















● ● 四川葡萄提質增效科技創新及科學普及培訓,2020-01-01至2021-12-31,主持
● ● 單氰胺調控葡萄冬芽萌發的生理和分子機制研究,四川省科技廳應用基礎項目(17YYJC0120),2017.03-2019.02,主持
● ● ‘夏黑’葡萄優質安全高效栽培集成技術推廣示範實現精準扶貧. 四川省科技扶貧專項項目(2016NFP0027). 2016.07-2018.06,主持
● ● 甜櫻桃果實PacCOP1基因的克隆與表達分析,四川省教育廳重點項目(16ZA0024),2016.01-2018.12,主持
● ● 蘋果6-磷酸山梨醇脫氫酶基因啟動子的功能分析與應用,國家自然科學基金(31201600),2013.01-2015.12,主持
● ● 獼猴桃種質資源創新及新品種選育. 陝西省科技統籌創新工程計劃項目. 2012.08-2014.12,主持
● ● 乾旱誘導表達的蘋果DREB基因的功能分析. 中央高校基本科研業務費. 2012.04-2015.04,主持


● ● Hui Xia, Xiu Wang, Wenyue Su, Liujing Jiang, Lijin Lin, Qunxian Deng, Jin Wang, Honghong Deng, Rongping Hu, Ming'an Liao, Xiulan Lv, Dong Liang*. Changes in carotenoids profile of two yellow-fleshed kiwifruit cultivars during storage, Postharvest biology and technology, 2020, 164, 111162. (SCI 3.927)
● ● Hui Xia, Yanqiu Shen, Tian Shen, Xin Wang, Xuefeng Zhang, Peng Hu, Qunxian Deng, Lijin Lin, Jin Wang, Honghong Deng, Yi Tang, Xiulan Lv, Dong Liang*. Melatonin accumulation characteristics in sweet cherry and its influence on fruit antioxidant property. Molecules, 2020, 25,753 (SCI 3.061)
● ● Hui Xia, Zhiyou Ni, Rongping Hu, Lijin Lin, Honghong Deng, Jin Wang, Yi Tang, Guochao Sun, Xun Wang, Huanxiu Li, Mingan Liao, Xiulan Lv, Dong Liang*. Melatonin alleviates drought stress by non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidative system in kiwifruit seedling. International journal of molecular science, 2020, 21, 852 (SCI 4.138)
● ● Dong Liang, Tingting Zhu, Qunxian Deng, Lijin Lin, Yi Tang, Jin Wang, Xun Wang, Xian Luo, Huifen Zhang, Xiulan Lv, Hui Xia*. Photomorphogenic repressor gene, PacCOP1, mediates in negatively regulating anthocyanin biosynthesis in sweet cherry (Prunus avium). Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B Biology 2020, 203, 111779. (SCI, IF=4.067)
● ● Dong Liang, Xiaojing Huang, Yanqiu Shen, Tian Shen, Huifen Zhang, Lijin Lin, Jin Wang, Qunxian Deng, Xiulan Lyu, Hui Xia* Hydrogen cyanamide induces grape bud endodormancy release through carbohydrate metabolism and plant hormone signaling. BMC Genomics, 2019, 20, 1034 Doi:10.1186/s12864-019-6368-8 (SCI 3.501)
● ● Xuewei Li, Yinpeng Xie, Liyuan Lu, Mingjia Yan, Nan Fang, Jidi Xu, Liping Wang, Yan Yan, Tao Zhao, Steve van Nocker, Fengwang Ma, Dong Liang, Qingmei Guan. Contribution of methylation regulation of MpDREB2A promoter to drought resistance of Mauls prunifolia. Plant and Soil, 2019, 441 (1-2):15-32.(SCI, 共同通訊作者
● ● Xiu Wang, Dong Liang, Yue Xie, Xiulan Lv, Jin Wang, Hui Xia* Melatonin application increases accumulation of phenol substances in kiwifruit during storage. Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture, 2019, 31(5): 361-367
● ● Dong Liang, Zhiyou Ni, Hui Xia*, Yue Xie, Xiulan Lv, Jin Wang, Lijin Lin, Qunxian Deng, Xian Luo. Exogenous Melatonin Promotes the Growth and Photosynthesis of Kiwifruit Seedlings under Drought Stress. Scientia Horticulturae, 2019, 246:34-43 (SCI, IF=1.760)
● ● Dong Liang, Yanqiu Shen, Zhiyou Ni ,Qin Wang, Zhi Lei, Nengqinb Xu, Qunxian Deng, Lijin Lin, Jin Wang, Xiulan Lv, Hui Xia* Exogenous melatonin application delays senescence of kiwifruit leaves by regulating the antioxidant capacity and biosynthesis of flavonoids. Front. Plant Sci, 2018, 9: 426. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00426 (SCI, IF=4.298)
● ● Dong Liang, Fan Gao, Zhiyou Ni, Lijin Lin, Qunxian Deng, Yi Tang, Xun Wang, Xian Luo, Hui Xia*. Melatonin improves heat tolerance in kiwifruit seedlings through promoting antioxidant enzymatic activity and glutathione S-transferase transcription. Molecules, 2018, 23, 584; doi:10.3390/molecules23030584 (SCI, IF=2.861)
● ● Fang Liu, Dong Liang, JinWang, Xiulan Lv, and Mingfu Gong*. The Effect of Promoting Sprouting Process by Cyanamide on the Growth of Grape Leaves. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 2017, 11, 672–677.
● ● Liang D, Zhu T, Ni Z, Lin L, Tang Y, Wang Z, Wang X, Lv X, Hui Xia*. Ascorbic acid metabolism during sweet cherry (Prunus avium) fruit development. PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(2): e0172818. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0172818 (SCI, IF=3.05)
● ● Jin Wang, Hui Xia, Li-Jin Lin, Hao He, Dong Liang* and Xiu-Lan Lv*. Exogenous abscisic acid increases resistances against abiotic stress and improve fruit quality of grape. Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 26(5): 2016, 1326-1333. (SCI, IF=0.422)
● ● Islam El-Sharkawy, Dong Liang, Kenong Xu. Transcriptome analysis of an apple (Malus×domestica) yellow fruit somatic mutation identifies a gene network module highly associated with anthocyanin and epigenetic regulation. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2015, 66(22):7359~7376.(SCIE, 共同第一作者)
● ● Liang D, Xia H, Wu S, Ma F*. Genome-wide identification and expression profiling of dehydrin gene family in Malus domestica. Mol Biol Rep, 2012, 39: 10759-10768. (SCI, IF=2.929, co-first author)
● ● Liang D, Cui M, Wu S, Ma FW. Genomic structure, sub-cellular localization, and promoter analysis of the gene encoding sorbitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase from apple. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2012, 30(4):904-914
● ● Liang D, Xia H, Wu S, Ma FW. Genome-wide analysis and expression profiling of the DREB transcription factor gene family in Malus under abiotic stress, Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2012, 287(5): 423-436 (Co-first author)
● ● 黃曉婧, 張珺, 夏惠, 鄧群仙, 王進, 呂秀蘭, 梁東*. 葡萄MADS-box轉錄因子家族全基因組鑒定及表達分析. 園藝學報, 2019, 46 (10): 1882-1896.
● ● 夏惠, 高帆, 胡榮平, 呂秀蘭, 梁東*.褪黑素預處理對高溫下獼猴桃幼苗抗氧化能力的影響. 西北植物學報, 2019, 39(8): 1425-1433.
● ● 黃曉婧, 趙雪雯, 呂秀蘭, 梁東*. 甜櫻桃GalDH、GalLDH的克隆及在果實發育過程的表達. 四川農業大學學報, 2019, 37(1): 47-52.
● ● 牛歆雨, 德慶措姆, 朗傑, 梁東*. 葡萄ARP/DRM基因家族克隆及在休眠解除過程中的表達. 分子植物育種, 2018, 16(18): 5897-5903.
● ● 夏惠, 梁東*, 劉繼. 楸子S6PDH基因啟動子活性鑒定. 西北農業學報, 2018, 27(10): 1492-1499.
● ● 李京霞, 夏惠, 呂秀蘭, 王進, 梁東*. 甜櫻桃PacAMR1基因的克隆及表達分析. 浙江農業學報, 2018, 30(4): 607-613.
● ● 李京霞, 夏惠, 呂秀蘭, 王進, 梁東*. 抗壞血酸的代謝和調控—以模式植物和園藝植物為例. 中國生物工程雜誌 2018.38(3): 105-114.
● ● 高帆, 謝玥, 沈妍秋, 雷芝, 王秀, 夏惠, 梁東*. 外源褪黑素對氯化鈉脅迫下美味獼猴桃實生苗抗氧化物酶和滲透調節物質的影響. 浙江農林大學學報, 2018, 35(2): 291-297.
● ● 倪知游, 夏惠, 高帆, 劉繼, 胡榮平, 梁東*. 外源褪黑素對獼猴桃幼苗鹽脅迫的緩解作用. 四川農業大學學報, 2017, 35(4): 535-539.
● ● 高麗楊, 夏惠, 謝玥, 沈妍秋, 王秀, 梁東*.基於cpDNA序列的獼猴桃多態性分析. 分子植物育種, 2017, 15(9): 1-8.
● ● 夏惠*, 劉磊*, 王秀, 沈妍秋, 郭雨倫, 梁東*. 蘋果6-磷酸山梨醇脫氫酶基因啟動子特性研究. 中國生物工程雜誌, 2017, 37(6): 50-55.
● ● 高帆, 夏惠, 袁雪偵, 黃守義, 劉繼, 梁東*. 外源褪黑素對鹽脅迫下獼猴桃酚類與抗氧化能力的影響. 浙江農業學報, 2017, 29(7): 1144-1150.
● ● 高帆, 夏惠, 王秀, 王進, 周瓊, 呂秀蘭, 梁東*. 不同甜櫻桃品種抗氧化物質及抗氧化活性分析. 浙江農業學報, 2017, 29(6): 926-932.
● ● 夏惠, 林玲, 高帆, 倪知游, 高麗楊, 呂秀蘭, 梁東*. 甜櫻桃‘佐藤錦’果實生長發育過程ASA含量及相關酶活性的變化. 西北植物學報, 2016, 36(10): 2008-2014.
● ● 梁東, 吳釤, 王素芳, 馬鋒旺*. 蘋果山梨醇脫氫酶基因家族的克隆及表達分析. 中國農業科學, 2012, 1: 102- 110.




