




藥理學碩士畢業后留校任教,2002和2004年分赴英國Institute of Food Research分子生化實驗室和美國Howard University藥學院進行合作研究。現為醫學院藥理學系教授、博士生導師。兼任系主任,校工會副主席、基礎醫學院副院長。





2.國家自然科學基金重點項目“胎海馬GR介導外源物所致HPA軸發育異常的表觀遺傳機制(批准號:30830112)”, 2009-2012
6.國家自然科學基金“肝星狀細胞異物代謝特徵及其在星狀細胞激活中的作用(批准號:0371666)”, 2004-2006




1.Xu D, Wu Y, Liu F, Liu YS, Shen L, Lei YY, Liu J, Ping J, Qin J, Zhang C, Chen LB, Magdalou J, Wang H*. A hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis-associated neuroendocrine metabolic programmed alteration in offspring rats of IUGR induced by prenatal caffeine ingestion. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 2012;264(3):395-403.
2.Liu YS, Xu D, Feng JH, Kou H, Liang G, Yu H, He XH, Zhang BF, Chen LB, Magdaloue J, Wang H*. Fetal rat metabonome alteration by prenatal caffeine ingestion probably due to the increased circulatory glucocorticoid level and altered peripheral glucose and lipid metabolic pathways. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2012;262:205-16.
3.Xiong J, Guo Y, Li LY, Hu H, Qu XL, Sun XZ, Liu SH, Wang H*. A herbal composition of Semen Hoveniae, Radix Puerariae and Fructus Schisandrae shows potent protective effects on acute alcoholic intoxication in rodent models. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2012;2012:638197.
4.Qin J, Shang L, Ping AS, Li J, Li XJ, Yu H, Magdalou J, Chen LB, Wang H*. TNF/TNFR signal transduction pathway-mediated anti-apoptosis and anti-inflammatory effects of sodium ferulate on IL-1beta-induced rat osteoarthritis chondrocytes in vitro. Arthritis Res Ther, 2012;14(6): R242.
5.Xu D, Zhang BJ, Liang G, Ping J, Kou H, Li XJ, Xiong J, Chen LB, Magdalou J, Wang H*. Caffeine-induced activated glucocorticoid metabolism in hippocampus causes hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis inhibition in fetal rats. PloS ONE. 2012;7(9):e44497.
6.Tan Y, Liu J, Deng Y, Cao H, Xu D, Cu FL, Lei YY, Magdalou J, Wu M, Chen L, Wang H*. Caffeine-induced fetal rat over-exposure to maternal glucocorticoid and histone methylation of liver IGF-1 might cause skeletal growth retardation. Toxicol lett. 2012;214(3):279-87.
7.Liu L, Liu F, Kou H, Zhang BJ, Xu D, Chen B, Chen LB, Magdalou J, Wang H*. Prenatal nicotine exposure induced a hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis-associated neuroendocrine metabolic programmed alteration in IUGR offspring rats. Toxicol Lett. 2012;209:307-13.
8.Xu D, Liang G, Yan YE, He WW, Liu YS, Chen LB, Magdalou J, Wang H*. Nicotine-induced over-exposure to maternal glucocorticoid and activated glucocorticoid metabolism causes hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis-associated neuroendocrine metabolic alterations in fetal rats. Toxicol lett. 2012;209:282-90.
9.Ping J*, Lei Y, Liu L, Wang TT, Feng YH, Wang H*. Inheritable stimulatory effects of caffeine on steroidogenic acute regulatory protein expression and cortisol production in human adrenocortical cells. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 2012;195:68-75.
10.Huang J, Zhou S, Ping J, Pan XL, Liang G, Xu D, Kou H, Bao C, Wang H*. Role of p53-dependent placental apoptosis in the reproductive and developmental toxicities of caffeine in rodents. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 2012;39:357-63.
11.Wang TT, Chen M, Liu L, Cheng HY, Yan YE, Feng YH, Wang H*. Nicotine induced CpG methylation of Pax6 binding motif in StAR promoter reduces the gene expression and cortisol production. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2011;257:328-37.
12.Li Y, Yan YY, Wang H*. Enhancement of placental antioxidative function and P-gp expression by sodium ferulate mediated its protective effect on rat IUGR induced by prenatal tobacco/alcohol exposure. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2011;32:465-71.
13.Xu D, Chen M, Pan XL, Xia LP, Wang H*. Dexamethasone induces fetal developmental toxicity through affecting the placental glucocorticoid barrier and depressing fetal adrenal function. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2011;32:356-63.
14.Liang G, Chen M, Pan XL, Zheng J, Wang H*. Ethanol-induced inhibition of fetal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis due to prenatal overexposure to maternal glucocorticoid in mice. Exp Toxic Pathol. 2011;63:607-11.
15.Ping J, Li JT, Liao ZX, Shang L, Ao Y, Wang H*. Indole-3-carbinol inhibits hepatic stellate cells proliferation by blocking NADPH oxidase/reactive oxygen species/p38 MAPK pathway. Euro J Pharmacol 2011;650(2-3):656-62.
16.Xu D, Chen M, Guo Y, Liang G, Zhang BJ, Tan JQ, Magdalou J, Wang H*. Synergistic anti-fibrotic effect of verapamil and interferon in rats: partially based on enhanced verapamil oral bioavailability. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2010; 22(4): 466-73.
17.Wang H*, Xu D, Chen M, Peng RX, Yue J. Testosterone-metabolizing capacity and characteristics ofadrenal microsomes in human fetus in vitro. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2010; 23:143-51.


1.授權國家發明專利“一種檢測HMG-CoA還原酶活性的改良分光光度法及應用”,專利號:ZL201110073398.8. 發明人:汪暉,郭喻,平潔,梁賅,王婷婷。
2.授權國家發明專利“一種預防和治療骨髓炎的藥物緩釋製劑”,專利號:ZL201110048409.7. 發明人:汪暉,陳廖斌,曹洪,修涵,劉岩松。
3.授權國家發明專利“一種從當歸中提取多糖的方法及應用”,專利號:ZL200810046965.9. 發明人:汪暉,陳廖斌,商亮,譚揚,李小軍。
4.授權國家發明專利“一種從甘草中提取多糖的方法及應用”,申請號:ZL 200910061357.X. 發明人:汪暉,陳廖斌,李小軍,汪巍,何文博,張逸傑,范雯。
5.授權國家發明專利“一種治療骨髓炎的藥物及製備方法”,專利號:ZL200510018246.2. 發明人:陳廖斌,汪暉,王鈞,傅傑。


2.科研成果“新型肝臟損傷早期標誌物α-GST的確證及應用”,2011年通過湖北省科技廳主持的成果鑒定, 達國際先進水平;2012年獲湖北省科技進步三等獎,為第一完成人。