

肖鋒,畢業於雲南大學地球物理系,曾任日本FRCGC研究機構、理化學研究所、中國氣象科學研究院、美國加州大學洛杉磯分校、約翰霍普金斯大學等機構的兼職研究員或訪問學者。曾擔任日本機械學會計算力學部門総務委員會及事業企畫委員會委員、日本計算力學會事務局幹事、日本科學技術館特邀解說員。Computer & Structures 特約編委、手島研究獎評議員。現為中國科學院力學研究所研究員。








中國氣象局特聘專家。擔任J. Comput.Phys.,Int. J. Multiphase Flow, Computer and Fluid, Fluid Dynamics Research,Mon. Wea. Rev., Q.J.Roy.Meteor.Soc., J. Meteor. Soc.Japan等10餘國際學術期刊的審稿人。


2.Special post-doctoral fellowship, 日本理化學研究所(RIKEN)
3.Overseas Advanced Educational Research Practice Support Program,日本文部科學省


(1)X.L.Li, D.H.Chen, X.D. Peng, K. Takahashi and F. Xiao: A multi-moment finite volume shallow water model on Yin-Yang overset spherical grid, Mon. Wea. Rev. (in press).
(2)R.Akoh, S. Ii and F. Xiao: A CIP/multi-moment finite volume method for shallow water equations with source terms, Int. J. Numer. Method in Fluid, (in press).
(3)S.Ii and F.Xiao: CIP/multi-moment finite volume method for Euler equations, a semi-Lagrangian characteristic formulation. J. Comput. Phys., 222, 849-871 (2007).
(4)F.Xiao, X.Peng and X.Shen: A finite volume grid using multi-moments for geostrophic adjustment. Monthly Weather Review, 134, 2515–2526 (2006).
(5)X.Li, D.Chen, X.Peng, F.Xiao and X.Chen: Implementation of the semi-Lagrangian advection scheme on a quasi-uniform overset grid on a sphere. Advances in Atmospheric sciences, 23, 792-801 (2006).
(6)X.Peng, F.Xiao and K.Takahashi: Global conservation constraint for a quasi-uniform overset grid on sphere. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 132, 979-996 (2006).
(7)F.Xiao, R.Akoh and S.Ii: Unified formulation for compressible and incompressible flows by using multi integrated moments II: multi-dimensional version for compressible and incompressible flows. J. Comput. Phys., 213, 31-56 (2006).
(8)S.Ii, M.Shimuta and F.Xiao: A 4th-order and single-cell-based advection scheme on unstructured grids using multi-moments. Comput. Phys. Commun., 173, 17-33 (2005).
(9)F.Xiao, Y.Honma and T.Kono: A simple algebraic interface capturing scheme using hyperbolic tangent function, Int. J. Numer. Method in Fluids, 48, 1023-1040(2005).
(10)F.Xiao, A.Ikebata and T.Hasegawa: Numerical simulations of free-interface fluids by a multi integrated moment method. Computers & Structures, 83, 409-423 (2005).
(11)K.Yokoi, F.Xiao, H.Liu and K.Fukasaku: Three dimensional numerical simulation of flows with complex geometries in a regular Cartesian grid and its application to blood flow in cerebral artery with multiple aneurysms. J. Comput. Phys., 202, 1-19 (2005).
(12)X.Peng, F.Xiao, W. Ohfuchi and H. Fuchigami: Conservative semi-Lagrangian transport on a sphere and the impact on vapor advection in an atmospheric general circulation model. Monthly Weather Review, 133, 504-520 (2005).
(13)T.Yabe, K.Takizawa, F.Xiao, T.Aoki, T.Himeno, T.Takahashi and A.Kunimatsu: A new paradigm of computer graphics by universal solver for solid, liquid and gas. JSME Int. J. B, 47, 656-663(2004).
(14)F.Xiao: A simple CIP finite volume method for incompressible flows. JSME Int. J. B, 47, 664-671(2004).
(15)X.Peng, F.Xiao, K.Takanashi and T.Yabe: Conservative CIP transport in meteorological models. JSME Int. J. B, 47, 725-734(2004).
(16)F.Xiao and X.Peng: A convexity preserving scheme for conservative advection transport. J. Comput. Phys., 198,389-402(2004).
(17)F.Xiao: Unified formulation for compressible and incompressible flows by using multi integrated moments I: One-dimensional inviscid compressible flow. J. Comput. Phys., 195, 629-654 (2004).
(18)F.Xiao and A.Ikebata: An efficient method for capturing free boundary in multi-fluid simulations, Int. J. Numer. Method in Fluids, 42, 187-210(2003).
(19)F.Xiao, T.Okazaki and M.Satoh: An accurate semi-Lagrangian scheme for rain drop sedimentation. Monthly Weather Review, 131, 810-819(2003).
(20)X.Peng, F.Xiao, T.Yabe and K.Tani: Implementation of the CIP as the advection solver in mesoscale meteorological Model MM5. Monthly Weather Review, 131, 1256-1271(2003).
(21)F.Xiao, T.Yabe, X.Peng and H.Kobayashi: Conservative and oscillation-less atmospheric transport schemes based on rational functions. J. Geophys. Res. 107 (D22), 4609, doi: 10.1029/2001JD001532 (2002).
(22)K.Yokoi and F.Xiao: Mechanism of structure formation in circular hydraulic jumps: numerical studies of strongly deformed free-surface shallow flows. Physica D, 161, 202-219(2002).
(23)F.Xiao and T.Yabe: Completely conservative and oscillationless semi-Lagrangian schemes for advection transportation. J. Comput. Phys., 170, 498-522(2001).
(24)F.Xiao: Implementation of multi-fluid hydrodynamic simulations on distributed memory computer with a fully parallelizable preconditioned Bi-CGSTAB method. Comput. Phys. Commun., 137, 274-285(2001).
(25)T.Yabe, F.Xiao and T.Utsumi: The constrained interpolation profile method for multiphase analysis. J. Comput. Phys., 169, 556-593(2001).
(26)T.Yabe, R.Tanaka, T.Nakamura and F.Xiao: An exactly conservative semi-Lagrangian scheme (CIP-CSL) in one dimension. Monthly Weather Review, 129, 332-344(2001).
(27)F.Xiao: A Class of Single-cell High-order Semi-Lagrangian Advection Schemes. Monthly Weather Review, 128, 1165-1176(2000).
(28)K.Yokoi and F.Xiao: Relationships between a roller and a dynamic pressure distribution in circular hydraulic jumps. Phys. Rev. E, 61, R1016-R1019(2000).
(29)K. Yokoi and F. Xiao: Numerical studies of hydraulic jump phenomena with largely deformed interfaces. Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 138, 708 -712(2000).
(30)F.Xiao and T.Ebisuzaki: A Computational Model for Incompressible Flow Includiing Surface Tension. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 15, 887-895(1999).
(31)F.Xiao: A Computational Model for Suspended Large Rigid Body in 3D Unsteady Viscous Flow. J. Comput. Phys., 155, 348-379(1999).
(32)F.Xiao and T.Ebisuzaki: Multi-phase Hydrodynamic Simulations on Parallel Computer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1615, 157-168(1999).
(33)K.Yokoi and F.Xiao: A Numerical Study of The Transition in The Circular Hydraulic Jump, Physics Letters A, 257, 153-157(1999).
(34)Xiao,T.Yabe and T.Ebisuzaki: An oscillation suppressing semi-Lagrangian solver for the advection equation, Comput.Phys.Commn., 116, 121-135(1999).
(35)F.Xiao and T.Ebisuzaki: An Efficient Numerical Model for Multi-Phase Fluid Dynamics" International Journal on Advances in Engineering Software, 29, 345-352(1998).
(36)F.Xiao,T.Yabe, T.Ito and M.Tajima: An Algorithm for Simulating Solid Objects Suspended in Stratified Flow. Comput.Phys.Commn., 102,147-160(1997).
(37)F.Xiao, T.Yabe, G.Nizam and T.Ito: Constructing Multi-dimensional Oscillation Preventing Scheme for Advection Equation by Rational Function. Computer Physics Communications, 94, 103-118(1996).
(38)F.Xiao, T.Yabe and T.Ito: Constructing Oscillation Preventing Scheme for Advection Equation by Rational Function. Computer Physics Communications, 93, 1-12(1996).
(39)T.Yabe, T.Aoki, M.Tajima, F.Xiao, S.Sasaki, Y.Abe and J.Watanabe: Possible Explanation of the Secondary Flash and Strong Flare on IR Lightcurves upon Impact of Shoemaker-Levy 9. Geophysical Research Letters, 22, 2429-2432(1995).
(40)T. Yabe, F. Xiao and H. Mochizuki: Simulation Technique for Dynamic Evaporation Processes. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 155, 45-53(1995).
(41)T.Yabe and F.Xiao: Description of Complex and Sharp Interfaces with Fixed Grid in Incompressible and Compressible Fluid. Computer & Mathematics with Application, 29,15-25 (1994).
(42)T.Yabe, F.Xiao, D.L. Zhang, S. Sasaki, Y. Abe, N. Kobayashi and T. Terazawa: Effect of EOS on Break-Up of Shoemaker-Levy 9 Entering Jovian Atmosphere. Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 46, 657-662(1994).
(43)F.Xiao and T.Yabe: A Method to Trace Sharp Interface of Two Fluids in Calculations Involving Shocks. Shock Waves, 4, 101-108(1994).
(44)T.Yabe and F.Xiao: Description of Complex and Sharp Interface during Shock Wave Interaction with Liquid Drop. Journal of Physical Society of Japan, 62, 2537-2540(1993).


1. 1997-1999, Special post-doctorate research fellowship in RIKEN (PI)
2. 2001-2002, Monbusho Grants-in Aid for scientific research (No. 13750137)(PI)
3. 2004-2006, JSPS Grants-in Aid for scientific research (No. 16605002)(PI)
4. 2004-2006, JSPS Grants-in Aid for scientific research (No. 16360045)
5. 2006, Monbusho Grants-in Aid for international scientific exchange program (PI)
6. 2005-2010, CREST program from Japan Science and Technology Agency (with Earth Simulator Research Center)
7. 2000-present, Funds from Japanese industries (PI)
8. 2007- 中國科學院創新工程重要方向項目 (KJCX2-YW-L04) (PI)