic manipulation of glutathione metabolism in Escherichia colifor improved glutathione production. Microbial Cell Factories.15:38.(*Co-corresponding)
8.ZhuanCheng, Jiaqi Jiang, Hui Wu, Zhimin Li*, Qin Ye.2016.Enhanced production of 3-hydroxypropionic acid from glucose via malonyl-CoA pathway by engineered Escherichia coli. Bioresource Technology.200: 897-904.
9.DezhengWang, Cheng Wang, Hui Wu*, Zhimin Li*, Qin Ye. 2016.Glutathione production by recombinant Escherichia coliexpressing bifunctional glutathione synthetase. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology.43:45-53.(*Co-corresponding)
10.QinYe*, Zhimin Li, Hui Wu. 2016.Principle and performance of gas self-inducing reactors and applications to biotechnology. Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology. 152:1-33.
11.ChengWang, Jing Zhang, Hui Wu*, Zhimin Li*, Qin Ye. 2015. Heterologous gshFgene expression in various vector systems in Escherichia coli for enhanced glutathione production. Journal of Biotechnology. 214:63-68.(*Co-corresponding).
12. Hui Wu,LeepikaTuli, George N. Bennett, Ka-Yiu San*. 2015. Metabolic transistor strategy for controlling electron transfer chain in Escherichia coli. Metabolic Engineering.28: 159-168.
13. Hui Wu,GeorgeN. Bennett,Ka-Yiu San*. 2015. Metabolic control of respiratory levels in coenzyme Q biosynthesis-deficient Escherichia coli strains leading to fine-tune aerobic lactate fermentation. Biotechnology and Bioengineering.112(8):1720-1726.
14. Hui Wu, Jane Lee, Mukund Karanjikar, Ka-Yiu San*. 2015. Simultaneous utilization of glucose and mannose from woody hydrolysate for free fatty acid production by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli. Bioresource Technology. 185: 431-435.
15.Dan Wang, Hui Wu, Chandresh Thakker, Jared Beyersdorf, George N Bennett, Ka-Yiu San*. 2015. Efficient free fatty acid production in engineered Escherichia colistrains using soybean oligosaccharides as feedstock. Biotechnology Progress. 31:686-694.
16. Hui Wu,MukundKaranjikar, Ka-Yiu San*. 2014. Metabolic engineering of Escherichia colifor efficient free fatty acid production from glycerol. Metabolic Engineering.25: 82-91.
17. Hui Wu,Ka-YiuSan*. 2014. Efficient odd numbered straight-chain free fatty acid production by metabolically engineered Escherichia coli. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 111(11): 2209-2219.
18.Yane Luo*, Tao Zhang, Hui Wu*. 2014. The transport and mediation mechanisms of the common sugars in Escherichia coli. Biotechnology Advances. 32: 905-919.
19. Hui Wu, Jane Lee, Mukund Karanjikar, Ka-Yiu San*. 2014.Efficient free fatty acid production from woodhydrolysate in metabolically engineered Escherichia coli. Bioresource Technology. 169: 119-125.
20. Hui Wu,Ka-Yiu San*. 2014. Engineering Escherichia colifor odd straight medium chain free fatty acid production. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.98(19): 8145-8154.
21. Hui Wu,Qing Li, Zhi-min Li*, Qin Ye*. 2012. Succinic acid production and COfixation using a metabolically engineered Escherichia coliin a bioreactor equipped with a self-inducing agitator. Bioresource Technology. 107:376-384.
22.Yuan Liu#, Hui Wu#, Qin Li, Xuwei Tang, Zhi-min Li*, Qin Ye. 2011. Process development of succinic acid production by Escherichia coli NZN111 using acetate as an aerobic carbon source. Enzyme and Microbial Technology.49(5):459-64. (First two authors contributed to this paper equally)
23.YangGu, Yu Jiang, Hui Wu,XudongLiu, Zhilin Li, Jian Li, Han Xiao, Zhaobing Shen, Hongjun Dong, Yunliu Yang, Yin Li, Weihong Jiang*, Sheng Yang*. 2011. Economical challenges to microbial producers of butanol: feedstock, butanol ratio and titer. Biotechnology Journal. 6(11):1348-1357.
24. Hui Wu, Zhi-min Li, Li Zhou, Jingli Xie, Qin Ye*.2009. Enhanced anaerobic succinic acid production by Escherichia coliNZN111 aerobically grown on gluconeogenetic carbon sources. Enzyme and Microbial Technology.44:165-169.
25. Hui Wu, Zhi-minLi, Li Zhou, Qin Ye*. 2007. Improved succinic acid production in the anaerobic culture of an Escherichia coli pflB ldhA double mutant as a result of enhanced anaplerotic activities in the preceding aerobic culture. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 73:7837-7843.


1.Ka-Yiu San, Xixian Xie, Leepika Tuli, Hui Wu. Hydroxy- and dicarboxylic-fat synthesis by microbes. US patent Number: 9,487,804.
2.Ka-Yiu San, George N. Bennett and Hui Wu. Metabolic transistors in bacteria. US PatentNumber: 9,441,253.
3.Ka-Yiu San, Xian Zhang, Hui Wu,Dan Wang.KAS III-free fatty acid synthesis. WIPOPatent Application WO/2016/137897.
4.Ka-YiuSan and Hui Wu. Integrated biodiesel process. US patent. Application Number: 14/266,942.
5.Ka-Yiu San and Hui Wu. Microbial odd chain fatty acids. US patent.Application Number: 14/104,628.
6. 吳輝,楊昊,李志敏,黃兵,葉勤. 利用乙酸生產丙酮或異丙醇的代謝工程大腸桿菌菌株的構建方法與應用. 專利申請號: 201710978174.9.
7. 吳輝,黃兵,李志敏,楊昊,葉勤. 利用乙酸生產羥基丙酸的代謝工程大腸桿菌菌株的構建方法與應用. 專利申請號: 201710969403.0.
8.葉勤,李晴,李志敏,吳輝.利用重組大腸桿菌以甘油為碳源發酵生產琥珀酸的方法. 專利申請號: 201610305322.6.
9.李志敏, 李運傑, 吳輝, 葉勤. 利用乙酸生產丁二酸的代謝工程大腸桿菌菌株構建方法和應用. 專利申請號: 201410599042.1.
10.孫周通,劉映淼,孫兵兵,王禕,吳輝,楊俊傑等.L-色氨酸基因工程菌,其構建方法以及使用其發酵生產L-色氨酸的方法. ZL201010598350.
11.葉勤,李志敏,吳輝. 利用四碳二元酸發酵固定二氧化碳的方法. ZL200810207564.
12. 吳輝,李志敏,葉勤。大腸桿菌生產琥珀酸的方法. ZL200710135684.