楊必勝,男,博士,博士生導師,萬人計劃”科技創新領軍人(2019),科技部中青年科技領軍人才(2018),國家傑出青年基金獲得者(2017),長江學者特聘教授(2016),教育部新世紀優秀人才,湖北省傑出青年基金獲得者,測繪遙感信息工程國家重點實驗室(武漢大學)主任助理。長期從事三維地理信息獲取與分析方面的理論與方法研究,創新性提出“廣義點雲(ubiquitous point cloud for mobile mapping)”科學概念。
擔任國際學術大會“Laser Scanning 2017”聯合主席、《ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing》SCI期刊編委(2015- )、國際攝影測量與遙感學會點雲處理工作組聯合主席(2016-2020)、國際大地測量學會(IAG)激光掃描測量工作組主席(2011- )和《ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing》、《Computers & Geosciences》SCI期刊Guest Editor;
2007.12- ,教授,武漢大學測繪遙感信息工程國家重點實驗室
2002.10-2006.10,主持,Algorithms for the progressive transmission of spatial data over the internet,瑞士蘇黎世大學基金會 2006-2011,學術骨幹,大城市交通擁堵瓶頸的基礎科學問題研究,973計劃項目 2006.1-2007.12,主要參加,機載激光掃描測量的應用研究,國家測繪局
2006-2007,湖北省創新團隊核心成員,智能地理 信息服務的理論與方法及其在交通領域的應用
楊必勝教授長期從事三維地理信息獲取與分析方面的理論與方法研究,創新性提出了“廣義點雲(ubiquitous point cloud for mobile mapping)”的科學概念,解決了多源數據融合處理、三維點雲地物目標三維提取、三維點雲場景動態理解等核心問題,系統地構建了“廣義點雲”多細節層次三維建模的理論與方法,並取得了如下創新研究成果:
2006年,美國攝影測量與遙感學會(APSRS)ESRI Best Scientific Paper in GIS一等獎(第1名)
Bisheng Yang, Yufu Zang, Zhen Dong, RonggangHuang, 2015. An Automated Method to Register Airborne and TerrestrialLaser Scanning Point Clouds, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,109:62-76. (SCI)
Bisheng Yang, Yunfei Zhang, 2015. Pattern-mining Method for Conflating CrowsourcingRoad Networks with POIS, International Journal of GeographicalInformation Science, 29(5):786-805. (SCI)
Bisheng Yang, Chi Chen, 2015. Automatic Registration ofUAV-Borne Sequent Images and LiDAR Data, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetryand Remote Sensing, 101:262-274. (SCI)
Bisheng Yang, Zhen Dong, Gang Zhao, Wenxia Dai, 2015. Hierarchical Extraction of Urban Objects from Mobile Laser Scanning Data, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 99:45-57. (SCI)
Bisheng Yang, Wenxue Xu, Wei Yao, 2014. Extracting Building Footprints from Airborne Laser ScanningPoint Clouds using a Marked Point Process, GIScienceand Remote Sensing, 51(5): 555-574. (SCI)
Bisheng Yang, Lina Fang, 2014. Automated Extraction of 3DRailway Tracks from Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing,7(12):4750-4761. (SCI)
Bisheng Yang, Yufu Zang, 2014. Automated Registration of DenseTerrestrial Laser-Scanning Point Clouds Using Curves. ISPRS Journal ofPhotogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 95:109-121. (SCI)
Haiyan Guan, Jonathan Li, Yongtao Yu, Cheng Wang, Michael Chapman,Bisheng Yang, 2014. Using mobile laser scanning data for automated extraction of road markings, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 87, 93-107. (SCI)
Bisheng Yang, Yunfei Zhang, Feng Lu, 2014. Geometric-Based approach for integrating VGI POIs and road networks, International Journal of Geographical InformationScience, 28(1):126-147. (SCI)
Bisheng Yang, Xuechen Luan, Yunfei Zhang, 2014. A Pattern-Based Approach for Matching Nodes in Heterogeneous Urban Road Networks, Transactions in GIS,18(5):718-739. (SCI)
Bisheng Yang, Wenxue Xu, Zhen Dong, 2013. Automated Building Outlines Extraction from Airborne Laser Scanning Point Clouds, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 10(6):1399-1403. (SCI)
Qingquan Li, Xuan Sun,Bisheng Yang, Shaobo Jiang, 2013. Geometric structure simplification of 3D building models, ISPRS Journalof Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 84:100-113. (SCI)
Bisheng Yang, Zhen Dong, 2013. A shape-based segmentation method for mobile laser scanning point clouds, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 81:19-30. (SCI)
Bisheng Yang, Lina Fang, Jonathan Li, 2013. Semi-automatedExtraction and Delineation of 3D Roads of Street Scene from Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,79:80-93. (SCI)
Bisheng Yang, Zhen Wei, 2013. Semi-automated BuildingFacade Footprint Extraction from Mobile Lidar Point Clouds, IEEEGeoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,10(4):766-770. (SCI)
Bisheng Yang, Yunfei Zhang, Xuechen Luan, 2013. A Probabilistic Relaxation Approach for Matching Road Networks, International Journal ofGeographical Information Science, 27(2):319-338. (SCI)
Bisheng Yang, Zhen Wei, QingquanLi, Jonathan Li, 2012, Automated Extraction of Street-scene Objects from Mobile Lidar Point Clouds. International Journal of Remote Sensing,33(18):5839-5861. (SCI)
Bisheng Yang, Lina Fang, QingquanLi, Jonathan Li, 2012, Automated Extraction of Road Markings from Mobile Lidar Point Clouds. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 78(4):331-338. (SCI)
BishengYang, Xuechen Luan, Qingquan Li, 2011, Generating hierarchical strokes from urban street networks based on spatial pattern recognition.International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 25(12):2025-2050.(SCI)·
BishengYang, Xuechen Luan, Qingquan Li, 2010. An Adaptive Method for Identifying the Spatial Patterns in Road Networks,Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 34: 40-48. (SCI)
BishengYang, Robert Weibel,2009. Editorial: Progressive Transmission of Spatial Data in Web Environment, Computers & Geosciences,35(11):2175-2176.(SCI)
BishengYang, Ross Purves, Robert Weibel,2008. Multi-resolution Compression of Vector data, GeoInformatica. 12(3):357-376 (SCI)
Qingquan Li, Zhi Wang,BishengYang, 2008. Multi-resolution Representation of Digital Terrain Models with Terrain Features Preservation, Science in China Series E-Technological Sciences,51 (zkI): 145-154.(SCI)
Yan, H., Weibel, R.,BishengYang ,2008. A Multi-parameter Approach to Automated Building Grouping and Generalization.GeoInformatica,12(1):73-89.(SCI).
Xiaoqing Zuo, Qingquan Li,BishengYang, Tao Chen, 2007. A View-dependent Method for the Multi-resolution Representation of Terrains with Roads Embedded, International Journal of Remote Sensing,28(2):319-334.(SCI)
BishengYang, Ross Purves, Robert Weibel, 2007. Efficient Transmission of Vector Data over the Internet, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 21(2):215-237.(SCI)
BishengYang, Qingquan Li, Jianya Gong, 2006. A Robust and Rapid Algorithm for Generating and Transmitting Multi-resolution Three-dimensional Models, Chinese Science Bulletin,51(8):987-993(SCI).
BishengYang, Wenzhong Shi, Qingquan Li, 2005. An Integrated TIN and Grid Method for Constructing Multi-resolution Digital Terrain Model, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 19(10):1019-1038.(SCI)
BishengYang, Wenzhong Shi, Qingquan Li, 2005. A Dynamic Method for Generating Multi-Resolution TIN Models,Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (PE&RS), 71(8):917-927 (ESRI Best Paper Award). (SCI)
BishengYang, 2005. A Multi-resolution Model of Vector Map Data for Rapid Transmission over the Internet, Computers & Geosciences,31(5):569-578. (SCI)
BishengYang, Qingquan Li, Wenzhong Shi, 2005. Constructing Multi-resolution Triangulated Irregular Network Model for Visualization, Computers & Geosciences, 31(1):77-86.(SCI)
Wenzhong Shi,BishengYang, Qingquan Li, 2003. An Object-oriented Data Model for Complex Objects in Three-dimensional Geographical Information Systems, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(5): 411-430.(SCI)