

黎明濤,中山大學中山醫學院藥理教研室教授,博士生導師,中山大學蛋白質組學研究中心教授、主任。1984年、1989年和1996年分別獲得醫學學士、碩士和博士學位。學科專業為藥理學分子神經生物學,主要研究領域是神經元凋亡的信號轉導與基因調控、帕金森病蛋白質組學。在美國Department of Pharmacology, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center(1999-2001)從事神經元凋亡的信號轉導與基因調控、帕金森病機理與新靶點和蛋白質組學研究。




近年來,黎明濤作為第一主持人獲得18項基金,包括5項國家自然科學基金,5項廣東省自然科學基金,4項廣州市科技局項目以及教育部、衛生部的重點項目基金近500萬元。在各項基金的支持下,課題組共發表了SCI論文20篇,其中黎明濤作為第一作者在國際核心雜誌Molecular and Cellular Biology(IF, 10.03)和 Journal of Neuroscience(IF, 8.4)發表了具有創新性的文章;作為通訊作者,在Neuroscience Research(IF, 2.4) 和Neuroscience Letters (IF,2.2)上發表了3篇開拓性文章,並在 Drug News Perspect(IF,0.524)上發表了相關專題綜述。


1、分子神經生物學 海外或港、澳傑出青年學者合作研究基金 2007.1-2009.12 項目批准號:30629002 40萬
2、c-Jun靶基因及其對神經元凋亡的調控 聯合資助基金項目/重點項目2007.1-2010.12 項目編號:U0632006 140萬
3、神經元凋亡時SP1對BH3-only蛋白Bim的轉錄調控 國家自然科學基金2006.1-2008.12 項目編號:30570562 35萬
4、靛玉紅衍生物治療帕金森病的研究與開發 廣東省科技計劃項目——國際科技合作計劃 2007.1-2009.12 項目編號2006B50103001 10萬
5、轉錄因子MEF2對神經元凋亡調控作用及其信號轉導 國家自然科學基金2004.1-2006.12 項目編號:30370450 25萬


1. Mingtao Li,Xiaomin Wang,Mary Kay Meintzer,Tracey Laessig,Morris J. Birnbaum and Kim A. Heidenreich. Cyclic AMP promotes neuronal survival by phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase 3β. Mol Cell Biol. 2000, 20(24):9356-9363.
2. Mingtao Li,Daniel A. Linsenman,Melissa P.Allen,Mary Kay Meintzer, Xiaomin Wang,Tracey Laessig,Margaret E. Wierman & Kim A. Heidenreich. MEF2A and MEF2D undergo phosphorylation and caspase-mediated degradation during apoptosis of rat cerebellar granule neurons. J. Neurosci. 2001, 21(17):6544-6552.
3. Leyu Shi , Shoufang Gong, Zhongmin Yuan , Chi Ma, Yanling Liu, Chuanfu Wang , Wenming Li, Rongbiao Pi, Shoujian Huang, Ruzhu Chen , Yifan Han , Zixu Mao, and Mingtao Li(通訊作者). Activity deprivation-dependent induction of the proapoptotic BH3-only protein Bim is independent of JNK/c-Jun activation during apoptosis in cerebellar granule neurons. Neurosci Lett. 2005, 375:7-12.
4. Wenya Wang, Chi Ma, Zixu Mao and Mingtao Li. (通訊作者). JNK inhibition as a potential strategy in treating Parkinsons’s disease. Drug News Perspect. 2004, 17(10):646-654.
5. Wenya Wang, Leyu Shi, Yuanbin Xie, Chi Ma, Wenming Li, Xingwen Su, Shoujian Huang, Ruzhu Chen, Zhenyu Zhu, Zixu Mao, Yifan Han and Mingtao Li. (通訊作者). SP600125, a new JNK inhibitor, protects dopaminergic neurons in the MPTP model of Parkinson’s disease. Neurosci Res 2004,48:195-202.
6. Yuanbin Xie, Yanling Liu, Chi Ma, Zhongmin Yuan, Wenya Wang, Zhenyu Zhu, , Guoquan Gao, Xianguo Liu, Hengxin Yuan, Ruzhu Chen, Shoujian Huang, Xuelan Wang, Xiaonan Zhu, Xuemin Wang, Zixu Mao and Mingtao Li (通訊作者). Indirubin-3′-oxime inhibits c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase: anti-apoptotic effect in cerebellar granule neurons. Neurosci Lett. 2004, 367:355-359.
7. Rongbiao Pi, Wenming Li Nelson T.K.Lee, Hugh H.N.Chan, Yongmei Pu, Ling Nga Chan, Nikolaus J.Sucher, Doanld C. Chang, Mingtao Li and Yifan Han. Minocycline prevents glutamate-induced apoptosis of cerebellar granule neurons by differential regulation of p38 and Akt pathways. J Neurochem. 2004, 91:1212-1230.
8. Wenming Li, Rongbiao Pi, Hugh H. N. Chan, Hongjun Fu, Nelson T. K. Lee, Hing Wai Tsang, Yongmei Pu, Donald C. Chang, Chaoying Li, Jialie Luo, Keming Xiong, Zhiwang Li, Hong Xue, Paul R. Carlier, Yuanping Pang, Karl W. K. Tsim, Mingtao Li and Yifan Han. Novel dimeric AChE inhibitor Bis(7)-tacrine, but not Donepezil, prevents glutamate-induced neuronal apoptosis by blocking NMDA receptors. J Biol Chem. 2005, 280(18):18179-18188.
9. Xuemin Wang, Xiaoli Tang, Mingtao Li, John Marshall, Zixu Mao. Regulation of neuroprotective activity of myocyte enhancer factor 2 by cAMP-PKA signaling pathway in neuronal survival. J Biol Chem. 2005, 280(17):16705-167013.
10. Daniel A. Linseman, Christopher M. Bartley, Shoshona S. Le, Tracey A. Laessig, Ron J. Bouchard, Mary Kay Meintzer, Mingtao Li and Kim A. Heidenreich . Inactivation of the Myocyte Enhancer Factor-2 Repressor Histone Deacetylase-5 by Endogenous Ca2/Calmodulin-dependent Kinase II Promotes Depolarization-mediated Cerebellar Granule Neuron Survival. J Biol Chem 2003, 278:41472–41481.
11. Jing-Ping Yun, Choong-Tsek Liew, Eng Ching Chew, Xiao-Yu Yin, Paul Bo San Lai, Yam Hin Fai, H.K. Richard Li, Mei-Lin Jin, Ming-Xiao Ding, Mingtao Li, Han-Liang Lin, and Wan Yee Lau. Nuclear Matrix Protein Expressions in Hepatocytes of Normal and Cirrhotic Rat Livers Under Normal and Regenerating Conditions. J Cell Biochem. 2004, 91:1269–1279.
12. Hongwei Yang, Xiaodong Hu, Hongmei Zhang, Wenjun Xin, Mingtao Li, Tong Zhang, Lijun Zhou and Xianguo Liu. Roles of CaMKII, PKA, and PKC in the induction and mainternance of LTP of C-fiber-evoked field potentials in rat spinal dorsal horn. J Neurophysiol. 2004, 91: 1122-1133.
13. Nengwei Hu, Hongmei Zhang, Xiaodong Hu , Mingtao Li, Tong Zhang, Lijun Zhou and Xianguo Liu. Protein Synthesis Inhibition Blocks the Late-Phase LTP of C-Fiber Evoked Field Potentials in Rat Spinal Dorsal Horn. J Neurophysiol. 2003,89: 2354- 2359.
14. Juan Sun, Mingtao Li, Jiahuai Han and Jun Gu. Sensitization of differentiated PC12 cells to apoptosis by presenilin-2 is mediated by p38. Biochem. Biophy. Res. Commun. 2001, 287: 536-541.
15. Marcus Wiedmann, Xuemin Wang, Xiaoli Tang, Mingtao Li, Zixu Mao. PI3K/Akt-dependent regulation of the transcription factor myocyte enhancer factor-2 in insulin-like growth factor-1- and membrane depolarization-mediated survival of cerebellar granule neurons. J Neurosci Res. 2005, 81(2):226-234.
16. Weibin Cai, Jianfang Ma , Chaoyang Li, Zhonghan Yang, Xia Yang, Wei Liu , Zuguo Liu , Mingtao Li, Guoquan Gao. Enhanced anti-angiogenic effect of a deletion mutant of plasminogen kringle 5 on neovascularization. J Cell Biochem. 2005,96(6):1254-1261.
17. Ming Yang, Wei Liu, Chunyou Wang, Tao Liu, Feng Zhou, Jing Tao, Yang Wang, Mingtao Li. Proteomic Analysis in the Early Process of Pancreatic Regeneration in the Pancreatectomized Rat. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2006, 27(5):568-578.
18. Hongjun Fu, Wenming Li, Yuanzhi Lao, Jialie Luo, Nelson T. K. Lee, Kelvin K. W. Kan, Hing Wai Tsang, Karl W. K. Tsim, Yuanping Pang, Zhiwang Li, Donald C. Chang, Mingtao Li and Yifan Han. Bis(7)-tacrine attenuates beta amyloid-induced neuronal apoptosis by regulating L-type calcium channels. J Neurochem. 2006 Jun 12; [Epub ahead of print]
19. Wenming Li, Nelson T.K. Lee, Hongjun Fu, Kelvin K.W. Kan, Yuanping Pang, Mingtao Li, Tsim, W.K. Karl, Xiaoyuan Li, Yifan Han. Neuroprotection via inhibition of nitric oxide synthase by bis(7)-tacrine. Neuroreport. 2006,17(5):471-474.
20. Rong Deng, Wenming Li, Zhong Guan, Junmin Zhou, Yi Wang, Yuping Mei, Mingtao Li, Gongkan Feng, Wenlin Huang, Zongchao Liu, Yifan Han, Yixin Zeng and Xaofeng Zhu. Acetylcholinesterase expression mediated by c-Jun-NH2-terminal kinase pathway during anticancer drug-induced apoptosis. Oncogene. 2006 May 22; [Epub ahead of print]