共找到3條詞條名為王紹金的結果 展開
- 四川達州市中心醫院主任中醫師
- 浙江省慶元縣人民政府副縣長
- 西北農林科技大學機械與電子工程學院院長
王紹金,男,博士,西北農林科技大學機械與電子工程學院二級教授,博士生導師,院長,美國華盛頓州立大學的兼職教授,2011年入選陝西省第二批“百人計劃”,擔任《Transactions of the ASABE》等5個雜誌國際編委和J. Food Eng等近20個SCI期刊審稿人。
1989-1990 比利時讓布魯農業大學物理系訪問學者
1982-1983 浙江省富陽縣農機局助理工程師
曾擔任美國農業部項目、中國、瑞士與挪威國家自然科學基金評審專家,國際學術會議多個分會場主席, 10多次國際會議上做射頻加熱方面的特邀報告。作為課題主持人已先後獲得了4項美國農業部的研究項目。回國8年中,已先後主持了教育部博導類博士點基金、陝西省科技攻關(2項)、國家自然科學基金面上項目(2項)、農業部948項目與科技部十三五重點研發項目子課題(2項)。現已發表SCI論文201篇,共被引5717次,h指數為45。2篇論文進入ESI農業領域國際排名前1%之列,同時連續四年(2014-2017)被Elsevier評為農業與生物領域中國高引學者。
Tang J., Mitcham E., Wang S., Lurie S. [Eds.], 2007. Heat Treatments for Postharvest Pest Control: Theory and Practice. CABI Publishing, Oxon, UK. 368pp.
圖書章節(Book Chapters)
Jiao S., Wang S., 2015. Dielectric properties of fruits. In: Marra F., Barba A., Lyng J. [Eds.] Dielectric Properties and Experimental Measurement: Foods, Bio-systems and Health Materials. Springer, pp5.
Wang S., 2012. Microwave processing. In: D-W. Sun [Eds.], Handbook of Food Safety Engineering. Wiley-Blackwell, pp371-393.
Tang J., Wang S., Armstrong J.W., 2007. Thermal treatment protocol development and scale-up. In: Tang J., Mitcham E., Wang S., Lurie S. [Eds.], 2007. Heat Treatments for Postharvest Pest Control: Theory and Practice. CABI Publishing, Oxon, UK, pp. 291-310.
Wang S., Tang J., Hansen J.D., 2007. Experimental and simulation methods of insect thermal death kinetics. In: Tang J., Mitcham E., Wang S., Lurie S. [Eds.], 2007. Heat Treatments for Postharvest Pest Control: Theory and Practice. CABI Publishing, Oxon, UK, pp. 105-132.
Tang J., Wang S., Johnson J.A., 2007. Biology and thermal death kinetics of selected insects. In: Tang J., Mitcham E., Wang S., Lurie S. [Eds.], 2007. Heat Treatments for Postharvest Pest Control: Theory and Practice. CABI Publishing, Oxon, UK, pp. 133-161.
Tang J., Wang S., 2007. Temperature measurement. In: Tang J., Mitcham E., Wang S., Lurie S. [Eds.], 2007. Heat Treatments for Postharvest Pest Control: Theory and Practice. CABI Publishing, Oxon, UK, pp. 56-78.
Tang J., Wang S., 2007. Fundamental heat transfer theory for thermal treatments. In: Tang J., Mitcham E., Wang S., Lurie S. [Eds.], 2007. Heat Treatments for Postharvest Pest Control: Theory and Practice. CABI Publishing, Oxon, UK, pp. 27-55.
Komarov, V., Wang S., Tang J., 2005. Permittivity and measurement. In: K. Chang (eds.). The Wiley Encyclopedia of RF and Microwave Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, Vol.4, pp. 3693-3711.
Tang J., Wang S., 2005. Radio frequency treatments for insect control in fruits and nuts - principles and applications. In: R. Dris (Eds), Crops: Growth, Quality and Biotechnology. WFL Publisher, Helsinki, Finland, P967-990.
Wang S., Tang J., 2004. Radio frequency post-harvest quarantine and phytosanitary treatments to control insect pests in fruits and nuts. In: R. Dris and S.M. Jain (Eds), Production practices and quality assessment of food crops, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, P17-53.
Wang S., Tang J., Younce F., 2003. Temperature measurement. In: D. R. Heldman (eds.). Encyclopedia of Agricultural, Food, and Biological Engineering, Marcel Dekker. New York. P987-993.
會議論文(Proceedings and Conference Communications,*Presenter):
156. Wang S.*, 2019. Recent Development of Radio Frequency treatments for Pasteurizing Agricultural Products. ICEF13 - 13th International Congress on Engineering and Food, Sept. 23-26, 2019, Melbourne, Australia.
155. Zhang L.*, Wang S., 2019. Influence of radio frequency treatment on in-shell walnut quality and?Staphylococcus aureus?ATCC 25923 survival. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 8-10, 2019 in Boston, MT, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
154. Zhang S.*, Wang S., 2019. Computer simulation analyses of improving radio frequency (RF) heating uniformity in peanuts for pasteurization. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 8-10, 2019 in Boston, MT, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
153. Wang S.*, 2019. International Research Cooperation Between WSU and NWAFU. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 8-10, 2019 in Boston, MT, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
152. Wang S.*, 2019. Academic Ethics and Integrity. Suzhou University, June 17, 2019, Suzhou, China.
151. Wang S.*, 2018. Application of Radio Frequency Heating Technology to Pasteurization and Disinfestation for Nuts, In: Scientific Symposium on Processing and Application of Economic Forest Products, Dec. 21-22, 2018, Beijing, China
150. Wang S.*, 2018. Radio Frequency Drying of Agricultural Products: Principles and Applications, In: the 5th International Food Drying Workshop, Nov. 14-16, 2018, Wuxi, China
149. Ling B.*, Wang S., 2018. Hot air assisted radio frequency drying of walnuts, In: the 5th International Food Drying Workshop, Nov. 14-16, 2018, Wuxi, China
148. Xu R.*, Wang S., 2018. Effects of pretreatments on color of hot air dried kiwifruits, In: the 5th International Food Drying Workshop, Nov. 14-16, 2018, Wuxi, China
147. Zhou X.*, Wang S., 2018. Radio frequency-vacuum drying technology of kiwifruits, In: the 5th International Food Drying Workshop, Nov. 14-16, 2018, Wuxi, China
146. Wang S., 2018. Improving Radio Frequency Heating Uniformity for Pasteurization of Agricultural Products. The 13th Agri-Product Preservation and Processing Conference. Oct. 25-27, 2018, Chengdu, China.
145. Wang S. *, Zhou X., 2018. Radio frequency-vacuum drying of kiwifruits: kinetics, uniformity and product quality. 21st International Drying Symposium, València, Spain, September 11-14, 2018.
144. Wang S., 2018. Novel Technology of Pasteurizing and Disinfesting Postharvest Agricultural Products using Radio Frequency Energy. Katholieke University of Leuven, Belgium, Sept. 9, 2018.
143. Zhou X.*, Wang S., 2018. Developing a combined osmotic and radio frequency vacuum drying for kiwifruits: Dielectric properties. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 29-August 1, 2018 in Detroit, MI, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
142. Zhang L.*, Kou X., Zhou X., Wang S., 2018. Thermal inactivation of Staphylococcus aureus in walnut shells as influenced by water activity and heating rate. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 29-August 1, 2018 in Detroit, MI, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
141. Li R.*, Kou X., Zhou X., Zhang L., Wang S., 2018. Application of radio frequency pasteurization process to almond kernels: Heating uniformity improvement. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 29-August 1, 2018 in Detroit, MI, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
140. Wang S., 2018. Application of Radio Frequency Heating Technology to Pasteurization and Disinfestation for Low-Moisture Agricultural Products. China Agricultural University, May 21, 2018, Beijing, China.
139. Wang S., 2018. Novel Technology of Pasteurizing and Disinfesting Postharvest Agricultural Products using Radio Frequency Energy. Huazhong Agricultural University, May 12, 2018, Wuhan, China.
138. Wang S., 2017. Novel Technology of Pasteurizing and Disinfesting Postharvest Agri-Product using RF Energy. The 12th Agri-Product Preservation and Processing Conference. Dec. 15-17, 2017, Guangzhou, China.
137. Wang S., 2017. Recent development of radio frequency systems for postharvest pasteurization and disinfestation at NWAFU. 2017' Yangling International Agri-science Forum. Nov. 4-7, 2017, Yangling, China.
136. Wang S., 2017. Trends in Developing Radio Frequency-Vacuum Systems for Effectively Drying Fruits and Vegetables. The 9th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference. Sept. 24-26, 2017, Wuxi, China.
135. Zhou X.*, Wang S., 2017. Comparative Analyses on Hot air, Vacuum and Radio Frequency Drying of In-shell Walnuts. The 9th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference. Sept. 24-26, 2017, Wuxi, China.
134. Ling B.*, Wang S., 2017. Dielectric properties of pistachio kernels as influenced by frequency, temperature, moisture and salt content. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 16-19, 2017 in Spokane, Washington, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
133. Huang Z.*, Zhang S., Wang S., 2017. Dynamic simulation for radio frequency heating of particle foods: Theoretical development and empirical validation. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 16-19, 2017 in Spokane, Washington, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p. (Second place of the best paper award from AOC)
132. Zhang S.*, Wang S., 2017. Improvement of radio frequency (RF) heating uniformity for peanuts with a new strategy using computational modeling. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 16-19, 2017 in Spokane, Washington, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
131. Wang S.*, 2017. Application of Radio Frequency Heating Technology to Pasteurization and Disinfestation for Postharvest Agricultural Products. Symposium of Research and Application of New Drying Technology of Foods. Feb. 23, 2017, Xinzhu, Taiwan.
130. Wang S.*, 2017. Industrial Application of Radio Frequency Disinfestations of Milled Rice. Yilan University. Feb. 22, 2017, Yilan, Taiwan.
129. Zhang S.*, Zhou L., Ling B., Wang S., 2016. Dielectric properties of peanut kernels associated with microwave and radio frequency drying. Annual Meeting of Agricultural Processing and Preservation Association of CSAE, Wuhan, Hubei, China, November 5-7, 2016.
128. Zheng A.*, Zhang B., Zhou L., Wang S., 2016. Application of radio frequency pasteurization to postharvest corn. Annual Meeting of Agricultural Processing and Preservation Association of CSAE, Wuhan, Hubei, China, November 5-7, 2016.
127. Zhou L.*, Wang S., 2016. Disinfestations protocols and storage properties of rice using radio frequency heating. Annual Meeting of Agricultural Processing and Preservation Association of CSAE, Wuhan, Hubei, China, November 5-7, 2016.
126. Wang L., Lin Y., Wang S., Gao Z., Liu Y.*, 2016. Comparison of Enterobacter sakazakii thermal death kinetics in powdered infant formula milk using hot water and radio frequency energy. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 18-20, 2016 in Orlando, Florida, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
125. Lin Y., Rao J., Wang S., Gao Z., Liu Y.*, 2016. Dielectric properties of powdered infant formula milk as influenced by frequency, temperature and main component. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 18-20, 2016 in Orlando, Florida, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
124. Wang L., Gao Z., Wang S., Liu Y.*, 2016. Moisture adsorption and desorption isotherms of powdered infant formula milk with different compositions. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 18-20, 2016 in Orlando, Florida, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
123. Lin Y., Wang S., Gao Z., Liu Y.*, 2016. Dielectric loss mechanism of powdered infant formula milk. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 18-20, 2016 in Orlando, Florida, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
122. Li R.*, Kou X., Cheng T., Hou L., Ling B., Wang S., 2016. Developing radio frequency treatments to control surrogate microorganism Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 in-shell almonds. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 18-20, 2016 in Orlando, Florida, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
122. Hou L.*, Huang Z., Kou X., Wang S., 2016. Computer simulation model development and validation of radio frequency heating for chestnuts. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 18-20, 2016 in Orlando, Florida, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p. (Third place of the best paper award from AOC)
122. Kou X.*, Li R., Hou L., Huang Z., Ling B., Wang S., 2016. Performance of a heating block system designed for studying the heat resistance of bacteria in foods. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 18-20, 2016 in Orlando, Florida, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
125. Ling B*., Wang S., 2016. Industrial application of radio frequency treatments for disinfesting pistachios. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – May 6-8, 2016 in Akesu, Xingjiang, China.
124. Wang S., Chen L*., 2015. A strategy to simulate radio frequency heating under mixing conditions. Annual Meeting of COMSOL Multiphysics Applications, Nov. 3-6, 2015, Beijing, China.
123. Wang S., Huang Z*., 2015. 3-Dimensional numerical modeling of radio frequency selective heating of insects in soybeans. Annual Meeting of COMSOL Multiphysics Applications, Nov. 3-6, 2015, Beijing, China.
122. Ling B*., Hou L., Li R., Wang S., 2015. Storage Stability of Pistachios as Influenced by Radio Frequency Treatments for Postharvest Disinfestations. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 26-29, 2015 in New Orleans, Louisiana, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p. (Fourth place of the best paper award from AOC)
121. Chen L., Wang S. 2015. Simulation and validation of radio frequency heating with conveyor movement. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 26-29, 2015 in New Orleans, Louisiana, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p. (Fourth place of the best paper award from AOC)
120. Wang S.*, Wang K. 2015. Evaluating the top electrode voltage distribution uniformity in radio frequency systems. In: ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 26-29, 2015 in New Orleans, Louisiana, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
119. Ling B.*, Hou L., Wang S., 2014. Effect of thermal and storage treatments on walnut paste quality associated with enzyme inactivation. 18th World Congress of CIGR, Beijing, September 15-19, 2014.
118. Hou L.*, Ling B., Wang S., 2014. Radio frequency treatments for disinfesting chestnuts. 18th World Congress of CIGR, Beijing, September 15-19, 2014.
117. Wang S.*, 2014. Applications of Radio Frequency Heating for Postharvest Pest Control in Agricultural Products. 18th World Congress of CIGR, Beijing, September 15-19, 2014.
116. Zhu H.*, Huang Z., Wang S., 2014. Experimental determination of top electrode voltages in free-running oscillator radio frequency systems. In: ASABE/CSAE Annual International Meeting - July 13 – 16, 2014–Montreal, QC Canada, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
115. Huang Z*., Zhu H., Wang S., 2014. Computer simulation and prediction of radio frequency heating in dried soybeans for thermal disinfestations. In: ASABE/CSAE Annual International Meeting - July 13 – 16, 2014–Montreal, QC Canada, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
114. Ling B.*, Wang S., 2013. Research progress in thermal kinetics of food and agricultural product. Annual Meeting of Agricultural Processing and Preservation Association of CSAE, Jinzhou, Liaoning, China, August 15-16, 2013.
113. Johnson J.A.*, Jiao S., Tang J., Mattinson D.S., Fellman J.K., Davenport T.L., Wang S., 2013. Low pressure/low temperature treatments: insect efficacy and apple quality. Proceedings of 2013 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reduction, San Diego, CA, November 4-6, 2013.
112. Jiao Y.*, Tang J., Wang S., 2013. Heating uniformity improvement with ultem polyetherimide for low moisture food subjected into radio frequency treatments. In: 2013 ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 22-24, 2013- Kansas City, MO, ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
111. Jiao Y., Tang J., Wang S.*, 2013. Potential of polyetherimide (PEI) sheets assisted heating uniformity Improvement in RF pasteurization for peanut butter. IFT Annual Meeting & IFT Food Expo, Chicago, IL, July 13-16, 2013.
110. Wang Y.*, Zhang L., Tang J., Wang S., 2013. Radio frequency assisted with hot air drying protocol and uniformity of in-shell Macadamia nuts. In: 2013 ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 22-24, 2013- Kansas City, MO, ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
109. Wang S.*, Gao M., Tang J., Marks B.P., 2012. Developing postharvest pasteurization of almonds using radio frequency energy. FoodInnova-2012, Hangzhou, China, December 12-15, 2012.
108. Villa-Rojas R.*, Tang J., Wang S., Gao M., Kang D-H., Mah J-H., Gray P., Sosa-Morales M.E., Lopez-Malo A., 2012. Thermal inactivation of Salmonella Enteritidis PT 30 in almond kernels as influenced by water activity. IFT Annual Meeting & IFT Food Expo, Las Vegas, NV, USA. June 22-25, 2012.
107. Jiao Y.*, Tang J., Wang S., 2012. Physical properties and heating uniformity in low moisture semi solid food subjected to radio frequency heating. Proceedings of 2012 IMPI 46th Annual Microwave Power Symposium – June 20-22, 2012-Las Vegas, NV, USA.
106. Jiao Y.*, Tang J., Wang S., 2012. Dielectric, physical and thermal properties of low moisture model food for dielectric heating process. IFT Annual Meeting & IFT Food Expo, Las Vegas, NV, USA. June 22-25, 2012.
105. Wang S.*, Pan L., Jiao S., 2012. Postharvest disinfestations of coffee beans using radio frequency energy. Proceedings of 2012 IMPI 46th Annual Microwave Power Symposium – June 20-22, 2012-Las Vegas, NV, USA.
104. Jiao S., Wang S.*, Johnson J.A.,Davenport T., 2012. Developing low pressure treatments for disinfesting fresh fruits. In: 2012 ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 29-August 1, 2012- Dallas, Texas, ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
103. Pan L., Jiao S., Wang S.*, Gautz L., Tu K., 2012. Developing radio frequency treatment protocol for disinfesting coffee beans. In: 2012 ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 29-August 1, 2012- Dallas, Texas, ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
102. Wang S.*, 2012. Radio Frequency Heating Technology for Pasteurization and Disinfestation of Agricultural Products. 2012 Meridian Technology forum of Shaanxi Normal University,March 29, 2012, Xian, China.
101. Wang S.*, 2011. Trends in developing radio frequency systems for postharvest pasteurization and disinfestation of agricultural products. 2011 Yangling International Agri-Science Forum, Yangling, China, Nov. 5-7, 2011.
100. Guo W., Wu X., Zhu X., Wang S.,2011. Permittivities of chestnut and chestnut weevil from 10 to 4500 MHz. 2011 Annual meeting of Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, Chongqing, China, Oct. 22-24, 2011.
99. Johnson J.A.*, Jiao S., Davenport T., Wang S., 2011. Low pressure treatments for codling moth on fresh fruits. Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reduction, San Diego, CA, Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2011.
98. Wang S.*, 2011. Applications of radio frequency treatments for disinfesting agricultural products. Technology Development Conference on Agricultural and Food Safety,Chinese Bioresource Application Association, Sept. 03, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan.
97. AlFaifi B., Wang S.*, Tang J., 2011. Dielectric properties of dried fruits relevant to radio frequency and microwave disinfestation treatments. Proceedings of 2011 IMPI 45th Annual Microwave Power Symposium – June 8-10, 2011-New Orleans, LA, USA.
96. Jiao S.*, Wang S., Johnson J.A., Tang J., 2011. Industrial-scale radio frequency treatments for insect control in lentils. Proceedings of 2011 IMPI 45th Annual Microwave Power Symposium – June 8-10, 2011-New Orleans, LA, USA.
95. Wang S.*, Gao M., Tang J., Villa-Rojas R., 2011. Postharvest pasteurization of in-shell almonds with radio frequency heating. Proceedings of 2011 IMPI 45th Annual Microwave Power Symposium – June 8-10, 2011-New Orleans, LA, USA.
94. Gao M., Wang S.*, Tang J., Villa-Rojas R., 2011. Developing radio frequency treatment protocol for controlling Salmonella in in-shell almonds. In: 2011 ASABE Annual International Meeting – August 7-10, 2011- Louisville, Kentucky, ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
93. Johnson J.A., Wang S., S. Jiao, Tang J., 2011. Effect of radio frequency treatments on cowpea weevil adults. 2011 ESA Pacific Branch Meeting, Waikoloa, Hawaii, March 27-30, 2011.
92. Johnson J.A.*, Wang S., S. Jiao, Tang J., 2010. Development of radio frequency treatments for dried pulses. Proceedings of 2009 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reduction, Orlando, FL, November 2-5, 2010.
91. AlFaifi B.*, Wang S., Tang J., 2010. Developing postharvest disinfestations treatments of dried fruits using radio frequency energy. Proceedings of 2010 IMPI 44th Annual Microwave Power Symposium – July 14-16, 2010-Denver, Colorado, USA.
90. Liu Y., Tiwari G., Wang S.*, Tang J., Mao Z., 2010. Heating pattern of white bread loaf under combined radio frequency and hot air treatment. Proceedings of 2010 IMPI 44th Annual Microwave Power Symposium – July 14-16, 2010-Denver, Colorado, USA.
89. Liu Y., Tang J., Mao Z.*, Mah J., Jiao S., Wang S., 2010. Quality and mold control of enriched white bread by combined radio frequency and hot air treatment. In: 2010 ASABE Annual International Meeting – June 20-23, 2010-Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Paper No. 1008932, ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
88. Jiao S.*, Tang J., Johnson J.A., Tiwari G., Wang S., 2010. Determining radio frequency heating uniformity in mixed beans for disinfestations. Proceedings of 2010 IMPI 44th Annual Microwave Power Symposium – July 14-16, 2010-Denver, Colorado, USA.
87. Wang S.*, Tiwari G., Jiao S., Johnson J.A., Tang J., 2010. Treatment protocol development for disinfesting legumes using radio frequency energy. Proceedings of 2010 IMPI 44th Annual Microwave Power Symposium – July 14-16, 2010-Denver, Colorado, USA.
86. Johnson J.A.*, Wang S., Tang J., 2010. Radio frequency treatments for insect disinfestation of dried legumes. Proceedings of 10th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection (IWCSPP), June 27-July 2, 2010, Estoril, Portugal, 20p.
85. Wang S.*, Tiwari G., Jiao S., Johnson J.A., Tang J., 2010. Developing postharvest disinfestation treatments for legumes using radio frequency energy. In: 2010 ASABE Annual International Meeting – June 20-23, 2010-Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Paper No. 1008320, ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
84. Johnson J.A.*, Wang S., Tang J., 2009. Radio frequency heat treatments to disinfest dried pulses of cowpea weevil. Proceedings of 2009 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reduction, San Diego, CA, November 14-16, 2009.
83. Wang S.*, Tang J., 2009. Industrial-scale non-chemical postharvest treatments for pest control in walnuts using radio frequency energy. The 6th Asia-Pacific Congress of Entomology (APCE 2009), October 18-21, 2009. Beijing, China.
82. Wang S.*, Tang J., Cavalieri R., Mitcham E., Johnson J., 2009. Radio frequency energy for postharvest control of pests in dry nuts and legumes. Resource, 16(3): 17-19.
81. Chen S.D.*, Jiao S., Wang S., Tang J., 2009. Dehydration of wheat medium by radio frequency - hot air drying. In: Proceeding of 43rd Annual Microwave Symposium-presented by International Microwave Power Institute, July 8-10, 2009, Washington DC, USA
80. Tiwari G., Wang S.*, Tang J., 2009. Computer simulation of radio frequency heating of dry products. In: Proceeding of 43rd Annual Microwave Symposium-presented by International Microwave Power Institute, July 8-10, 2009, Washington DC, USA.
79. Johnson J.A.*, Mitcham E., Tang J., Wang S., 2009. Methyl Bromide Alternatives for Postharvest Insect Disinfestation of California Walnuts. In: 6th International Walnut Symposium – February 25-27, 2009, Melbourne, Australia. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 861:383-388.
78. Wang S.*, Sosa-Morales M.E., Tiwari G., Tang J., Mitcham E., Armstrong J., 2009. Improved quarantine treatments for mangoes using water assisted radio frequency energy. In: USDA-NRI 71.1 Project Director’s Meeting, June 6-10, 2009, Anaheim, CA, USA.
77. Tiwari G.*, Wang S., Tang J., 2009. Mathematical modeling of radio frequency heating of a low loss food material. In: IFT Meeting, June 6-10, 2009, Anaheim, CA, USA. (First Place Paper Award in Food Engineering Division of IFT)
76. Wang S.*, Guo W., Tiwari G., Johnson J.A., Tang J., 2009. Temperature and moisture dependent dielectric properties of legume flours associated with dielectric heating. In: 2009 ASABE Annual International Meeting – June 21-24, 2009 – Reno, Nevada. Paper No. 095910. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
75. Wang S.*, Tiwari G., Tang J., Mitcham E., Armstrong J., 2008. Improved quarantine treatments for persimmons using water assisted radio frequency energy. In: USDA-NRI 71.1 Project Director’s Meeting, June 27-28, 2008, New Oreland, Louisiana, USA.
74. Sosa-Morales M.E.*, Tiwari G., Wang S., Tang J., Lopez-Malo A. and Garcia H.S., 2008. Radio frequency heating as a potential post-harvest treatment of mangoes. Proceeding of 42nd Annual Microwave Symposium-presented by International Microwave Power Institute, June 26-28, 2008, New Oreland, Louisiana, USA.
73. Tiwari G., Wang S.*, Tang J., 2008. Computer simulation of radio frequency heating of wheat flour. Proceeding of 42nd Annual Microwave Symposium-presented by International Microwave Power Institute, June 26-28, 2008, New Oreland, Louisiana, USA.
72. Sosa-Morales M.E.*, Tiwari G., Wang S., Tang J., Lopez-Malo A. and Garcia H.S., 2008. Influence of the storage time on the dielectric properties of mango. In: 2008 ASABE Annual International Meeting – June 29-July 2, 2008 – Providence, Rhode Island. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
71. Guo W., Tiwari G.*, Tang J., Wang S., 2008. Dielectric properties of chickpea. In: 2008 ASABE Annual International Meeting – June 29-July 2, 2008 – Providence, Rhode Island. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
70. Tiwari G.*, Wang S., Birla S.L., Tang J., 2008. Effect of water assisted radio frequency heat treatment on the quality of ‘Fuyu’ persimmons. In: 2008 ASABE Annual International Meeting – June 29-July 2, 2008 – Providence, Rhode Island. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
69. Wang S.*, Yue J., Tang J., Chen B., 2008. Treatment design of radio frequency heating based on insect control and product quality. In: 2008 ASABE Annual International Meeting – June 29-July 2, 2008 – Providence, Rhode Island. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
68. Wang S.*, Tang J., 2007. Novel quarantine treatments for Postharvest insect control in pulse crops using radio frequency energy. Annual meeting of Western Pea & Lentil Growers Association, Dec. 6, 2007, Moscow, ID.
67. Wang S.*, Tang J., Mitcham E., Armstrong J., 2007. Improved Quarantine Treatments for Tropical Fruit Using Thermal Energy. In: USDA-NRI 71.1 Project Director’s Meeting, August 7-8, 2007 – Washington D.C.
66. Wang S.*, Yue J., Chen B., Tang J., 2007. Optimal intermittent mixings of radio frequency treated crops based on insect control and product quality. In: 41st Annual Microwave Symposium-presented by International Microwave Power Institute, August 1-3, 2007 – Vancouver, Canada.
65. Wang S.,* Tang J., 2007. Heating uniformity and differential heating of insects in almonds in radio frequency systems. In: 2007 ASABE Annual International Meeting – June 17-20, 2007 – Minneapolis, Minnesota. Paper No. 076019. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
64. Clary C.D.*, Mejia-Meza E., Wang S., Petrucci V.E., 2007. Improving Grape Quality Using Microwave Vacuum Drying Associated with Temperature Control. In: 2007 ASABE Annual International Meeting – June 17-20, 2007 – Minneapolis, Minnesota. Paper No. 076016. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 9p.
63. Birla S.L.*, Wang S., Tang J., 2007. Design feasibility of continuous radio frequency heating process for fresh fruits disinfesation. In: 2007 ASABE Annual International Meeting – June 17-20, 2007 – Minneapolis, Minnesota. Paper No. 076020. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
62. Wang S.*, 2007. Postharvest treatments for pest control in walnuts using RF energy. Research Seminar of Department of Biological Systems Engineering, WSU, April 6, 2007.
61. Johnson J.A.*, Mitcham E., Monzon M., Wang S., Tang J., 2006. Non-chemical alternatives to fumigation for postharvest dried fruits and nuts. Proceeding of International Conference on the Future of Agriculture: Science, Stewardship, and Sustainability. August 7-9, 2006, Sacramento, CA.
60. Mitcham E.*, Monzon M., Johnson J.A., Wang S., Tang J., 2006. Insect control and walnut quality following large-scale industrial radio frequency treatments. Proceedings of 2006 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reduction, Orlando, FL, November 6-9, 2006.
59. Wang S.*, Tang J., 2006. Radio frequency treatments to control pests in walnuts and other materials for international trade. Symposium on invasive species, August 15-18, 2006, Urumqi, China.
58. Birla S.L.*, Wang S., Tiwari G., Tang J., 2006. Characterization of heating of spherical fruit in parallel plate radio frequency system. The International Microwave Power Institute's 40th Annual Microwave Symposium, August 9-11, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts.
57. Birla S.L.*, Wang S., Tang J., 2006. Radio frequency heating patterns in fruit as influenced by dielectric properties of constituent parts of fruit. In: 2006 ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 9-12, 2006 – Portland, Oregon.
56. Wang S.*, Monzon M., Johnson J.A., Mitcham E., Tang J., 2006. Industrial-scale radio frequency treatments for insect control in in-shell walnuts. In: 2006 ASABE Annual International Meeting – July 9-12, 2006 – Portland, Oregon. Paper No. 066046. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p.
55. Wang S.*, Tang J., 2006. Industrial-scale radio frequency treatments for insect control in in-shell walnuts. 2006 NE-1008 Regional Meeting on Postharvest Technology, July 6-7, 2006, Tri-cities, WA.
54. Birla S.L.*, Wang S., Tang J., Tiwari G., 2006. Simulation of radio frequency heating of fresh fruit. IFT Annual Meeting & IFT Food Expo, June 24 - 28, 2006, Orlando, FL
53. Tang J., Wang S.*, 2005. Models and experimental methods to study thermal death kinetics of insects - our experiences. ESA Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Dec. 15-18, 2005.
52. Armstrong J.W.*, Jang E.B., Wang S., Tang J., 2005. Fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) thermotolerance and quarantine heat treatments. ESA Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Dec. 15-18, 2005.
51. Wang S.*, Monzon M., Tang J., Johnson J.A., Mitcham E., 2005. Large-scale radio frequency treatments for insect control in walnuts. Proceedings of 2005 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reduction, San Diego, CA, October 31 - November 3, 2005.
50. Monzon M.*, Wang S, Johnson J., Tang J., Biasi B., de Castro E., Mitcham E. 2005. Commercial testing of radio frequency heating, a novel method for quarantine control of navel orangeworms in harvested walnuts. Plant Sciences Symposium on "Plant Sciences in the 21st Century", September 27, 2005, UC Davis, CA
49. Chapalamadugu K.*, Nelson M., Busboom J., Jasmer, D., Hancock D., Tang J., Wang S., 2005. Bovine Cysticercosis. Washington Cattle Feeders Association Conference. August 10-12, 2005. Stevenson,, WA.
48. Birla S.L.*, Wang S., Tang J., 2005. Radio frequency assisted hot water treatment of oranges to control Mediterranean fruit fly. IFT Annual Meeting & IFT Food Expo, New Orleans, Louisiana, July 15-20, 2005.
47. Wang S.*, S.L. Birla, J. Tang, J.D. Hansen, 2005. Treatment protocols to control codling moth in apples using radio frequency energy. In: ASAE Annual International Meeting - July 17-20, 2005– Tampa, Florida, Paper No. 056154. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 11p.
46. Wang S.*, Tang J., Fellman J., 2004. Postharvest insect control in fruits and nuts using RF energy. Annual NE-1008 Committee Meeting on Technology and Principles for Assessing and Retaining Postharvest Quality of Fruits and Vegetables, January 8-10, 2004, Raleigh, NC.
45. Monzon M.E.*, Biasi B., Wang S., Tang J., Hallman G., Mitcham E., 2004. Effects of radio frequency heating on quality of persimmon and guava fruit as an alternative quarantine treatment. Postharvest Unlimited 2004, Nov., 10-12, 2004, Sydney, Australia. Acta Horticulture, 687: 349-350.
44. Tang J.*, Wang S., Mitcham E., Johnson J.A., Hansen J.D., Hallman G., 2004. Update on development of postharvest pest control treatments for nuts, citrus and tropical fruits using RF energy. Proceedings of 2004 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reduction, Orlando, FL, October 31 - November 3, pp75-1--75-4.
43. Birla S.L.*, Wang S., Tang J., 2004. Modeling radio frequency assisted hot water heating of spherical fruit. International conference on "Emerging Technologies in Agricultural and Food Engineering", IIT Kharagpur, India, Dec. 14-17, 2004.
42. Monzon M.E.*, Biasi B., Wang S., Tang J., Hallman G., Mitcham E.J., 2004. Radio frequency heating of persimmon and guava fruit as an alternative quarantine treatment. 2004 ASHS annual conference, July 17-20, 2004, San Antonio, Austin TX, USA.
41. Yue J.*, Chen B., Wang S., Tang J., Cui Y., 2004. Optimal number of stirrings in radio frequency treatments for in-shell walnuts to assure insect mortality standard. 35th Annual Meeting of the Decision Science Institute, November 20-23, 2004, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
40. Wang S.*, Tang J., Sun T., Birla S.L., 2004. Practical considerations on industrial implementation of radio frequency treatments on inshell walnuts. In: 1st International Conference of CIGR, Section VI: Bioproducts processing and Food Safety, October 11-14, 2004, Beijing, China.
39. Mitcham E.J.*, Tang J., Hansen J.D., Monzon M.E., Biasi W.V., Wang S., Feng X., 2004. Radio frequency heating of walnuts and sweet cherries to control insects after harvest In: V International Postharvest Symposium. June 06-11, 2004, Padova, Italy. Acta Horticulture, 682: 2133-2139.
38. Wang S.*, Tang J., 2004. Temperature dependent dielectric properties of tropical fruits and insects. In: ASAE/CSAE Annual International Meeting - August 01-04, 2004 – Ottawa, ON, Canada Paper No. 046202. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 11p.
37. Komarov V.*, Tang J., Wang S., 2004. Finite element modeling of electromagnetic field in an experimental RF heating system. Sixth Seminar "Computer Modeling & Microwave Power Engineering", January 12, 2004, Austin, TX, USA.
36. Tang J.*, Wang S., 2003. Dielectric properties related to radio frequency and microwave heating. Conference on Food Engineering, 2003 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 16-21, San Francisco Hilton & Towers, San Francisco, CA, USA
35. Monzon M.E.*, Biasi B., Wang S., Tang J., Gazit Y., Mitcham E.J., 2003. Effects of radio frequency heating on fruit quality of cherimoya, white sapote and avocado as an alternative quarantine treatment. ASHS 100th annual International conference, Rhode Island, Oct. 3-6, 2003.
34. Hansen J.D.*, Mitcham E.J., Tang J., Wang S., 2003. Using radio frequency treatments to disinfest arthropod pests from stored products. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, Denver, Colorado, USA, November 2-6, 2003.
33. Wang S.*, Tang J., 2003. An experimental method for evaluating heating uniformity in RF systems. In: 2003 ASAE Annual International Meeting - Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Paper No. 036202. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 11p.
32. Wang S.*, 2002. Radio frequency treatments for insect control in fruits and nuts -- principles and applications. Workshop on Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Development Strategy, Hangzhou, China, Dec. 3-5, 2002.
31. Hansen J.D.*, Tang J., Wang S., 2002. Lethal effects of heat duration on codling moth larvae. Annual meeting of the Washington State Horticultural Association, December 2-4, 2002, at the Yakima Convention Center, WA.
30. Wang S.*, Tang J., 2002. Radio frequency treatments to control insect pests in fruits and nuts. Proceedings of 7th IAEC, Wuxi, China, November 28-30, 2002. 8p.
29. Hansen J.D.*, Mitcham E.J., Drake S.R., Tang J., Wang S., Bower J., Biasi B., 2002. Heat as a quarantine treatment against codling moth in cherry. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, 2002.
28. Tang J.*, Wang S., Hansen J.D., Johnson J.A., Mitcham E., Drake S.R., Hallman G., 2002. Postharvest control of insect pests in nuts and fruits based on radio frequency energy. Postharvest Unlimited, Leuven, Belgium, June 14-17, 2002. Acta Horticulture, 599: 175-180.
27. Wang S.*, Tang J., Hansen J.D., Johnson J.A., 2002. Differential heating of insects in walnuts using radio frequency and microwave treatments. In: 2002 ASAE/CIGR Annual International Meeting - July 28-31, 2002 – CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Paper No. 026002. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 10p
26. Wang S.*, Tang J., Johnson J.A., Mitcham E.A., Bower J., 2002. Process protocols based on radio frequency energy to control insect pests in in-shell walnuts. IFT Annual Meeting & IFT Food Expo, Anaheim, CA - June 15-19, 2002.
25. Mitcham E.*, Tipping C., Simpson T., Tang J., Hansen J.D., Wang S., Bower J., Biasi B., Johnson J.A., 2001. Control of arthropod pests after harvest using CA, GRAS fumigants or radio frequency heating. Proceeding of international Symposium on Recent Drying and Storage Technology of Foods and Agricultural Products. Soel, South Korea, November 3, 2001.
24. Johnson J.A.*, Wang S., Tang J., 2001. Thermal tolerance of navel orangeworm and Indianmeal moth. Proceedings of 2001 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reduction held in San Diego, CA, November 5-8, pp60-1--60-4.
23. Wang S.*, Tang J., Hansen J.D., Johnson J.A., Mitcham E.A., Drake S., Hallman G., 2001. RF treatments as alternatives to chemical fumigation for insect control in nuts. Proceedings of 2001 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reduction, San Diego, CA, November 5-8, pp80-1—80-3.
22. Wang S.*, Tang J., Ikediala J.N., 2001. Combined radio frequency and hot air treatments on insect control and drying in in-shell walnuts. In: ASAE Annual International Meeting. Sacramento, CA, July 30-August 1. Paper No. 016170. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 16p.
21. Ikediala J.N., Wang S.*, Tang J., 2001. Heat treatment of large fruits – comparison of temperature distribution using conventional and RF with matched saline water Immersion methods. In: ASAE Annual International Meeting. Sacramento, CA, July 30-August 1. Paper No. 016169. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI, USA. 12p.
20. Hansen J.D.*, Tang J., Ikediala J.N., Wang S., 2000. Radio frequency: A practical approach to postharvest pest treatments for agricultural commodities. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Montréal, Québec, December 4, 2000.
19. Hansen J.D.*, Tang J., Ikediala J.N., Wang S., 2000. Development of radio frequency treatments for postharvest disinfestation of agricultural commodities. Annual Meeting of the Washington State Horticultural Association, Kennewick, WA, December 4, 2000.
18. Hansen J.*, Tang J., Ikediala J.N., Wang S., 2000. Development of radio frequency treatments for postharvest disinfestation of agricultural commodities. 24th Annual Meeting of NAPPO (North American Plant Protection Organization) held in San Diego, CA, Oct. 16-20, 2000.
17. Ikediala J.N.*, Wang S., Tang J., Hansen J., Mitcham E., Mao R., Swanson B., 2000. Effects of radio frequency treatments on codling moth control and storage stability of in-shell walnuts. ASAE Annual International Meeting Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 8-12, paper No. 006102.
16. Tang J.*, Ikediala J.N., Wang S., Hansen J., Cavalieri R., 2000. Novel thermal quarantine methods. BARD workshop on post-harvest heat treatment held in Maagan, Israel, March 21-23, 2000.
15. Boulard T.*, Wang S., 2000, Radiative and convective heterogeneity in a plastic tunnel: consequences on crop transpiration. Proceedings of Plasticulture 2000 15th International Congress for Plastics in Agriculture and the 29th National Agricultural Plastics Conference, September 23-27, 2000, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA, 460-473.
14. Wang S.*, Boulard T., Haxaire R., 1999. Experimental and numerical studies of airflow, temperature and humidity distributions in a greenhouse tunnel. Proceedings of International Conference on Agricultural Engineering held on December 14-17, 1999 in Beijing, China Agricultural University Press, III: 34-38.
13. Boulard T.*, Wang S., 1999. Greenhouse crop transpiration simulation from outdoor conditions. Proceedings of ISHS conference "Greenhouse techniques towards the third Millennium" held in Sept. 5-8, 1999 in Haifa, Israel. Acta Horticulture, 534: 235-244.
12. Wang S., Boulard T.*, 1999. Measurement and modeling of radiative heterogeneity in a greenhouse tunnel. Proceedings of ISHS conference "Greenhouse techniques towards the third Millennium" held in Sept. 5-8, 1999 in Haifa, Israel. Acta Horticulture, 534: 139-145.
11. Wang S., Boulard T.*, Haxaire R., 1999. Measurement and analysis of air speed distribution in a naturally-ventilated greenhouse. Proceedings of ISHS conference "Greenhouse techniques towards the third Millennium" held in Sept. 5-8, 1999 in Haifa, Israel. Acta Horticulture, 534: 277-283.
10. Boulard T.*, Wang S., Haxaire R., Kittas C., Papadakis G., Mermier M., 1999. Air flows, temperature and humidity patterns in a greenhouse tunnel. Acta Horticulture, 507: 51-59.
9. Deltour J.*, Wang S., 1998, Experimental characterizing the airflow pattern in a large naturally ventilated greenhouse. Proceedings of the conference on Agricultural Engineering in Oslo, Norway, August 24-27, 7pp.
8. Zhu S., Deltour J.*, Wang S., 1998. A dynamic model of heat and mass transfer in a greenhouse pond system: comparison of cladding materials. Proceedings of the conference on Agricultural Engineering in Oslo, Norway, August 24-27, 7pp.
7. Wang S., Deltour J.*, 1997. An experimental model for leaf temperature of greenhouse-grown tomato. Acta Horticulture, 491: 101-106.
6. Wang S., Pieters J., Deltour J.*, 1997. Studies on radiometric, thermal and climatic properties of a new greenhouse covering material. Acta Horticulture, 491: 49-54.
5. Deltour J.*, Wang S., 1997. Ventilation-induced interior air movement in large scale Venlo-type greenhouses. Acta Horticulture, 491: 119-124.
4. Wang S.*, Yernaux M., Deltour J., 1997. A multi-point ultrasonic anemometer system for measurement of airflow distribution. Proceedings of the third international conference on fluid dynamic measurement and its applications, International Academic Publishers, 355-359.
3. Zhu S.*, Tang S., Deltour J., Wang S., Sheng Z., 1996. Experimental study and dynamic simulation of aquaculture pond: two case studies. Proceedings of the IFS/EU workshop on aquaculture research and sustainable development in inland and coastal regions, Can Tho, Viet Nam, 18-22 March, 8pp.
2. Wang S.*, Deltour J., 1996. Comparative analysis of the ventilation functions of greenhouses. Proceedings of BAG workshop on building environmental parameters, Liege (Belgium), March, 1996, 11pp.
1. Wang S.*, 1992. Application of microcomputer symbolic manipulation to a greenhouse environmental dynamic model. Proceedings of the second symposium of young researcher of Zhejiang Agricultural Engineering Society, 4-8 (in Chinese).
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