呂正兵,男,1969年10月生,安徽廬江,1993年畢業於安徽師範大學生物系, 2004年6月中國藥科大學微生物與生化藥學博士畢業,現為浙江理工大學副教授,浙江省生物化學與分子生物學學會秘書長、常務理事,浙江省“151人才工程”第三層次成員。1991、2005年兩度獲得“安徽省科學技術研究成果獎”,目前主要研究領域為生物化學與分子生物學及生物工程製藥,主持並完成浙江省自然科學基金項目1項,主持863重點項目子課題1項“家蠶生物反應器蛋白質藥物規模化製備技術”( 2007AA021703),作為骨幹人員參加了國家科技支撐“家蠶生物反應器生產新型人用禽流感疫苗的試製”(2006BAI01B04)1項, “國家Ⅰ類抗肝炎新葯鯊肝刺激物質的臨床前研究”(海洋863計劃)、“家蠶生物反應器技術平台的建立及產品的產業化”(“863”專項)、“家蠶功能基因篩查及鑒定關鍵技術”(“863”項目)、“家蠶小分子mRNA、小肽功能以及病原體與宿主相互作用機理研究”(“973”項目)等多項國家級和省級課題的研究工作,發表學術論文40餘篇,其中SCI 15篇。
1988.09~1993.07 安徽師範大學 生物教育專業 本科
1998.09~2001.06 安徽師範大學 植物學專業 碩士
2001.09~2004.06 中國藥科大學 微生物與生化藥學專業 博士
2004.06~2006.11 浙江理工大學 生命科學學院 助理研究院
2006.11~至今 浙江理工大學 生命科學學院 副教授
2006.01 – 2008.12 鯊肝活性肽S-12000抗糖尿病研究
2006.01.- 2009.03 家蠶生物反應器生產新型人用禽流感疫苗的試製“ 2006BAI01B04,
2005.07 – 2009.12 家蠶小分子mRNA、小肽功能以及病原體與宿主相互作用機理研究
2007.07.- 2011.07 “家蠶生物反應器蛋白質藥物規模化製備技術”(863重點項目子課題2007AA021703,排名第二)
1. Wenping Zhang, Zhengbing Lv, Zuoming Nie, Jian Chen, Qing Sheng, Wei Yu, Yongfeng Jin, Xiangfu Wu, Yaozhou.Zhang Bioavailability of orally administered rhGM-CSF: a single-dose, randomized, open-label, two-period crossover trial. PLoS One, 2009; 4(5):e5353.. (並列第一作者)
2. Zhengbing Lv, Yu Ou, Qian Li, Wenping Zhang, Boping Ye, Wutong Wu. Expression, purification and bioactivities analysis of recombinant active peptide from shark liver. Marine Drugs, 2009, 22;7(2):258-67.
3. Yongzhong Jin, Zhengbing Lv, Qin Chen, Yaozhou Zhang, Jianguo Chen. Safety and immunogenicity of avian influenza vaccine in human based on baculovirus surface display system of Bombyx mori. 2008. PLoS ONE,2008,12(3):e3933.(並列第一作者)
4. Yaozhou Zhang*, Zhengbing Lv, Jian Chen, Yaozhou Zhang. A Novel Method for Isolation of Membrane Proteins: A Baculovirus Surface Display (BVSD) System. Proteomics,2008,8:4178–4185(第一作者為通訊作者)
5. 呂正兵, 張文平, 於威,陳健,聶作明,張文伶,張曉燕,張耀洲. 家蠶表達人表皮生長因子gp67 信號肽融合蛋白及生物活性的研究。生物工程學報. 2008, January 25; 24(1): 111-116
6. Jianqing Chen, Qijing Gai , Zhengbing Lv, Yaozhou Zhang. Molecular Characterization and Immunohistochemical Localization of a Novel Troponin C During Silkworm. Development. Cell and tissue research. 2008 Mar; 331(3):725-38.
7. Lingyin Kong , Zhengbing Lv , Jian Chen, Yaozhou Zhang. Expression analysis and tissue distribution of two 14-3-3 proteins in silkworm (Bombyx mori). Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2007,1770 :1598–1604.
8. Xuejian Wang, Jian Chen, Zhengbing Lv, Yaozhou Zhang. ..Expression and Functional Analysis of The Cellular Retinoic Acid Binding Protein From Silkworm Pupae (Bombyx mori) . J Cell Biochem. 2007 Nov 1;102 (4):970-9.
9. Qingliang Zheng, Jian Chen, Zhengbing Lv, Yaozhou Zhang...Expression, purification and characterization of a three-domain Kazal-type inhibitor from silkworm pupae (Bombyx mori). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology .2007 Feb;146(2):234-40.
10. Zuoming Nie, Zhifang Zhang, Dan Wang, Pingan He, Caiying Jiang, Li Song, Fang Chen, Jie Xu, Ling Yang, Linlin Yujian Chen, Zhengbing Lv Complete Sequence and Organization of Antheraea pernyi Nucleopolyhedrovirus, a dr-rich baculovirus. BMC Genomics 2007, 8:248
11. Jian Chen, Zuoming Nie, Zhengbing Lü, Yaozhou Zhang. Large-Scale Purification of Human Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Expressed in Bombyx mori Pupae. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. 2007 Apr;141(1):149-60
12. Fengjie Huang, Zhengbing Lv, Qian Li, Lijun Wei, Liang Zhang, Wutong Wu. Study on hepatoprotective effect of peptide S-8300 from shark liver. World J Gastroenterol , 2005; 11(12): 1809-1812 .
13. Zhengbing LÜ, Qian LI, Wutong Wu. Protective effects of sHSS against acute hepatic injury induced by AAP in mice .Acta Biochim Biophys Sin. 2003,11:1051
14. Yu Ou, Qian Li, Zheng-bing Lv Wu Wu-tong, Qiujuan Wang. Purification and Characterization of Hepatocyte Regenerational Stimulatory Factor from Shark Liver. 中國藥學,(英文版)2003, 12(4): 175~180
15. Yao-Zhou Zhang, Jian Chen , Zheng-Bing Lv, Zuo-Ming Nie, Xiang-Fu Wu. Can 29kD rhGM-CSF expressed by Silkworm pupae bioreactor bring into effect as active cytokine through Orally Administration? European Joural of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2 0 0 6, 2 8: 212–223
17. 呂正兵,李謙,吳梧桐. 鯊肝活性肽的免疫調節和抗細胞凋亡作用。中國藥理學與毒理學雜誌,2004,12(8):443~448