兼任中國優選法統籌法與經濟數學研究會副理事長;能源經濟與管理研究分會理事長、複雜系統研究分會理事長、計算機模擬分會副理事長。中國能源研究會能源系統工程專業委員會副主任;中國科學院預測科學研究中心副主任;《Applied Energy》、《International Journal of Management and Decision Making》等12份國際學術期刊編委,及8份中國學術期刊編委。曾任中國科學院科技政策與管理科學研究所副所長(2000/10-2008/11)、中國科學院科技政策與管理科學研究所研究員、博士生導師(2001年起)。2000年日本先端科技大學訪問副教授、2005年美國哈佛大學高級訪問學者。
魏一鳴教授長期從事管理科學的研究工作,研究領域包括複雜系統與複雜性、資源與環境管理。在複雜系統分析與建模、能源與環境政策、資源開發戰略、災害風險評估與管理等方面開展了一些有價值的研究工作。先後主持國家自然科學基金重大國際合作項目、973課題、“十一五”國家科技支撐計劃項目、國家自然科學基金重點項目、國家科技攻關課題、歐盟 FP7國際合作、國家傑出青年基金等重要科研課題40餘項。
在國內外學術期刊發表學術論文200餘篇, 其中在本領域國際一流學術期刊 Energy Economics, Energy Policy, Environmental Modelling and Software, Energy, Ecological Economics,Journal of Policy Modeling等國際重要學術期刊發表論文50餘篇;著作12部(含合著和合編)。發表的學術論文被同行引用超過3200次。向中央和國務院提交了多份政策諮詢報告並得到了重視。
張躍軍,魏一鳴. 石油市場風險管理:模型與應用。北京:科學出版社,2013年.
魏一鳴,廖華. 中國能源報告2010: 能源效率研究。北京: 科學出版社,2010年.
魏一鳴,周少平等. 國外油氣與礦產資源利用風險評價與決策支持技術。北京: 地質出版社,2010年.
魏一鳴,王愷, 風振華,鄒樂樂. 碳金融與碳市場: 方法與實證. 北京: 科學出版社,2010年.
Y. M. Wei, L.C.Liu, G. Wu, L.-L-Zou, Energy Economics: CO2 Emissions in China. Heidelberg: Springer, 2010.
Y. M. Wei, Y.Fan, Z.Y. Han and G. Wu. Energy Economics: Modeling and Empirical Analysis in China. New York: Taylor & Francis Group, 2010.
魏一鳴. 應對氣候變化:能源與社會經濟協調發展。北京:中國環境科學出版社,2010.(主編)
魏一鳴,劉蘭翠,范英,吳剛。中國能源報告2008:碳排放研究。北京: 科學出版社,2008年.
魏一鳴,范英,韓智勇,吳剛。中國能源報告2006:戰略與政策研究。北京: 科學出版社,2006年.
魏一鳴,方朝亮,李景明,延吉生等。中國石油天然氣工業上游技術政策研究報告. 北京:科學出版社,2006年
魏一鳴,傅小鋒,陳長傑。中國可持續發展管理理論與實踐. 北京:科學出版社,2005年
范英,魏一鳴,應尚軍. 金融複雜系統:模型與實證. 北京:科學出版社,2006年
胡清淮,魏一鳴. 線性規劃及其應用. 北京:科學出版社,2004年
魏一鳴,金菊良。洪水災害風險管理理論與實踐. 北京:科學出版社,2002年
魏一鳴,焦建玲. 高級能源經濟學. 北京:清華大學出版社,2013年.
魏一鳴,焦建玲,廖華. 能源經濟學(第2版). 北京:清華大學出版社,2013年.
(* 為通訊作者)
Liao H., Du J., Y.-M. Wei *, 2013, Energy Conservation in China: Key Provincial Sectors at Two-digit Level. Applied Energy, 104(1): 457-465.
Yuan X.C., Zhou Y.L., Jin J.L., Wei Y.-M.*, 2013, Risk analysis for drought hazard in China: a case study in Huaibei Plain. Natural Hazards, 67(2): 879-900.
Fan J.L., Liao H., Liang Q.M., Tatano H, Liu C.F., Y.-M. Wei *, 2013, Residential carbon emission evolutions in urban–rural divided China: An end-use and behavior analysis. Applied Energy, 101:323-332.
Wang K., Zhang X., Y.-M.Wei, 2013, Regional allocation of CO2 emissions allowance over provinces in China by 2020. Energy Policy, 54: 214-229.
Zhu B. Z., Wei Y.-M., 2013, Carbon price forecasting with a novel hybrid ARIMA and least squares support vector machines methodology. Omega, 41: 517-524.
Wang P., Wu W., Zhu B.Z, Y.-M Wei., 2013, Examining the impact factors of energy-related CO2 emissions using the STIRPAT model in Guangdong Province, China. Applied Energy, 106:65-71.
Wang B., Yu H., Y.-M. Wei, 2013, Impact factors of public attitudes towards nuclear power development: a questionnaire survey in China. International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 36(1): 61-79.
Wang K., Y.-M. Wei, Zhang X., 2013, Energy and emissions efficiency patterns of Chinese regions: A multi-directional efficiency analysis. Applied Energy, 104: 105-116.
Wang K., Lu B., Y.-M. Wei, 2013, China's regional energy and environmental efficiency: A Range-Adjusted Measure based analysis. Applied Energy, 112: 1403-1415.
Wang K., Wang L., Y.-M. Wei, Ye M., 2013, Beijing storm of July 21, 2012: observations and reflections. Natural Hazards, 67: 969-974.
Jiao, J. L., Gan, H. H., Y.-M. Wei *, 2012, The Impact of Oil Price Shocks on Chinese Industries. Energy Sources(Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy), 7(4): 348-356.
Yu S.W., Y.-M. Wei, Wang K., 2012, China's primary energy demands in 2020: predictions from an MPSO–RBF estimation model. Energy Conversion and Management, 61: 59-66.
Liao H., Y.-M. Wei *, 2012, Will the Aggregation Approach affect Energy Efficiency Performance Assessment? Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(7): 4537-4542.
Liang Q.M., Y.-M. Wei *, 2012, Distributional impacts of taxing carbon in China: Results from the CEEPA model. Applied Energy, 92(4): 545-551.
Wang K. , Y.-M.Wei, Zhang X., 2012, A comparative analysis of China’s regional energy and emission performance: Which is the better way to deal with undesirable outputs? Energy Policy, 46: 574-584.
Fang, B., Liu, C. F., Zou, L. L., Y.-M. Wei*, 2012, The assessment of health impact caused by energy use in urban areas of China: an intake fraction–based analysis. Natural Hazards, 62(1): 101-114.
Wang Z.H., Zeng H.L., Y.-M. Wei *, Zhang Y.X., 2012, Regional total factor energy efficiency: An empirical analysis of industrial sector in China. Applied Energy, 97: 115-123.
Yu S.W., Y.-M. Wei, 2012, Prediction of China's Coal Production-Environmental Pollution Based on a Hybrid GA-SD Model. Energy policy, 42(3): 521-529.
Jin, J. L., Y.-M. Wei*,. L. L. Zou, L. Liu, Fu, J. 2012, Risk evaluation of China’s natural disaster systems: an approach based on triangular fuzzy numbers and stochastic simulation. Natural Hazards, 62(1):129-139.
Yu S.W., Y.-M. Wei, Fan J.L., Zhang X., Wang K., 2012, Exploring the regional characteristics of inter - provincial CO2 emissions in China: An improved fuzzy clustering analysis based on particle swarm optimization. Applied Energy, 92: 552-562.
Jin, J. L., Y.-M. Wei*, L. L. Zou, L., Liu, W., Zhang, Y. Zhou, 2012, Forewarning of sustainable utilization of regional water resources: a model based on BP neural network and set pair analysis. Natural Hazards, 62(1):115-127.
Yu S.W., Y.-M. Wei, Wang K., 2012, A PSO–GA optimal model to estimate primary energy demand of China. Energy policy, 42(3): 329-340.
Feng, Z.H., Y.-M. Wei, Wang, K., 2012, Estimating risk for the carbon market via extreme value theory: An empirical analysis of the EU ETS. Applied Energy, 99: 97–108.
Cong, R.G, Y.-M. Wei, 2012, Experimental comparison of impact of auction format on carbon allowance market. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16(6): 4148–4156.
L.-C Liu, G. Wu, J.-N Wang, Y.-M. Wei*, 2011 ,China’s carbon emissions from urban and rural households during 1992-2007, Journal of Cleaner Production, 19( 3), pp 1754-1762.
Z.-H Feng, L.-L. Zou, Y.-M. Wei*, 2011, Carbon price volatility: Evidence from EU ETS, Applied Energy, 88( 3), pp 590-598.
Y.-J Zhang, Y.-M. Wei, 2011,The dynamic influence of advanced stock market risk on international crude oil return: an empirical analysis, Quantitative Finance, 11(7), pp 967–978.
W.-J Yi,L.-L.Zou, J.Guo, K.-Wang, Y.-M. Wei*,2011,How canChinareachitsCO2 intensity reductiontargetsby2020?A regional allocation based on equity and development, Energy Policy,39(5),pp 2407–2415.
Z.-H Feng, L.-L. Zou, Y.-M. Wei*, 2011,The impact of household consumption on energy use and CO2 emissions in China, Energy, 36( 1), pp 656-670.
Y.-J Zhang, Y.-M. Wei*, 2010, The crude oil market and the gold market: Evidence for cointegration, causality and price discovery, Resource Policy, 35(3), pp 168-177.
R.-G Cong, Y.-M. Wei*, 2010, Potential impact of (CET) carbon emissions trading on China’s power sector: A perspective from different allowance allocation option, Energy, 35(9), pp 3921-3931.
Y.-J Zhang, Y.-M. Wei*, 2010, An overview of current research on EU ETS: Evidence from its operating mechanism and economic effect, Applied Energy, 87(6), pp 1804-1814.
H. Liao, Y.-M. Wei*, 2010, China's energy consumption: A perspective from Divisia aggregation approach, Energy, 35(1), pp 28-34.
J.-L Jiao, H.-Z Ge, Y.-M. Wei*, 2010, .Impact analysis of China’s coal-electricity price linkage mechanism: Results from a game model, Journal of Policy Modeling, 32,pp 574–588.
J. Guo, L.-L. Zou, Y.-M. Wei*, 2010, Impact of inter-sectoral trade on national and global CO2 emissions: An empirical analysis of China and US, Energy Policy, 38(3), pp 1389-1397.
L.-L. Zou, Y.-M. Wei*, 2010, Driving factors for social vulnerability to coastal hazards in Southeast Asia: results from the meta-analysis,Nat Hazards, 54(3), pp 901–929.
L.-C Liu, J.-N. Wang, G. Wu, Y.-M. Wei*, 2010, China's regional carbon emissions change over 1997-2007, International Journal of Energy and Environment, 1(1), pp161-176.
L-.Y. He, Y.Fan, Y.-M. Wei*, 2009, Impact of speculator's expectations of returns and time scales of investment on crude oil price behaviors, Energy Economics, 31(1), pp 77-84.
G. Wu, L.-Cui Liu, Y.-M. Wei*, 2009, Comparison of China's oil import risk: Results based on portfolio theory and a diversification index approach, Energy Policy, 37(9), pp 3557-3565.
Q.-M. Liang, Y. Fan, Y.-M. Wei*, 2009, The effect of energy end-use efficiency improvement on China’s energy use and CO2 emission: A CGE model-based analysis, Energy Efficiency, 2, pp 243-262.
H. Liao, Y. Fan, Y.-M. Wei*, 2009, China’s targets 20% reduction in energy intensity by 2010, Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 31(1), pp 10-17.
Y. Fan, S.-J Ying, B.-H. Wang, Y.-M. Wei*, 2009, The effect of investor psychology on the complexity of stock market: An analysis based on cellular automaton model, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56(1), pp 63-69.
J.-L. Jiao, Y. Fan, Y.-M. Wei*, 2009, The structural break and elasticity of coal demand in China, empirical findings from 1980-2006, Int. J. Global Energy Issues,, 31(4), pp 331-344.
L.-L.Zou, Y.-M. Wei*, 2009, Impact assessment using DEA of coastal hazards on social-economy in Southeast Asia, Nature Hazards,48(1), pp 167–189.
Y.-M. Wei*, G.. Wu, Y. Fan, L.C. Liu, 2008, Empirical analysis of optimal strategic petroleum reserve in China, Energy Economics, 30(2), pp 290-302.
R.-G. Cong, Y. Fan, Y.-M. Wei*, 2008, Relationships between oil price shocks and stock market: An empirical analysis from China, Energy Policy, 36(9), pp 3544-3553.
Y. Fan, Y.-J. Zhang, H.-T. Tsai, Y.-M. Wei*, 2008, Estimating ‘Value at Risk’ of crude oil price and its spillover effect using the GED-GARCH approach, Energy Economics, 30(6), pp 3156-3171.
Y.-J. Zhang, Y. Fan, H.-T. Tsai, Y.-M. Wei*,2008,Spillover effect of US dollar exchange rate on oil prices, Journal of Policy Modeling, 30(6), pp 973-991.
G.. Wu, Y. Fan, L.C. Liu, Y.-M. Wei*, 2008, An empirical analysis of the dynamic programming model of stockpile acquisition strategies for China's strategic petroleum reserve, Energy Policy, 36(4), pp 1470-1478.
J.-L Jin, J.Cheng, Y.-M. Wei*,2008, Forecasting flood disasters using an accelerated genetic algorithm: Examples of two case studies for China, Nature Hazards, 44(2),pp 85–92.
Y. Fan, Q.Liang, Y.-M. Wei*, 2008, A Generalized Pattern Matching Approach for Multi-step Prediction of Crude Oil Price, Energy Economics, 30(3), pp889-904.
C.-H. Xu, J.-P. Hu, Y.- Fan, Y.-M. Wei*, 2008, Forecast on The Growth Climate of Chinas Passenger Vehicle Ownership. Int. J. Foresight and Innovation Policy, 4(3/4), pp348-358.
Y.-M. Wei*, H. Liao, Y. Fan, 2007, An empirical analysis of energy efficiency in China's iron and steel sector. Energy, 32(12), pp 2262-2270.
L.-C Liu, Y.Fan, G. Wu, Y.-M. Wei*, 2007. Using LMDI method to analyze the change of China’s industrial CO2 emissions from final fuel use: An empirical analysis. Energy Policy, 35(11): 5892-5900
Y. Fan, L. C. Liu, G. Wu, H.-T. Tsai and Y.-M. Wei* 2007, Changes in carbon intensity in China: Empirical findings from 1980–2003, Ecological Economics, 62(3), pp 683-691.
Q. -M. Liang, Y. Fan and Y. -M. Wei*, 2007, Carbon taxation policy in China: How to protect energy- and trade-intensive sectors?, Journal of Policy Modeling, 29(2), pp 311–333.
Y.-M. Wei*, L. C. Liu, Y. Fan and G. Wu, 2007, The impact of lifestyle on energy use and CO2 emission: An empirical analysis of China's residents, Energy Policy, 35(1), pp 247-257.
Q.M Liang, Y.Fan and Y.-M Wei*, 2007, Multi-regional input–output model for regional energy requirements and CO2 emissions in China, Energy Policy, 35(3), pp 1685-1700.
Z.-Y Han, Y.Fan, J.-L Jiao, J.-S Yan, Y.-M. Wei*,2007, Energy structure, marginal efficiency and substitution rate: An empirical study of China, Energy, 32(6), pp 935-942.
H. Liao, Y.Fan, Y.-M Wei*, 2007. What induced China's energy intensity to fluctuate: 1997-2006? Energy Policy,35(9),pp 4640-4649.
J.L Jiao, Y. Fan, Y.-M. Wei*, Z.Y Han, J.T Zhang,2007,Analysis of the co-movement between Chinese and international crude oil price, Int. J. Global Energy Issues,, 27(1), pp 61-68.
Y. Fan, H. Liao, Y.-M. Wei*, 2007, Can market oriented economic reforms contribute to energy efficiency improvement? Evidence from China, Energy Policy, 35(4), pp 2287-2295.
Y. Fan, J.-L. Jiao, Q.-M Liao, Z.-Y. Han, Y.-M. Wei*, 2007, The impact of rising international crude oil price on China’s economy: an empirical analysis with CGE model, Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 27(4), pp404-424.
Y. Fan, Q.M Liang, Y.M Wei* and N. Okada, 2007, A model for China's energy requirements and CO2 emissions analysis, Environmental Modelling & Software, 22(3), pp 378-393.
L.-Y. He, Y. Fan, Y.-M. Wei*, 2007, The Empirical Study on Fractal Features and Long-run Memory Mechanism in the Petroleum Price Systems. Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 27(4),pp 492-502.
Y. Fan, R.-G. Yang Y.-M. Wei, 2007, A system dynamics based model for coal investment, Energy, 32(6), pp 898-905.
G. Wu, Y.-M. Wei*, Y. Fan, L.-C. Liu, 2007. An empirical analysis of the risk of crude oil imports in China using improved portfolio approach. Energy Policy, 35(8): 4190-4199.
Y.-M. Wei*, Q.M Liang, Y. Fan, N. Okada and H.T. Tsai, 2006, A scenario analysis of energy requirements and energy intensity for China's rapidly developing society in the year 2020, Technological Forecasting and Social Change,73(4),pp 405-421.
Y-M.Wei*, G.Wu,Y.Fan, and L.-C.Liu, 2006, Progress in energy complex system modeling and analysis. Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 2006, 25(1/2): 109-128.
Y. Fan, L.C Liu, G Wu and Y.-M. Wei*, 2006,Analyzing impact factors of CO2 emissions using the STIRPAT model, Environmental Impact Assessment Review,26(4),pp 377-395.
J.-T. Zhang, Y. Fan and Y.-M. Wei*, 2006, An empirical analysis for national energy R&D expenditures. Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 25(1/2), pp141–159.
Y.M.Wei, H. T. Tsai, Y. Fan, R. Zeng, 2004, Beijing’s Coordinated development of population, resources, environment and economy, Int. J. of Sustain. Dev. World Ecol, 11(9), pp 235-246.
Y.M.Wei*, Y.Fan,H.T.Tsai, 2004, The assessment of vulnerability to natural disasters in China by using the DEA method, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 24(4), pp 427-439.
Y.M.Wei*, Y.Fan, 2004, Mathematical model for the optimization of the allocation of nonferrous raw materials in China, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 46(2/4),pp 283-303. Z.Y.Han, Y.Fan, Y.M.Wei*, 2004, Study on the cointegration and causality between GDP and energy consumption in China, Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 22(2-4),pp225-232.
Y. Fan, Y.M.Wei*, W.X Xu, 2004,Application of VaR methodology to risk management in the stock market in China,2004,Computers and Industrial Engineering, 46(2), pp 383-388.
H.L.Tung, H.T.Tsai, Y.M.Wei, D.Wei, 2004, Using DSR indicator system to evaluate Taiwan’s sustainable development, Int. J. Global Energy Issues, 22(2-4),pp242-258.
W.-X.Xu, Y.-M.Wei*, 2004, Multiple objective-integrated methodology of global optimum decision-making on mineral resources exploitation, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 46(2),pp 363-372.
Y.-M.Wei*, L.-P Zhang, Y.Fan,2003, Swarm based study on spatial-temporal emergence in flood, Kybernetes: The International Journal of Systems & Cybernetics , 32(5/6),pp 870-880.
Y.M.Wei*, Y. Fan,, W.X. Xu,,2003, An integrated methodology for decision making of mining method selection, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 5(1/2),pp 10-19.
Y.M.Wei, S.J,Ying, Y.Fan, B.H. Wang, 2003, The cellular automaton model of investment behavior in the stock market, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 325(3/4),507-516.
W.X.Xu, Y.M.Wei*,Y. Fan, 2002,Virtual enterprise and its intelligence management, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 42(2/4), pp 199-205.
Y.-M.Wei*, W.-X Xu, Y. Fan and H.-T. Tsai, 2002,Artificial neural network based predictive method for flood disaster, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 42(2/4),pp 363-372.
歐盟FP7項目:激勵亞洲崛起經濟體加入后京都機制的政策選擇(Policy Options to engage Emerging Asian economies in a post-Kyoto regime,POEM),2009-2011年,課題組長
國家自然科學基金重點項目:能源安全與能源政策的基礎研究,2008-2011年,主持人 中英合作項目(英國政府): CCS技術對中國社會經濟影響評價技術,2008-2010年,主持人 中石油委託項目:中國天然氣需求預測及政策研究,2008-2009,主持人
國家能源領導小組辦公室:節能優先戰略的機遇與挑戰, 2007年,課題組長
國家電網公司經濟技術研究院:能源消費結構與能源效率的關係研究, 2007年,課題組長
國家傑出青年科學基金:資源與環境管理中的複雜系統理論與應用研究, 2005-2008年,主持人
國家中長期規劃辦公室委託:國家科技績效評估方法調研, 2004年,課題組長
第三屆海峽兩岸能源經濟學術研討會, 大會組織,2009年
魏一鳴,鄒樂樂等譯,IEA著. 二氧化碳捕集與封存-碳減排的關鍵選擇. 北京: 中國環境出版社, 2010年.
魏一鳴,王愷.應對氣候變化:能源科技創新的若干思考. 科學時報,2009(2009-11-10 A3 觀察).
魏一鳴,張躍軍,鄒樂樂,郭傑,王愷。應對氣候變化的市場機制:歐盟排放交易體系對我國的啟示. 科學時報,2009 (2009-8-20 A3 觀察).
魏一鳴. 規避石油進口風險保障國家能源安全. 中國石油報, 2009(2009-01-12).
魏一鳴,徐建國. 關於開展國家科技績效評估的若干思考. 科學新聞,2004(12):22
魏一鳴,吳剛. 我國實施能源可持續發展的問題與對策. 科學新聞,2003(16):8-9
魏一鳴,范英等. 關於我國碳排放問題的若干對策與建議. 科學新聞,2006(2):7-10.
魏一鳴,范英等. 國際油價波動對我國經濟影響預測. 科學新聞,2006(12):19-22.
魏一鳴,韓智勇,延吉生. 關於我國石油天然氣工業發展戰略研究的若干思考. 中國基礎科學,2003(2):56-60.
魏一鳴. 收穫與思考: 2006年所級領導赴德培訓見聞. 科學新聞,2006(22):31-32
范英,鄭永和,魏一鳴,韓建國. 海外科學基金評審方法與實踐. 北京:科學出版社, 2004年.
范英,魏一鳴,張林鵬,鄭永和,韓建國. 台灣生物學科基金項目評審中學術業績評價的定量化方法. 研究與發展管理, 2004(2):20-23.
Associate Editor of Energy Strategy Reviews,2012-.
Subject Editor of Applied Energy,2010-.
Member of Editorial board of Natural Hazards (NHAZ),2011-
Member of Editorial board of Low Carbon Economy,2011-
Member of Editorial board of International Journal of Green Energy, Energy and Environmental(IJGEEE), 2010-.
Member of Editorial board of World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 2010-.
Member of Editorial board of Economics Research International,2010-.
Member of Editorial board of International Journal of Energy and Environment, 2009-.
Regional Editor of International Journal of Global Energy Issues,2003-.
Member of Editorial board of International Journal of Risk Assessment & Management, 2003-.
Member of Editorial board of International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 2004-.
Regional Editor of International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy,2004-.
Member of Editorial board of Petroleum Science,2007-.
Guest-editor for International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 2008,8(4):333-484. (Yi-Ming Wei, Norio Okada ).
Guest-editor for Computers and Industrial Engineering (An international Journal), 2007,53(2):199-372. (Wei-Xuan Xu, Yi-Ming Wei, Bao-Guang Xu)
Guest-editor for International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 2004,22(2/3/4):87-266. (Yi-Ming Wei, Hsien-Tan Tsai, Chuan-Hong Chen).
Guest-editor for Computers and Industrial Engineering (An international Journal), 2004,42(2):193-397. (Wei-Xuan Xu, Yi-Ming Wei, Bao-Guang Xu).
編委,《中原企管評論》(台灣), 2012-.
編委,《系統工程學報》, 2011-.
編委,《系統工程理論與實踐》, 2008-.
編委,《中山管理評論》(台灣), 2005-.
編委,《管理評論》, 2004-.
編委,《管理學報》, 2004-.
編委,《中國能源》, 2004-.
編委,《中國管理科學》, 2000-.
03/2008-04/2008. Visiting Professor, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
07/2006-08/2006. Visiting Professor, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
07/2005-10/2005. Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, U.S.A.
05/2004-06/2004. Environment Management Training Program, LIFE Academy, Sida, Sweden.
07/2000-10/2000. Visiting Associate Professor for Science of Complex System, Japan Advanced Institute of Science of Technology, Japan.
06/1998—01/2009. 中國科學院科技政策與管理科學研究所
研究員 (02/2001-)、博士生導師(05/2001-)、副所長(10/2000-11/2008)、研究室主任(03/1999-06/2001)、副研究員(05/1998-01/2001)主要從事複雜系統分析與建模、能源經濟與政策、災害管理等方面的研究。
07/1996-05/1998. 中國科學院資源與環境信息系統國家重點實驗室博士后(07/1996-05/1998)、副研究員(04/1998-05/1998)從事洪水災害風險管理理論、洪水災害的快速評估技術、自然災害的時空分佈複雜性、礦產資源開發優化決策模型與智能決策支持系統研究。
08/1993-08/1996. 北京科技大學,博士研究生,獲工學博士學位從事礦產資源開發系統的技術經濟評價理論與方法、礦床開發決策的模糊風險度量模型、資源開發規劃的數學規劃模型與智能決策支持系統、礦產資源可持續發展與管理等方面的研究。
10/1992-07/1993. 昆明理工大學,助教、講師從事礦產資源開發系統的優化與決策問題建模與決策支持系統開發、礦山企業的安全管理等方面的研究與教學工作。
09/1989-11/1991. 昆明理工大學,碩士研究生,獲工學碩士學位,從事井巷工程專家系統研究
09/1985-07/1989. 昆明理工大學資源開發系,獲工學學士學位
中國優選法統籌法與經濟數學研究會能源經濟與管理研究分會 理事長(2010-)
中國優選法統籌法與經濟數學研究會 秘書長(2001-2010)
中國優選法統籌法與經濟數學研究會複雜系統分會 理事長(2006-)

“首批新世紀百千萬人才工程國家級人選” (2004年)
入選中國科學院“百人計劃” (2005年)
教育部科技進步一等獎: 資源環境複雜系統建模方法及其應用(排名第1,2012)
北京市哲學社會科學一等獎: 《中國能源報告2010:能源效率研究》(排名第1,2013)