

儲誠斌,男,1965年1月出生,法國一級教授,法國特魯瓦工業大學特魯瓦信息科技研究所副所長、工業系統優化國家重點實驗室主任,目前還兼任IEEE Transachous on Roblies and Automation副主編,美國國家科學基金評審專家、歐盟研發項目評審專家。現為巴黎中央理工大學由家樂福達能路易·威登等5家跨國公司贊助的供應鏈管理講座教授。


任IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering 副編,Computers&Industrial Engineering編委。


1.1996年榮獲Robert Faure一等獎(法國運籌學領域最重要獎項)。
2.榮獲IEEE Robotics and Automation Society頒發的“1998最佳 Transactions 論文獎”。









4.AFIRST(法國以色列科技進步協會)"Factory of the Future" 項目"Intelligent scheduling of robotized manufacturing systems using combinatorial algorithms" 與Holon Institute of Technology (以色列)合作,1998始資助兩年(5萬歐元),法方項目負責人。
5.INTAS 項目"Discrete optimization in manufacturing and computer aided design based on scheduling and graph theory".合作者:Institute of Engineering Cybernetics (白俄羅斯),University of Graz (奧地利),University of Saarbruken (德國),University of GrenobleⅠ(法國),1997年始,共資助3年。特魯瓦技術大學課題組組長。
6.OPPLA/POEM 項目“Optimization of Multidimensional Bin Packing Problems in the Corporation D'HUART”. 合作者: D'HUART及SCORIL公司。1994年, 共資助3年(洛林地區政府資助5.5萬歐元招收博士生,企業資助9萬歐元研究經費),項目負責人。
7.歐共體ESPRIT項目“Hierarchical Management and Control in Manufacturing Systems” (HIMAC).合作者: University of Karlsruhe (德國), EICAS Automazione (義大利), Technical University of Crete (希臘). 1994年, 共資助3年(法方獲資助30萬歐元)。法方項目負責人。
8.ORAM 項目“Scheduling of robot actions in an automatic medical analysis system”由SFRI (Société Française de Recherche et d'Investissement) 公司資助。1993年, 3個月(1.5萬歐元),項目負責人。
9.PARODI 項目“Packing automation in industrial distribution systems”,合作者:SYSPRO (Saint-Gobain), SUPELEC, 等,1988年,共資助3年,技術負責人
10.OPVAC 項目“Scheduling of picture shootings for SPOT satellites to maximize the benefits”合作者: CNES (法國空間研究中心), 1990年, 資助1年(1.5萬歐元),項目負責人。
11.歐共體EUREKA-FAMOS 項目“Converter repairing machine (stochastical) scheduling in steel plants to minimize the waiting time of convertors and the number of machines required”. 合作者: ARBED (盧森堡), Paul WURTH (盧森堡), Delft University of Technology (荷蘭), SCORIL (法國)。1991年始, 資助 2 年(法方獲15萬歐元資助),法方技術負責人。
12.PEP 項目“Analysis and prevention of the break-out phenomena”由盧森堡ARBED鋼鐵公司資助. 1991年,資助6個月(1萬歐元),項目負責人。
13.QAL 項目“Analysis of the quality of process control and minimization of energy loss”由盧森堡ARBED鋼鐵公司資助。1991年,資助1年半(1.5萬歐元),項目負責人。


Chu, C., and Proth, J. M. L'ordonnancement et ses applications (生產調度及應用). Masson, Paris, 1996. ISBN 2-225-85193-X.
Chu, C. Nouvelles approches analytiques et concept de mémoire artificielle pour divers problèmes d'ordonnancement (解多類調度問題的新的解析方法與人工記憶器的概念). Thèse de doctorat, Université de Metz, septembre 1990. ISBN 2-7261-0653-6.
Chu, C. Ordonnancement de la production : approches théoriques nouvelles (生產調度:新的理論方法). abilitation à diriger des recherches, Université de Metz, Juin 1995. ISBN 2-7261-0922-5.


Antonio, J., Chauvet, F., Chu, C., and Proth, J. M. The cutting stock problem with mixed objectives: Two heuristics based on dynamic programming. European Journal of Operational Research 114 (1999), 395-402.
Berenguer, C., Chu, C., and Grall, A. Inspection and maintenance planning: An application of semi-Markov decision process. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 8 (1997), 467-476.
Che, A., and Chu, C. A polynomial algorithm for no-wait cyclic hoist scheduling in an extended electroplating line. Operations Research Letters, To appear.
Che, A., and Chu, C. Single-track multi-hoist scheduling problem: A collision-free resolution based on branch and bound approach. International Journal of Production Research 42 (2004), 2435-2456.
Che, A., and Chu, C. Multi-degree cyclic scheduling of two robots in a no-wait flowshop. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, To appear.
Che, A., Chu, C., and Chu, F. Multicyclic hoist scheduling with constant processing times. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 18 (2002), 69-80.
Che, A., Chu, C., and Levner, E. A polynomial algorithm for 2-degree cyclic robotic scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research. 145 (2003), 31-44.
Chen, H., Chu, C., and Proth, J. M. Sequencing of parts in robotic cells. International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 9 (1997), 81-104.
Chen, H., Chu, C. A Lagrangian relaxation approach for supply chain planning with order/setup costs and capacity constraints. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 12 (2003), 98-110.
Chen, H., Chu, C., and Proth, J. M. Cyclic scheduling of a hoist with time window constraints. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 14 (1998), 144-152.
Chen, H., Chu, C., and Proth, J. M. An improvement of the Lagrangian relaxation approach for job shop scheduling: A dynamic programming method. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 14 (1998), 786-795.
Chu, C. A branch and bound algorithm to minimize total flow time with unequal release dates. Naval Research Logistics 39 (1992), 859-875.
Chu, C. A branch and bound algorithm to minimize total tardiness with different release dates. Naval Research Logistics 39 (1992), 265-283.
Chu, C. Efficient heuristics to minimize total flow time with release dates. Operations Research Letters 12 (1992), 321-330.
Chu, C. A new class of scheduling criteria and their optimization. RAIRO Recherche opérationnelle / Operations Research 30 (1996), 171-189.
Chu, C., and Antonio, J. Approximation algorithms to solve real-life multi-criteria cutting stock problems. Operations Research 47 (1999), 495- 508.
Chu, C., Chu, F., Proth, J. M., and Xie, X. L. Vérification incrémentale de la consistance d'un réseau de Petri (Petri網的一致性的遞增檢驗). Technique et science informatiques 14/7 (1995), 867-896.
Chu, C., and Gordon, V. NP-completeness and polynomial solvable case of TWK due date assignment models. International Journal of Mathematical Algorithms 2 (2001), 251-267.
Chu, C., and La, R. Variable-sized bin packing: Tight absolute worst-case performance ratios for four approximation algorithms. SIAM Journal on Computing 30 (2001), 2069-2083. Ti scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research 58 (1992), 404-413.
Chu, C., and Portmann, M. C. Some new efficient methods to solve the n/1/ri/Ti scheduling problem. European Journal of Operational Research 58 (1992), 404—413.
Chu, C., and Portmann, M. C. Application of the artificial memory approach to multicriteria scheduling problems. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 4 (1993), 151-161.
Chu, C., and Portmann, M. C. Job-shop scheduling to minimize total waiting time. Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis 9 (1993), 177- 185.
Chu, C., Portmann, M. C., and Proth, J. M. A splitting-up approach to simplify job-shop scheduling problems. International Journal of Production Research 30, 4 (1992), 859-870.
Chu, C., and Proth, J. M. Single machine scheduling with chain structured constraints and windows on separation times. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation 12 (1996), 835-844.
Chu, C., Proth, J. M., and Sethi, S. P. Heuristic procedures for minimizing makespan and the number of required pallets in flow-shops. European Journal of Operational Research 86 (1995), 491-502.
Chu, C., Proth, J. M., and Wang, C. Improving job-shop scheduling through critical pairwise exchanges. International Journal of Production Research 36 (1998), 693-694.
Chu, C., Proth, J., and Wolff, P. Predictive maintenance: The one-unit replacement model. International Journal of Production Economics 54 (1998), 285-295.
Chu, C., Proth, J. M., and Xie, X. Supply management in assembly systems. Naval Research Logistics 40 (1993), 933-949.
Elegbede, C., Chu, C., Adjallah, K., and Yalaoui, F. A new method for reliability allocation. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 52 (2003), 106-111.
Gordon, V., Proth, J., and Chu, C. A survey of the state-of-the-art of common due date assignment and scheduling research. European Journal of Operational Research 139 (2002), 1-25. Invited Review.
Gordon, V., Proth, J., and Chu, C. Due date assignment and scheduling: SLK, TWK and other due date assignment models. Production Planning and Control 13 (2002), 117-132.
Liu, X., Wang, C., and Chu, C. An optimal procurement planning approach in distri-buted supply chains. Chinese Journal of Management Science 11 (2003), 30-35.
Liu, X., Wang, C., and Chu, C. A Survey of Supplier Selection Models and Approaches. Chinese Journal of Management Science. To appear.
Nait Tahar, D., Yalaoui, F., Chu, C. and L. Amodeo. A linear programming approach for identical machine scheduling with job splitting and sequence-dependent setup times. International Journal of Production Economics. To appear.
Nessah, R., and Chu, C. Quasi-variational equation. Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, 2004.
Proth, J., Mauroy, G., Wardi, Y., Chu, C., and Xie, X. Supply management for cost minimization in assembly systems with random component yield time. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 8 (1997), 385-403.
Ci scheduling problems. International Journal of Production Economics 44 (1996), 225-238.
Wang, C., Chu, C., and Proth, J. M. Efficient heuristic and optimal approaches for n/2/F/Ci scheduling problems. European Journal of Operational Research 96 (1997), 636-644.
Wang, C., Chu, C., and Proth, J. M. Heuristic approaches for n/m/F/
Wang, C., Chu, C., and Yin, C. Implementation of remote robot manufacturing over Internet. Computers in Industry 45 (2001), 215-229.
Wang, C., Zhang, Y., Song G., Yin, C., and Chu, C. An integration architecture for process manufacturing systems. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 15 (2002), 413-426.
Wang, G., Sun, H., and Chu, C. Preemptive scheduling with availability constraints to minimize total weighted tardiness. Annals of Operations Research. To appear.
Yalaoui, A., Chu, C., and Châtelet, E. Evaluation de la fiabilité d'un système de prévision de la demande dans le cas d'une politique de regroupement des besoins (一個帶需求成組策略的需求預測系統的可靠性評價). RAIRO Operations Research/Recherche opérationnelle, 2004.
Yalaoui, A., Chu, C., and Châtelet, E. Allocation de fiabilité et de redondance : système parallèle-série (並串聯繫統的可靠性及冗餘配置). Journal Européeen des Systèmes Automatisés/European Journal of Automated Systems 38 (2004), 85-102.
Yalaoui, A., Chu, C., and Châtelet, E. Reliability allocation problem in a series-parallel system. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. To appear.
Yalaoui, A., Châtelet, E., and Chu, C. A new dynamic programming method for reliability and redundancy allocation in a parallel-series system. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. To appear.
Yalaoui, F., and Chu, C. A heuristic approach and performance analysis on parallel machine scheduling with job splitting and setup times. IIE Transactions 35 (2003), 183-190.
Yalaoui, F., and Chu, C. Parallel machine scheduling to minimize total tardiness. International Journal of Production Economics 76 (2001), 265-279.


Antonio, J., Chu, C., Sauer, N., and Wolff, P. POEM project and solution for one-dimensional cutting stock problems. In Proceedings of the 1995 Symposium on Operations Research (Passau, Germany, September 13-15, 1995).
Ben Messaoud, S., Chu, C., and Espinouse, M.-L. New concept of the classic shelf algorithm. In Proceeedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Production Management (Porto, Portugal, 26-28 May 2003), 7 p.
Ben Messaoud, S., Chu, C., and Espinouse, M.-L. Une nouvelle heuristique pour le problème de découpe guillotine en 2D (一個解二維閘刀式切料問題的近似演演算法). In Proceedings of 4e Conférence Francophone de Modélisation et Simulation en Conception, Analyse et Gestion des Systèmes Industriels (第四屆法語國家建模及模擬研討會,MOSIM'03) (Toulouse, France, 23-25 Avril 2003), 6 p.
Che, C., Chu, F., and Chu, C. Un algorithme d'ordonnancement multicyclique d'un robot (一個解單機器人多周期調度的演演算法). In Acte de la 3e Conférence Francophone de Modélisation et Simulation en Conception, Analyse et Gestion des Systèmes Industriels (MOSIM'01) (Troyes, France, Avril 25-27, 2001).
Chen, H., Chu, C. A Lagrangian relaxation approach for supply chain planning with order/setup costs and capacity constraints, In Proceedings of International Conference on Global Supply Chain Management (Beijing, 5-7 August, 2002), pp. 144 -149.
Chen, H., Chu, C. Supply chain planning with order/setup costs and capacity constraints : A new Lagrangian relaxation approach, In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Taipei, 14-19 September, 2003), 6 pages.
Chen, H., Chu, C., and Proth, J. Cyclic part scheduling in a robotic cell. In Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE SMC (Systems, Man and Cybernetics) Conference (Beijing, China, October 14-17, 1996), pp. 2922-2927.
Chen, H., Chu, C., and Proth, J. M. Cyclic hoist scheduling based on graph theory. In Proceedings of IEEE ETFA (Emerging Technology and Factory Automation) Conference (Paris, France, October 10-13, 1995), vol. 1, pp. 451-459.
Chen, H., Chu, C., and Proth, J. M. A more efficient Lagrangian relaxation approach to job shop scheduling problems. In Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (Nagoya, Japan, May 21-27, 1995), pp. 496-501.
Chen, H., Chu, C., and Proth, J. M. Single machine scheduling to minimize total weighted earliness and tardiness with different due dates. In Proceedings of the 1995 Symposium on Operations Research (Passau, Germany, September 13-15, 1995).
Chen, H., Chu, C., et Xiang, Z. Solving the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows by Large Scale Neighbourhood Search and Metaheuristics. In Proceedings of the Greater China Logistics Forum, (Hong Kong, China, 7-8 December 2003), 10 p.
Chu, C. Aggregated dynamic programming: A new way to handle combinatorial problems. In CD-ROM of the 7th IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation (Alghero, Italy, June 9-11, 1998).
Chu, C. Improvement of job shop schedules by critical path modification. In International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling (PMS'98) (Istanbul, Turkey, July 7-9, 1998).
Chu, C. Minimizing total flow time subject to release dates. In Proceedings of Rensselaer's Second International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing (Troy, New York, U. S. A., May 21-23, 1990), pp. 570-576.
Chu, C. Minimizing total ow time with release dates. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future (London, U. K., August 19-22, 1991), pp. 637-642.
Chu, C. Minimizing total tardiness with unequal release dates. In Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Operations Research (Trier, Germany, September 9-11, 1991), pp. 240-243.
Chu, C. Production scheduling and control: A unified framework. In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation (Chania, Greece, June 10-13, 1996), pp. 381- 385.
Chu, C., and Gordon, V. TWK due date determination and scheduling model: NP-Harness and polynomially solvable case. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Discrete Optimization Methods in Scheduling and Computer-Aided Design (Minsk, Belarus, September 5-6, 2000), pp. 21-25.
Chu, C., Nadif, M., and Proth, J. M. Predictive maintenance. In Proceeding of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Production Management (Mons, Belgium, June 2-4, 1993), pp. 487-496.
Chu, C., and Portmann, M. C. Application of artificial memory in job-shop scheduling. In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling (Compiègne, France, June 20-22, 1990), pp. 154-159.
Chu, C., and Portmann, M. C. Single machine scheduling problem with release dates. In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling (Compiègne, France, June 20-22, 1990), pp. 373-383.
Chu, C., and Portmann, M. C. Job-shop scheduling to minimize total waiting time. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future (Metz, France, August 17-19, 1992), pp. 1638-1647.
Chu, C., Privat, and Maybon. Optimizing the programming of the spot satellite. In Proceedings of the 44th IAF (International Aeronautics Federation) Congress (Graz, Austria, October 16-22, 1993).
Chu, C., and Proth, J. M. Predictive maintenance: A method based on data analysis techniques. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Quality, Maintenance and Reliability Management (Brussels, Belgium, September 14-15, 1992).
Chu, C., and Proth, J. M. Sequencing with chain structured precedence constraints and minimal and maximal sepration times. In Proceedings of the Rensselaer's International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation Technology (Troy, NY, USA, October 10-12, 1994), pp. 330-335.
Chu, C., Proth, J., and Sauer, N. Système automatisé de briquetage de convertisseurs (轉爐的自動鋪磚系統). In Actes des journées d'études : affectation et ordonnancement (分配及調度問題研討會,Tours, France, 18 and 19 September 1995), pp. 133-150.
Chu, C., Proth, J. M., Wardi, Y., and Xie, X. L. Supply management in assembly systems: The case of random lead times. In Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 199, 11th International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems: Discrete Event Systems (Sophia-Antipolis, France, June 15-17, 1994), pp. 443-448.
Chu, C., and Tournier, J. L. An iterative method for scheduling a FMS. In Proceedinds of 1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (Vancouver, Canada, October 22-25, 1995), pp. 2137-2141.
Elegbede, C., Yalaoui, F., Adjallah, K., and Chu, C. Allocation de fiabilité par les algorithmes génétiques et le recuit simulé (解可靠性配置問題的遺傳演演算法和模擬淬火法). In Proceeding of the Third International Multidisciplinary Conference on Quality and Reliability (Paris, France, March 25-26, 1999), pp. 475-483.
Gordon, V., Chu, C., and Dolgui, A. Single machine scheduling with SLK due date assignment. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute (Athens, Greece, 1999).
Grall, A., Bérenguer, C., and Chu, C. Optimal dynamic inspection/replacement planning in condition-based maintenance for deteriorating systems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Safety and Reliability - ESREL'98 (Trondheim, Norvege, June 17-19 1998 ), pp. 381-388.
Lacomme, P., Tchernev, N., and Chu, C. An efficient framework for job input sequencing and vehicle dispatching in a flexible manufacturing system based on AGV transport. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Technologies and factory Automation (ETFA'99) (Barcelone, Espagne, October 18-22, 1999), pp. 653-662.
Nait Tahar, D., Chu, C., Yalaoui, F., and Amodeo, L. A new approach for identical parallel machine scheduling with job splitting and sequence-dependent setup times based on linear programming. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Production Management Vol. 3 (Porto, Tortugal, 26-28 May 2003), 9 p.
Nessah, R., Yalaoui, F., et Chu, C. La minimisation du temps de séjours des tâches ordonnancées sur des machines parallèles identiques : Nouvelle borne inférieure (相同平行機調度問題的等待時間的最小化:新的下界計演演算法). In Actes de la Conférence Internationale Productique (生產學國際會): CIP'03 (Alger, Algeria, 14-17 October 2003), 7 p.
Wang, C., Chu, C., and Proth, J. M. A branch and bound algorithm for n job two machine flow shop scheduling problems. In Proceedings of IEEE ETFA (Emerging Technology and Factory Automation) Conference (Paris, France, October 10-13, 1995), vol. 2, pp. 375-384.
Yalaoui, A., Châtelet, E. and Chu, C. Reliability and redundancy allocation in a parallel-series system by dynamic programming. In Proceedings of IEPM'03 (Industrial Engineering and Production Management) (Porto, Portugal, May 26-28, 2003). Accepted.
Yalaoui, F., and Chu, C. On parallel machine scheduling with job splitting and setup times. In CD-ROM of CAICIM'98 (Troy, New York, USA).
Yalaoui, F., and Chu, C. Parallel machine scheduling with job splitting and setup times: A heuristic approach and performance analysis. In Proceedings of IEPM'99 (Glasgow, UK, July 12-15, 1999), vol. 2, pp. 297-306.
Yalaoui, F., and Chu, C. Parallel machine scheduling to minimize total completion time with release dates constraints. In CD-ROM of MCPL'2000 (Management and Control of Production and Logistics) (Grenoble, France, July 5-8, 2000).
Yalaoui, F., and Chu, C. Parallel machine scheduling to minimize total completion time with release dates constraints based on a new lower bound. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Production Planning and Control, WPPC'2000 (Mons, Belgium, October 2-4, 2000), pp. 210-218.
Yalaoui, F., and Chu, C. Parallel machine scheduling to minimize total tardiness. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Discrete Optimization Methods in Scheduling and Computer-Aided Design (Minsk, Belarus, September 5-6, 2000), pp. 108-113.


7.《IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation》雜誌的副編
10.IEEE ETFA 95, 97, 01, MOSIM'01, ISTAED RA'99, 00 和 01等國際學術會議程序委員會成員