






1982.9-1987.7年:中國醫科大學 預防醫學 本科
1991.9-1994.7年:中國醫科大學 衛生統計與流行病學 碩士研究生
1999.9-2003.7年:中國醫科大學 細胞生物學 博士研究生


1987.07-1989.9:中國醫科大學 學生處 輔導員
1989.07-1993.11:中國醫科大學公共衛生學院 營養與食品衛生學教研室 助教
1993.11-2001.9:中國醫科大學公共衛生學院 營養與食品衛生學教研室 講師
2001.10-2009.5:中國醫科大學公共衛生學院 兒少衛生學教研室 副教授
2009.06-至今:中國醫科大學公共衛生學院兒少衛生與婦幼保健學教研室 教授



1. 婦幼營養與健康


1. 國家自然科學基金:雙酚A暴露致自噬異常誘導胰島素抵抗的機制及其與兒童非酒精性脂肪肝關聯的研究,2021.01-2024.12;56萬元。
3. 遼寧省自然科學基金:胚胎期暴露雙酚A與嬰幼兒過敏性疾病的關係及其對Treg細胞表觀遺傳調控影響,2015-2018年;5萬元。
4. 中國醫科大學“十二五”第二批醫學教育科學研究立項課題:以妊娠期糖尿病為例探討臨床醫學與預防醫學整合的形式和內容。2012-2014年;1萬元。
5. 國家自然科學基金:雙酚A與兒童肥胖關係及對ZAG介導的脂肪代謝影響研究。2011-2013年;30萬。
6. 中國營養學會營養科研基金:硫辛酸及其他抗氧化營養素對AMD患者的干預性研究。2008-2009年;11萬。
7. 遼寧省自然科學基金:CES與HQ致RPE細胞線粒體損傷機制及營養干預研究。2007-2009年;4萬元。


 1. Liang Gao, Youdan Dong, Ren Lin, Yuan Meng, Fengjuan Wu, Lihong Jia*.The imbalance of Treg/Th17 cells induced by perinatal bisphenol A exposure is associated with activation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway in male offspring mice.Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2020,137: 111177.
2. Simeng Wang, Yilong Yang, Dan Luo, Dan Wu, Hezuo Liu , Mengqi Li , Qi Sun, Lihong Jia*. Lung inflammation induced by exposure to Bisphenol-A is associated with mTOR-mediated autophagy in adolescent mice.Chemosphere,2020, 248:126035.
3. Simeng Wang, Yilong Yang, Dan Luo, Lingling Zhai, Yinglong Bai, Wei Wei, Qi Sun, Lihong Jia*. Bisphenol A increases TLR4-mediated inflflammatory response by up-regulation of autophagy related protein in lung of adolescent mice. Chemosphere, 2020.128837.
 4. Dan Wu, Fengjuan Wu, Ren Lin, Yuan Meng, Wei Wei, Qi Sun, Lihong Jia*. Impairment of learning and memory induced by perinatal exposure to BPA is associated with ERα-mediated alterations of synaptic plasticity and PKC/ ERK/ CREB signaling pathway in offspring rats. Brain Research Bulletin, 2020,161: 43-54.
5. Yuan Meng, Yannan Zhao, Ren Lin, Qi Sun, Wei Wei, Lihong Jia*. Adverse reproductive function induced by maternal BPA exposure is associated with abnormal autophagy and activating inflflamation via mTOR and TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathways in female offffspring rats. Reproductive Toxicology, 2020, 96: 185-194.
6. Qi Sun, Yinglong Bai, Lingling Zhai, Wei Wei, Lihong Jia*. Association between Sleep Duration and Overweight/Obesity at Age 7–18 in Shenyang, China in 2010 and 2014. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018, 15, 854.
7. Yuan Meng, Ren Lin, Fengjuan Wu, Qi Sun and Lihong Jia*.Decreased Capacity for Sperm Production Induced by Perinatal Bisphenol A Exposure Is Associated with an Increased Inflammatory Response in the Offspring of C57BL/6 Male Mice. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018, 15, 2158.
8. Lingling Zhai, Youdan Dong, Yinglong Bai, Wei Wei, Lihong Jia*. Trends in obesity, overweight, and malnutrition among children and adolescents in Shenyang, China in 2010 and 2014: a multiple cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 2017, 17: 151.
9. Gao Liang, Wang Hanning, Zhang Ling, Peng Fangyuan, Jia Yue, Wei Wei, Jia Lihong*. Effect of Perinatal Bisphenol A Exposure on Serum Lipids and Lipid Enzymes in Offspring Rats of Different Sex. Biomed Environ Sci, 2016, 29(9): 686-689.
10. Zhang L, Zhang HY, Ma CC, W W, Jia LH*. Increased body weight induced by perinatal exposure to bisphenol A was associated with down-regulation zinc- alpha2- glycoprotein expression in offspring female rats. Mol Cell Toxicol. 2014; 10:207-213. 11. Song SZ, Zhang L, Zhang HY, W W. Jia LH*. Perinatal BPA Exposure Induces Hyperglycemia, Oxidative Stress and Decreased Adiponectin Production in Later Life of Male Rat Offspring. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2014, 11, 3728-3742. 12. Zhang L, Zhang HY, Ma CC, Zhai LL, Jia LH*. Effect of bisphenol A exposure during early development on glucose metabolism and adipokine expression in adolescent female rats. Molecular and Cellular Toxicology. 2013, 4: 385-391.
13. Sun YD, Dong YD, Fan R, Zhai LL, Bai YL, Jia LH*. Effect of (R)-α-Lipoic Acid Supplementation on Serum Lipids and Antioxidative Ability in Patients with Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Ann Nutr Metab. 2012; 60:293–297.
14. Jia LH*, Dong YD, Yang HM, Pan XY, Fan R, Zhai LL. Serum superoxide dismutase and lipid peroxidation levels in a group of Chinese patients with age-related macular degeneration. Aging Clinical Experimental Research. 2011; 23:264-267. 15. Jia LH *, Shen XL, Fan R , Sun Y, Pan XY, Yang HM, Liu L. Risk factors for age-related macular degeneration in elderly Chinese population in Shenyang of China. Biomed Environ Sci. 2011; 24:506-511.
16. Jia LH*, Zhang ZY, Zhai YY, Bai YL. Protective effect of Lipoic acid gainst Acrolein induced cytotoxicity in IMR-90 Human Fibroblasts,Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology. 2009, 55: 126-130. 17 . Jia LH, Liu ZB, Sun LJ,Miller SS, Ames BN, Cotman CW, Liu JK*. Acrolein, a toxicant in cigarette smoke, causes oxidative damage and mitochondrial dysfunction in RPE cells: protection by (R)-a-Lipoic acid. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 2007; 48:399-348.




2017年: 《全球婦幼健康》 人民衛生出版社 第1版 編委
2016年:《兒童少年衛生學》 人民衛生出版社 第8版 編委
2013年:《婦幼衛生管理學》 人民衛生出版社 第2版 編委
2012年:《兒童少年衛生學》 人民衛生出版社 第7版 編委
2010年:《現代兒童少年衛生學》人民衛生出版社 第2版 編委
2007年:《兒童少年衛生學》 人民衛生出版社 第6版 編委
2017年:《中華醫學百科全書.兒童少年衛生學》 中國協和醫科大學出版社 第1版編委
2000-至今:《中國學校衛生》雜誌 常委編委



