宋春偉,北京大學數學科學學院教授、博士生導師、教研室主任、學院教學指導委員會委員。研究方向是組合數學與圖論。在Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Discrete Mathematics, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Annals of Combinatorics, Graphs and Combinatorics, International Journal of Combinatorics, 《數學進展》等專業期刊上發表多篇文章。著有《數學天書的證明》(馮榮權,宋春偉,宗傳明 譯),《Combinatorics: Art and Philosophy》等。還兼任北京市民盟統戰理論研究會副會長、民盟北京大學委員會副主委、北京大學教代會執委。
開課時間 | 課程名稱 | 授課對象 |
2008.2-2008.6 | 高等代數II | 數學學院/元培07級本科生 |
2007.9-2008.1 | 高等代數I | 數學學院/元培07級本科生 |
2007.2-2007.6 | 組合數學 | 數學學院本科生、研究生 |
2006.9-2007.1 | 文科高等數學 | 中文/哲學/社會學06級本科生 |
2008.9-2009.1 | 高等代數I | 數學學院/元培08級本科生 |
作品名稱 | 下載鏈接 |
C. Song, Counting special families of labelled trees, Annals of Combinatorics, 10 (2006), 271-283 | 無 |
C. Song, The generalized Schroeder theory, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 12 (2005), R53 | 無 |
C. Song, On permutation paths and signed permutation paths, Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS), 17, No.3 (2005), 281-298 | 無 |
C. Song, The limiting case of Haglund's (q,-t)-Schroeder theorem and an involution formula, Discrete Mathematics, 308 (2008), 5218-5229 | 無 |
T. Mansour, C. Song and R. Yuster, A comment on Ryser's conjecture for intersecting hypergraphs, Graphs and Combinatorics,25 (2009),101-109 | 無 |