共找到60條詞條名為趙華的結果 展開








主要學歷: 1980.7-1984.7 天津大學精密儀器專業,本科生,獲學士學位。
1984.7-1985.7 天津大學內燃機專業,碩士研究生。
1985.8 獲英國文化協會和中國政府技術合作獎學金赴英國留學。
1985.9-1989.9 英國利茲(Leeds)大學博士研究生,獲博士學位


1989.10-1992.9 在劍橋大學羅賓遜(Robinson)學院院士及工程系任研究員
1992.10-1994.2 在英國倫敦帝國理工學院任研究員
1994.3-至今 在英國布魯耐爾(Brunel)大學歷任講師,高級講師,Professor
2002.1-至今 被聘為天津大學長江學者特聘教授






1. 趙華,N.Ladommaotos, "汽油機中分層EGR對燃燒和污染物形成的影響(Effect of Stratified EGR
on Combustion and Pollutant formation in SI Engines)", 英國工程與自然科學研究委員會
(EPSRC), £153,920(英鎊), 1998.1-2000.12
2. N.Ladommatos,趙華,"柴油機中芳香烴排放的最低界限(Low Aromatic Threshold for Diesel
Engines)", 歐洲共同體(European Union), 90,000 ECU(歐元), 1998.1-1999.12
3. N. Ladommatos,趙華, "在可控工況下柴油機微粒的氧化(Oxidation of Diesel Soot Under
Controlled Conditions)", EPSRC, £152,902, 1998.1-2000.12
4. 趙華, N. Ladommatos, "內燃機超低NOx燃燒系統(Ultra Low NOx Combustion System for IC
Engines)", EPSRC 及Ford 汽車公司, £392,000, 1999.4-2002.3
5. 趙華, "四衝程汽油機自燃可控燃燒系統(Four Stroke Powered Gasoline Autoignition Controlled
Combustion Engine(4-SPACE))", European Union, 270,000 ECU, 1998.1-2000.12(其他合作者
包括DaimlerChrysler汽車公司、Ford汽車公司、PSA Citroen Peugeot標緻汽車公司、法國石油研究
6. 趙華,N.Ladommatos, "用CFD優化高速直噴柴油機的燃燒室(Optimisation of Piston Bowl Design
for High-Speed Direct Injection Diesel Engines Using CFD)", Ford汽車公司, £80,000,
7. N.Ladommatos, 趙華, "高速直噴柴油機燃燒室設計的實驗研究(Experimental studies on the
Piston Bowl Design for a High-Speed Direct Injection Diesel Engine)", Ford汽車公司,
£100,000, 1999.8-2001.8
8. 趙華,N.Ladommatos, "燃料餾分分層的汽油機(Stratified Charge Fuel Fraction Gasoline
Engine)", EPSRC 與Ford汽車公司, £323,097, 2000.10-2003.9
9. 趙華, "輕型車用柴油機自燃可控燃燒系統(Whole SPACE Combustion for Diesel Light Duty
Vehicles)", 歐共體(European Union), 200,000 ECU, 2001.1-2003.12(其他合作者包括Renault
汽車公司, Opel Adam通用汽車公司, 法國石油研究院, Lotus工程公司, Common Rail技術公司,
10. N.Ladommatos, 趙華, "新型柴油機及新型柴油燃料(New Diesel Engines and New Diesel
Fuels)", European Union, 90,000 ECU, 2000.1-2002.12
11. 趙華,蘇萬華,海外傑出青年基金項目"內燃機可控自燃燃燒過程的基礎研究",40萬元,
12. 趙華,謝輝,國家973項目課題"高辛烷值燃料可控自燃著火燃燒過程的基礎研究",117萬元,


於2001年發表了英文專著《發動機測試設備流動和燃燒診斷》(《Engine Instrumentation,Flow and Combustion Diagnostics》),並在國際期刊及國際會議發表論文120餘篇,被SCI/EI/ISTP收錄50餘篇,在國際內燃機燃燒會議上作特邀報告8次,並作為SAE專業分會主席主持多次會議。
Engine Combustion Instrumentation and Diagnostics(內燃機燃燒測試和診斷),趙華著80%內容,N. Ladommatos著20%內容。25萬多字250插圖。由美國汽車工程師學會(the Society of Automotive Engineering,SAE)和Butterworth-Heinman出版社出版
書號:ISBN 0-7680-0665-1
1. Zhao, H., Collings, N., and Ma, T., 'Engine Diagnostics by Means of Spark Plug', Proc. Instn.
Mech. Engrs, Part D, 209: 143-146, 1995.
2. Meng, Q., Zhao, H. Ladommatos, N. and Ma, T., ' Modelling of In-Cylinder Flow and Mixing
Process in a Stratified-Charge Spark Ignition Engine', Proceedings of International Seminar on
Lean Burn Combustion Engines, Institution of Mechanical Engineers,ISBN 1-86058-037-8:
35-53, 1996
3. Zhao, H. and Ladommatos, H., 'Engine Performance Monitoring using Spark Plug Voltage
Analysis', Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs, Part D, 211: 499-509, 1997
4. Calnan, P., Zhao, H., Ladommatos, N. and Ma, T., 'Effect on Engine Performance and NOx
Emission of a Two-Stage Expansion Cycle in a Spark Ignition Engine', Diesel and SI Engine
Modelling, SAE Paper 9711659,SAE SP-1306, 1997
5. Ladommatos, N., Abdelhalim, S., Zhao, H. and Hu, Z., 'The Effects of Carbon Dioxide in
Exhaust Gas Recirculation on Diesel Engine Emissions', Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs, Part D,
212: 25- 42. 1998
6. Zhao, H. and Ladommatos, N., 'Optical Diagnostics for Soot and Temperature Measurement in
Diesel Engines, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 24: 221-255, 1998
7. Zhao, H. and Ladommatos, N., 'Optical Diagnostics for In-Cylinder Mixture Formation
Measurements in IC Engines', Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 24: 297-336,1998
8. Ladommatos, N., Abdelhalim, S. and Zhao, H., "Control of Oxides of Nitrogen from Diesel
Engines Using Diluents while Minimising the Impact on Particulate Pollutants", Applied Thermal
Engineering, 18: 963-980, 1998
9. Zhao, H., Calnan, P., Ladommatos, N., and Ma, T., " Development of an Engine Simulation
Program and Its Application to Stratified Charge SI Engines", International Journal of Vehicle
Design, 22(3): 159-194, 1999
10. Ladommatos, N., Abdelhalim, S. and Zhao, H., "Effects of Exhaust Gas Recirculation
Temperature on Diesel Engine Combustion and Emissions", Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs, Part D,
213: 479-500, 1999
11. Zhao, H., Peng, Z., Calnan, P., Ladommatos, N., and Ma, T., "Analysis of Stratified EGR and
Air on Combustion and NO Formation in a SI Engine", Proc. Instn. Mech. Engrs, Part D,
213: 61
12. Zhao, H., Hu, J., and Ladommatos, N., "Spray and Diesel Combustion Studies in a Specially
Designed Single Cylinder Engine", Journal of Kones, Internal Combustion Engines,
6(1-2): 193-203, 1999
13. Xiao, Z., Ladommatos, N., and Zhao, H., "The Effect of Aromatic Hydrocarbons and
Oxygenates on Diesel Engine Emissions", Proc. of Instn. Mech. Engrs, Part D.,214(3):
14. Zhao, H., Hu, J., and Ladommatos, "In-Cylinder Studies of the Effects of CO2 in Exhaust Gas
Recirculation on Diesel Combustion and Emissions", Proc. of Instn. Mech. Engrs, Part D,
214: 405-419, 2000
15. Zhao, H., Williams, J., Damiano, L., Bryce, D. J., Ladommatos, N. and Ma, T., "Design and
Development of a Single Cylinder Optical Engine for Stratified Charge and Controlled
Autoignition Studies", In: Proceedings of international conference on Computational &
Experimental Methods in Reciprocating Engines, ISBN 1-86058-275-3: 151-166, 2000
16. Aaron Oakley, Hua Zhao, and Nicos Ladommatos,Dilution Effects on the Controlled Auto-
Ignition (CAI)Combustion of Hydrocarbon and Alcohol Fuels, SAE2001-01-3606
17. H. Zhao, Z. Peng, J. Williams, N. Ladommatos ,Understanding the Effects of Recycled Burnt
Gases on the Controlled Autoignition (CAI) Combustion in Four-Stroke Gasoline Engines,
SAE 2001-01-3607
18. Jian Li, Hua Zhao, Nicos Ladommatos,Tom Ma, Research and Development of Controlled
Auto-Ignition (CAI) Combustion in a 4-Stroke Multi-Cylinder Gasoline Engine,
SAE 2001-01-3608
19. Hua Zhao, Jian Li and Tom Ma, "Performance and Analysis of a 4-stroke Multi-Cylinder
Gasoline Engine with CAI Combustion", SAE 2002-01-0420
20. Zhao Hua, Xie Hui,Liu Shuliang, Implementation of Controlled Auto-Ignition Combustion in
4-stroke Gasoline Engines, 內燃機高新技術發展研討會論文集, 安徽合肥, 2003.8


此外,還擔任英國國家自然科學及工程基金(EPSRC college)評委委員,英國Leverhulme Trust評委,美國國家自然基金(NFS)評委,英國文化委員會(British Council)評委和Proceedings of Institution of Mechanical Engineers(PartD)、Journal of Applied Thermal Engineering、International Journal of Engines Research、International Journal of Fuels、Combustion and Flame等國際雜誌評委,英國機械工程師學會內燃機及燃油工作指導小組常務理事。作為歐美海外中國留學生中唯一的內燃機專業教授,直接負責英國布魯耐爾大學內燃機的研究工作及發展方向。目前,布魯耐爾大學內燃機實驗室已經成為一個世界聞名及英國最大的內燃機研究中心,並為歐共體發動機優秀研究中心的核心成員,這也是英國大學中唯一被選為該中心成員的高校。同時作為汽車及賽車工程學科的主任,他負責布魯耐爾大學該學科的教學及管理工作,其倡導並設置的賽車工程本科及研究生專業已成為全英機械工程領域中最成功的學科之一。