共找到101條詞條名為李娟的結果 展開





姓 名: 李娟
性 別: 女
職 務:
職 稱: 副研究員(自然科學)
通訊地址: 烏魯木齊市北京南路40號附1號


2008年6月於中科院化學研究所獲博士學位。攻讀博士學位期間參加了國家自然科學基金項目兩項,主要從事有機納米材料的科研工作,對有機納米材料的製備、性質、結構、表徵等方面有過系統研究。於2008年7加入中科院新疆理化所植物資源化學實驗室,主要從事納米植物學和納米維葯製劑等方面的研究工作。目前主持中科院“西部之光”人才培養計劃“西部博士”項目1項,主持國家自然科學基金項目1項。已在Inorg. Chem.、Cryst. Growth & Des.、Chem. Phys. Chem.等期刊發表SCI論文8篇,申請發明專利2項


(1) Juan Li, Shuangqing Wang, Shayu Li, Qian Wang, Yan Qian, Xiuping Li, Min Liu,Yi Li,Guoqiang Yang, “One-pot synthesis and self-assembly of copper phthalocyanine nanobelts through a water-chemical route”, Inorg. Chem
(2) Xuelin Tian, Juan Li, Kai Chen, Jian Han, Shilie Pan, et al. “Nearly Monodisperse Ferroelectric BaTiO3 Hollow Nanoparticles: Size-Related Solid Evacuation in Ostwald-Ripening-Induced Hollowing Process”, Cryst. Growth & Des
(3) Xuelin Tian, Juan Li, Kai Chen, Jian Han, Shilie Pan, “Template-free and scalable synthesis of core-shell and hollow BaTiO3 particles: using molten hydrated salt as a solvent”, Cryst. Growth & Des
(4) Xuelin Tian, Juan Li, Shilie Pan, “Facile synthesis of single-crystal silver nanowires through a tannin-reduction process”,J. Nanopart. Res
(5) Qian Wang, Shayu Li, Liming He, Yan Qian, Xiuping Li, Wenhao Sun, Min Liu, Juan Li, Yi Li, Guoqiang Yang, “Pressure-induced emission enhancement of a series of dicyanovinyl-substituted aromatics: Pressure tuning of the molecular population with different conformations”, Chem. Phys. Chem.
(6) Guoqiang Yang, Min Liu, Xiuping Li, Juan Li, Jinshi Ma, “Syntheses and crystal structures of nickel(II), copper(II), and zinc(II) complexes with a biphenyl-bridged bis(pyrrole-2-yl-methyleneamine) ligand”, J. Coord. Chem.
(7) Min Liu, Xiuping Li, Juan Li, Wenhao Sun,Zhipei Yang, Fangbing Gong, Jun Chen, Jinshi Ma, Guoqiang Yang, “Synthesis and structures of two cobalt(II) coordination networks formed from aromatic polycarboxylates and 1,4-bis(imidazole-1-ylmethyl)benzene”, Trans. Metal Chem
(8) Min Liu, Zhipei Yang, Wenhao Sun, Xiuping Li, Juan Li, Jinshi Ma, Guoqiang Yang, “Two three-dimensional metal–organic frameworks constructed by multiple building blocks of benzenetricarboxylate and bis(imidazole) ligands”, Inorg. Chim. Acta


(1) 楊國強、李娟,“碘代銅酞菁納米棒材料及其合成方法”,中國發明專利
(2) 阿吉艾克拜爾·艾薩、李娟、買迪娜、劉永強,“驅蟲斑鳩菊複合銀納米溶膠的製備方法”,中國發明專利

