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李超,男,博士,中國地質大學(武漢)生物地球化學教授。2011年入選中組部首批“青年”、教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計劃”和湖北省“楚天學者計劃”, 2018獲國家自然科學基金委員會傑出青年科學基金資助。生物地質與環境地質國家重點實驗室副主任、“古海洋化學專業實驗室”和“前寒武紀地球生物學研究團隊”負責人。獲第15屆侯德封礦物岩石地球化學青年科學家獎(2014)和國務院政府特殊津貼(2016)。

致力於地球古代-現代海洋生物地球化學過程與機制研究(海洋生物地球化學、地球生物學)。研究手段側重於鐵組分化學、硫-碳同位素化學和生物標誌化合物及其碳氫同位素等多元現代地球化學方法與手段的綜合應用。近年來,在早期地球海洋,特別是元古代-寒武紀早期海洋化學空間結構、海洋化學演化與複雜生命協同演化以及分層海洋環境下一些關鍵生命元素的生物地球化學循環等方面取得創新成果。研究成果以第一作者/通訊作者身份發表在《Science》、《Geology》、《EPSL》、《GCA》等國際學術刊物上,並被《Science》、《Nature Geoscience》等刊物正面評述。發表論文(論著)66篇章,其中SCI論文49篇;第一和/或通訊作者SCI論文30篇(其中Nature Index期刊論文9篇:Science 1篇、Geology 2篇、EPSL 2篇、GCA 4篇),論文被SCI他引1000餘次,5篇論文入選ESI Top1%高被引論文。





3.2004/09-2007/03,美國加州理工學院地球與行星科學系,Postdoctoral Scholar in Geobiology。
4.2007/04-2009/06,美國加州大學河邊分校地球科學系,Assistant Research Specialist。
5.2009/07-2011/03,美國加州大學河邊分校地球科學系,Associate Research Specialist。


1. 《Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology》編委
2. 《中國科學:地球科學》中英文版編委
3. 《地質學報》英文版編委
4. 《地球科學》中英文版編委
5. 《地球化學》編委
6. 國家自然科學基金委、科技部、教育部科學與人才項目函評或會評專家
7. AGU、Goldschmidt、CGU等12個國際國內會議組織人或專題召集人(近5年)


1. 中國礦物岩石地球化學學會
2. 中國地質學會會員
3. International Geochemical Society
4. International Association of Sedimentologists
5. American Geophysical Union


1. 畢業博士(畢業年份):雷麗丹 (2017),金承勝 (2017;校優), 程猛 (2016;校優)
2. 在讀博士(入學年份):王海洋 (2017),李娜(2017),石煒(2016),常標(2015),胡軍(在職,2015),張子虎(2014)
3. 畢業碩士(畢業年份):王海洋(2017;校優), 李娜(2017),唐士達(2016),石煒(2016),常標(2015),崔豪(2014),金承勝(2014;校優、省優),張子虎(2014)
4. 在讀碩士(入學年份):王威(2017)
5. 畢業本科生培養和畢業設計(畢業年份):王威(2017),梁鳴(2017),李永傑(2017),徐良胖(2016),利振斌(2016),石雨潔(2016),趙文彬(2016),李娜(2015),石煒(2014),王海洋(2014),張子虎(2012)
6. 在讀本科生培養和畢業設計(入學年級):李保(2015),王添翼(2016),黃開旗(2016),孫月彤(2016),王霈(2016),方傑(2016)


1. 古海洋化學基礎分析:岩石樣品粉碎、TC、TS、TIC、TOC; 主微量元素快速定性-半定量(XRF)。
2. 鐵組分分析:岩石樣品中總鐵定量、黃鐵礦提取和定量、其他活性鐵組分提取和定量(AAS)等。
3. 硫化學分析:碳酸鹽晶格硫酸鹽(CAS)提取定量,黃鐵礦硫定量;硫化物-硫酸鹽δS測定。
4. 其他地球化學分析:硫酸鹽δO測定、酸溶-乾酪根提取等。


1. 2018/11/2-3, 宜昌(中國), Invited keynote talk: “An Emerging Picture: Spatially Heterogeneous Oceanic Redox, Dynamic Shelf Oxygenations and Coupled Early Animal Evolution”, 2018 IGCP 648 Field Symposium in South China.
2. 2018/08/15, 西安(中國), Invited keynote talk: “Spatial heterogeneity of oceanic redox, dynamic shelf oxygenation and coupled early animal evolution”, International Conference on Ediacaran and Cambrian Sciences.
3. 2017/11/25,深圳(中國),Invited talk: “Marine Shelf Oxygenation in Ediacaran and Early Cambrian”, The 2nd Shenzhen Forum on Ocean Sciences for Young Scientists.
4. 2017/11/11,武漢(中國),邀請報告:“Marine Shelf Oxygenation and Coupled Metazoan Diversification in Ediacaran and Early Cambrian”, 第三屆古生物學青年學者論壇。
5. 2017/10/30,南京(中國),中國沉積學發展戰略調研報告成果介紹邀請報告:“中國前寒武紀沉積學:核心科學問題、中國學者的角色、優勢及面臨的機遇和挑戰”,第六屆全國沉積學大會。
6. 2017/10/29,南京(中國),口頭報告:“Marine Shelf Oxygenation in Ediacaran and Early Cambrian”,第六屆全國沉積學大會。
7. 2017/10/11,宜昌(中國),Invited Talk: “Marine Shelf Oxygenation and Coupled Metazoan Diversification in Ediacaran and Early Cambrian”, The 2nd China-Germany Joint Conference on Palaeontology。
8. 2017/09/21,南京(中國),邀請報告:“晚新元古代-寒武紀早期海洋化學與生命協同演化研究的一些進展和思考”,國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973計劃)“從雪球事件寒武紀大爆發:距今6億年前後的生物與環境演變” 2017年度課題驗收會暨領域學術研討會。
9. 2016/12/17,武漢(中國),口頭報告:“埃迪卡拉紀碳循環的空間差異性”,第四屆中國地質大學前寒武紀研究學術研討會。
10. 2016/09/26-28,北京(中國),邀請報告:“Coevolution of life and environment during “Boring Billion” and late Neoproterozoic-early Cambrian: Advances and perspectives”,香山科學會議“沉積學發展國際戰略研討會”。
11. 2016/06/26-2016/07/01, Yokohama (Japan), “A highly redox-heterogeneous ocean in south china during the early Cambrian (~529-514 ma): implications for biota-environment co-evolution”. Goldschmidt 2016。
12. 2016/01/15-2016/01/17, 宜昌(中國),邀請報告:“早期地球(>520Ma)海洋化學結構研究的一些進展和思考”,中德合作項目年度學術交流會。
13. 2015/12/14-2015/12/18, San Francisco (USA), “A euxinic-wedge model for Mo cycling in the early Cambrian oceans”. AGU Fall Meeting.
14. 2015/10/11-2015/10/14, 北京(中國),“華南埃迪卡拉系陡山沱組假性熱釋光特徵—古海洋溶解有機碳庫(DOC)存在的直接證據?”中國地球科學聯合學術年會。
15. 2015/10/23-2015/10/29, 武漢(中國),“早期地球(>520Ma)海洋化學結構研究的一些進展和思考”,全國沉積學大會。
16. 2015/08/10-2015/08/14, 瀋陽(中國),“探尋寒武紀早期海洋化學演化與生命大爆發的關係”,中國古生物學會第28屆學術年會。
17. 2015/06/23-2015/06/29, 長春(中國),“探尋寒武紀早期海洋化學演化與生命大爆發的關係”,中國礦物岩石地球化學學會第15屆學術年會。
18. 2014/06/16-2014/06/18, Wuhan (China), “Marine redox conditions for the preservation of the Miaohe Biota and their implications for the Ediacaran ocean chemistry and life evolution” The 3rd International Conference of Geobiology.
19. 2014/07/02-2014/07/04, 上海(中國), “廟河生物群的保存環境及其對埃迪卡拉紀海洋化學和生命演化的啟示”,第三屆地球系統科學大會。
20. 2013/03/16-2013/03/18, 北京中國科學院學術會堂,“早期地球海洋化學與生命的協同演化—進展與思考”,科學與技術前沿論壇-“地球生物學前沿”。
21. 2013/02/22-2013/02/25, 南京地質與古生物研究所,“元古代海洋中的微型生物碳泵”,國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973計劃)項目啟動會暨中德合作項目2013年度學術交流會。
22. 2013/01/28-2013/01/31, Goa (India), “Probing Microbial Carbon Pump in Proterozoic Oceans”, IMBIZO III Conference, IMBER (Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research).


1. 2018 IGCP 648 Annual Meeting, Yichang (China), November 01-03, 2018.
2. 2018中國地球科學聯合年會,北京(中國), 2018年10月20-24; 專題: 超大陸演化及其生物和環境效應。
3. 第十一屆全國同位素地質年代學與同位素地球化學學術討論會,合肥(中國),2017年11月16-19日; 專題:沉積與海洋同位素地球化學。
4. 第六屆全國沉積學大會,南京(中國),2017年10月28-30日; 專題:深時地球表生環境異常變化:生物響應與資源效應。
5. 2017 中國地球科學聯合年會,北京(中國), 2017年10月15-18日; 專題: 超大陸演化及其生物和環境效應。
6. 2017 International Modeling Workshop, Wuhan (China), July 10, 2017. Co-convener with Zhongqiang Cheng and Graham Shields-Zhou.
7. The 4 International Geobiology Conference, Wuhan (China), June 24-June 26, 2017; Session: Precambrian Geobiology.
8. Gordon Research Conference “Frontiers of Science: Ocean Biogeochemistry”, HongKong (China), June 12-17, 2016; Session: Methane and Sulfur: Roles in Carbon Pumps.
9. Goldschmidt 2016, Yokohama (Japan), June 26-July 01, 2016; Session: Alternative Earths: Biotic and geochemical co-evolution from the Neoproterozoic through the Mesozoic.
10. 2016年中國地球科學聯合學術年會,北京(中國),2016年10月15-18日;專題:超大陸演化及其生物環境效應。
11. 第四屆地球系統科學大會,上海(中國),2016年07月04-06日;專題:海洋碳匯對氣候變化的響應與反饋。
12. 第四屆全國生物-有機地球化學研討會,上海(中國),2016年10月21-22日;專題:地質時期生物-有機地球化學。
13. 第四屆(2016)中國地質大學前寒武紀研究學術研討會,武漢(中國),2016年12月17日。
14. Goldschmidt 2016, Yokohama (Japan), June 26-July 1, 2016; Session: Alternative Earths: Biotic and geochemical co-evolution from the Neoproterozoic through the Mesozoic.
15. 第三屆(2015)中國地質大學前寒武紀研究學術研討會暨前寒武紀沉積學發展戰略研討會,北京(中國),2015年11月21日。
16. 第三屆生物-有機地球化學研討會,武漢(中國),2015年3月17-18日;專題:地質時期生物-有機地球化學。
17. 第二屆(2014)中國地質大學前寒武紀研究學術研討會,武漢(中國),2014年11月23日
18. Goldschmidt 2014, Sacramento (USA), June 8-13, 2014; Session: Dynamics and Stability of Earth's Oxygenated Biosphere.
19. The 3rd International Conference of Geobiology, Wuhan (China), June 16-18, 2014; Session: Precambrian Geobiology.
20. 第三屆地球系統科學大會,上海(中國),2014年7月2-4日;專題:大氣和海洋氧化與地球早期生命演化


1. Wei Shi, Chao Li*, Genming Luo, Junhua Huang, Thomas J. Algeo, Chengsheng Jin, Zihu Zhang, and Meng Cheng. Sulfur isotope evidence for transient marine-shelf oxidation during the Ediacaran Shuram Excursion. Geology, 2018, 46(3):267-270. DOI:10.1130/G39663.1.
2. Chao Li*, Meng Cheng, Maoyan Zhu and Timothy W. Lyons. Heterogeneous and dynamic marine shelf oxygenation and coupled early animal evolution. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, 2018, 2(2):279-288.
3. Zihu Zhang, Chao Li*, Meng Cheng, Thomas J. Algeo, Chengsheng Jin, Feng Tang, Junhua Huang. Evidence for highly complex redox conditions and strong water-column stratification in an early Cambrian continental-margin sea. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2018, 19: 2397–2410.
4. Changshi Qi, Chao Li*, Sarah E. Gabbott, Xiaoya Ma, Luhua Xie, Wenfeng Deng, Chengsheng Jin, Xian-Guang Hou. Influence of redox conditions on animal distribution and soft-bodied fossil preservation of the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Biota. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2018, 507: 180-187.
5. Meng Cheng, Chao Li*, Xi Chen, Lian Zhou, Thomas J. Algeo, Hong-Fei Ling, Lian-Jun Feng, Cheng-Sheng Jin, Delayed Neoproterozoic oceanic oxygenation: Evidence from Mo isotopes of the Cryogenian Datangpo Formation. Precambrian Research, 2018, 319:187-197, DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2017.12.007.
6. Jin Chengsheng, Chao Li*, Thomas J. Algeo, Brennan O'Connell, Meng Cheng, Wei Shi, Jun Shen, Noah J. Planavsky. Highly heterogeneous “poikiloredox” conditions in the early Ediacaran Yangtze Sea. Precambrian Research, 2018, 31, 157-166.
7. Nianzhi Jiao*, Yantao Liang, Yongyu Zhang, Jihua Liu, Yao Zhang, Rui Zhang, Meixun Zhao, Minhan Dai, Weidong Zhai, Kunshan Gao, Jinming Song, Dongliang Yuan, Chao Li, Guanghui Lin, Xiaoping Huang, Hongqiang Yan, Limin Hu, Zenghu Zhang, Long Wang, Chunjie Cao, Yawei Luo, Tingwei Luo, Nannan Wang, Hongyue Dang, Dongxiao Wang, Si Zhang. Carbon pools and fluxes in the China Seas and adjacent oceans. Science China Earth Science, 2018, 61(11): 1535-1563, DOI: 10.1007/s11430-018-9190-x.
8. Nianzhi Jiao Ruanhong Cai, Qiang Zheng, Kai Tang, Jihua Liu, Fanglue Jiao, Douglas Wallace, Feng Chen, Chao Li, Rudolf Amann, Ronald Benner and Farooq Azam. Unveiling the enigma of refractory carbon in the ocean. National Science Review, 2018, 5(4): 459-463. doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwy020.
9. 王威,王海洋,李超. “富氧海洋”的今生前世. 科學,2018,70(2): 43-46.
10. Wei Shi, Chao Li*, Thomas J. Algeo. Quantitative model evaluation of dissolved organic carbon oxidation hypotheses for the Ediacaran Shuram carbon isotopic negative excursion event. Science China Earth Science, 2017, 60:2118-2127, DOI: 10.1007/s11430-017-9137-1.
11. Chao Li*, Chengsheng Jin, Noah J. Planavsky, Thomas J. Algeo, Meng Cheng, Xinglian Yang, Yuanlong Zhao, Shucheng Xie. Coupled oceanic oxygenation and metazoan diversification during the early–middle Cambrian? Geology, 2017, 45: 743-746. DOI:10.1130/G39208.1.
12. Meng Cheng, Chao Li*, Lian Zhou, LianJun Feng, Thomas J. Algeo, FeiFei Zhang, Stephen Romaniello, ChengSheng Jin, HongFei Ling, ShaoYong Jiang. Transient deep-water oxygenation in the early Cambrian Nanhua Basin, South China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2017, 210: 42-58.
13. Xinze Lu*, Brian Kendall*, Holly J. Stein, Chao Li*, Judith L. Hannah, Gwyneth W. Gordon, Jan Ove R. Ebbestad. Marine redox conditions during deposition of Late Ordovician and Early Silurian organic-rich mudrocks in the Siljan ring district, central Sweden. Chemical Geology, 2017, 457:75-94. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2017.03.015.
14. Li-Dan Lei, Jun Shen, Chao Li*, Thomas J. Algeoa, Zhong-Qiang Chen, Qing-Lai Feng, Meng Cheng, Cheng-Sheng Jin, Jun-Hua Huang*. Controls on regional marine redox evolution during Permian-Triassic transition in South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2017, 486: 17-32. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.02.010.
15. Chao Li*, Dalton Hardisty, Genming Luo, Junhua Huang, Thomas Algeo, Meng Cheng, Wei Shi, Zhihui An, Jinnan Tong, Shucheng Xie, Nianzhi Jiao, Timothy W. Lyons. Uncovering the spatial heterogeneity of Ediacaran carbon cycling. Geobiology, 2017, 15:211-224.
16. Chengsheng Jin, Chao Li*, Thomas Algeo, Meng Cheng, Lidan Lei, Zihu Zhang, Wei Shi. Evidence for marine redox control on spatial colonization of early animals during Cambrian Age 3 (c. 521–514 Ma) in South China. Geological Magazine, 2017, 154(6): 1360-1370. DOI :10.1017/S0016756816001138.
17. Chao Li*, Maoyan Zhu, Xuelei Chu. Atmospheric and Oceanic Oxygenation and evolution of early life on Earth: New contributions from China. Journal of Earth Science, 2016, 27(2): 167-169.
18. Meng Cheng, Chao Li*, Lian Zhou, Thomas J. Algeo, Feifei Zhang, Stephen Romaniello, Cheng-Sheng Jin, Li-Dan Lei, Lian-Jun Feng, Shao-Yong Jiang. Marine Mo biogeochemistry in the context of dynamically euxinic mid-depth waters: A case study of the lower Cambrian Niutitang shales, South China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2016, 183:79-93.
19. Chengsheng Jin, Chao Li*, Thomas J. Algeo, Noah J. Planavsky, Hao Cui, Xinglian Yang, Yuanlong Zhao, Xingliang Zhang, Shucheng Xie. A highly redox-heterogeneous ocean in South China during the early Cambrian (~529-514 Ma): Implications for biota-environment co-evolution, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2016, 441:38-51.
20. Yu Liu, Chao Li*, Thomas J. Algeo, Junxuan Fan, Ping'an Peng. Global and regional controls on marine redox changes across the Ordovician-Silurian boundary in South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2016, 463:180-191.
21. Jun Shen*, Qinglai Feng, Thomas J. Algeo∗, Chao Li, Noah J. Planavsky, Lian Zhou, Mingliang Zhang. Two pulses of oceanic environmental disturbance during the Permian–Triassic boundary crisis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2016, 443: 139-152.
22. Zhen-Bing She, Yan-Tao Zhang, Wei Liu, Jingjing Song, Yaguan Zhang, Chao Li, Paul Strother, Dominic Papineau. New observations of Ambient Inclusion Trails (AITs) and pyrite framboids in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, South China. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 2016, 461: 374-388.
23. Zhenbing She*, Fanyan Yang, Wei Liu, Luhua Xie, Yusheng Wan, Chao Li, Dominic Papineau. The Termination and Aftermath of the Lomagundi-Jatuli Carbon Isotope Excursions in the Paleoproterozoic Hutuo Group, North China. Journal of Earth Science, 2016, 27(2): 297-316.
24. 李超、王家生、羅根明. 化學地層學. 地層學基礎與前沿(中國地質大學出版社), 2016, 教材,pp218-245.
25. 焦念志,李超,王曉雪. 海洋碳匯對氣候變化的響應與反饋. 地球科學進展, 2016,31(7) : 668-681.
26. Chao Li*, Noah J. Planavsky, Wei Shi, Zihu Zhang, Chuanming Zhou, Meng Cheng, Lidya G. Tarhan, Genming Luo, Shucheng Xie. Ediacaran Marine Redox Heterogeneity and Early Animal Ecosystems. Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, Article number: 17097, doi:10.1038/srep17097.
27. Chao Li*, Noah J. Planavsky, Gordon D. Love, Christopher T. Reinhard Dalton Hardisty, Lianjun Feng, Steven M. Bate, Jing Huang, Qirui Zhang, Xuelei Chu, Timothy W. Lyons. Marine redox conditions in the middle Proterozoic ocean and isotopic constraints on authigenic carbonate formation: Insights from the Chuanlinggou Formation, Yanshan Basin, North China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2015, 150: 90-105.
28. Chao Li*, Meng Cheng, Thomas J. Algeo, Shucheng Xie. A theoretical prediction of chemical zonation in early oceans (>520 Ma). Science China Earth Sciences,2015,58(11): 1901-1909.
29. Meng Cheng, Chao Li*, Lian Zhou, Shucheng Xie. Mo marine geochemistry and reconstruction of ancient ocean redox states. Science China Earth Sciences, 2015, 58(12): 2123-2133.
30. Haiyang Wang, Chao Li*, Chaoyong Hu, Shucheng Xie. Spurious thermoluminescence characteristics of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation (ca. 635–551 Ma) and its implications for marine dissolved organic carbon reservoir. Journal of Earth Science, 2015, 26(6): 883−892.
31. Jiao, N., L. Legendre, C. Robinson, H. Thomas, Y.-W. Luo, H. Dang, J. Liu, R. Zhang, K. Tang, T. Luo, Chao Li, X. Wang, and C. Zhang, Comment on “Dilution limits dissolved organic carbon utilization in the deep ocean”, Science, 2015, 350(6267): 1483.
32. Genming Luo, Shuhei Ono, Junhua Huang, Thomas J. Algeo, Chao Li, Lian Zhou, Andrew Robinson, Timothy W. Lyons, Shucheng Xie. Decline in oceanic sulfate levels during the early Mesoproterozoic. Precambrian Research, 2015, 258:36-47.
33. 李超*, 金承勝. 寒武紀早期大氣-海洋氧含量與生命大爆發. 礦物岩石地球化學通報, 2015, 34(3):501-508.
34. Lianjun Feng, Chao Li*, Jing Huang, Huajin Chang, Xuelei Chu. A sulfate control on marine mid-depth euxinia on the early Cambrian (ca. 529-521 Ma) Yangtze platform, South China. Precambrian Research, 2014, 246: 123-133. (共同第一作者)
35. Chengsheng Jin, Chao Li*, Xingfang Peng, Hao Cui, Wei Shi, Zihu Zhang, Genming Luo, Shucheng, Xie. Spatiotemporal variability of ocean chemistry in the early Cambrian, South China. Science China: Earth Sciences, 2014, 57(4): 579-591.
36. Jiasong Fang, Chao Li, Li Zhang, Tara Davis, Chiaki Kato, Douglas H. Bartlett. Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation in Lipid Biosynthesis by Piezophilic Bacterium Moritella japonica DSK1. Chemical Geology, 2014, 367:34-38.
37. N. Jiao, C. Robinson, F. Azam, H. Thomas, F. Baltar, H. Dang, N. J. Hardman-Mountford, M. Johnson, D. L. Kirchman, B. P. Koch, L. Legendre, C. Li, J. Liu, T. Luo, Y.-W. Luo, A. Mitra, A. Romanou, K. Tang, X. Wang, C. Zhang, R. Zhang. Mechanisms of microbial carbon sequestration in the ocean – future research directions. Biogeosciences, 2014, 11:5285–5306, doi:10.5194/bg-11-5285-2014.
38. Genming Luo, Christopher K. Junium, Lee R. Kump, Junhua Huang, Chao Li, Qinglai Feng, Xiaoying Shi, Xiao Bai, Shucheng Xie. Shallow stratification prevailed for ∼1700 to ∼1300Ma ocean: Evidence from organic carbon isotopes in the North China Craton. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2014, 400: 219-232.
39. Anthony Chappaz, Timothy W. Lyons, Daniel D. Gregory, Christopher T. Reinhard, Benjamin C. Gill, Chao Li, Ross R. Large. Does pyrite act as an important host for molybdenum in modern and ancient euxinic sediments? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2014, 126: 112-122.
40. 林杞,王家生,卜慶濤,李超,林榮驍, 孫飛, 張衛坤. 海洋沉積物中自生黃鐵礦研究的體視鏡挑選與鉻還原處理方法對比-來自南海北部陸坡Site4B站位的研究. 沉積學報, 2014, 32(6):1052-1059.
41. Camille A. Partin, Andrey Bekker, Noah J. Planavsky, Clinton T. Scott, Benjamin C. Gill, Chao Li, Victor Podkovyrov, Andrey V. Maslov, Kurt O. Konhauser, Stefan V. Lalonde, Gordon D. Love, Simon W. Poulton, Timothy W. Lyons. Large-scale fluctuations in Precambrian atmospheric and oceanic oxygen levels from the record of U in shales. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2013, 369-370: 284-293.
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44. Chao Li*, Gordon D. Love, Timothy W. Lyons, Clinton T. Scott, Lianjun Feng, Jing Huang, Huajing Chang, Qirui Zhang, Xuelei Chu, Evidence for a redox stratified Cryogenian marine basin, Datangpo Formation, South China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2012. 331, 246-256.
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46. Chao Li*, Alex L. Sessions, David L. Valentine, Nivedita Thiagarajan. D/H ratios of terrestrial lipids from Santa Barbara Basin over the past 1400 years: A preliminary assessment of paleoclimatic relevance. Organic Geochemistry, 2011, 42:15-24.
47. Noah J. Planavsky, Peter McGoldrick, Clinton T. Scott, Chao Li, Christopher T. Reinhard, Amy Kelly, Xuelei Chu, Andrey Bekker, Gordon D. Love, Timothy W. Lyons. Widespread iron-Rich conditions in the Mid-Proterozoic ocean. Nature, 2011, 477:448-451.
48. Chao Li*, Gordon D. Love, Timothy W. Lyons, David A. Fike, Alex L. Sessions, Xuelei Chu. A stratified redox model for the Ediacaran ocean. Science, 2010, 328: 80-83.
49. Chao Li, Alex L. Sessions, Frank S. Kinnaman, David L. Valentine. Hydrogen-isotopic variability in lipids from Santa Barbara Basin sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2009, 73: 4803-4823.
50. Brian J. Campbell, Chao Li, Alex L. Sessions, David L. Valentine. Hydrogen isotopic fractionation in lipid biosynthesis by H-consumingDesulfobacterium autotrophicum. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2009, 73 (10): 2744-2757.
51. Chunxia Yang, Yongheng Chen, Ping’an Peng, Chao Li, Xiangyang Chang, Yingjuan Wu. Trace element partitioning and transformations during the roasting of pyrite ores in sulfuric acid industry. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009, 167(1-3):835-845.
52. Ashley A. Jones, Alex L. Sessions, Brain J. Campbell, Chao Li, David L. Valentine. D/H ratios of fatty acids from marine particulate organic matter in the California Borderland Basins. Organic Geochemistry, 2008, 39(5): 485-500.
53. Hong Lu, Chao Li, Yongge Sun, Ping’an Peng, Zhongyao Xiao. Hydrogen isotopic compositions, distributions and source signals of individualn-alkanes for some typical crude oils in Lunnan Oilfield, Tarim Basin, NW China. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences(English version), 2005, 48(8): 1220-1226.
54. Xinhui Bi, Guoying Sheng, Xiaohong Liu, Chao Li and Jiamo Fu. Molecular and carbon and hydrogen isotopic composition ofn-alkanes in plant leaf waxes. Organic Geochemistry, 2005, 36(10): 1405-1417.
55. Chunxia Yang, Yongheng Chen, Ping’an Peng, Chao Li, Xiangyang Chang, Changshen Xie. Distribution of natural and anthropogenic thallium in the soils in an industrial pyrite slag disposing area. Science of the Total Environment, 2005, 341 (1-3): 159-172.
56. 楊春霞,陳永亨,彭平安,李超,常向陽,謝長生. 土壤中重金屬鉈的分級提取形態分析法研究. 分析測試學報, 2005, 24 (2):1-6.
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58. Chao Li, Ping’an Peng*, Guoying Sheng, Jiamo Fu. A study of a 1.2 Ga kerogen using Ru ion-catalyzed oxidation and pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry: structural feature and possible source. Organic Geochemistry, 2004, 35: 531-541.
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61. Chao Li*, Ping’an Peng, Guoying Sheng, Jiamo Fu, Yuzhong Yan. A molecular and isotopic geochemical study of Meso- to Neoproterozoic (1.73-0.85 Ga) sediments from the Jixian section, Yanshan Basin, North China. Precambrian Research, 2003, 125: 337-356.
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