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主要研究低維材料如半導體表面自組裝單層分子膜、金原子簇及納米線、和石墨烯等的電子結構和催化性質的理論計算研究,並與實驗課題組開展了廣泛的合作。發表SCI收錄研究論文90餘篇,在影響因子大於10的化學和材料top期刊如J.Am.Chem.Soc.(影響因子13.038,18篇),ACSNano,NanoLett.、Angew Chem. Int. Ed上發表研究論文32篇。論文他引用次數200餘次。多篇研究論文被國際著名研究期刊如美國化學會Chemical & Engineering News,Nature Nanotechnology和美國國家科學基金會旗下網站作為研究亮點報道。目前任JACS,JPC,PCCP等期刊的通訊評審人,2011年10月獲邀擔任英國皇家化學會Nanoscale期刊客座編輯。




● ● Pei, Y.; Zeng, X. C. Probing the planar tetra-, penta-, and hexacoordinate carbon in carbon-boron mixed clusters .J. Am. Chem. Soc.(影響因子9.019).2008
● ● Pei, Y.; An, W.; Ito, K.; Schleyer, P. v. R.; Zeng, X. C. Planar pentacoordinate carbon in CAl5+: A global minimum. J. Am. Chem. Soc.(影響因子9.019).2008
● ● Pei, Y.; Gao, Y.; Zeng, X. C. Structural prediction of thiolate-protected Au-38: A face-fused bi-icosahedral Au core. J. Am. Chem. Soc.(影響因子9.019).2008
● ● Pei, Y.; Gao, Y.; Shao, N.; Zeng, X. C. Thiolate-protected Au20(SR)16 cluster: prolate Au8 core with new [Au3(SR)4] staple motif. J. Am. Chem. Soc.(影響因子9.019). 2009
● ● Pei, Y.; Ma, J. Electric field induced switching behaviors of monolayer-modifed silicon surfaces: Surface desighs and molecular dynamics simulations. J. Am. Chem. Soc.(影響因子9.019).2005
● ● Pei, Y.; Shao, N.; Gao, Y.; Zeng, X. C. Investigating Active Site of Gold Nanoparticle Au55(PPh3)12Cl6 in Selective Oxidation. ACS Nano(影響因子9.854).2010
● ● Comparative study on reactions and self-directed growth mechanisms of styrene molecules on H-terminated Si(111) and Si(100). Langmuir. 2006,(22),3040
● ● Formation mechanisms and packing structures of alkoxyl and alkyl monolayers on Si(111): Theoretical studies with quantum chemistry and molecular simulation models. Langmuir. 2003,(19),7652
● ● Effects of Radical Site Location and Surface Doping on the Radical Chain-reaction on H-Si(100): A Density Functional Theory Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2008,(112),16078
● ● Effects of substituents and terminal unsaturated groups on H-abstraction reactions of unsaturated molecules on the H-terminated Si(100)-(2xl). Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2007,(111),5486
● ● Exohedral silicon fullerenes: SiNPtN/2(20<=N<=60). Journal of Chemical Physics.2007
● ● B2c Graphene, Nanotubes, and Nanoribbons . Nano Letter(影響因子12.18).2009
● ● CO oxidation catalyzed by single-walled helical gold nanotube. Nano Letter (影響因子12.18). 2009,
● ● Planar Tetracoordinate Carbon Strips in Edge Decorated Graphene Nanoribbon. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (影響因子9.019). 2010,
● ● Packing structures and packing effects on excitation energies of amorphous phase oligothiophenes . Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2004, (108), 6988
● ● Onset of Double Helical Structure in Small-Sized Homoleptic Gold Thiolate Clusters. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 2009, (113), 629
● ● Two-dimensional to three-dimensional structural transition of gold cluster Au-10 during soft landing on TiO2 surface and its effect on CO oxidation. Journal of Chemical Physics. 2010,
● ● Dipole-Induced, Thermally Stable Lamellar Structure by Polar Aromatic Silane. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (影響因子9.019). 2009,
● ● Icosahedral Crown Gold Nanocluster Au43Cu12 with High Catalytic Activity . Nano Letter (影響因子12.18). 2010,
● ● Self-Assembled Nanolayers of Conjugated Silane with Interlocking . ACS Nano (影響因子9.854). 2010,
● ● [2+2] cycloaddition reactions of ethylene derivatives with the Si(100)-2xl surface: A theoretical study. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2005, (109), 5199
● ● Efficient synthesis and conformational investigations of cis-pentacenediols. Tetrahedron Letter. 2010, (51), 5732
● ● Elastic properties of poly(vinyldene fluoride) (PVDF) crystals: A density functional theory study. Journal of Applied Physics. 2011, (119), 093514
● ● Catalytic Activities of Subnanometer Gold Clusters (Au16–Au18, Au20, and Au27–Au35) for CO Oxidation. ACS Nano (影響因子9.854). 2011,
● ● Exohedral Silicon Fullerenes: Si60Pn60 and Si80Pn80 (Pn = P,As,Sb and Bi). Journal of Cluster Science. 2011, (22), 343
● ● Hollow polyhedron cluster in Binary Gold-Sulfide Cluster Anions. ACS Nano (影響因子9.854). 2011,
● ● Three-dimensional Network Model of Carbon Containing only sp2-Carbon Bonds and Boron Nitride Analogues. Chem. Comm.. 2011, (47), 4406
● ● Inorganic Nanoribbons with Unpassivated Zigzag Edges: Half Metallicity and Edge Reconstruction. Nano Research. 2011, (4), 223
● ● Pei, Y.; Pal. R.; Liu, C.; Gao, Y.; Zhang, Z. Zeng, X. C. Interlocked Catenane-Like Structure Predicted in Au24(SR)20: Implication to Structural Evolution of Thiolated Gold Clusters from Homoleptic Gold(I) Thiolates to Core-Stacked Nanoparticles. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (影響因子9.019). 2012,
● ● Yang, Z.; Pei, Y.; Wang, X.; Liu, L.; Su, X. First principles study on the structural, magnetic and electronic properties of Co-doped FeF3. Comput. Theoret. Chem. . 2012, (980), 44-47
● ● Yong Pei, Xiao Cheng Zeng, (invited review) Investigating Structural Evolution of Thiolate Protected Gold Clusters from the First-Principles. Nanoscale (invited review, in press,影響因子4.13). 2012,
● ● Unraveling the mechanisms of O2 activation by size-selected gold clusters: Transition from superoxo to peroxo chemisorption . J. Am. Chem. Soc. in press, 2012(影響因子9.019). ,
● ● First principles study on the structural, magnetic and electronic properties of Te-doped BiF3. Computational Materials Science, 2012, In Press.
● ● Tri-Wing Graphene Nano-Paddle-Wheel with a Single-File Metal Joint: Formation of Multi-Planar Tetracoordinated-Carbon (ptC) Strips. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2012, In Press. ,
● ● Ma, Zhongyun and Pei, Yong* Thiolate-Protected Gold Nanoclusters: Structural Prediction and the Understandings of Electronic Stability from First Principles Simulations WIREs Computational Molecular Science 2017, accepted. (Invited Review)
● ● Liu, Chunyan; Pei, Yong*; Sun, Hui; Ma, Jing* The Nucleation and Growth Mechanism of Thiolate-Protected Au Nanoclusters J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 15809-15816.
● ● Pei, Yong*; Tang, Jian; Tang, Xianqiong; Huang, Yunqing, Zeng, Xiao Cheng New Structure Model of Au22(SR)18: Bitetrahederon Golden Kernel Enclosed by [Au6(SR)6] Au(I) Complex J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2015, 6, 1390-1395. 
● ● Lin, Sisi; Pei, Yong* Mechanistic Insight into the Styrene-Selective Oxidation on Subnanometer Gold Clusters (Au16-Au20, Au27, Au28, Au30 and Au32-Au35): A Density Functional Theory Study J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 20346-20356.
● ● Pei, Yong*; Lin, Sisi; Su, Jingcang; Liu, Chunyan Structure Prediction of Au44(SR)28: A Chiral Superatom Cluster J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 19060-19063.
● ● Pei, Yong*; Pal, Rhitankar; Liu, Chunyan; Gao, Yi; Shao, Nan; Zeng, Xiao Cheng* Interlocked Catenane-Like Structure Predicted in Au24(SR)20: Implication to Structural Evolution of Thiolated Gold Clusters from Homoleptic Gold(I) Thiolates to Core-Stacked Nanoparticles J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 3015-3024.(已被引用84次)
● ● Pei, Yong*; Zeng, Xiao Cheng* Investigating Structural Evolution of Thiolate Protected Gold Clusters from the First-Principles Nanoscale 2012, 4, 4054-4074.(Invited Review,項目申請人受邀擔任此期的客座編輯,Guest Editor)(已被引用124次)