共找到2條詞條名為周德敏的結果 展開
- 北京大學藥學院院長
- 海口市美蘭區統計局黨組書記

1999~2002年美國加州大學伯克利分校和Scripps研究所博士后,導師是Schultz PG教授。
2002~2003年在美國Chugai-Roche Inc任高級研究員。

目前牽頭國家973、創新藥物專項、基金委重大和國際合作基金等七項;在Science、PNAS、Chem Rev、JACS、JMC、NAR等雜誌發表論文50餘篇,研究的多個候選葯獲企業支持進入開發階段;全國首屆優秀博士論文獲得者;擔任藥學權威雜誌J Med Chem和Eur J Med Chem編委、J. Chin. Pharm. Sci.(中國藥學(英文版))的執行主編。
1. Zhou DM*, Zhang J, Wang CY, Zhang LH and Wong-staal F, “A method for detecting and preventing negative RNA interference in preparation of lentiviral vector for siRNA delivery”,RNA, 2009, 15, 732-40。
2. Yu DH, Macdonald J, Liu G, Lee AS, Ly M, Davis T, Ke N, Zhou DM, Wong-Staal F. Pyrvinium targets the unfolded protein response to hypoglycemia and its anti-tumor activity is enhanced by combination therapy.PLoS ONE, 2008, 3(12):e3951。
3. Zhou DM*, Wang CY, Zhang J, Ke N, Bliesath J, Zhang LH and Wong-staal F, “Generation of shRNA pool library: revise the biological technique from the viewpoint of chemistry”, ChemBioChem, 2008, 9, 1365-7。
4. Yang J, Zhou DM and Wong-Staal F, Methods Mol Biol, 2008, 510, 295-304。
5. Zhang J, Wang CY, Ke N, Bliesath J, Chatterton JE, Wong-Staal F and Zhou DM*, A more efficient RNAi inducible system for tight regulation of gene expression in mammalian cells and xenograft animals, RNA, 2007, 13, 1375-1383。
6. Zhou DM*, He, QC, Zhang J, Wang CY and Wong-staal F, “RNA interference and potential applications”, Cur Topic in Med Chem, 2006, 6, 901-911。
7. Ke, N., Zhou DM, Chatterton JE, Liu GH, Chionis J, Zhang J, Tsugawa L, Lynn R, Yu DH, Meyhack B, Wong-Staal F, Li QX, A new inducible RNAi xenograft model for assessing the staged tumor response to mTOR silencing. Exp Cell Res. (2006) 312, 2726-2734。
8. Ke, N., Zhou DM, Fan WF, Chatterton JE, Sundaram R, Chionis J, Zhang J, Hu XY, Yu DH, Awald T, Meyhack B, Brachat A, Paoni NF, Wong-Staal F, Li HQ. Discovery and in vivo validation of novel cancer targets of orphan receptor and protein kinase using inducible RNAi xenograft models.Clinical Cancer Research. (2006) 11(24), 9164。
9. Zheng LX, Liu J, Zhou DM, Orth A, Ding S and Schultz PG, “An approach to genomewide screens of expressed small interfering RNAs in mammalian cells”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2004, 101, 135-140。
10. Zhou DM, Yuen P, Chu D, Thon V, McConnell S, Brown S, Tsang A, Pena M, Russell A, Cheng JF, Nadzan AM, Barbosa MS, Dyck JRB, Lopaschuk GD, Yang G, “Expression, purification and characterization of human malonyl-CoA decarboxylase”, Protein expression & purification, 2004, 34, 261-269。
