



戴浩一教授 1941 年出生於彰化縣鹿港鎮,1964 年畢業於台灣大學外文系,1965 年赴美國印地安那大學(Indiana University)攻讀語言學,於1970 年獲博士學位。自1970 年起至1987 年任教於美國南伊利諾大學(Southern IllinoisUniversity)外國語文學系與語言學系,並創立東方語文學位課程。期間曾於1978-1979 年在美國麻省理工學院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)擔任訪問科學家,與喬姆斯基(Noam Chomsky)研究語法理論。自1987 年至1995 年任教於美國俄亥俄州立大學(Ohio State University)東方語文學系,並擔任美國中文教師學會期刊主編。1995 年回台灣,創立台灣中正大學語言學研究所,並擔任第一任及第二任所長。1998 年至2002 年1 月擔任台灣中正大學文學院院長。2002 年2 月至2005 年1 月借調至國科會擔任人文暨社會科學處處長。2003-2005年擔任國際中國語言學會副會長、會長。2008 年2 月至9 月擔任中正大學副校長,現為中正大學講座教授兼人文與社會科學研究中心主任暨首席校務顧問。


從1975年起擔任《中國語言學報》(Journal of Chinese Linguistics) 副編輯至今。從1987至1994年擔任美國《中文教師協會學報》(Journal of Chinese Teachers Association) 總編輯。從2011年起擔任《華語文教學研究》(Journal of Chinese Language Teaching)主編。同時擔任其他語言學及中國語言學期刊的編輯委員,包括《語言暨語言學》(Language and Linguistics),《同心圓:語言學研究》(Concentric: Studies in Linguistics),《當代語言學》(Contemporary Linguistics),《東方語言學》(EASTLING)。曾任國際中國語言學學會 (IACL) 副會長 (2003-2004) 及會長 (2004-2005)。


第一期(1970-1978):著重於衍生變型語法的研究。其博士論文 "Coordination Reduction"(並列結構的縮減)(Tai 1970) 為此期之代表作。論文中提出縮減與重組的基本形式機制,來衍生不同語言中的各種並列結構。其後,於1972年研究並列結構與關係子句在漢語、英文、阿拉伯文等語言的不同,對衍生變型文法的移動 (movement) 基本觀念,提出修正,主張移動應視為複印 (copying) 與等同刪除 (identity deletion) 的結果 (Sanders and Tai 1972b)。這個觀念終於在最近獲得肯定,而被杭士基在最新的語法理論 "The Minimalist Program" (Chomsky 1995) 所採用。另於1973年提出漢語的基底詞序 (underlying word order) 為主詞 – 受詞 – 動詞 (SOV) (Tai 1973a) 及漢語從古代的 SVO 演變至現代 SOV 的理論 (Tai 1976b)。在70年代及80年代,有關漢語詞序的論文都會引用這兩篇文章。此外,也對漢語副詞分為狀語與補語的語義基礎,加以分析,而提出漢語副詞詞序的語義基礎理論 (Tai 1973a, 1975)。同時,他也研究漢語照應詞 (anaphor) 與代名詞的分佈情況 (Tai 1978),並因此體認形式語法對漢語分析的限制,以及功能語法的解釋能力的優勢。
第二期(1979-1987):從這個階段開始,逐漸由形式語法轉入功能語法。於1978-1979年在美國麻省理工學院擔任訪問學者期間,與杭士基 (Noam Chomsky) 研究語法理論,更覺形式語法之不足,從而轉向,開始致力於功能語法之研究。此期之代表作為(1)"Relevant Categorial Distinctions in Chinese" (Tai 1982),文中利用範疇語法 (Categorial Grammar) 的語義觀念,來確認漢語的詞類,並指出漢語的詞類與印歐語的詞類迥然不同;(2)"Verbs and Times in Chinese: Vendler's Four Categories" (Tai 1984),文中指出 Vendler 的四個動詞範疇在漢語中只有三個。漢語沒有成就範疇。漢語成就範疇的概念是以“動作 – 結果複合詞”(resultative compounds) 來表現;(3)"Temporal Sequence and Word Order in Chinese" (Tai 1985) 主張漢語的詞序主要取決於人類概念系統中的時間次序,同時指出語法類象性 (iconicity) 的存在,及其對形式語法的挑戰。這三篇文章都是利用漢語的特點,來修正西方主流的語法與語義的理論,同時也跨進認知語法的研究領域。
"Towards a Cognition-based Functional Grammar of Chinese" (Tai 1989),並與薛鳳生合編 Functionalism and Chinese Grammar (Tai and Hsueh 1989),以及《功能主義與漢語語法》 (戴、薛 1994)。同時開始致力於漢語量詞的認知基礎的研究 (Tai 1992a, 1994, Tai and Wang 1990, Tai and Chao 1994),漢語語法的類象動機 (Iconic motivation) (Tai 1993a),漢語的空間概念的表達 (Tai 1993b),漢語動詞與名詞的認知基礎 (Tai 1997)。這期間的研究成果與理論涵意於 Biq, Tai, and Thompson 1996 中有簡要說明,並提出以範疇形成(categorization)、時間與空間 (space and time)、類象性 (iconicity)、隱喻 (metaphor) 為認知功能語法的四個研究重點。
第四期(1995 – 迄今):自創立台灣中正大學語言學研究所以來,一方面繼續研究語言與認知關係,一方面開始對語言、心靈、與人腦的互動進行研究。在認知心理學、腦神經心理學與心靈哲學的基礎上,來研究漢語,繼續探索漢語認知系統,並提出非自主性語法的幾個研究基點。在這期間,設計了一套嶄新的心理語言學研究方法,收集了台灣閩南語及客家話量詞系統各自在不被其他漢語方言影響的單語說話者(monolingual speakers)的使用情形。這兩個系列研究替台灣閩南語及客語保存了珍貴的原始資料,並且奠定了這兩個方言量詞的認知系統的研究基礎。這個研究方法將來可以很容易用來研究漢語其他方言的量詞系統,對語言與認知的研究提供絕佳的素材。自2000年開始,又開創了台灣的手語研究。目前正在研究台灣自然手語的辭彙與語法,撰寫《台灣手語參考語法》(預計於2005年底完成),並且建立台灣手語線上影像辭典(Taiwan Sign Language Online Dictionary, 已於2008年上線)。這個研究將會為台灣自然手語保存珍貴的記錄資料,並且對語言與認知的互動有突破性的了解。


2009. Tai, James H-Y. & Tsay (eds.)Taiwan Sign Language and Beyond. Chia-Yi: The Taiwan Institute for the Humanities, National Chung Cheng University. (PDF)
2008. 台灣史三百年面面觀。台灣中正大學台灣人文研究中心。
2005. Language and Linguistics, 6.2. Special Issue on Taiwan Sign Language. (co-edited with James Myers)
1994. 功能主義與漢語語法。(戴浩一、薛鳳生主編)北京語言學院出版社。(PDF)
1989. Functionalism and Chinese Grammar, with Frank Hsueh. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, Monograph Series, no. 1. (PDF)
1973. Coordination Reduction. (Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University, 1970.) Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Linguistics Club. (PDF)
2010. Tai, James H-Y. and Yijun Chen. Modality and Variation in Sign Languages. 《研究之樂-慶祝王士元先生七十五壽辰學術論文集》,330-348,上海教育出版社。(PDF)
2009. Chen, Yijun and James H-Y. Tai. Lexical variation and change in Taiwan Sign Language.Taiwan Sign Language and Beyond,ed. by James H-Y. Tai and Jane Tsay, 131-148. Chia-Yi, Taiwan: The Taiwan Institute for the Humanities, National Chung Cheng University. (PDF)
2009. Su ,Shiou-fen and James H-Y. Tai . Lexical comparison of signs from Taiwan, Chinese, Japanese, and American Sign Languages: Taking iconicity into Account.Taiwan Sign Language and Beyond,ed by James H-Y. Tai and Jane Tsay, 149-176. Chia-Yi, Taiwan: The Taiwan Institute for the Humanities, National Chung Cheng University. (PDF)
2009. Hui-Ju Chuang & James, H-Y. Tai. "A usage-based account of verbal reduplication in Taiwan Southern Min" Proceedings of the 18 International Congress of Linguists. Pp1755-1764. Seoul: The Linguistic Society of Korea. (PDF)
2008. Jenny Yichun Kuo, May-Ling Lee & James H.-Y. Tai "Categorization patterns of classifiers in Taiwan Southern Min" Chinese Linguistics in Europe No.2, pp 207-217. Paris: Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l’Asie Orientale, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. (PDF)
2008. "The Nature of Chinese Grammar: Perspectives from Sign Language" Proceedings of the 20North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. Pp21-40. Ohio, Columbus: The Ohio State University. (PDF)
2008. "Entrenchment of Pragmatics in Syntax".Handbook ofThe Second Conference on Language, Discourse and Cognition. 1-19. Institute of Linguistics, National Taiwan University. (PDF) 2008. "新世紀台灣語言學研究之展望."《輔仁外語學報》第五期,頁23-32. 轉載 自《漢學研究》第18卷特刊, pp. 511-519. (PDF)
2008. 漢語認知功能語法─回顧與前瞻,《中國語學》,255:226-233。 (PDF)
2007. "中文構詞與句法的概念結構" 《華語文教學研究》Journal of Chinese Language Teaching: 4.1.:1-30. (PDF)
2007. "A Critical Review: The Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics, Vol. 1: Chinese". with James Myers, by Ping Li, Li Hai Tan, Elizabeth Bates, and Ovid J. L. Tzeng (eds.) Cambridge University Press, 2006.Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 35 (1), 145-175. (PDF)
2007. Tai, James H-Y. "漢語認知功能語法—回顧與前瞻"日本中國語學會第57回全國大會予稿集. Pp. 12-29.
2007. Su, Shiou-fen and James H-Y. Tai and. "Encoding Motion Events in Taiwan Sign Language and Mandarin Chinese:Some Typological Implications." Paper presented at the Second International Conference of the French Association for Cognitive Linguistics, University of Lille, France. May 10-12, 2007.
2007. Tai, James H-Y. "Modality Effects and Syntactic Structures of Sign Language" International Symposium on Language, Culture and Cognition, March 9-10, 2007.
2006."分類詞“尾”在台灣閩南語與客語中的範疇結構之比較" 【門內日與月:鄭錦全先生七秩壽慶論文集】《語言暨語言學》專刊外篇之七,中央研究院語言學研究 所。 59-73. (PDF)
2006 "靜態空間關係在中文的呈現" 《現代中國語研究》第八期。1-7. (PDF)
2006. "台灣手語的呼應方式" 【百川會海:李壬癸先生七秩壽慶論文集】《語言暨語言學》專刊外篇之五,中央研究院語言學研究所。341-363. (PDF)
2006. "台灣四縣客語量詞 "尾 (mi24)" 的範疇結構" 《語言暨語言學─客語專輯》Language and Linguistics : 7.2.:501-521. (PDF)
2006. Tai, James H-Y. " On Modality Effects and Relative Uniformity of Sign Languages" Pre-Conference Proceedings of 14Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics & 10 International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics. Pp. 222-240. Academia Sinica, Taipei. May 25-28, 2006
2006. Tai, James H-Y. and Shiou-fen Su. "Lexical comparison of signs from Taiwan, Chinese, Japanese, and American Sign Languages" Proceedings of the First International Conference of Comparative Study of East Asian Sign Languages. Pp. 58-70.
2006. Su, Shiou-fen and James Tai and. "Word Order in Taiwan Sign Language" Proceedings of the First International Conference of Comparative Study of East Asian Sign Languages. Pp. 153-163.
2006. Chen, Yi-Jun and James Tai. "Lexical Variation in Taiwan Sign Language" Proceedings of the First International Conference of Comparative Study of East Asian Sign Languages. Pp. 44-57.
2005. "Conceptual Structure and Conceptualizations in Chinese Grammar"Language and Linguistics. 6.4. :539-574. (PDF)
2005. "Modality Effects: Iconicity in Taiwan Sign Language"POLA FOREVER: Festschrift in Honor of Professor William S-Y. Wang on his 70TH Birthday. Edited by Dah-an Ho and Ovid J. L. Tzeng. Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica. Taipei. 19-36. (PDF)
2005. "Classifier Predicates Reanalyzed, with Special Reference to Taiwan Sign Language" (with Jung-hsing Chang & Shiou-fen Su)Language and Linguistics, 6.2: 247-278. (PDF)
2005. Tai, James H-Y. " 漢語認知功能語法"(特邀演講)江西大學,中國,南昌。2005年 9月26日。
2005. Tai, James H-Y. "概念結構與漢語語法" (特邀演講) 上海師範大學,中國,上海。2005年9月28日。
2005. Tai, James H-Y., Jane S. Tsay, and James Myers. " The Efficiency of Taiwan Sign Language vs. Spoken and Simultaneous Communication" Invited Speech. The Third International Conference on Formal Linguistics& The Second Yuelu Language Acqusition Workshop, Hunan University, Changsha, P.R. China. September 23-25, 2005
2005. Tai, James H-Y."Space use and iconicity in Taiwan Sign Language" Invited Speech. The 13th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics. Leiden University, Leiden, Netherland. June , 9-11, 2005.
2004. Tai, James H-Y. "Conceptual Structure and Syntax" Invited Keynote Speech. The 9 International Symposium of Chinese Languages and Linguistics. National Taiwan University, Taipei. November 19-21, 2004.
2004. Tai, James H-Y. "呂叔湘先生“省略概念”對衍生語法的啟示" 紀念呂叔湘先生百年冥誕國際學術研討會。中國,北京。2004年6月21-22日。
2004. Tai, James H-Y. "語用原則與非自主性語法 " 第十二屆國際中國語言學學會年會。中國,天津。(特邀主題演講Invited Keynote Speech)2004年6月18-20日。
2003. "認知功能語法與漢語教學"《語言理論與語言教學》 34-45.香港教育學院。(PDF)
2003. "Cognitive Relativism: Resultative Construction in Chinese"Language and Linguistics, 4.2.: 301-316. (PDF)
2002. "Temporal Sequence in Chinese: A Rejoinder" InForm andFunction: Linguistic Studies in Honor of Shuanfan Huang. Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. Pp.331-351. (PDF)
2002. "概念結構與非自主性語法:漢語語法概念系統初探" 《當代語言學》4 .1: 1-12. (PDF)
2002. Tai, James H-Y. "Sign Languages, Conceptual Structures and Chinese Grammar," Paper presented at The 11th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics, Aichi Prefectural University, Aichi, Japan, August 20-22, 2002.
2000. "新世紀台灣語言學研究之展望" 《漢學研究》第18卷特刊, pp. 511-519. (PDF)
1999. "Verb-Copying in Chinese Revisited."Chinese Language and Linguistics V: Interactions in Language Symposium Series of the Institute of History and Philology, no.2, Academia Sinica. Pp.97-119. (PDF)
1999. "A Note on the Classifier bue53 尾 in Southern Min." Contemporary Studies on the Min Dialects, Pang-Hsin Ting,ed. Monograph Series 14,Journal of Chinese Linguistics. Pp.225-228.
1999. "Chinese Grammar and Bio-Cognitive Bases of Human Language." Biological Bases of Languages, Ovid Tzeng , ed. Monograph Series 13,Journal of Chinese Linguistics. pp.130-146.
1999. "Some Reflections on the Periodization of the Chinese Language," with Marjorie Chan. –In Honor of Mei Tsu- Lin: Studies on Chinese Historical Syntax and Morphology. Edited by Alain Peyraube and Chaofen Sun. Paris: Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. Pp. 223-239.
1998. "'Topic', 'subject' and Argument Selection in Chinese."Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies, New Series XXVII, no. 1, 83-101.
1997. "Category Shifts and Word Formation Redundancy Rules in Chinese."Chinese Language and Linguistics II1: Morphology and Lexicon, Symposium Series of the Institute of History and Philology, no.2 , Academia Sinica. Pp.435-468. (PDF)
1996. "Recent Developments in Functional Approaches to Chinese," with Yung-O Big and Sandra Thompson.New Horizons in Chinese Linguistics, James Huang and Audrey Li, eds. Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.97-140.
1995. "From Nouns to Verbs: Verbalization in Chinese Dialects and East Asian Languages," with Marjorie Chan.Sixth North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics. NACCL6, Jose Camacho and Lina Choueiri, eds. Los Angeles: Graduate Students in Linguistics (GSIL), USC. Pp.49-74.
1994. "Chinese Classifier Systems and Human Categorization."In Honor of Professor William S-Y. Wang: Interdisciplinary Studies on Language and Language Change, Matthew Chen and Ovid Tseng, eds. Pyramid Publishing Company, pp. 479-494. (PDF)
1994. "A Semantic Study of the Classifier zhang," with Fangyi Chao.Journal of Chinese Language TeachersAssociation29.3:67-78. (PDF)
1993. "Conceptual Structures of Chinese Spatial Expressions."Papers From the Parasession on Conceptual Representations, CLS29.2:347-362. (PDF)
1993. "Iconicity: Motivations in Chinese Grammar."Principles and Prediction: The Analysis of Natural Language, Mushira Eid and Gregory Iverson, eds., Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 153-174. (PDF)
1992. "Category Shifts and Word-Formation Redundancy Rules in Chinese."Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Chinese Languages and Linguistics, H. Samuel Wang and Feng-fu Tsao, eds., Taiwan: National Tsing Hwa University, pp. 1-19.
1992. "Variation in Classifier Systems Across Chinese Dialects: Towards a Cognition-based Semantic Approach." Chinese Language and Linguistics 1: Chinese Dialects, Symposium Series of the Institute of History and Philology no.2, Academia Sinica, pp. 587-608. (PDF)
1991. "Functional Motivations for the So-Called 'Inverted Sentences' in Beijing Conversational Discourse," with Hu Wenze.Journal of Chinese Language Teachers Association26.3:75-104.
1990. "A Semantic Study of the Classifier tiao," with Wang Lianqing.Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association25.1:35-56. (PDF)
1989. "A Critical review of Jerry Norman's Chinese," with Marjorie Chan.Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association24.1:43-61.
1989. "Towards a Cognition-based Functional Grammar of Chinese."Functionalism and Chinese Grammar, Monograph Series of the Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, no.1:187-226. (PDF)
1988. "People's Republic of China."International Handbook on Bilingualism and Bilingual Education, Christina Bratt Paulston, ed., Greenwood Press, pp. 185-201.
1987. "Temporal Sequence and Word Order in Chinese."Wang Li Memorial Volume, Chinese Language Society of Hong Kong, eds., Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Company, pp. 377-404.
1986. "On the Change From SVO to SOV in Chinese."Readings in Chinese Transformational Syntax, Shou-hsin Teng, ed., reprinted, Taiwan: Crane Publishing Company, pp. 429-444.
1986. "Semantics and Syntax of 'Inner' and 'Outer' Locatives."Readings in Chinese Transformational Syntax, Shou-hsin Teng, ed., reprinted, Taiwan: Crane Publishing Company, pp. 25-34.
1986. "Chinese as an SOV Language."Readings in Chinese Transformational Syntax, Shou-hsin Teng, ed., reprinted, Taiwan: Crane Publishing Company, pp. 341-354.
1985. "Temporal Sequence and Word Order in Chinese."Iconicity in Syntax, John Haiman, ed., Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 49-72. (PDF)
1984. "Word Order in Chinese and the X-theory."Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association14.2:23-35.
1984. "Verbs and Times in Chinese: Vendler's Four Categories."Papers from the Parasession on Lexical Semantics, Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 289-296. (PDF)
1982. "Also on Adverb-like Adjectives in Chinese."Journal of Chinese Linguistics10.1:81-85.
1982. "Relevant Categorial Distinctions in Chinese."Papers from the Eighteenth Regional Meeting of Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 295- 306. (PDF)
1978. "Anaphora in Chinese Discourse."Anaphora in Discourse, John Hinds, ed., Edmonton, Canada: Linguistic Research Inc., pp. 279-338. (PDF)
1976. "On the Change From SVO to SOV in Chinese."Parasessions on Diachronic Syntax, Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 291-304.
1976. "Semantics and Syntax of 'Inner' and 'Outer' Locatives."Proceedings of 1976 Mid-America Linguistics Conference, University of Minnesota, pp. 301-310.
1975. "On the Equivalent of 'kill' in Mandarin Chinese," with Jane Chou.Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association10.2:48-52.
1975. "On Two Functions of Place Adverbials in Mandarin Chinese."Journal of Chinese Linguistics3.2/3:154-179. (PDF)
1975. "Vocabulary Changes in the Chinese Language: Some Observations on Extent and Nature."Journal of Chinese Linguistics3.2/3:233-234.
1973. "A Derivational Constraint on Adverbial Placement in Mandarin Chinese."Journal of Chinese Linguistics1.3:397- 413. (PDF)
1973. "Chinese as a SOV Language."Papers from the Ninth Regional Meeting of Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 659-671. (PDF)
1972. "Immediate Dominance and Identity Deletion," with Gerald Sanders.Foundations of Language8:161-198. (PDF)
1972. "Contrastive Analysis and the Notion of Constraints in Syntax."Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association8.2:80-91.
1971. "Identity Deletion and Regrouping in Coordinate Structures,"Papers from the Seventh Regional Meeting of Chicago Linguistic Society, pp. 264-274. (PDF)
Book Reviews
1988. Henry Hung-Yeh Tiee, A Reference Grammar of Chinese Sentences.Modern Language Journal72.4:465-466.
1986. Marie-Claude Paris, Nominalization in Mandarin Chinese.Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association21:79-83.
Research Project Report
2009Modality Effects on Linguistic Structure of Sign Language and their Implications for Language Universals, I. (NSC97-2410-H-194-073-MY3)
2008AStudy of Taiwan Sign Language from a Cross-Linguistic Perspective, III.(NSC96-2411-H-194-001)
2007AStudy of Taiwan Sign Language from a Cross-Linguistic Perspective, II.(NSC95-2411-H-194-004)
2006AStudy of Taiwan Sign Language from a Cross-Linguistic Perspective, I.(NSC94-2411-H-194-016).
2005AStudy of Taiwanese Sign Language: Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, and Digital Graphic Dictionary,IV. (NSC 93-2411-H-194-001).2004.A Study of Taiwanese Sign Language: Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, and Digital Graphic Dictionary, III(NSC 92-2411-H-194-007).
2003.A Study of Taiwanese Sign Language: Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, and Digital Graphic Dictionary, II.(NSC 91-2411-H-194-002).
2002.A Study of Taiwanese Sign Language: Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, and Digital Graphic Dictionary, I.(NSC90-2411-H-194-025)
2001-2002.Categorization Patterns of Classifiers in Hakka and their Cognitive Principles, II.(NSC90-2411-H-194-024)
2000-2001.Categorization Patterns of Classifiers in Hakka and their Cognitive Principles. (NSC89-2411-H-194-056).
1998-2001.Non-autonomous Syntax and Mental Representation, I-III. (NSC87-2418-H-194-013; NSC88-2418-H-194-004; NSC89-2418-H-194-047-MB).
1997-2000.Cognition-based Chinese Grammar, I-III. (NSC87- 2411-H-194-017, NSC88-2411-H-194-004, NSC89-2411-H- 194-035).
1999.Chinese Grammar and Evaluation of Chinese Reading Ability of Science-gifted High School Students, I-III. (NSC 86-2511-S-194-003, NSC 87-2511-S-194-004, NSC 88-2511- S-194-001)
1997.Categorization Patterns of Classifiers in Taiwanese Southern Min and their Cognitive Principles. (NSC 86-2411- H-194-005)
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