姓 名:曹西華
性 別:男
職 稱:研究員
部 門:中國科學院海洋研究所海洋生態與環境科學重點實驗室
電子郵件:[email protected]
8、青島地方政府項目、奧帆賽場及鄰近海赤潮應急處置行動、2007/01- 2008/12、395萬元、已結題、共同主持。
1. Cao X.H, Yu Z.M, Wu Z.X,et al. (2017).Environmental Characteristics Related to Annual Blooms of Pico/nanophytoplankton along the Qinhuangdao Coast. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Liminology. DOI: 10.1007/s00343-017-5216-4
2. Wang W.T., Yu Z.M., Song X.X., Wu Z.X., Yuan Y.Q., Zhou P. and Cao X.H. (2017) Characteristics of the delta N-15(NO3) distribution and its drivers in the Changjiang River estuary and adjacent waters. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 35(2): 367-382.
3. Xu X., Yu Z.M., Cheng F.J., He L.Y., Cao X.H. and Song X.X. (2017) Molecular diversity and ecological characteristics of the eukaryotic phytoplankton community in the coastal waters of the Bohai Sea, China. Harmful Algae, 61(13-22.
4. Yuan Y.Q., Yu Z.M., Song X.X. and Cao X.H. (2017) Temporal and spatial characteristics of harmful algal blooms in Qingdao Waters, China. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 35(2): 400-414.
5. Liu Y., Cao X., Yu Z., Song X. and Qiu L. (2016) Controlling harmful algae blooms using aluminum-modified clay. Marine pollution bulletin, 103(1-2).
6. Liu Y., Cao X.H., Yu Z.M., Song X.X. and Qiu L.X. (2016) Flocculation of harmful algal cells using modified clay: effects of the properties of the clay suspension. Journal of Applied Phycology, 28(3): 1623-1633.
7. Wang W.T., Yu Z.M., Song X.X., Wu Z.X., Yuan Y.Q., Zhou P. and Cao X.H. (2016) The effect of Kuroshio Current on nitrate dynamics in the southern East China Sea revealed by nitrate isotopic composition. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 121(9): 7073-7087.
8. Wu Z., Yu Z., Song X., Li Y., Cao X. and Yuan Y. (2016) A methodology for assessing and mapping pressure of human activities on coastal region based on stepwise logic decision process and GIS technology. Ocean & Coastal Management, 120(80-87.
9. Wang, Zhifu, Zhiming Yu, Xiuxian Song, Xihua Cao and Yue Zhang (2014). Effects of ammonium and nitrate on encystment and growth of Scrippsiella trochoidea. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59(33): 4491-4497.
10. Wang, Zhifu, Zhiming Yu, Xiuxian Song, Xihua Cao and Xiaotian Han (2014). Effects of modified clay on cysts of Scrippsiella trochoidea for harmful algal bloom control. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 32(6): 1373-1382.
11. 曹西華, 宋秀賢, 俞志明. (2017). 改性黏土除藻的絮凝形態學特徵初步研究.(06):33-42
12. 曹西華, 俞志明, 邱麗霞. (2017) 改性黏土法消除球形棕囊藻赤潮的現場實驗與效果評估. 海洋與湖沼, doi: 10.11693/hyhz20170200026
13. 劉揚, 俞志明, 曹西華, 宋秀賢, 張雅琪, 林勇新 (2014). 懸浮液中硫酸根對改性粘土去除藻華生物效率的影響. 海洋與湖沼,(04): 734-740.
15. 王志富, 俞志明, 宋秀賢, 曹西華, 劉楷 (2014). 有害藻華治理過程中改性粘土對仿刺參(Apostichopus japonicas Selenka)稚參的影響. 海洋與湖沼,(02): 233-238.
16. Lin, Yongxin, Xihua Cao, Xiuxian Song, Nan Wang and Zhiming Yu (2013). Mechanisms and factors affecting the adsorption of sodium alginate onto modified clays. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 31(4): 867-875.
17. Liu, Yun, Song xiuxian, Cao Xihua and Z. M. Yu (2013). Responses of photosynthetic characters of Skeletonema costatum to different nutrient conditions. Journal of Plankton Research, 35(1): 165-176.
18. Wu, Z. X., Z. M. Yu, X. X. Song, Y. Q. Yuan, X. H. Cao and Y. B. Liang (2013). Application of an integrated methodology for eutrophication assessment: a case study in the Bohai Sea. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 31(5): 1064-1078.
19. Wu, Z. X., Z. M. Yu, X. X. Song, Y. Q. Yuan, X. H. Cao and Y. B. Liang (2013). The spatial and temporal characteristics of harmful algal blooms in the southwest Bohai sea. Continental Shelf Research, 59: 10-17.
20. 林勇新, 曹西華, 宋秀賢, 俞志明 (2013). 氨基酸在改性黏土上的吸附機制研究. 海洋科學,(09): 61-67.
21. 林勇新, 曹西華, 宋秀賢, 俞志明 (2013). 海藻酸鈉對改性黏土絮凝特徵的影響. 中國環境科學,(02): 263-269.
22. 張雅琪, 俞志明, 宋秀賢, 曹西華, 劉揚 (2013). 改性黏土對褐潮生物種Aureococcus anophagefferens的去除研究. 海洋學報(中文版),(03): 197-203.
24. 付梅, 宋秀賢, 俞志明, 曹西華, 韓笑天, 袁涌銓 (2013). 偽矮海鏈藻抗氧化酶活性對磷化氫的響應特徵. 海洋環境科學,(06): 809-813.
1.曹西華, 俞志明 (2017). 一種改性粘土治理赤潮的裝置及方法. PCT/CN2017/083852
2.曹西華, 俞志明 (2016). 一種優化利用改性粘土法消除赤潮的實施方法. CN201611191048.0
3.曹西華, 俞志明, 劉揚 (2016). 一種高效消除赤潮的改性粘土. CN201510712215.0
4.俞志明, 劉揚, 曹西華, 宋秀賢, 盧光遠, 袁涌銓 (2014). 一種利用改性粘土粉末提高近海藻華去除率的裝置及方法, CN103864189A
5.曹西華, 俞志明, 劉揚, 宋秀賢, 張雅琪 (2013). 一種提高PAC改性粘土消除海洋褐潮效率的方法ZL201310141281.8.
6.俞志明, 曹西華, 張雅琪, 宋秀賢, 劉揚 (2013). 一種高效消除海水赤潮的複合改性粘土. CN201310143487.4.
7.俞志明, 劉揚, 曹西華, 宋秀賢, 袁涌銓 (2013). 一種簡便的能夠保持絮體完整性的絮體採集裝置. CN201310304386.0.
1.2015年度海洋工程科學技術獎(技術發明一等獎). 2015.我國近海有害藻華應急處置技術與工程化應用,主要完成人:俞志明,曹西華,宋秀賢,宗殿瑞,李瑋,袁涌銓,韓笑天,崔恩周,鄒景忠,馬錫年,孫曉霞,張波,李才文,吳在興,程芳晉。
4.2004年度海洋創新成果獎(二等獎)、改性黏土體系治理有害赤潮的機制研究,主要完成人:俞志明、宋秀賢、鄒景忠、曹西華、張 波、孫曉霞。