






2013.12-2015.02:University of California,Santa Cruz,訪問學者


● ● 地震信號高解析度處理
● ● 地震數據插值重建
● ● 基於傳輸矩陣(T-matrix)的非線性參數估計 


● ● 抗噪、抗假頻疊前地震數據插值方法研究(41604096),2017.01-2018.12,15萬,國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,負責人;
● ● 基於稀疏變換的複雜數據高效插值去噪一體化方法研究(2016M590102),2016.05-2017.12,8萬,中國博士后科學基金面上項目(一等資助),負責人
● ● 一種自適應數據驅動的時空域地震數據鬼波壓制方法(41674116),2017.01-2020.12,70萬,國家自然科學基金面上項目,參與
● ● 高精度參數辨識雜訊壓制及弱信號增強技術(2016ZX05024001-005),2016.01-2020.12,114.19,十三五國家科技重大專項,參與 
● ● 地震數據有效信號高精度恢復理論與方法


● ● Wang B., Lu W.*, An efficient amplitude preserving generalized S transform and its application in seismic data attenuation compensation: IEEE Transaction on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, 2018, Online.
● ● Wang B.*, Gu C., Comparison of the Projection Onto Convex Sets and Iterative Hard Thresholding methods for seismic data interpolation and denoising: Exploration Geophysics. 2018, Online.
● ● 王本鋒*,陸文凱,陳小宏,王志凱,基於3D Curvelet變換的頻率域高效地震數據插值方法研究:石油物探. 2018,待刊.
● ● Wang B., Jakobsen M., Wu, R.S., Lu W., Chen X.*, Accurate and efficient velocity estimation using Transmission matrix formalism based on the domain decomposition method, Inverse Problems, 2017, 33(3), 035002.
● ● Wang B., Lu W.K.*, Accurate and efficient seismic data interpolation in the principal frequency wavenumber domain: Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2017, 14(6): 1475-1483
● ● Wang B., Wu R.S., Chen X.*, Deghosting based on the Transmission matrix method: Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2017, 14(6): 1572-1581.
● ● Wang B.*, Chen X., Li J., Cao J., An improved weighted Projection Onto Convex Sets method for seismic data interpolation and denoising, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (J-STARS) , 2016, 9(1), 228~235.
● ● Wang B.*, An amplitude preserving S-transform for seismic data attenuation compensation: IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2016, 23(9): 1155-1159.
● ● Wang B.*, An efficient POCS interpolation method in the frequency-space domain: IEEE Geosciences and Remote Sensing Letters, 2016, 13(9): 1384-1387.
● ● 王本鋒*,吳如山,陳小宏,陸文凱,基於T-matrix 的非線性參數估計方法:地球物理學報, 2016, 59(6): 2257-2265.
● ● Wang B., Wu R-S., Chen X.*, Li J., Simultaneous seismic data interpolation and denoising with a new adaptive method based on dreamlet transform, Geophysical Journal International, 2015, 201(2): 1180~1192.
● ● Wang B., Chen X., Li J.*, A novel method for simultaneous seismic data interpolation and noise removal based on L0 norm constraint, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 2015, 24(2): 187-204.
● ● 王本鋒,李景葉*,陳小宏,曹靜傑,基於curvelet變換與POCS方法的三維數字岩心重建,地球物理學報, 2015, 58(6): 2069-2078.
● ● 王本鋒*,陳小宏,李景葉,張華, POCS聯合改進的Jitter採樣理論曲波域地震數據重建,石油地球物理勘探,2015, 50(1):20-28.
● ● Wang B.*, Wu R-S., Geng Y., Chen X., Dreamlet-based interpolation using POCS method, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2014, 109: 256-265.
● ● Wang B.*, Chen X., Li J., Inversion based data-driven attenuation compensation method, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 2014, 23(4): 341-356.
● ● 王本鋒*,陳小宏,李景葉,陳增保,劉國昌,基於反演的穩定高效衰減補償方法, 地球物理學報,2014,57(4): 1265-1274.
● ● 王本鋒*,陳小宏,劉國昌,陳增保,王顯南,Geman范數約束的頻率域反射係數反演,石油地球物理勘探, 2014,49(4): 667-671.
● ● 王本鋒*,陳小宏,李景葉,陳增保,基於反演策略的數據自適應衰減補償方法,石油物探, 2014, 53(3): 304-3124. 


● ● 李景葉,王本鋒,陳小宏,王守東,劉國昌,馬繼濤,一種地震數據的插值去噪方法及系統,2017.6.6,中國,ZL 201510023262.4


● ● 2017年10月獲得劉光鼎地球物理青年科學技術獎,劉光鼎地球物理科學基金會和中國地球物理學會
● ● 2016年06月獲得優秀博士學位論文獎,中國石油大學(北京)
● ● 2015年06月獲得北京市優秀畢業生,北京市教育委員會
● ● 2020年7月1日,參加的科研項目“地震數據有效信號高精度恢復理論與方法”榮獲2019年度江西省科學技術獎自然科學獎三等獎。