共找到4條詞條名為曹薇的結果 展開






1990.09-1994.07 北京農業工程大學食品工程系食品機械專業,獲工學學士學位;
1995.09-1998.03 中國農業大學食品學院農產品加工工程專業,獲工學碩士學位;
2000.01-2001.03 日本岩手大學農學部農學研究科,研究生;
2001.04-2004.03 日本岩手大學聯合農學研究科生物資源科學專業,獲農學博士學位;
2008.08-2008.11 德國農業工程研究院合作研究,訪問學者。


1994.08-1995.09 北京市豆製品二廠,助理工程師;
1998.04-2000.01 中國農業大學研究生院,副主任科員;
2004.12-至今 中國農業大學水利與土木工程學院,副教授。









⒈Xiaodong Cui,Yuchao Shang,Zhengxiang Shi,Hongwei Xin & Wei Cao (2009). Physicochemical properties and bactericidal efficiency of neutral and acidic electrolyzed water under different storage conditions. Journal of Food Engineering,91,126-132 (通訊作者).
⒉Renjie Dong,Zhanhui Lu,Zhuqing Liu,Yoshio Nishiyama & Wei Cao (2009). Moisture distribution in a rice kernel during tempering drying. Journal of Food Engineering,91,126-132 (通訊作者).
⒊Wei Cao,Zhiwei Zhu,Zhengxiang Shi,Chaoyuan Wang & Baoming Li (2009). Efficiency of slightly acidic electrolyzed water for inactivation of Salmonella enteritidis and its contaminated shell eggs. International Journal of Food Microbiology,in press..
⒋Chaoyuan Wang,Wei Cao,Baoming Li,Zhengxiang Shi,Ailian Geng (2008). A fuzzy mathematical method to evaluate the suitability of an evaporative pad cooling system for poultry houses in China. Biosystems Engineering,101⑶,370-375.
⒌Yoshio Nishiyama,Wei Cao & Baoming Li (2006). Grain intermittent drying characteristics analyzed by a simplified model. Journal of Food Engineering,76,272-279 (通訊作者).
⒍Wei Cao,Yoshio Nishiyama,Shoji Koide & Zhanhui Lu (2004). Drying enhancement of rough rice by an electric field. Biosystems Engineering,87⑷,445-451.
⒎Wei Cao,Yoshio Nishiyama & Shoji Koide (2004). Electrohydrodynamic drying characteristics of wheat using high voltage electrostatic field. Journal of Food Engineering,62,209-213.
⒏Wei Cao,Yoshio Nishiyama & Shoji Koide (2004). Simulation of intermittent drying of Maitake mushroom by a simplified model. Biosystems Engineering,87⑶,325-331.
⒐Wei Cao,Yoshio Nishiyama & Shoji Koide (2004). Physicochemical,mechanical and thermal properties of brown rice grain with various moisture contents. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 39,899-906.
⒑Wei Cao,Yoshio Nishiyama & Shoji Koide (2003). Thin-layer drying of Maitake mushroom analysed with a simplified model. Biosystems Engineering,85⑶,331-337.
⒒Lu ZhanHui,Li TeLi,Wei Cao & Tatsumi Eizo (2003). Influence of natural fermentation on physicochemical characteristics of rice noodles. International Journal of Food Science and Technology,38,505-510.
⒓Griffiths Atungulu,Shoji Koide,Shigefumi Sasaki & Wei Cao (2007). Ion-exchange membrane mediated electrodialysis of scallop broth: Ion,free amino acid and heavy metal profiles. Journal of Food Engineering,78⑷,1285-1290.
⒔Z.-H. Lu,H.-H. Peng,Wei Cao,E. Tatsumi & L.-T. Li (2008). Isolation,characterization and identification of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts from sour Mifen,a Chinese traditional fermented rice noodles. Journal of Applied Microbiology,105⑶,893-903.
⒕曹薇,施正香,朱志偉張玥,李保明(2006). 電解功能水在養殖業的應用展望. 農業工程學報,22 (增刊2),150-154.
⒖曹薇,朱志偉,張玥,施正香,李保明(2008). 酸性電解水雞白痢沙門氏菌殺滅效果的研究. 食品科技,2,78-80.
⒗朱志偉,李保明,張玥,施正香,曹薇(2008). 不同處理對酸性電解水物理化學特性的影響. 食品科技,33⑸,119-122.


⒈Wei Cao,Zhiwei Zhu,Yue Zhang,Zhengxiang Shi & Baoming Li (2008). Bactericidal efficiency of electrolyzed oxidizing water for Salmonella Pullorum and contaminated eggs. The Eighth International Livestock Environment Symposium (ILES Ⅷ),September 1-5,2008,Iguassu Falls,Brazil.
⒉Wei Cao,Yoshio Nishiyama & Shoji Koide (2002). Estimation and analysis of grain and mushroom intermittent drying by the sphere and the plate drying models. Presented at the 13th International Drying Symposium 2002 (IDS’2002),Beijing,China,Vol. B. 1316-1324.
⒊Wei Cao,Yoshio Nishiyama & Shoji Koide (2002). Influences of tempering temperature on refreshing effect and fissuring in grain intermittent drying. Presented at the 61th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery in Iwate University,Morioka,Japan,609-610.
⒋Wei Cao,Yoshio Nishiyama (2001). Analysis of the Maitake drying characteristics by the plate drying model. Presented at the Annual Meeting of Tohoku Branch of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery in Koriyama,Japan,33-34.
⒌Wei Cao,Yoshio Nishiyama (2001). Estimation and analysis of grain intermittent drying by the sphere drying model. Presented at the 2001 Annual Meeting of the Society of Agricultural Structures,Nihon University,Japan,58-59.


⒊教育部高校博士點基金項目“微酸性離子水殺菌機理及其在畜禽養殖中的應用基礎研究(2 0 0 8. 0 0 1 9 0 0 3 1)”,第二參加人,6萬元,2009-2011;
⒏門頭溝區科委項目“門頭溝農村能源綜合建設”,主要參加,5萬元,2006-2007 。