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2013-今 中國人民大學歷史學院 教授
2011·2-8 德國慕尼黑大學蕾切爾·卡森中心(The Rachel Carson Center 2013. 7-12 for Environment and Society)卡森學者
2010–2013 中國人民大學歷史學院 講師
2008–2010 清華大學歷史系 博士后 2010年春季講授美國通史


2012-今 中國人民大學生態史研究中心副主任
2019-今 美國Environmental History雜誌編委
2013-今 英國Routledge出版社環境人文學系列國際編委
2017-2019 東亞環境史學會理事
2016-今 中國美國史學會理事
2013-2019 世界環境史組織聯盟學術委員會委員
2012-2016 德國慕尼黑大學蕾切爾·卡森中心學術委員會委員


2016-今 中國人民大學傑出學者、青年人文學者
2013.7 - 2014.1 德國慕尼黑大學蕾切爾·卡森中心卡森學者
2011.2 – 2011.8 德國慕尼黑大學蕾切爾·卡森中心卡森學者







Old Land, New Nature: The Journey of the Ideas and Practices of Nature Conservation from the United States to Modern China


侯深:《山巔之城: 波士頓的環境史,1803-1901》北京師範大學出版社,新史學系列
侯深:The City Natural: Garden and Forest Magazine and the Rise of American Environmentalism, Urban Environmental History Series, Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2013. (《城市自然化:<園與森林>雜誌與美國環保主義的興起》,美國匹茲堡大學出版社,2013)


1. 侯深:《遠離城市的地方:美國的荒野與19世紀後期的城市綠色改革者》,《新史學》,2011,待發。
2. 侯深:《翡翠都市:19世紀後期波士頓的城市環境改革與美國環境保護意識的興起》,博士后出站報告,清華大學:歷史,2010。
3. 侯深:《<鄉村裡的推土機>與環境史研究的新視角》,《世界歷史》,2010年10月,第5期。
4. 侯深:《前平肖時代的美國森林資源保護思想探析》,《史學月刊》,2009年12月,第12期。
5. 侯深:《自然與都市的融合:波士頓大都市公園體系的建設與啟示》,《世界歷史》,2009年8月,第4期。
6. 侯深:City Natural: Garden and Forest and the Rise of American Environmentalism (《城市自然化:<園與森林>與美國環境保護主義的興起》),原博士論文,2008,美國堪薩斯大學:美國史。(此為修改稿書名)
7. 侯深:《中國閱讀利奧波德》,《利奧波德通訊》,2007年第1期。“ChinaReads Leopold,” by Shen Hou,The Leopold Outlook, Volume 7, Issue 1, 2007.
8. 侯深:《死生易同,去就難輕:賈誼人生之再讀》,《歷史教學問題》,2000年,第5期。
9. 馬良懷,侯深:《風流千古,人琴俱存:漢晉之際士人與琴之關係之探討》,《華中師範大學學報》(人文社科版),2000年,第3期。
10.侯深:《變動的環境 變動的國家:美國作為一個環治國家的演化》,《華中師範大學學報》,2020年第二期。
12.侯深:《“例外的”自然?:論中美環境比較史研究的重要性》,《學術研究》,2019年第二期。(英文版:“Why We Need Comparative History: The Case of China and the United States,” A Field on Fire: Perspectives on Environmental History and Its Future (peer-reviewed), edited by Mark Hersey and Ted Steinburg, Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2019.)
13.Shen Hou, “Nature’s Tonic: Ecology, and Urbanization in a Chinese City, 1900-1950,” Environmental History, April 2019.
15.Shen Hou, “Making New Wine in Old Casks: Environmental History in China,” Environmental History of BRICS (peer-reviewed), edited by Ravi Rajan and Lise Sedrez, Oxford Univ. Press, 2017.
18.Hou Shen, “Garden and Forest: A Forgotten Magazine and the Urban Roots of American Environmentalism,” Environmental History (SSCI and A&HCI), 17 (October 2012), 813-842.


1.“Practicing Interdiciplinarity in Environmental History: Potentials and Pitfalls,” roundtable discussant, World Congress for Environmental History, July 26, 2019, Florianopolis, Brail.
2.“The Wealth of the Gold Mountain, the Nature of the Pearl River,” panel presentation, American Society for Environmental History annual meeting,, March 15, 2018, Riverside, California, USA.
3.“Trespassing. Environmental History and Migration,” Plenary Roundtable participant, European Society for Environmental History Biennial Conference, July 1, 2017, Zagreb, Croatia.
4.“This Land Is Not My Land: San Francisco, Chinese Migrants, and Their Homeland,” panel presentation, European Society for Environmental History Biennial Conference, June 29, 2017, Zagreb, Croatia.
5.“The Concealed Connection: Communist China’s First Nature Reserve and Its American Roots,” panel presentation, American Society for Environmental History annual meeting, April 1, 2016, Seattle, USA.
6.“‘The Crane Cries in the Deep Marsh’: The History of the Preservation of Red Crowned Cranes in China,” panel presentation, American Society for Environmental History annual meeting, March 20, 2015, Washington D.C., USA.
7.“Making New Wine in Old Casks: Environmental History in China,” invited talk, Symposium Dialogue on Environmental History—BRICS, 28 Aug. 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
8.“Besieged Nature: The Transformation of Nature Conservation in (Post)-Communist China,” panel presentation, World Congress for Environmental History, 13 July, 2014, Guimaraes, Portugal.
9.“Lost in Translations,” plenary session, American Society for Environmental History annual meeting, Mar. 13, 2014, San Francisco, USA.
10.Moderator for the book launch of the Carson alumni, European Society for Environmental History biennial meeting, Aug. 21, 2013, 2013, Munich, Germany.
11.“Conserving Nature: A Western Idea?” invited talk, Dec. 16, 2013, Linkoping University, Sweden.
12.“A View from China, Aldo Leopold and the Land Ethic in International Perspectives,” panel presentation, American Society for Environmental History annual meeting, March 31, 2012, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
13.“Green Fire,” commentating on the documentary film of Aldo Leopold, the First Conference of East Asian Environmental History, Oct. 25, 2011, Taiwan
14. “Nature and the Civilized Imagination: Garden and Forest and the Roots of American Environmentalism,” Nature and Culture Seminar, Hall Center for Humanities, May 11, 2007, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA.
15.Shen Hou, “Building Nature in Cities: Landscape Gardening and Garden and Forest,” panel presentation, American Society for Environmental History annual meeting, March 30, 2006, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.


1. 夏竹麗:《戰天鬥地:革命中國的政治與環境》(Judith, Shapiro,Mao’ s War against Nature: Politics and the Environment in Revolutionary China),侯深譯:第四章(正文52頁,註釋10頁),將由環境科學出版社出版。
2. 唐納德·沃斯特:《環境史中的變化》侯深譯,《世界歷史》,2006年6月,第3期。
3. 唐納德·沃斯特:《我們為何需要環境史》侯深譯,《世界歷史》,2004年第3期。
4. 侯深:《自然與城市的衝突與融合——<園與森林>所反映的美國城市環境觀念》,《清華歷史講堂》,2011年,待發。
5. 侯深:《寒雲路幾層:環保運動的根源與發展》,《中國社會科學報》,2010年5月4日。
6. 唐納德·沃斯特:《帝國之河:西部的水、旱與成長》,侯深譯,南京:譯林出版社,2018。