共找到7條詞條名為張正光的結果 展開





2002年於南京農業大學植物病理學專業獲博士學位。2000.4—2000.12在蛋白質工程及植物基因工程國家重點實驗室從事植物對疫黴菌非寄主抗性分子機制研究;2005-2006 美國路易絲安娜州立大學健康研究中心兒童研究所從事真菌分子生物學與信號傳導博士后研究。國際期刊PLoS ONE編委。
《PLoS One》編委
《Current Genetics》編委


植物對疫黴菌的非寄主抗性分子機制研究2. 稻瘟病菌的致病分子機制研究。


1. 2004.1-2006.12 疫黴菌誘導非寄主植物過敏性反應激發子基因的克隆. 國家自然科學基金項目(30300228),
2. 2005.1-2007.12 疫黴菌不同激發子誘導非寄主抗性中信號分子作用機制比較分析. 國家自然科學基金項目(30471123),
3. 2005.6-2007.12 疫黴菌激發子誘導非寄主抗性中關鍵基因的克隆及功能分析. 江蘇省創新人才基金項目(BK2005421),
4. 2006.10-2011.9 農作物重大病害成災機理及控制的基礎研究. 國家“973”計劃子課題,
5. 2008-2010 教育部新世紀人才支持計劃(NCT-07-0442).
6. 2008.3-2010.10 利用病毒誘導基因沉默技術高通量篩選非寄主抗性基因及其應用. 國家“863”計劃(2008AA10Z410)。
7. 2008.1-2011.12 疫黴菌激發子誘發的調控過敏性細胞死亡的基因克隆及功能分析. 國家自然科學基金項目(30871605)。
8. 2011.1-2013.12 由NbALY916介導的信號途徑調控疫黴菌激發子誘發的過敏性細胞死亡分子機制研究. 國家自然科學基金項目(31071645)。
9. 2013.1-2016.12 稻瘟病菌轉錄因子MoAp1介導的基因調控網路生物學功能解析. 國家自然科學基金項目(31271998)。


1. 2005年獲教育部自然科學二等獎,疫黴菌多樣性及其產生機制(3/7)。
2. 2007年獲教育部科學技術進步一等獎,重要植物病原生物快速分子檢測技術研究及其應用(5/9)。
3. 2011年獲江蘇省青年科技獎。南京農業大學“133人才工程”學術帶頭人。2006年入選江蘇省“青藍工程”優秀骨幹教師,2007年入選教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃


1. Wang JZ, Yin ZY, Tang W, Cai XJ, Gao CY, Zhang HF, Zheng XB, Wang P, Zhang ZG*. The thioredoxin MoTrx2 protein mediates ROS balance and controls pathogenicity as a target of the transcription factor MoAP1 inMagnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Plant Pathology, 08/2016 (Online)
2. Chen Y, Sun Y, Li MY, Zhang HF, Zheng XB, Liu Yong*, Zhang ZG*. MoYcp4 is involved in conidiogenesis, cell wall integrity and full virulence ofMagnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Plant Pathology, 07/2016 (Online)
3. Zhong KL, Li X, Le XY, Kong XY, Zhang HF, Zheng XB, Wang P, Zhang ZG*. Dynamin MoDnm1 mediates peroxisomal and mitochondrial fission in complex with MoFis1 and MoMdv1 to regulate pathogenicity inMagnaporthe oryzae. PLoS Pathogens, 2016, 12(8): e1005823
4. Zhang HF, Zheng XB, Zhang ZG*. TheMagnaporthe grisea species complex and plant pathogenesis. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2016, 17(6), 796–804
5. Liu XY, Qian B, Gao CY, Huang SH, Zhang HF, Zheng XB, Wang P, Zhang ZG*. The purative dual-specificity protein phosphatase MoYvh1 functions upstream of MoPdeH to regulate development and pathogenicity inMagnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction, 2016, 29(6): 496-507
6. Yin ZY, Tang W, Wang JZ, Zhang HF, Zheng XB, Zhang ZG*. Phosphodiesterase MoPdeH targets MoMck1 of the conserved mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase signalling pathway to regulate cell wall integrity in rice blast fungusMagnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2016, 17(5): 654-668
7. Qi ZQ, Liu MX, Yang J, Zhang HF, Zheng XB, Zhang ZG*. Orotate phosphoribosyl transferase homolog MoPyr5 is involved in Uridine 5’-phosphate synthesis and pathogenesis ofMagnaporthe oryzae. Applied Microbiology and Biotenchnology, 2016 100: 3655–3666
8. Dong YH, Li Y, Qi ZQ, Zheng XB, Zhang ZG*. Genome plasticity in filamentous plant pathogens contributes to the emergence of novel effectors and their cellular processes in the host. Current Genetics, 2016, 62: 47-51
9. Qi ZQ, Liu MX, Dong YH, Zhu Q, Liu X, Li LW, Li B, Ru YY, Zhang HF, Zheng XB, Wang P, Zhang ZG*. The syntaxin protein (MoSyn8) mediates intracellular trafficking to regulate conidiogenesis and pathogenicity of rice blast fungus. New Phytologist, 2016, 209(4):1655-67
10. Zhang HF, Li Bing, Fang Q, Zheng XB, Wang P, Zhang ZG*. The SNARE protein FgVam7 controls growth, asexual development, plant infection and endocytosis inFusarium graminearum. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2016, 17(1): 108–119
11. Zhang HJ, Teng WJ, Liang JG, Liu XY, Zhang HF, Zhang ZG, Zheng XB*. NbMADS1, a novel MADS-box protein, is involved in the response ofNicotiana benthamiana to bacterial harpin. Journal of Experimental Botany 2016, 67(1):131-41
12. Dong YH, Li Y, Zhao MM, Jing MF, Liu XY, Liu MX, Guo XX, Zhang X, Chen Y, Liu YF, Liu YH, Ye WW, Zhang HF, Wang YC, Zheng XB, Wang P, Zhang ZG*. Global genome and transcriptome analyses ofMagnaporthe oryzae epidemic isolate 98-06 uncover novel effectors and pathogenicity-related genes, revealing gene gain and lose dynamics in genome evolution. PLoS Pathogens, 2015, 11(4): e1004801
13. Chen Y, Zhai S, Sun Y, Li MY, Dong YH, Wang XL, Zhang HF, Zheng XB, Zhang ZG*. MoTup1 is required for the growth, conidiogenesis, and pathogenicity ofMagnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2015,16(8):799-810
14. Tang W, Ru YY, Hong L, Zhu Q, Zou RF, Guo XX, Wang JZ, Zhang HF, Zheng XB, Wang P, Zhang ZG*. System-wide characterization of bZIP proteins involved in infection-related morphogenesis ofMagnaporthe oryzae. Environmental Microbiology, 2015, 17(4): 1377-1396 (IF6.24)
15. Liang JG, Meng F, Sun S, Wu CX, Wu HY, Zhang MR, Zheng XB, Song XY, Zhang ZG*. Community structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in rhizospheric soil of a transgenic high-methionine soybean and a near isogenic variety. PLoS One, 2015, 10(12): e0145001
16. Zhang HF, Ma HY, Xie X, Ji J, Dong YH, Du Y, Tang W, Zheng XB, Wang P, Zhang ZG*. Comparative proteomic analyses reveal that the regulators of G-protein signaling proteins regulate amino acid metabolism of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Proteomics, 2014, 14: 2508–2522 (IF3.98)
17. Liang JG, Sun S, Ji J, Wu HY, Meng F, Zhang MR, Zheng XB, Wu CX, Zhang ZG*. Comparison of the rhizosphere bacterial communities of Zigongdongdou soybean and a high-methionine transgenic line of this cultivar. PLoS One, 2014, 9(7): e103343.
18. Teng WJ, Zhang HJ, Wang W, Li DQ, Wang MF, Liu JW, Zheng XB, Zhang ZG*. ALY proteins participate in multifaceted Nep1Mo-triggered responses inNicotiana benthamiana andArabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2014, 65: 2483-2494 (IF5.8)
19.Chen Y, Zuo RF, Zhang HF, Sun Y, Zheng XB, Zhang ZG*. MoLys2 is necessary for growth, conidiogenesis, lysine biosynthesis and pathogenicity ofMagnaporthe oryzae. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2014, 67: 51-57 ( IF 3.23)
20.Zhang HF, Zhao Q, Guo XX, Guo M, Qi ZQ, Tang W, Ye WW, Zheng XB, Wang P, Zhang ZG*. Pleiotropic function of the putative Zinc-finger protein MoMsn2 inMagnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction, 2014, 27(5): 446-460 (*Corresponding author) (IF4.43)
Chen Y, Zhai S, Zhang HF, Zuo RF, Wang JM, Guo M, Zheng XB, Wang P, Zhang ZG*. Shared and distinct functions of two Gti1/Pac2 family proteins in growth, morphogenesis, and pathogenicity ofMagnaporthe oryzae. Environmental Microbiology, 2014,16(3): 788-801(*Corresponding author) (IF6.24)
21. Du Y, Zhang HF, Hong L, Wang JW, Zheng XB, Zhang ZG*. Acetolactate synthases MoIlv2 and MoIlv6 are required for infection-related morphogenesis inMagnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2013, 14(9): 870-884(*Corresponding author)
22. Wang JM, Du Y, Zhang HF, Zhou C, Qi ZQ, Zheng XB, Wang P, Zhang ZG*. The actin-regulating kinase homologue MoArk1 plays a pleiotropic function inMagnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2013, 14(5): 470-482 (*Corresponding author)
23. Zhang HJ, Li DQ, Wang MF, Liu JW, Teng WJ, Cheng BP, Dong SM, Zheng XB, and Zhang ZG*.Nicotiana benthamiana MAPK cascade and WRKY transcription factor participate in Nep1-triggered plant responses. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction, 2012, 25(12): 1639–1653 ( IF 4.431) (*Corresponding author)
24. Qi ZQ, Wang Q, Dou XY, Wang W, Zhao Q, Lv RL, Zhang HF, Zheng XB, Wang P, Zhang ZG*. MoSwi6, an MAP kinase Mps1 interacting APSES family transcription factor, is required for hyphal and conidial morphogenesis, appressorial function, and pathogenicity ofMagnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Plant Pathology, 2012, 13(7): 677–689 (Corresponding author) ( IF 3.899) (*Corresponding author)
25. Zhang HJ, Wang MF, Wang W, Li DQ, Huang Q, Wang YC, Zheng XB, Zhang ZG*. Silencing of G proteins uncovers diversified plant responses when challenged by three elicitors inNicotiana benthamiana. Plant Cell & Environment, 2012, 35: 72-85 (Corresponding author) ( IF 5.215) (*Corresponding author)
26. Zhang HF, Tang W, Liu KY, Huang Q, Zhang X, Yan X, Chen Y, Wang JS, Qi ZQ, Wang ZY, Zheng XB, Wang P, Zhang ZG*. Eight RGS and RGS-like proteins orchestrate growth, differentiation, and pathogenicity ofMagnaporthe oryzae.PLoS Pathogens, 2011, 7:e1002450 (Corresponding author) ( IF 9.127)
27. Zhang LS, Lv RL, Dou XY, Qi ZQ, Hua CL, Zhang HF, Wang ZY, Zheng XB, Zhang ZG*. The function of MoGlk1 in integration of glucose and ammonium utilization inMagnaporthe oryzae. PLoS One, 2011, 6(7): e22809 (*Corresponding author) ( IF 4.092)
28. Zhang HF, Liu KY, Zhang X, Tang W, Wang JS, Guo M, Zhao Q, Zheng XB, Zhang ZG*. Two phosphodiesterase genes,PDEL andPDEH, regulate development and pathogenicity by modulating intracellular cyclic AMP levels inMagnaporthe oryzae. PLoS One 2011, 6: e17241 (Corresponding author) ( IF 4.092)
29. Guo M, Chen Y, Du Y, Dong YH, Guo W, Zhai S, Zhang HF, Zhang ZG*, Wang YC, Wang P, Zheng XB. The bZIP transcription factor MoAP1 mediates the oxidative stress response and is crucial for pathogenicity of the rice blast fungusMagnaporthe oryzae. PLoS Pathogens, 2011, 7(2): e1001302 ( *Corresponding author) ( IF 9.127)
30. Dou XY, Wang Q, Qi ZQ, Song WW, Wang W, Guo M, Zhang HF, Zhang ZG*, Wang P, Zheng XB. MoVam7, a conserved SNARE component involved in vacuole assembly, is required for growth, endocytosis, chitin distribution, ROS accumulation, and pathogenesis ofMagnaporthe oryzae.PLoS One 2011, 6: e16439 (Corresponding author) ( IF 4.092)
31. Song WW, Dou XY, Qi ZQ, Wang Q, Zhang X, Zhang HF, Guo M, Dong SM, Zhang ZG*, Wang P, Zheng XB. R-SNARE homolog MoSec22 is required for conidiogenesis, cell wall integrity, and pathogenesis ofMagnaporthe oryzae. PLoS One 2010, 5: e13193 (Corresponding author) ( IF 4.092)
32. Zhang HF, Liu KY, Zhang X, Song WW, Dong YH, Zhao Q, Guo M, Zheng XB, Zhang ZG*. A two-component histidine kinase,SLN1, is required for cell wall integrity and pathogenicity of the rice blast fungus,Magnaporthe oryzae. Current Genetics, 2010 56: 517–528 (Corresponding author) ( IF 2.556)
33. Zhang HJ, Dong SM, Song WW, Li WQ, Zheng XB, Zhang ZG*. The role of vacuolar processing enzyme (VPE) fromNicotiana benthamiana in the elicitor-triggered hypersensitive response and stomatal closure. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2010, 61: 3799-3812 (Corresponding author) (IF 5.364)
34. Guo M, Guo W, Chen Y, Dong SM, Zhang HF, Song WW, Zhang ZG*, Wang YC, Zheng XB. The basic leucine zipper transcription factor Moatf1 mediates oxidative stress responses and is necessary for full virulence of the rice blast fungusMagnaporthe oryzae. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction, 2010, 23: 1053-1068 (Corresponding author) ( IF 4.431)
35. Zhang HF, Zhao Q, Zhang ZG*, Wang YC, Zheng XB. MgCRZ1, a transcription factor ofMagnaporthe grisea, controls growth, development and is involved in full virulence. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2009, 293: 160-169 (Corresponding author) ( IF 2.044)
36. Gan YZ, Zhang LS, Zhang ZG*, Dong SM, Li J, Wang YC*, Zheng XB. The LCB subunit of the sphingolip biosynthesis enzyme serine palmitoyltransferase can function as an attenuator of the hypersensitive response and Bax-induced cell death. New Phytologist, 2009, 181(1): 127-146 (Corresponding author) ( IF 6.645)
37. Zhang HJ, Fang Q, Zhang ZG*, Wang YC, Zheng XB. The role of respiratory burst oxidase homologues in elicitor-induced stomatal closure and hypersensitive response inNicotiana benthamiana. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2009, 60: 3109-3122 (Corresponding author) ( IF 5.364)
38. Li J, Zhang HF, Zhang ZG*, Wang YC, Zheng XB. Cloning of genes encoding nonhost hypersensitive response-inducing elicitors fromPhytophthora boehmeriae. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007, 52: 231-237 ( SCI) (Corresponding author) ( IF 1.321)
39. Zhang ZG, Zheng XB, Wang YC, Ko WH. Evaluation of the rearrangement of taxonomic position ofPeronophythora litchii based on partial DNA sequences. Botanical Studies Formerly "Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica", 2007, 48: 79-89.( SCI)
40. Zhang ZG, Li YQ, Wang YC, Zheng XB. Molecular detection ofPhytophthora capsici in infected plant tissues, soil and water. Plant Pathology, 2006, 55: 770~775 (SCI)
41. Zhang ZG, Zhang JY, Wang YC and Zheng XB. Molecular detection ofFusarium oxysporum f.sp.niveum andMycosphaerella melonis in infected plant tissues and soil. FEMS Microbiology Letter, 2005, 249: 39-47 (SCI)
42. Zhang ZG, Wang YC, Li J,et al.. The role of SA in the hypersensitive response and systemic acquired resistance induced by the elicitor PB90 ofPhytophthora boehmeriae. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2004, 65: 31-38( SCI)