

藍志貴(1932.10.16-2016.6.10) ,又名蘭志貴。筆名藍羽,巴青。新中國攝影史中重要人物,二十世紀50年代至70年代西藏攝影的代表人物,創造了這一時期西藏經典影像的攝影大師。



●1970年, 1970年12月25日,藍志貴被西藏軍區派到四川成都岷江機床電機廠作為軍代表支左,將心愛的萊卡相機和祿萊福萊克斯相機交西藏軍區宣傳部。
●1981年,在西南民族學院建院三十周年之際,舉辦了藍志貴西藏民俗攝影展。國家民委民族研究所收藏了數十幅圖片,並在國家民委主辦的相關雜誌發表。國家民委專家稱藍志貴是西藏斷層文化的參與者和記錄者。多幅作品入選外文出版社出版的《變革中的西藏》。1981年英文版《TIBET NO LONGER MEDIAEVAL》。
●2008年3月,在博物館和作品代理人近一年的勸說下,藍志貴同意與助手一起親自製作部分紙基相紙照片。2008年《中國攝影家》第四期用37個版面介紹攝影家藍志貴。2008年戰地攝影作品《戰火中追殲入侵者》、《戰區山高缺氧 戰士艱難行軍》入選中國攝影出版社出版的《攝影中國――中國攝影50年》大型圖書。
●2009年3月號第二期《西藏人文地理》用20個版面刊登了黃建鵬專欄發表的文章《藍志貴 20世紀50年代至70年代西藏攝影的代表人物》。
A Profile of Lan Zhigui
● In 1932, Mr. Lan Zhigui was born in a small village near Baisi Post of Ba County, Chongqing. He finished his education in an old-style private school for three years. His parents are farmers.
● In 1944, he was interested in photograph when he watched the allied officers took photos for the folklores of Baisi Post Airport.
● In 1945, he was introduced and became an apprentice in the Royal Photo Shop, one of the best three photo galleries in Chongqing.
● In 1946, he became a skilled worker in the shop because of his smart and diligence. As a little assistant of the Royal Photo Shop, he participated in group photograph, especially for the Conference of the central government of the Republic of China. He even accompanied his tutor to shoot images for Chiang Kai-shek and the other KMT officials.
● In 1947, his works, a chromotype showed in the shop’s window as its ad.
● In 1948, he finished his apprentice semester and could independently work on photographing, developing film and other various techniques.
● In 1949, in order to improve the competitiveness of the Shop, the boss sent Lan Zhigui to a senior training class in art (evening school) for half a year, then he benefited from the knowledge including Chinese and western art with regard to sketching, color, and picture design. In addition, he often used his spare time to read books about western art and photograph at the bookstore in front of the Royal Photo Shop. Although he could not understand English, he enjoyed those wonderful pictures. All these laid down a favorable foundation for his late personal development in photograph. In the end of this year, Chongqing was liberated. Mr. Zhang Guohua, the commander of No.18 Corps of the Southwest Army Force of the PLA, paid a visit to the Royal Photo Shop to have a picture taken. On hearing he was the commander, Lan Zhigui asked to join in the army. In November, he was recruited in the Photo Unit of Propaganda Department of No. 18 Corps of the PLA by Lin Anbo. In December, he and his leader purchased a lot of photographic equipments, such as cameras, films, developing and fixing materials for the photo unit.
● Early in 1950, after more than twenty days journey by car, Lan Zhigui got to the headquarters of No.18 Corps of the PLA in Leshan of Sichuan. In March, he photographed No. 18 Corps of the PLA Rally for March into Tibet, PLA Soldiers Studying Tibetan, PLA Soldiers Putting up Tents and other photos. Because No. 18 Corps of the PLA was going to publish newspaper, Lan Zhigui was sent back to Chongqing to study photoengraving and printing technique. He escorted the native gifts from the upper class of Xikang Province for Chairman Mao Zedong to the Southwest Military Region in Chongqing by the way. At the end of this year, he finished the training course and returned to headquarter of No. 18 Corps of the PLA in Leshan.
● In 1951, as a photographer, he followed General Zhang Guohua and Tan Guangsan’s army, marched to Tibet and shot a lot of pictures on this trip. After No. 18 Corps of the PLA moved headquarter to Ganzi area of Xikang, he shot folklore of Ganzi and Chamdu and recorded the PLA marching into Tibet in his camera.
● In 1952, he photo a series of pictures about PLA marching into Tibet. He and Lin Li, a painter, carried renaissance albums and collections of world famous art, and read them on the way. Lan Zhigui benefited a lot from the great scenes and compositions of oil paintings.
● In spring and summer of 1953, Lan Zhigui followed the Cavalry Regiment of Tibet Military Region and recorded the blocking action in Aba Grassland and the appeasing of Heshui rebellion in Aba of Xikang. In fall and winter of 1953, he visited North Korea as a member of the Sightseeing Group of Tibet Military Region and shot the Zero Position of Huang Jiguang, the Shangganlin Battle, the Trench Warfare and so on. After he returned Tibet from North Korea, he received a newly Leica 135 and a Rolleiflex 120.
● In 1954, he shot the building of Kham-Tibet Road. When the highway was built to Pome County, there were PLA soldiers sacrificed for it everyday. Lan Zhigui was touched deeply and often shot them in the water, then got serious arthritis. His Fighting with Flood published in the Oct. 1954 of People’s Warrior magazine, which published by the Political Department of the Southwest Military Region. Fighting with Flood is Lan Zhigui’s first work to be delivered in public.
● In early 1955, he shot Panorama of Lhasa (splicing), which recorded Lhasa at that time, and then there were few houses in the Lhasa Plain. Trucks for the First Time Come to Lhasa published on the cover of the March issue, 1955 of PLA Pictorial. It was also selected into the first Collections of National Photograph. From then, he began to shoot Tibet using color films and finished the first series of photo in the contemporary photograph history of new China. His first representative works were Tibetan Noblewomen and Their Costumes, and The Sagadawa Festival, Officials of Tibet Local Government Playing in Dragon King Lake and so on.
● In 1956, it was a bumper year for Mr. Lan Zhigui. Many of his works taken in this year had been published and won awards later. Further more, from this year, he could interview with Tibetan by himself.
● In 1957, Lan Zhigui Photographic Exhibition of Minorities in Zayul was taken in Publicity Department of Politic Department of Tibet Military Region. His Seeds was published in the first issue of PLA Pictorial in 1957 with two full-page. Zayul, South Regions of the Yangtze River in the Tibet Plateau published in the March issue of PLA Pictorial in 1957 with two full-page. Trucks in the First Time Come to Lhasa was selected in the national photograph exhibition held by People’s Daily, Xinhua News Agency, China Pictorial, PLA Pictorial and the Chinese Artists' Association, and it was also selected in Selected Collections of China Photographic Art in this year. In the Forest published in the fourth issue of Chinese Photography in 1957.
● In 1958, Mr. Lan joined the China Society of Photography and became an earliest member of the Society. He took The Happy Festival of Lhasa in the Tibetan Grand Summons Ceremony of Tibetan New Year, which is the first international gold award in modern China’s photographic history. In this year, Tibet was also engaged in “Great Leap Forward”. Mr. Lan shot a ten minutes documentary film with a video camera captured from KMT and developed it by himself. The Happy Festival of Lhasa was selected into the Second National Photograph Exhibition and chosen in Selected Collections of China Photographic Art in 1958. His Our Instructor was published in the March issue of PLA Pictorial in 1958.
● In 1959, as a military photographic correspondent, Mr. Lan took a series of rare historic photo about PLA appeasing the Tibet Rebellion, including Rioters Surrounded the Tibet Work Committee. After the rebellion was appeased, Mr. Lan shot more than one thousand photos about the democratic reform in Tibet and recorded the whole process in which Tibet transited from the feudal serf system to the socialist one. The Happy Festival of Lhasa was published in the second issue of Chinese Photography in 1959 and selected in the China, a picture album which was examined and revised by Premier Zhou Enlai personally to celebrate the founding of PRC. Dawn of Lhasa published in the fifth issue of Popular Photography in 1959.On Oct. 3, 1959, his image The Happy Festival of Lhasa won the “socialism victory gold award” in Democratic Germany, which is the first international gold award in modern China photographic history. On Nov. 12th, 1959, this photo was also crowned with the gold award in the third international photographic art exhibition in Budapest, Hungary. This was the first time a photographer of China won the international award in those days. Sunny after Rain published in the fourth issue of Chinese Photography in 1959. Rebirth of Langar, which he and Mengzi cooperated to shoot, was published in the July issue of PLA Pictorial in 1959 with two full-page. Morning of Lhoka, also he and Mengzi cooperated to shoot, published in the Oct. and Nov. combined issue of PLA Pictorial in 1959 with three full-page.
● In 1960, Mr. Lan married with a Tibetan woman cadres named Lhazom Drolma (also named He Guixian, a Tibetan from Dechen of Yunnan). Millennium’s Debt Was Abolished published in the fourth issue of Chinese Photography in 1960.
● In 1961, Mr. Lan’s image A Woman Shepherd was selected into the Fifth National Photograph Exhibition and in Selected Collections of China Photographic Art; Tsepa Village’s Story published in the combined issue of May and June of PLA Pictorial in 1961 with two full-page; The World Changed published in the June issue of PLA Pictorial in 1961 with two full-page and won the first prize of photographic topics in the whole army. At the River of Dorje Lake published in the fifth issue of Chinese Photography in 1961.
●In 1962, A Woman Shepherd published in the second issue of Chinese Photography; Picnic in the fourth issue; and On the Newly Distributed Land was selected in Selected Collections of PLA Photographic Art Exhibition. In this year, Mr. Lan entirely recorded a number of important battles of India-China border war as a military photographic correspondent, such as the Xishan Mountain mouth campaign, M4 Helicopter being burned and so on. There were three times that He almost sacrificed himself.
● In 1963, hundreds of his images about the India-China border war were preserved as the military history of PLA and dozens of these pieces were exhibited in the Military Museum in Beijing. Meanwhile, he was invited to Beijing to join the Military Photography Conference. He introduced his field interview stories in the border war, met by the head of the Central Military Commission and granted a third class award by the General Political Department during the conference.
● From Sep. 1 to 8, 1965, he photographed the founding meeting of the Tibet Autonomous Region and a series of rare historic images. On Sep. 19, he risked his life to take The Indian Soldiers Built Fortifications in the Zhola Mountain Mouth Which Is in Our Territory which was published to the world by the Xinhua News Agency on Sep. 22, 1965. His Serf & Revolutionary Fighter published in the Sep. issue of PLA Pictorial in 1965 with two full-page. His Fighting against Drought published the Aug. issue of National Pictorial, and All for a Bumper Harvest in the Feb. issue of PLA Pictorial in 1965.
● In 1966, during the early period of the Cultural Revolution of Tibet, he took Tibetan Red Guards Assembly, Criticizing the Evils in Tibet and so on. He was granted a third class award by the Political Department of Tibet Military Region of PLA.
● In 1967, he became one of the fourteen evildoers in Tibet Military Region because of his insisting on the Zhou Yang’s Black literature and art thoughts and sentenced into a counterrevolution, put into prison of No. 14 Corps of PLA from Lhasa. Half a year’s later, he was redressed and went to Beijing to interview and photograph the training class of Mao Zedong Thought.
● In 1968, he worked in the Beijing office of Tibet Military Region, attended the study sessions of Mao Zedong Thought. After he came back to Tibet, he shot Tibetan Word Loyalty Dance, Tibetan People Created the Oil Painting “Chairman Mao Goes to Anyuan”, and The Founding of the Revolutionary Committee of Tibet Autonomous Region and other images about the Cultural Revolution in Tibet.
● On Dec. 25, 1970, Lan Zhigui was sent to the Minjiang Machine Motor Factory in Chengdu of Sichuan as a Military Representative by the Tibet Military Region, then he had to hand over his beloved Leica and Rolleiflex cameras to the Political Department of Tibet Military Region. From July of 1951 to Dec. of 1970, Mr. Lan Zhigui took pictures of PLA marching into Tibet, building of Kham-Tibet highway, “Great Leap Forward” in Tibet, appeasing the Tibet rebellion, democratic reform, the India-China border war, founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region, “Cultural Revolution” in Tibet, and so on. He recorded almost every important historic event in Tibet in those years.
● In 1971, Mr. Lan, as a Military Representative, was charged in production of Minjiang Machine Motor Factory. For “grasping revolution and promoting production”, he led more than thirty people to Shanghai to study. He bought a 120 camera by himself and took some pictures in Shanghai.
● In 1972, he became the person responsible of the Minjiang Machine Motor Factory’s production as a Military Representative.
● In 1973, he was appointed the section chief of Political work section of armed forces department of Pi County, Wenjiang Prefecture of Sichuan. He founded Militia Newspaper.
● In 1975, his works were selected into the first major album Printings of Tibet Autonomous Region dedicated by Chairman Mao Zedong.
● In 1978, he transferred from military service to the Southwest College for Nationalities and appointed deputy section chief of its visual education section.
● In 1979, he was appointed as the full-time vice chairman of the union of the college.
● In 1980, he transferred to do the mass work in the union of the college. During these times, he took a lot of pictures about students’ lives.
● In 1981, the college held Tibetan Folk Photographic Exhibition by Lan Zhigui so as to celebrate its thirty anniversary of founding. Mr. Lan’s dozens of pictures enshrined by the National Institute of State Ethnic Affairs Commission and published in the relevant magazines sponsored by the commission. Experts said that Lan Zhigui was the participator and recorder of Tibetan discontinuity culture. Many of His works selected in Tibet in Transforming and Tibet No Longer Mediaeval and published by the Foreign Languages Press.
● In 1982, he was transferred to People’s Publishing House of Sichuan as for the photographer and photographic editor of Travel in Tianfu, Tourism in Southwest Region. He took a lot of pictures.
● In 1985, he won “the honor certification for peacefully librating Tibet, building Tibet and contribution for the border stability of Country” issued by the government of Tibet Autonomous Region.
● In 1986, dozens of his works selected into the major photo album of Fighting in the Roof of the World and published by the Great Wall Publishing House in Oct. of 1986.
● In 1987, he was appointed to Deputy Professor by the People’s Publishing House of Sichuan.
● In 1989, his work, The Happy Festival of Lhasa got the “Excellent Award” and a Golden Cup in the Exhibition of Photography Art from 1949 to 1989 held by the China Association of Photographer, and published in the Selected Works of Chinese Photography Art from 1949 to 1989.
● In 1990, Lan’s image Scenery of the Napa Lake in Yunnan won the golden award by the Chinese Photographic Society of Taiwan, China. He became a member of the Chinese Photographic Society of Taiwan, China. The Three Gorges of Yangtze River, shot and edited by Mr. Lan, published in Chinese, English and Japanese edition.
● In 1991, to celebrate the peaceful liberation of Tibet for forty years, Tibet Association of Literature and Art Circles and Tibet Association of Photographers held the Photographic Exhibition of Yuan Kezhong, Lin Anbo, Lan Zhigui, Chen Jun and Chen Zonglie, and was spoken highly of the regional leaders and the public. Lan Zhigui went to Lhasa and attended the opening ceremony, and took some pictures.
● In 1993, he retired from the People’s Publishing House of Sichuan and handed over the Nikon FM3 to the house, and bought a Nikon FM2.
● From 1950 to 1994, he published more than two thousands of pictures and hundreds of photo reportages. Since 1978, he took lots of black & white pictures of folks of southwest region.
● In 1995, he locked his Nikon FM2 and halted his photographic career.
● Since 1996, he had just been doing stock business.
● Since Dec. of 2007, Mr. Lan, organizing by some international museums and galleries, agreed to select some of his negatives to magnify on silver-based papers, and signed in these works. He insisted that there would not be even one of his monochrome works kept by museums and collectors in digital form. What museums and collectors keep will only be his substantial photos. For his early chromotypes, he agreed parts of them to be output in digital form, and only sign by him and the executive producer, these together constitute the No. of the original.
● In March of 2008, Mr. Lan Zhigui agreed to produce parts of his negatives with his assistant. In the fourth issue of China Photographer in 2008, it introduced Lan Zhigui, the Photographer, in thirty seven pages. His works, Wiping out the invaders, High Mountain and Lack of Oxygen in the War Zone and Soldiers Marching on difficultly, was chosen into the major photo album Photography in China in 50 Years.
● In the second issue of Tibet Geographic, it published an article Lan Zhigui, An Outstanding Photographer of Tibet during the 1950s-1970s by Huang Jianpeng.
● From March 21-31, 2009, Lan Zhigui’s images were exhibited in the China Artistic Museum, entitled Eyewitness of the Democratic Reform of Tibet — Lan Zhigui’s Photographic Exhibition from 1950-1970, and the exhibition attracted massive numbers of photographic fans from both home and abroad, more than 100 Chinese and foreign media, such as CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, People Daily, China Youth Daily, Guangming Daily, Phoenix Satellite TV, AP, Reuters, AFP, and so on, interviewed and reported Mr. Lan and his works’ exhibition.
● China Artistic Museum magazine in its third issue (Vol. 51) published Huang Jianpeng’s Lan Zhigui, An Outstanding Photographer of Tibet during the 1950s-1970s.
● From May 18 to July 19, 2009, his series works entitled Eyewitness of the Potala Palace were exhibited in the Guangdong Museum.
● From August 15-22, 2009, Chen Zonglie and Lan Zhigui Photography on the Serfs Were liberated on the Potala Palace Square, Lhasa of Tibet.
● In Sep. 2009, 41 works of Lan Zhigui from 1950-1970 were taken on Across Time and Space, Past Images of Tibet and published by the China Association of Photographer.
● On Oct.9, 2009, Chinese Photography Newspaper did a special column named Images, My 1949 to celebrate the 60 anniversary of thePRC, and published Lan Zhigui, a 17-year-old boy Standing in the Turning Point in His Life in its third page. This column totally reported 19 photographers.
● From May 10 to 20, 2010, Reviewing the Masterworks: a Selection of Ethnic Tibetan Related Photographic Artworks by Master Photographers Lan Zhigui and Zhuang Xueben was exhibited in Nanjing Museum. The curator is Huang Jianpeng. In this exhibition, all the old black and white photographs were developed and magnified on silver-based papers. Mr. Lan Zhigui’s works are the limited originals signed by himself.