共找到12條詞條名為李忠海的結果 展開
李忠海,男,中國科學院大學地球與行星科學科學學院教授,博士生導師. 主攻地球動力學數值模擬方向,以理論計算和軟體程序開發為基礎,以大尺度數值模擬為主要手段,以板塊俯衝-碰撞帶及其相關動力學過程為研究對象。
2001年 - 2005年:同濟大學,海洋地質系,本科
2015年 - 至今:中國科學院大學,地球與行星科學學院,教授
(1) 數值方法與技術:數值模擬、流變性質、有限差分演演算法、有限元演演算法、邊界元演演算法;
Huangfu P., Li Z.H.*, Gerya T., et al., (2018). Multi-terrane structure controls the contrasting lithospheric evolution beneath the western and central-eastern Tibetan plateau.Nature Communications, 9, 3780.
Liu M.Q., Li Z.H.*, (2018). Dynamics of thinning and destruction of the continental cratonic lithosphere: Numerical modeling.Science China: Earth Sciences, 61, 823-852.
Zhou X., Li Z.H.*, Gerya T.V., et al., (2018). Subduction initiation dynamics along a transform fault control trench curvature and ophiolite ages.Geology, 46, 607-610.
Shi Y., Wei D.*, Li Z.H.*, et al., (2018). Subduction Mode Selection During Slab and Mantle Transition Zone Interaction: Numerical Modeling.Pure and Applied Geophysics, 175, 529-548.
Yang S.H., Li Z.H.*, Gerya T., et al., (2018). Dynamics of terrane accretion during seaward continental drifting and oceanic subduction: Numerical modeling and implications for the Jurassic crustal growth of the Lhasa Terrane, Tibet.Tectonophysics, doi: /10.1016/j.tecto.2017.07.018.
Liu M.Q., Li Z.H.*, Yang S.H.*, (2017). Diapir versus along-channel ascent of crustal material during plate convergence: Constrained by the thermal structure of subduction zones.Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 145, 16-36.
Li Z.H.*,Liu M., Gerya T., (2016). Lithosphere delamination in continental collisional orogens: A systematic numerical study.Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121, 5186-5211.
Peng M., Jiang M., Li Z.H.*, Xu Z.Q., Zhu L.P., et al., (2016). Complex Indian subduction style with slab fragmentation beneath the eastern Himalayan Syntaxis revealed by teleseismic P-wave tomography.Tectonophysics, 667, 77-86.
Li Z.H.*, Liu M.Q., Gerya T., (2015). Material transportation and fluid-melt activity in the subduction channel: numerical modeling.Science China: Earth Sciences, 58, 1251-1268.
Li Z.H.*, Di Leo J.F., Ribe N.M., (2014). Subduction-induced mantle flow, finite strain and seismic anisotropy: Numerical modeling.Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119, 5052-5076.
Li Z.H.*, (2014). A review on the numerical geodynamic modeling of continental subduction, collision and exhumation.Science China: Earth Sciences, 57, 47-69.
Li Z.H.*, Xu Z.Q., Gerya T.V., Burg J.P., (2013). Collision of continental corner from 3-D numerical modeling.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 380, 98-111.
Li Z.H.*, Ribe N.M., (2012). Dynamics of free subduction from 3-D Boundary-Element modeling.Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 117, B06408.
Li Z.H.*, Xu Z.Q., Gerya T.V., (2012). Numerical geodynamic modeling of continental convergent margins. In:Earth Sciences, Ed. Imran Ahmad Dar, Pub. InTech, pp. 273-296.
Li Z.H.*, Xu Z.Q., Gerya T.V., (2011). Flat versus steep subduction: contrasting modes for the formation and exhumation of high- to ultrahigh-pressure rocks in continental collision zones.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 301, 65-77.
Li Z.H.*, Gerya T.V., Burg J.P., (2010). Influence of tectonic overpressure on P-T paths of HP-UHP rocks in continental collision zones: Thermomechanical modeling.Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 28, 227-247.
Li Z.H.*, Gerya T.V., (2009). Polyphase formation and exhumation of high- to ultrahigh-pressure rocks in continental subduction zone: Numerical modeling and application to the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure terrane in eastern China.Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 114, B09406.
李忠海*, 石耀霖, (2016). 三維板塊幾何形態對大陸深俯衝動力學的制約. 地球物理學報, 59, 2806-2817.
李忠海*, (2016). 邊界元演演算法在計算地球動力學中的應用. 中國科學院大學學報, 33, 89-96.
李忠海*, 劉明啟, Gerya T, (2015). 俯衝隧道中物質運移和流體-熔體活動的動力學數值模擬. 中國科學:地球科學, 45, 881-899.
李忠海*, (2014). 大陸俯衝-碰撞-折返的動力學數值模擬研究綜述. 中國科學:地球科學, 44, 817-841.