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2002年畢業於山東大學化學院,獲理學博士學位。2003-2005年在美國Louisiana State University 化學系做博士后從事卟啉、酞菁配合物光動力治療光敏劑的設計、合成及性能研究;2007-2009在美國University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center做博士后研究員從事大環金屬配合物癌症靶向生物探針的設計、合成及生物活性的研究;2009年7月回國,在山東大學晶體所任教授,碩士生導師。


光動力治療(photodynamic therapy, PDT)是近幾十年來發展起來的一種癌症治療技術。該技術利用光激發癌細胞內部的光敏劑分子(photosensitizer ,PS)產生高細胞毒性的單線態氧從而在細胞內部殺死癌細胞,而使正常組免受傷害。它與手術、化療和放療等三大傳統的治療腫瘤手段相比,具有許多優點和特點。自上世紀70年代進入臨床研究以來,PDT在惡性腫瘤的治療中取得了令人矚目的成就,已成為腫瘤防治研究中的一個十分活躍的領域。它不僅能有效地治療體表腫瘤,同樣亦可治療呼吸道、胃腸道、顱腦、眼、膀胱等部位的腫瘤。美國、日本、荷蘭和加拿大等國的衛生部門已相繼確認了這一腫瘤新療法的合法性。PDT在治療非腫瘤疾病方面也得到了廣泛的重視,在不久的將來可能成為治療皮膚病、老年黃斑病變和白血病等頑疾的有效手段。作為PDT的光敏劑,卟啉(Porphyrin, Por)及其衍生物酞菁(Phthalocyanine, Pc)一直以來發揮著領銜的作用。迄今,美國食品和醫藥管理局(Food and Drug Administration, FDA)唯一批准臨床應用於腫瘤治療的PDT光敏劑,Photofrin,就是一種血卟啉衍生物(HpD)的提純物,在美國用來治療食道癌和肺癌。在世界範圍內,Photofrin已經廣泛應用於治療各種惡性腫瘤並取得了很大成功。本課題旨在設計併合成出成分單一,高單線態氧產率、高選擇性的酞菁類光敏劑並進行相應的生物功能測試,為光動力治療開發新型、高效的癌症治療及顯影藥物。
2. 酞菁類有機半導體的設計及器件組裝


Guiyang Hao, Ajay N Singh, Wei Liu and Xiankai Sun.. PET with non-standard nuclides. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry (2010), 10(11), 1096-1112
Liu, Wei; Hao, Guiyang; Long, Michael A.; Anthony, Tiffani; Hsieh, Jer-Tsong; Sun, Xiankai. Imparting Multivalency to a Bifunctional Chelator: A Scaffold Design for Targeted PET Imaging Probes. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition (2009), 48(40), 7346-7349
Lim, Jongdoo; Chouai, Abdellatif; Lo, Su-Tang; Liu, Wei; Sun, Xiankai; Simanek, Eric E. Design, Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological Evaluation of Triazine Dendrimers Bearing Paclitaxel Using Ester and Ester/Disulfide Linkages. Bioconjugate Chemistry (2009), 20(11), 2154-2161.
Liu, Wei; Hajibeigi, Asghar; Lin, Mai; Rostollan, Cynthia L.; Kovacs, Zoltan; Oz, Orhan K.; Sun, Xiankai. An osteoclast-targeting agent for imaging and therapy of bone metastasis. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters (2008), 18(17), 4789-4793.
Liu, Wei; Jensen, Timothy J.; Fronczek, Frank R.; Hammer, Robert P.; Smith, Kevin M.; Vicente, M. Graca H. Synthesis and Cellular Studies of Nonaggregated Water-Soluble Phthalocyanines. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2005), 48(4), 1033-1041.
Liu, Wei; Fronczek, Frank R.; Vicente, M. Graca H.; Smith, Kevin M. Diels-Alder reactions of pyrrolo[3,4-b]porphyrins. Tetrahedron Letters (2005), 46(43), 7321-7324.
Liu, Wei; Lee, Chi-Hang; Chan, Hoi-Shan; Mak, Thomas C. W.; Ng, Dennis K. P.. Synthesis, spectroscopic properties, and structure of [tetrakis(2,4-dimethyl-3-pentyloxy)phthalocyaninato]metal complexes. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2004), (2), 286-292.
Liu, Wei; Lee, Chi-Hang; Li, Hung-Wing; Lam, Chi-Keung; Wang, Jinzhi; Mak, Thomas C. W.; Ng, Dennis K. P.. Formation and crystal structure of an unexpected inclusion complex of a metal-free phthalocyanine and oxalic acid. Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) (2002), (6), 628-629.
Poon, Ka-Wo; Liu, Wei; Chan, Pui-Kwan; Yang, Qingchuan; Chan, T.-W. Dominic; Mak, Thomas C. W.; Ng, Dennis K. P.. Tetrapyrrole Derivatives Substituted with Ferrocenylethynyl Moieties. Synthesis and Electrochemical Studies. Journal of Organic Chemistry (2001), 66(5), 1553-1559.
Liu, Wei; Kumar, M. R.; Vicente, Maria G. H.; Fronczek, Frank R.; Smith, Kevin M.. New water-soluble phthalocyanines and other tetrapyrroles for application in photodynamic therapy. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering (2005), 5689(Optical Methods for Tumor Treatment and Detection: Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy XIV), 39-47.
Jiang, Jianzhuang; Liu, Wei; Cheng, Ka-Lok; Poon, Ka-Wo; Ng, Dennis K. P.. Heteroleptic rare earth double-decker complexes with porphyrinato and 2,3-naphthalocyaninato ligands - preparation, spectroscopic characterization, and electrochemical studies. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2001), (2), 413-417.
Jiang, Jian Zhuang; Liu, Wei; Poon, Ka-Wo; Du, Da Ming; Arnold, Dennis P.; Ng, Dennis K. P.. Synthesis, spectroscopic, and electrochemical properties of rare earth double-deckers with tetra(tert-butyl)-2,3-naphthalocyaninato ligands. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2000), (1), 205-209.