



2001年1月至2002年12月期間獲包氏獎學金資助在英國Sheffield大學化學系Prof. Anthony J. Ryan課題組做訪問學者,2005年6月至2005年9月在韓國浦項科技大學Prof. Jin-Kon Kim課題組訪問,2006年7月至2006年12月受在美國Akron大學Prof. Stephen Z. D. Cheng課題組訪問。獲教育部科技進步獎三等獎和浙江省科學技術獎二等獎各一項。2003年獲中國化學會青年化學獎,併入選教育部優秀青年教師資助計劃項目,2004年入選教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃。獲教育部科技進步獎三等獎和浙江省科學技術獎二等獎各一項。先後承擔國家自然科學基金六項,國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973)項目子課題兩項,主持浙江省自然科學基金,教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃項目和教育部博士點基金各一項。在國內外學術刊物上發表論文160餘篇,其中140多篇被SCI收錄,論文被他人引用900多次。


2001年以前主要從事烯烴配位聚合和聚烯烴結構與性能研究, 利用製備性升溫淋洗分級裝置在聚烯烴微結構表徵方面進行了大量開拓性工作, 如聚烯烴的等規度分佈,分子內和分子間的組成分佈,聚烯烴合金的組成分佈等。關聯了聚烯烴的結構與各種性能,研究了聚烯烴微結構對其結晶行為和力學性能的影響。從聚合物微結構出發, 提出了聚丙烯中立構嵌段結構的形成機理和非均相Ziegler-Natta催化劑中單金屬和雙金屬活性中心共存的觀點。有關工作發表在Macromolecules, Macromol. Rapid Commun., Polymer等期刊上,並在Eur. Polym. J.上發表了一篇以自己工作為主的綜述文章,該方面的工作被國內外同行廣泛引用。2001年後同時開展了嵌段共聚物自組裝的工作,主要研究思想是利用其它作用力如結晶,液晶等輔助嵌段共聚物的自組裝,以更加精確地控制嵌段共聚物的形態。主要研究成果包括:給出了嵌段共聚物各種結晶方式的特點和判明方法;根據嵌段共聚物的組成(形態)和相對相分離能力對嵌段共聚物的結晶行為進行了完整的分離;探明了嵌段共聚物在膠束中的結晶機理;關聯了結晶性嵌段共聚物宏觀形態同結構的關係。相關工作發表在Macromolecules, J. Mater. Chem., Polymer等期刊上。
1. 聚烯烴結構與性能關係
2. 聚合物在剪切場下或在受限環境中的結晶行為
3. 其它驅動力輔助的嵌段共聚物自組裝
4. 結構規整聚合物的合成


1. “結晶驅動的結晶性/聚電解質型嵌段共聚物的可控自組裝及其選擇性區域功能化”(國家自然科學基金面上項目,總經費:82萬,項目編號:21274130,時間:2013.01-2016.12)。
2. “聚丙烯反應釜合金的相分離及其對結晶、形態和性能的影響”(國家自然科學基金面上項目,總經費:38萬,項目編號:51073138,時間:2011.01-2013.12)。
3. “結晶性嵌段共聚物複合膠束的研究”(教育部博士點基金,總經費:6萬,項目編號:20090101,時間:2010.01-2012.12)。
4. “熱塑性彈性體的微觀結構與粘彈特性”(973三級子課題,項目編號:2011CB606005,總經費:80萬,時間:2010.12-2014.12)。
5. “結晶輔助的嵌段共聚物在溶液中的自組裝”(國家自然科學基金面上項目,總經費:35萬,項目編號:20974099,時間2010.01-2012.12)。
6. “結晶/液晶嵌段共聚物在本體中的自組裝”(國家自然科學基金面上項目,總經費:2萬,項目編號:20674073,時間:2007.01-2009.12)。
7. “聚烯烴反應釜合金及納米複合材料”(973三級子課題,項目編號:2005CB623804,總經費:55萬,間:2005.7-2010.7)。
8. “嵌段共聚物膠束形狀的調節及其在無機納米顆粒合成中的應用”(教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃項目,總經費:50萬,項目編號:NCET-04-0551,時間:005.01-2007.12)。
9. “嵌段共聚物在薄膜中的結晶”(國家自然科學基金面上項目,總經費:24萬,項目編號:20374046,時間:2004.01-2006.12)。
10. “乙烯/丙烯嵌段共聚物的結晶與形態研究”(教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金項目,總經費:2.0萬,項目編號:教外司留[2004]176號文件,時間:2004.01-2006.12)。
11. “結晶性嵌段共聚物在薄膜中的形態研究”(教育部優秀青年教師資助計劃項目,總經費:7萬,項目編號:教人司[2003]355號文件,時間:2004.01-2006.12)。
12. “茂金屬聚烯烴結構與性能關係的研究”(國家自然科學基金面上項目,總經費:11萬,項目編號:29703002,時間:1998.01-2000.12)。
13. “茂金屬催化氯乙烯定向聚合”(浙江省自然科學基金項目,總經費:4萬,項目編號:299050,時間:2000.01-2002.12)。


2012年1. Wei-Na He,Jun-Ting Xu,Crystallization assisted self-assembly of semicrystalline block copolymers,Prog. Polym. Sci.,37, 1350-1400 (2012).2. Zhao-Li Wang,Jun-Ting Xu,Bin-Yang Du, Zhi-Qiang Fan,Preparation and characterization of V-shaped PS-b-PEO brushes anchored on planar gold substrate through the trithiocarbonate junction group,J. Colloid Interf. Sci.,384, 29-37 (2012).3. Kai Cao,Jun-Ting Xu,Xiao-Song Wang,Synthesis and characterization of Fe(II)-coordinated PS-b-P[NIPAM-co-(VBC-Fe-DMAP)] block copolymers,Chin. J. Polym. Sci.,30(5), 674-681 (2012).4. Wei-Na He,Jun-Ting Xu,Bin-Yang Du, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Effect of pH on the micellar morphology of semicrystalline PCL-b-PEO block copolymers in aqueous solution,Macromol. Chem. Phys.,213(9), 952-964 (2012).5. Lian Wang, Xinfei Yu,Shuguang Yang, Joseph X. Zheng, Ryan M. Van Horn, Wen-Bin Zhang,Jun-Ting Xu,Stephen Z. D. Cheng,Polystyrene-block-poly(ethylene oxide) reverse micelles and their temperature-driven morphological transitions in organic solvents,Macromolecules,45(8), 3634-3638 (2012).6. Bing Zhou, Yi-Liao Liu,Jun-Ting Xu,Zhi-Qiang Fan, Effect of montmorillonite on orientation of drawn polypropylene films,J. Appl. Polym. Sci.,123: 3321-3330 (2012).7. Sheng-Jie Xia, Zhi-Sheng Fu, Biao Huang, Jun-ting Xu, Zhi-Qaing Fan,Ethylene/1-hexene copolymerization with MgCl2-supported Ziegler-Natta catalysts containing aryloxy ligands. Part I: Catalysts prepared by immobilizing TiCl3(OAr) onto MgCl2in batch reaction,J. Mol. Catal. A-Chem.,355, 161-167 (2012).8. Yi-Min Liu, Ying Li,Jun-Ting Xu,Zhi-Sheng Fu, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Effect of phase separation on spherulitic growth rate of PP/EPR in-reactor alloys,J. Appl. Polym. Sci.,123: 535-542 (2012).2011年1. Zheng Cao, Jun-Kang Guo, Xiao Fan, Jun-Ting Xu, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Bin-Yang Du,Detection of heavy metal ions in aqueous solution by P(MBTVBC-co-VIM)-coated QCM sensor,Sensor. Actuat. B-Chem.,157(1), 34-41 (2011).2. Zhao-Li Wang,Jun-Ting Xu,Bin-Yang Du, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Facile fabrication of amphiphilic gold nanoparticles with V-shaped brushes from block copolymers with a trithiocarbonate group as the junction,J. Colloid Interf. Sci.,360, 350-354 (2011).3. Zheng Cao, Tian-You Chen, Xiao-Lei Guo, Xian-Jing Zhou, Jing-Jing Nie,Jun-Ting Xu, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Bin-Yang Du,Synthesis and properties of organic-inorganic hybrid P(NIPAM-co-AM-co-TMSPMA) microgels,Chin. J. Polym. Sci.,29(4), 439-449 (2011).4. Zhi-Sheng Fu,Liang Zhu, Jian Deng,Jun-Ting Xu, Qi Wang, Zhi-Qiang Fan,Preparation and Application of Sulfonated Poly(1-octene-co-styrene),J. Appl. Polym. Sci.,119(2), 677-684 (2011).5. Tian-You Chen, Zheng Cao, Xiao-Lei Guo, Jing-Jing Nie,Jun-Ting Xu, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Bin-Yang Du,Preparation and characterization of thermosensitive organic-inorganic hybrid microgels with functional Fe3O4nanoparticles as crosslinker,Polymer,52(1), 172-179 (2011).2010年1. Zhi-Sheng Fu,Min Liu,Jun-Ting Xu, Qi Wang, Zhi-Qiang Fan,Stabilization of water-in-octane nano-emulsion. II Enhanced by amphiphilic graft copolymers based on poly (higher alpha-olefin)-graft-poly(ethylene glycol),Fuel,89(12), 3860-3865 (2010).2. Zhi-Sheng Fu,Min Liu,Jun-Ting Xu, Qi Wang, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Stabilization of water-in-octane nano-emulsion. Part I: Stabilized by mixed surfactant systems,Fuel,89(10), 2838-2843 (2010).3. Ai-Xiong Mei, Xiao-Lei Guo, Yan-Wei Ding, Xing-Hong Zhang,Jun-Ting Xu, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Bin-Yang Du,PNIPAm-PEO-PPO-PEO-PNIPAm pentablock terpolymer: Synthesis and chain behavior in aqueous solution,Macromolecules,43(17), 7312-7320 (2010).4. Min Cao, Jian-Qi Wang, Peng-Cheng Chen,Jun-Ting Xu,Zhi-Qiang Fan, Cleavage of polystyrene-b-poly(ethylene oxide) block copolymers with a trithiocarbonate linkage in solutions,J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem.,48, 3834-3840 (2010).5. Wei-Na He,Jun-Ting Xu,Bin-Yang Du, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Xiao-Song Wang, Inorganic-salt-induced morphological transformation of semicrystalline micelles of PCL-b-PEO block copolymer in aqueous solution,Macromol. Chem. Phys.,211, 1909-1916 (2010).6. Zi-Xiu Du,Jun-Ting Xu,Qi Dong, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Effects of comonomer content, comonomer distribution and crystallization condition on crystallinity and dimension of crystal lattice of ethylene-propylene copolymers,E-Polymers, No.079 (2010).7. RM Van Horn, JX Zheng, HJ Sun, MS Hsiao, WB Zhang, XH Dong,Jun-Ting Xu, EL Thomas, B Lotz, SZD Cheng,Solution crystallization behavior of crystalline-crystalline dibloek copolymers of poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(epsilon-caprolactone),Macromolecules,43(14), 6113-6119 (2010).8. Bin-Yang Du,Ai-Xiong Mei,YongYang, Qin-Fen Zhang,Jun-Ting Xu, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Synthesis and micelle behavior of (PNIPAm-PtBA-PNIPAm)mamphiphilic multiblock copolymer,Polymer,51(15), 3493-3502 (2010).9. Yi-Liao Liu, Ying Li,Jun-Ting Xu,Zhi-Qiang Fan, Cooperative effect of electrospinning and nanoclay on formation of polar crystalline phases in poly(vinylidene fluoride),ACS Appl. Mater. Interf.,2(6), 1759-1768 (2010).10. SG Yang, XF Yu, L Wang, JX Zheng,Jun-Ting Xu, RM Van Horn, SZD Cheng,Hydrogen-bonding-driven complexation of polystyrene-block -poly(ethylene oxide) micelles with poly(acrylic acid),Macromolecules,43(6), 3018-3026 (2010).11. Bin-Yang Du,Xiu-Juan, Bin Zhao, Ai-Xiong Mei, Qi Wang,Jun-Ting Xu, Zhi-Qaing Fan,Interfacial entrapment of noble metal nanoparticles and nanorods capped with amphiphilic multiblock copolymer at a selective liquid-liquid interface,Nanoscale,2(9), 1684-1689 (2010).


一、國內外訪問1. 2008年7月-2008年9月訪問University of Leeds (Dr. Xiao-Song Wang課題組),並順訪了Bristol University的Prof. I. Manners課題組、Sheffield University的A. J. Ryan和S. Armes課題組。 2. 2006年7月-2006年12月訪問The University of Akron (Prof. Stephen Z. D. Cheng課題組)。 3. 2005年7月-2005年9月訪問Pohang Univeristy of Science and Technology (Prof. Jin-Kon Kim課題組)二、國內外學者來訪1.“Controlled supramolecular synthesis for functional materials”Dr.Xiao-Song Wang, University of Leeds (UK), 2009.12.23. 2.“Synthesis of well-defined star and block copolymers by living/controlled polymerization”蘇州大學趙優良教授,2009.12.23. 3. “Fundamental understanding of the relationship between tear property and orientation/crystal morphology -- A “Time-Resolved” Study of Tear Process”Dr. Lizhi Liu, Senior Research Specialist, The Dow Chemical Company (USA), 2009.12.22. 4. “Are you the one we are looking for? -Informal discussion with a R&D hiring manager”Dr. Tong Sun,陶氏化學公司亞太區研發部分析科學研發總監,2009.12.22. 5. “高分子相變的複雜性---從材料到生命”胡文兵教授(南京大學), 2009.10.26 6. “From Micrometer to Nanometer: Designing Polymer Synthesis for Functional Applications”Dr. Ying-Feng Tu, The University of Akron (USA), 2009.9.17. 7.“Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Block Copolymers: A Bottom up Approach for Well-Defined Functional Nanomaterials”Dr.Xiao-Song Wang, University of Leeds (UK), 2008.1.5. 8. “New Functional Nanomaterials based on Block Copolymers”Prof. Jin-Kon Kim, Pohang University of Science and Technology (Korea), 2007.7.11.三、參加會議 1. “Effect of phase separation on morphology and crystallization kinetics of PP/EPR in-reactor alloys”, “The 3rd International Symposium on Polymer Morphology & Microscopy (PMM2010)”2010.6.13-2010.6.16, Changchun (China). 2. “Effects of inorganic salts and pH on micellar morphology of PCL-b-PEO block copolymers in aqueous solution”, “International Symposium on Polymer Physics (PP2010)”, 2010.6.6-2010.6.10, Jinan (China). 3. “多步序貫聚合和兩步聚合製備的PP/EPR反應釜合金的形態”, 2009年全國高分子學術論文, 2009.8.18-2009.8.23,天津。 4. “Morphology of semicrystalline micelles of poly(e-caprolactone)-b-poly(ethylene oxide) block copolymers”, “International Discussion Meeting on Polymer Crystallization”, 2009.8.12-2009.8.15, Shanghai (China). 5. “Micellar morphology of crystalline block copolymers”, “International Symposium on Polymer Physics(PP2008)”, 2008.6.8-2008.6.12, Xiamen (China). 6. “Effect of comonomer distribution on the crystal structure of ethylene-propylene copolymers”,“Asian Polyolefin Workshop 2007”, 2007.10.31-2007.11.3, Hangzhou (China). 7. “利用結晶調控聚己內酯/聚乙二醇嵌段共聚物的膠束形態”,2007年全國高分子學術論文, 2007.10.9-2007.10.13,成都。 8. “Thin film morphology of semicrystalline oxyethylene/ oxybutylene block copolymers”,“International Symposium on Polymer Physics(PP2006)”, 2006.6.1-2006.6.5, Suzhou (China). 9. “Crystallization of block copolymers: Effects of structure and other driving forces”, “China-France Bilateral Workshop on Polymer Crystallization”, 2006.6.7-2006.6.9, Nanjing (China).