






1、 D.Clark,M.Dentith,K-H.Wyrwoll,Lu Yanchou,V.Dent,W.Featherstone,2008, The Hyden fault scarp,Western Australia:paleoseismic evidence for repeated Quaternary displacement in an intracratonic setting, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 55:379-395
4、張克旗,陳傑,盧演儔,王昌盛,楊傳成,2007,Daybreak 2200型自動化光釋光測量儀的初步定量評估,核技術,30(11):905-910
7、Wang Xulong,A.G.Wintle,Lu Yanchou,2007,Testing a single-aliquot protocol for recuperated OSL dating,Radiation Measurements,42:380-391
8、Lu Yanchou,Wang Xulong,A.G.Wintle,2007,A new chnology for dust accumulation in the last 130,000 yr for the Chinese Loess Plateau,Quaternary Research,(67):152-160
9、Zhao Hua,Lu Yanchou,Yin Jinhui,2007,Optical daing of Holocence sand dune activities in the Horqin sand-fields in inner Mongolia,China,using the SAR protocol,Quaternary Geochronology,2:29-33
10、Yin Gongming,Lin Min,Lu Yanchou,Li Jianping,Han Fei,2007,Preliminary ESR dating results on loess samples from the loess-paleosol sequence at Luochuan,Central Loess Plateau,China,Quaternary Geochronology,2:381-385
11、Wang Xulong,Lu Yanchou,Wintle A.G.,2006,Recuperated OSL dating of fine-grained quartz in Chinese loess,Geochronology,2006:89-100
12、Wang Xulong,A.G. Wintle,Lu Yanchou,2006,Thermally transferred luminescence in fine-grained quartz from Chinese loess: Basic observations,Radiation Measurements,41(6):649-658
13、Wang Xulong,Lu Yanchou,Zhao Hua,2006,On the performances of the single-aliquot regenerative-dose(SAR) protocol for Chinese loess: fine quartz and polymineral grains,Radiation Measurements,41(1):1-8
16、Lu Yanchou, J.R. Prescott, Zhao Hua, Chen Jie, Wei Lanying. Optical dating of colluvial deposits from
Xiyangfang, China and the relation to palaeo-earthquake events .Quaternary Science Reviews, 2002, 21,1087-1097.
17、Bowler J.M., Wyrwoll K.H., Yanchou L u, 2001. Variations of the northwest Australian summer monsoonover the last 300,000 years: the paleohydrological record of the Gregory (Mulan) Lakes System.
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18、Chen B.L., Yin G.M., Li W.L., Guo L., Li L., Lu Y.C., Guo S.L., 2001. Determination of tectonicuplift rates of Qinling Mountains in central China by fission tracks, Radiation Measurements, 34: 405-408.
19、George A.D., Marshallsea S.J., Wyrwoll K.H., Chen J., Lu Y.C., 2001. Miocene cooling in the northern Qilian Shan, northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, revealed by apatite fission-track and vitrinite-reflectance analysis, Geology, 29: 939-942.