共找到4條詞條名為李玉恆的結果 展開





2015/12-至今 中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所 副研究員
2012/10-2015/12 中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所 助理研究員
2011/10 -2012/10 斯德哥爾摩經濟學院 博士后研究員
2008/9 -2011/9 瑞典皇家理工學院 博士(公派)城市與區域研究
2006/9-2008/7 中國農業大學 碩士 城鎮管理與區域規劃
200/9-2006/7 南京農業大學 學士 工業工程


主要從事城鄉轉型發展與城鄉地域系統可持續性, 城鄉形態與發展彈性研究。研究重點在於從要素集聚、公共資源配置的角度,揭示不同地域城鄉發展的演化過程、形態格局、特徵及驅動機制,探析制約城鄉協調發展的關鍵因素,提出旨在提升不同地域城鄉應對外在擾動(經濟波動、資源環境約束、社會變遷)能力的路徑與調控模式,從而促進城鄉地域系統可持續發展。


1. 國務院辦公廳,“實施精準扶貧精準脫貧”重大政策措施落實情況第三方評估,已結題,參加;
3. 國家“十二五”科技支撐計劃項目,空心村綜合整治的關鍵技術研究與示範,在研,參加;
4. 山東桓台多規合一國家試點規劃編製技術,結題,參加;


1. Yansui Liu, Yuheng Li* and Cong Chen, Pollution: Build on success in China, Nature
2.Yansui Liu and Yuheng Li, Environment: China's land creation project stands firm, Nature
3. Yuheng Li, Hans Westlund and Göran Cars, Future urban-rural relationship in China: Comparison in a global context. China Agricultural Economic Review
4. Yuheng Li, Urban-rural interaction in China: Historic scenario and assessment. China Agricultural Economic Review
5. Yuheng Li, Resource flows and the decomposition of regional inequality in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region, 1990-2004, Growth and Change
6. Yuheng Li, Urban-rural interaction patterns and dynamic land use: Implications for urban-rural integration in China, Regional Environmental Change
7. Yuheng Li, Zhenghe Zhang and Yansui Liu. Spatial-temporal contrasts in integrated urban-rural development in China, 1990-2010, China: An International Journal
8. Yuheng Li and Qian Zhang. Human-environment interaction in China: Evidence of land-use change in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Metropolitan Region, Human Ecology Review
9. Yansui Liu, Zhichao Hu and Yuheng Li*, Process and mechanism of urban–rural development transformation in the Bohai Rim Region, China
10. Yuheng Li, Cong Chen, Yanfei Wang and Yansui Liu, Urban-Rural Transformation and Farmland Conversion in China: The Application of the Environmental Kuznets Curve, Journal of Rural Studies
11. Yuheng Li, Xun Wang, Hans Westlund and Yansui Liu, Physical capital, human capital and social capital: The changing roles in China’s economic growth, Growth and Change
12. Yuheng Li, Zhenghe Zhang, Hans Westlund and Yansui Liu, Rural household income in transitional China: Spatio-temporal disparity and its interpretation
13. Yuheng Li, Yurui Li, Hans Westlund and Yansui Liu, Urban-rural transformation in relation to cultivated land conversion in China: Implications for optimizing land use and balanced regional development
14. Yuheng Li and Zhichao Hu, Approaching Integrated Urban-rural Development in China: The Changing Institutional Roles
15. Yuheng Li, Baozhong Su and Yansui Liu, Realizing Targeted Poverty Alleviation in China: People's Voices, Implementation Challenges and Policy Implications
16. 李玉恆,劉彥隨,中國城鄉發展轉型中資源與環境問題解析,經濟地理
17. 李玉恆,胡智超,劉彥隨,中國東部沿海地區農地非農化配置效益研究,地域研究與開發