

李隆,男,中國農業大學資源與環境學院 生態科學與工程系教授、博士,中國生態學會農業生態專業委員會副主任。



1980.9-1984.7西北農學院(現西北農林科大)土壤農化專業 學士
1994.9-1996.7西北農業大學 作物營養與施肥 碩士
1996.9-1999.7 中國農業大學 植物營養學 博士


1984.7-1999.10 甘肅農業科學院土壤肥料研究所,研實,助研,副研究員
1999.10-2001. 6 中科院生態環境中心和澳大利亞西澳大學,博士后
2001.7-2002.11 中國農業大學資源與環境學院,副教授
2002.12—現在 中國農業大學資源與環境學院,教授


Journal of Plant Physiology 編委 (Editorial Board);


2000.3 - 2000.12澳大利亞西澳大學合作研究
2004.3 - 2004.5澳大利亞阿德萊德大學合作研究
2004.11 - 2005.1德國漢諾威大學合作研究 (德國DAAD交流學者)
2006.6 - 2006.12美國明尼蘇達大學合作研究(國家留學基金委高級研究學者)
2008.7 - 2008.11 澳大利亞西澳大學 合作研究(澳大利亞Endeavour Executive Award)


生物多樣性導論 本科生 2001.9至現在
資源與環境概論 本科生2001.9至2005.1
物多樣性利用 碩士研究生 2004.9至今



植物根際營養 生物多樣性與資源利用




1.國家自然科學基金 植物種間根際效應增加草原生態系統生產力的機理研究2009-2011課題主持
2.國家自然科學基金 間作作物種間根系相互作用提高豆科植物共生結瘤固氮的機理研究2007-2009課題主持
3.科技部973項目“農業生物多樣性控制病蟲害和保護種質資源的原理與方法”第六課題“農業生物多樣性綜合應用模式與方法” 2006-2010課題第二主持
4.科技部支撐計劃項目“農田循環生產關鍵技術研究與集成示範”第二課題“農田養分循環調控與肥料減量化技術研究” 2008-2010課題第二主持
5.教育部高校博士點基金項目“間作系統種間競爭能力與作物根系生理和形態特性的關係” 2009-2011課題主持
6.歐盟項目“Development of a Curriculum - Supply Chain Management and Post-Harvest Technology for Vegetables and Fruit (DOCUMAP)” 2007-2010課題中方主持人
7.教育部高校博士點基金項目“間套作生物固氮測定方法的選擇與改進” 2005-2007課題主持
8.中德科學合作研究項目“Influence of production systems on the contents and composition of bioactive substances on seleceted Chinese Brassica species” 2004-2007課題中方主持人
10.中澳合作項目“Role of biological and chemical interactions in the rhizosphere in sustainable intercropping systems” 2006-2008中方合作主持人
11.國家自然科學基金項目“間作作物種間氮營競爭與互惠作用機理研究”2001-2003 課題主持
12.國家自然科學基金資助項目“間作作物種間磷營養吸收促進作用機理研究”1997-1999 課題主持
13.科技部973項目《作物抗逆性與水分、養分高效利用的生理及分子基礎》第7課題《作物養分高效利用的生理機制》1999-2004 學術骨幹。



1.Li L., Li S.M., Sun J.H., Zhou L.L., Bao X.G., Zhang H.G., Zhang F.S., (2007) Diversity enhances agricultural productivity via rhizosphere phosphorus facilitation on phosphorus-deficient soils. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS) 104: 11192-11196. [Abstract] [Full Text] [Figures Only] [PDF] [Supporting Table] 通訊作者
2.Song Y.N., Zhang F.S., Marschner P., Fan F.L., Gao H.M., Bao X.G., Sun J.H., Li L. (2007) Effect of intercropping on crop yield and chemical and microbiological properties in rhizosphere of wheat, maize and faba bean. Biology and Fertility of Soils 43: 565-574. 通訊作者
3.Chen Y.X., Zhang F.S., Tang L., Zheng Y., Li Y.J., Christie P., and Li L. (2007) Wheat powdery mildew and foliar N concentrations as influenced by N fertilization and belowground interactions with intercropped faba bean. Plant Soil 291: 1-13. 通訊作者
4.Fan F.L., Zhang F.S., Song Y.N., Sun J.H., Bao X.G., Guo T.W., Li L. (2006). Nitrogen fixation of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) interacting with a non-legume in two contrasting intercropping systems. Plant and Soil 283: 275-286. 通訊作者
5.Li L., Sun Sun J.H., Zhang F.S., Guo T.W., Bao X.G., Smith A. F., Smith S. (2006). Root distribution and interactions between intercropped species. Oecologia 247: 280-290. 通訊作者
6.Li W.X., Li L., Sun J.H., Zhang F.S., Bao X.G., Peng A., Tang C. (2005). Effects of intercropping and nitrogen application on nitrate present in the profile of an Orthic Anthrosol in Northwest China. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 105: 483-491. 第二作者
7.Li L., Tang C., Rengel Z. and Zhang F.S. 2004 Calcium, magnesium and microelement uptake as affected by phosphorus sources and interspecific root interactions between wheat and chickpea. Plant and Soil 261: 29-37. 通訊作者
8.Zhang F.S., Shen J.B., Li L. and Liu X. 2004 An overview of rhizosphere processes related with plant nutrition in major cropping systems in China. Plant and Soil 260: 89-99. 第三作者
9.Li S.M., Li L., Zhang F.S. and Tang C.X. 2004, Acid phosphatase role in chickpea/maize intercropping. Annals of Botany 94: 297-303. 通訊作者
10.Xiao Y.B., Li L. Zhang F.S. 2004 Effect of root contact on interspecific competition and N transfer between wheat and fababean using direct and indirect 15N techniques. Plant and Soil 262: 45-54. 第二作者
11.Lu S.H., Liu X.J., Li L. and Zhang F.S, Zeng X. Z. and Tang C. 2004 Effect of manganese spatial distribution in the soil profile on wheat growth in rice-wheat rotation. Plant and Soil 261: 39-46. 第三作者
12.Zheng Y, Zhang F.S. Li L. 2003, Iron Availability as Affected by Soil Moisture in Intercropped Peanut and Maize. Journal of Plant Nutrition 26, 2425-2437. 第三作者
13.Li L., Tang C., Rengel Z. and Zhang F.S. 2003, Chickpea facilitates phosphorus uptake by intercropped wheat from an organic phosphorus source. Plant and Soil 248, 297-303.第一作者
14.Zhang F.S. and Li L., 2003, Using competitive and facilitative interactions in intercropping systems enhances crop productivity and nutrient-use efficiency. Plant and Soil 248, 305-312. 第二作者
15.Li W.X., Li L., Sun J.H., Zhang F.S. and Christie P. 2003, Effects of Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers and intercropping on uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus by wheat, maize and faba bean. Journal of Plant Nutrition 26 (3): 629-642. 第二作者
16.Li L., Zhang F.S., Li X.L., Christie P. and Yang S.C. and Tang C. 2003, Interspecific facilitation of nutrient uptakes by intercropped maize and faba bean. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 65: 61-71. 第一作者
17.Sun H.G., Zhang F.S., Li L. and Tang C. 2002 The morphological changes of wheat genotypes as affected by the levels of localized phosphate supply. Plant and Soil 245: 233-238. 第三作者
18.Li L., Sun J.H., Zhang F.S., Li X.L., YangS.C. and Rengel Z. 2001, Wheat/maize or wheat/soybean strip intercropping. I. Yield advantage and interspecific interactions on nutrients. Field Crops Research 71(2) 123-137. 第一作者
19.Li L., Sun J.H., Zhang F.S., Li X.L., Rengel Z.and YangS.C. 2001, Wheat/maize or soybean strip intercropping. II. Recovery or compensation of maize and soybean after wheat harvesting. Field Crops Research 71(3) 173-181. 第一作者
20.Zhang F.S., Li L., Sun J.H., 2001, Contribution of above- and below-ground interactions to intercropping. In Horst et al. (eds) Plant Nutrition – Food security and sustainability of agroecosystems. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp979 – 980. 第二作者
21.Li L., Yang S.C., Li X.L., Zhang F.S. and Christie P. 1999. Interspecific complementary and Competitive interactions between intercropped maize and faba bean. Plant and Soil 212, 205-214. 第一作者
22.Li L., Zhang F.S. Interspecific rhizosphere effect: One mechanism on efficient phosphorus utilization in intercropping. BIOGEOMON. Proceedings of 5th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior. Page 138. Santa Cruz, CA, USA June 25-30, 2006
23.Li L. and Zhang F.S., (2005) Physiological mechanism of interspecific facilitation of nitrogen and phosphorus utilization in intercropping systems. C.J. Li et al. (eds), Proceedings of the 15th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium. Plant Nutrition for Food Security, Human Health and Environmental Protection. Page 1060-1061.
24.Li SM, M. Schreiner, I. Schonhof, A. Krambein, L. Li and H. Stutzel. 2005. Effect of nitrogen and sulphur supply on yield and glucosinolates content of turnip (Brassica. rapa L.). In: Li CJ, Zhang FS, Dobermann A, Hinsinger P, Lambers H, Li XL, Marschner P, Maene L, McGrath S, Oenema O, Peng SB, Rengel Z, Shen QS, Welch R, von Wirén N, Yan XL, Zhu YG, eds. Plant Nutrition for Food Security, Human Health and Environmental Protection. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 358-359.
25.Zhang HY. M. Schreiner, I. Schonhof, A. Krambein, L. Li and H. Stutzel. 2005. Effect of nitrogen and sulphur supply on yield and glucosinolates content of turnip (Brassica. rapa L.). In: Li CJ, Zhang FS, Dobermann A, Hinsinger P, Lambers H, Li XL, Marschner P, Maene L, McGrath S, Oenema O, Peng SB, Rengel Z, Shen QS, Welch R, von Wirén N, Yan XL, Zhu YG, eds. Plant Nutrition for Food Security, Human Health and Environmental Protection. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 592-593.
26.Li L., Tang C., Rengel Z., Zhang F.S., (2004) Soil acidification as affected by P source and interspecific interactions between wheat and chickpea. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH. Page 100-101.
27.Li L., Zhang F.S., Sun J.H.,et al. (2003) Effect of interspecific interactions between maize and different legumes on phosphorus uptake by maize in legumes/maize intercropping under two levels of nitrogen supply. Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Phosphorus Dynamics in the Soil-Plant Continuum. Pages 214-215.Perth, Western Australia, 21-26 September 2003
28.Zhang F.S. Li L., Sun J.H.,et al. (2003) Do interspecific interactions reduce phosphorus fertilizer rates in the faba bean/maize intercropping? Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Phosphorus Dynamics in the Soil-Plant Continuum.Pages 184-185. Perth, Western Australia, 21-26 September 2003
29.宋亞娜,MARSCHNER Petra,張福鎖,包興國,李隆,2006 小麥/蠶豆,玉米/蠶豆和小麥/玉米間作對根際細菌群落結構的影響,生態學報 26 (7), 2268-2274。通訊作者。
30.劉廣才,李隆,黃高寶,孫建好,郭天文,張福鎖,2005 大麥/玉米間作優勢及地上部和地下部因素的相對貢獻研究,中國農業科學 38 (9), 1787-1795. 通訊作者。
31.陳楊,李隆,張福鎖,2005,大豆和蠶豆苗期根系生長特徵的比較,應用生態學報,16 (11) ,2112~2116。通訊作者
32.李淑敏,李隆,張福鎖,2005,蠶豆/ 玉米間作接種AM真菌與根瘤菌對其吸磷量的影響,中國生態農業學報 13 (3),136-139。通訊作者。
33.葉優良,李隆,孫建好,張福鎖,2005,地下部分隔對蠶豆/ 玉米間作氮素吸收和土壤硝態氮殘留影響,水土保持學報 19(3),13-16。通訊作者。
34.葉優良,孫建好,李隆,張福鎖,2005,小麥ˆ玉米間作根系相互作用對氮素吸收和土壤硝態氮含量的影響,農業工程學報 21(11),33-37
35.房增國,左元梅,李隆,張福鎖,2004.滅菌土壤玉米/花生混作對花生鐵營養的影響研究. 中國生態農業學報 12(4):98-101
36.葉優良,包興國,宋建蘭,孫建好,李隆,張福鎖,李慶江,周麗莉. 2004,長期施用不同肥料對小麥玉米間作產量、氮吸收利用和土壤硝態氮累積的影響, 植物營養與肥料學報 10(2), 113~119
37.李淑敏,李隆,張福鎖. 2004,玉米/鷹嘴豆間作對有機磷利用差異的研究。中國農業科技導報6(3):45~49
38.王曉麗,李隆,江榮風, 張福鎖. 2003玉米/空心菜間作降低土壤及蔬菜中硝酸鹽含量的研究, 環境科學學報 4, 463~467
39.吳華傑,李隆,張福鎖. 2003,水稻/小麥間作中種間相互作用對鎘吸收的影響, 中國農業科技導報 5(3), 44~48
40.肖焱波, 李隆,張福鎖. 2003,小麥//蠶豆間作中的種間氮營養差異比較研究,植物營養與肥料學報9(4), 396~400
41.肖焱波,李隆, 張福鎖. 2003,接種不同根瘤菌對間作蠶豆和小麥生長的促進作用研究. 農業現代化研究, 24(4), 275~277
42.葉優良,孫建好,李隆, 2003,張福鎖。灌水對大麥/玉米帶田土壤礦質氮影響的研究,水土保持學報 17(1), 107~111
45.李文學,孫建好,李隆,張福鎖,2001,不同施肥處理與間作形式對帶田中玉米產量及氮營養狀況的影響,中國農業科技導報 3(3), 36-39.


1.2008年第三屆中國土壤學會科技獎一等獎:間套作體系根際效應促進養分資源高效利用的機理研究 第1完成人
2.2005年教育部科技進步二等獎:間套作根系相互作用及其養分資源高效利用的機理研究 第1完成人
4.2007年雲南省科技進步三等獎:農作物多樣性應用技術試驗示範 第6完成人
6.1997年甘肅省科技進步三等獎:河西高產帶田(間套作)作物營養特點及科學施肥技術研究 第3完成人
5.2002年北京市科技進步二等獎:植物適應養分脅迫的根際效應機理研究 第7完成人