或EC(英語: E-Commerce)是指在網際網路(Internet)、和增值網(Value Added Network)上以電子交易方式進行交易活動和相關服務活動,是傳統商業活動各環節的電子化、網路化。
電子商務包括電子貨幣交換、供應鏈管理、電子交易市場、網路營銷、在線事務處理、電子數據交換(EDI)、存貨管理和自動數據收集系統。在此過程中,利用到的信息技術包括:網際網路、外聯網、電子郵件、資料庫、電子目錄和行動電話。而廣義上的電子商務—電子業務或EB(英語: E-Business)則是指對整個商業活動實現電子化,也就是指應用計算機與網路技術與現代信息化通信技術,按照一定標準,利用電子化工具(有時甚至指整個電子媒介領域,包括廣播、電視、電話通訊等等)來實現包括電子商務(或電子交易)在內的商業交換和行政作業的商貿活動的全過程。
Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce or eCommerce, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. The amount of trade conducted electronically has grown extraordinarily since the spread of the Internet. A wide variety of commerce is conducted in this way, spurring and drawing on innovations in electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at some point in the transaction's lifecycle, although it can encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail as well. A large percentage of electronic commerce is conducted entirely electronically for virtual items such as access to premium content on a website, but most electronic commerce involves the transportation of physical items in some way. Online retailers are sometimes known as e-tailers and online retail is sometimes known as e-tail. Almost all big retailers have electronic commerce presence on the World Wide Web. Electronic commerce that is conducted between businesses is referred to as business-to-business or B2B. B2B can be open to all interested parties (e.g. commodity exchange) or limited to specific, pre-qualified participants (private electronic market). Electronic commerce that is conducted between businesses and consumers, on the other hand, is referred to as business-to-consumer or B2C. This is the type of electronic commerce conducted by companies such as Amazon. Electronic commerce is generally considered to be the sales aspect of e-business. It also consists of the exchange of data to facilitate the financing and payment aspects of the business transactions.
Version 1、起步期
Version 2、雛形期
Version 3、發展期
Version 4、穩定期
Version 5、成熟期