共找到3條詞條名為王文春的結果 展開
- 中國供銷集團董事
- 大連理工大學教授
- 北京制線廠高級會計師
大連理工大學物理與光電工程學院教授,國際應用等離子體科學學會會員(Institute of Applied Plasma Science(IAPS),大學物理實驗編委,物理與光電工程學院研究生工作助理。在低溫等離子體活性物種診斷及其基本物理-化學過程研究等離子體物理是國家重點學科,低溫等離子體診斷研究,等離子體在環境工程中的應用基礎研究,大氣壓下高壓脈衝放電和介質阻擋輝光放電研究等研究方向,等研究領域已經形成穩定的研究方向,在國內外已具有一定的優勢和特色。
1977.3-1980.6 吉林大學物理系上學
1980.7-1982.1 長春工業大學教學
1982.2-1983.2 考入中山大學理論物理教師進修班進修理論物理課程
1980.3-1985.7 長春工業大學教學
1985.8-1986.7 考入北京師範大學研究生班,取得11門研究生課程成績
1986.8-1992.7 長春工業大學教學
1992.8-1995.4 大連理工大學研究生院讀碩士研究生
1995.5-1997.5 長春工業大學教學
2001.4-2008.3 大連理工大學攻讀博士學位
1997.6-2010.03 大連理工大學物理系教學和科研
1.國際應用等離子體科學學會會員(Institute of Applied Plasma Science
1.國家自然科學基金項目:“大氣壓納秒級雙極性窄脈衝均勻放電等離子體特性及丙綸織物改性研究”2010.1-2013.12 項目負責人
2. 遼寧省教育廳重點實驗室項目:“常壓納秒脈衝均勻放電等離子體診斷及丙綸織物改性研究”2009.1-2011.12 項目負責人
3. 國家自然科學基金項目:“常壓輝光放電等離子體光譜和分子束質譜診斷及丙綸織物改性研究”2006.1-2008.12 項目負責人
4.國家自然科學基金項目:“電暈等離子體煙氣脫硫水自由基診斷研究”2003.1-2005.12 項目負責人
5. 遼寧省自然科學基金項目:“高壓脈衝電暈放電煙氣脫硫活性物種診斷研究”2003.1-2004.12 項目負責人
6. 國家高技術研究發展計劃(863計劃)青年基金:“富氧條件下等離子體強化甲烷選擇催化還原NOX 的研究”2003.1-2004.12 課題組副組長
7. 國家自然科學基金項目:高氣壓氫等離子體活性物種診斷及提高氫原子產率的研究2001.1 –2003.12 項目第二完成人
8. 國家科委“九五”重點科技攻關項目(96-910-02-01):等離子體煙氣脫硫技術研究子課題:脈衝電暈放電等離子體煙氣脫硫脫分子束質譜診斷研究1998.10-2000.12 項目負責人
9. 國家“十五”重點建設學科資助項目: 分子束質譜裝置升級、等離子體光譜診斷及等離子體催化新反應設備建立2001.10-2002.12 項目第三完成人
1.低溫等離子體活性物種診斷及其基本物理-化學過程研究等離子體物理是國家重點學科, 低溫等離子體診斷研究是三束國家重點實驗室的一個主要研究方向。
1.《大學物理學》 (編著)科學出版社 2001年
2.《大學物理學習指導》(編著)科學出版社 2002 年
3.《大學物理知識點精析與解題能力訓練》(編著)大工出版社 2001年
4.《大學物理作業及解答 》(編著)大工印刷廠 2000-2004年
1. W.-C.Wang, A.-K.Belyaev, Y.Xu, A.-M.Zhu, X.-F Yang.“Observations of H3- and D3- from dielectric barrier discharge”,plasmas. Chemical Physics Letters, 2003, 377: 512-518(SCI 收錄)(被他引10次)
2. W.-C.Wang, Y.Xu, W.-G.Wang and A.-M.Zhu.“Diagnosis of hydrogen anions (H-,H3-)from the near-electrode region of dielectric barrier discharge plasmas”,Journal Vacuum Science and Technology A, 2005 23(1): 142-145 (SCI,EI 收錄)
3. W.-C.Wang, Y.Xu, W.-G.Wang, A.-M.Zhu.“Diagnosis of Hydrogen Ions (H+,H2+,H3+,H-) from the Near-Electrode Region Dielectric Barrier Discharge Hydrogen Plasmas”,Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics,2004, 37:1185–1189 (SCI,EI收錄)
4. Wenchun Wang, Feng Liu, Jialiang Zhang, Younian Wang,“Density distribution of high energy electrons in pulsed coronadischarge of NO / N2 mixture”,Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2003 , 59: 3267-3272 (SCI, EI收錄)
5.WANG Wen chun, LIU Feng, ZHANG Jia liang, REN Chun.“Study ofRadicals in Pulsed Corona Discharge by Emission Spectroscopy”,Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2004,24(11):1288-1292 (SCI, EI收錄)
6. W.-C.Wang, F.Liu, S.Wang, W.Zheng, Y.-N Wang.“Diagnosis of OH radical by optical emission spectroscopy in awire- plate bi-directional pulsed corona discharge”,Journal of Electrostatics, 2007, (SCI,EI收錄)
7. W.-C.Wang, S.Wang, F.Liu, W.Zheng, D.-Z.Wang.“Optical study of OH radical in a wire-plate pulsed coronadischarge”,Spectrochimica Acta Part A,2006,63:477–482 (SCI, EI收錄)
8. Wenchun Wang*, Jialiang Zang, Feng Liu, Yue Liu, Younian Wang“Study on Density Distribution of High Energy Electrons in PulsedCorona Discharge”,VACUUM 2004,Vol.73(3), pp.333-339 (SCI, EI 收錄)
9. Wenchun Wang*, Zhibin Zhao, Feng Liu, Su Wang“Study of removal NO/NOx from flue gas contained fly ash and watervapor by pulsed corona discharge”,Journal of electrostatics, 2005, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp.155-164 Vol.63, No. 2, pp.155-164
10. Wenchun Wang, Jialiang Zang, Feng Liu, Younian Wang“Study on Density Distribution of High Energy Electrons in PulsedCorona Discharge.”,VACUUM, 2004,73(3):333-339 (SCI, EI收錄)
11. Dongping Liu, Wenchun Wang , Günther Benstetter, Jialiang Zhang“Effect of pressure on the deposition of hydrogen-free amorphouscarbon and carbon nitride films by the pulsed cathodic arcdischarge method”,J. Vac. Sci. Technol.A, 2005, Vol. 63, No.2, pp.155-164 (SCI, EI 收錄)
12. Guangda Yang, Wenchun Wang, Feng Liu, Dezhen Wang.“Experimental research of OH and N2+ spatially resolved spectra ina needle-plate pulsed streamer discharge”Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing (網上已在線) (SCI 收錄)
13. Shukai Tang, Wenchun Wang,Jiahong Liu, Xuefeng Yang“Diagnosis of positive ions from thenear-cathode region in a high-voltage pulsed corona discharge N2 plasma”,J. Vac. Sci . Technol. A, 2000, 18(5): 2213-2216. (SCI, EI 收錄)
14. W-C.Wang, F. Liu, Y. Liu, and W. Zheng, “Emission Spectrum of SOfrom Pulsed Positive Corona Discharge”,Advances in Applied Plasma Science, 2005, 5: 391-396 Proceedingsof ISAPS’ 05 ,Hawaii (ISTP收錄)
15. W-C.Wang, F. Liu, J-L.Zhang, and Y-N.Wang, “Density Distributionof High Energy Electrons in Pulsed Corona Discharge of N2 andAir”.The Fourth International Symposium on Applied Plasma Science 2003,9, Japan (ISTP收錄)
16. SUN Ming; WU Yan; LI Jie; WU Jiang; CHEN Chang-hua. “Study ofapparatus producing OH radicals for desulfuration from flue gas bynon-thermal plasma” Journal of Dalian University of Technology,2004, 44(1): 26-30 (EI收錄)
17. Lin Zhang, Shu Zheng,YueLiu,Wenchun Wang, Xiaogang Wang.“脈衝電暈放電中OH自由基產生的數值模擬”VACUUM, 2008, 1-6 on the line (SCI, EI收錄)
18. Zhang Jialiang, Tan Chang, Wang Wenchun,,Wang Younian, Ma Tengcai.“Diagnostics of ablation plasma induced by high intensity pulsedion beam using temporally resolved emission spectroscopy”,Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 2004,Vol. 42,. pp.885-889 (SCI, ISTP 收錄)
19. Jialiang Zang, Chang Tan, Wenchun Wang, Younian Wang.“A Spectroscopic Scheme to Measure the Expansion Velocity ofAblation Plasmas Formed by High Intensive Pulsed Ion Beam”,VACUUM, 2004, Vol. 73 (3), pp. 673-679 (SCI, EI 收錄)
20. Duan Ping,Wang Zhengxiong, Wang Wenchun,Liu Jinyuan, Liu yue,Wang Xiaogang.“Surface Potential of Dust Grains at the Sheath Edge ofElectronegative Dusty Plasmas”,Plasma Science & Technology, 2004, Vol.6, No.6, pp.2559-2563 (SCI收錄)
21. Duan Ping,Wang Zhengxiong ,Wang Wenchun ,Liu Jin-Yuan , Liu Yue,Wang Xiaogang.“Sheath structure of strongly electronegative plasmas”,Plasma Science and Technology, 2005, 7(1) : 2649-2652 (SCI 收錄)
22. Chun-sheng Ren, Teng-cai Ma, De-zhen Wang, Wen-chun Wang, Jia-liang Zhang“Stable and diffuse atmospheric pressure glow plasma in a multi-point-to-plane pin configuration in air”,IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science , 2005,Vol. 33, No.1 pp .210-211(SCI 收錄)
23. C. Tan, J.Zhang,W. Wang, and Y. Wang“A Spectroscopic Scheme to Measure the Expansion Velocity ofAblation plasmas Formed by High Intensive Pulsed Ion Beam”,Advances Applied Plasma Science, 2003, Vol.4, pp.367-372 (ISTP 收錄)
24. Shufeng Li,Changlie Song,Chengren Li, Wenchun Wang and Jianyong Li“Coupling of fiber-waveguide amplifier”,APOC 2004 Asia-Pacific optical comunications InternationalSymposium, 8-12 Novebmer (EI收錄)
25.Tang Shukai,Wang Wenchun, Xu Yong, Liu Jiahong, Yang Xuefeng.“Diagnosis of High Voltage Pulsed Corona Discharge Induced N2+O2Plasma by Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry”, Vacuum Science andTechnology,2002, Vol.22, No.2 pp.131-134.
26. Li Yefang, Wang Wenchun, Lai Kangsheng, Liang Xiuping. “A Methodof coupling light source and optical fiber”, Physics and Engineering, 2003, Vol. 13, (R)1 pp.22- 25.
27. Jie Li, Ming Sun, Yan Wu, Kefeng Shang, Ninghui Wang, and GuofengLi, “Experimental Investigation on Activating Water Vapor andAmmonia by DC Corona Discharge Radical Shower Technology forRemoval of SO2 from Flue Gases ”,Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technology 2004, 7(2): 146-153 (SCI收錄)
28. M.Sun,Y.Wu, J. Li, N.H.Wang, J.Wu, K.F.Shang and J.L.Zhang,“Diagnosis of OH radical by optical emission spectroscopyinatmospheric pressure unsaturated humid air corona discharge andits implication to desulphurization of flue gas”,Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2005, pp.31-40 February(SCI收錄)
29.孫明,吳彥, 張家良, 李傑,“空氣電暈放電中的OH自由基發射光譜”,“光譜學與光譜分析”, 2005, 25 (1): 108-112 (SCI, EI, SSCI, CA收錄)
29. SUN Ming, WU Yan1, ZHANG Jia-Liang, LI Jie, WANG Ning-Hui, WUJiang, SHANG Ke-Feng, “Emission Spectra of Hydroxyl RadicalGenerated in Air Corona Discharge.” Spectroscopy and SpectralAnalysis, 2005, 25 (1): 108-112 (SCI, EI, SSCI, CA收錄)
30. F.Liu, W.-C.Wang*, W.Zheng, Y.-N.Wang. “Optical Study of Radicals(OH, O, H, N) in a Needle-plate Negative Pulsed Streamer CoronaDischarge by Optical Diagnostics”,Plasma Chem Plasma Process, 2006, 26: 469–480 (SCI收錄)
31. F.Liu, W.-C.Wang*, W.Zheng, Y.-N.Wang.“Optical study of radicals (OH, O, H, N) in a needle-plate bi-directional pulsed corona discharge”,European Physical Journal D,2006,38: 515–522 (SCI收錄)
32. F.Liu, W.-C.Wang*, W.Zheng, Y.-N.Wang.“Measurement of OH spatially resolved spectrum in a wire-platepulsed streamer discharge”,European Physical Journal D,2007,42: 435-440 (SCI收錄)
33. W.Zheng, F.Liu, W.-C.Wang*, & D.-Z.Wang.“Optical study of OH radical in a needle-plate DC coronadischarge”,European Journal of Physics, Applied Physics,2007,38:153-159 (SCI收錄)
34. F.Liu, W.-C.Wang*, W.Zheng, Y.-N.Wang.“Investigation of spatially resolved spectra of OH and N2+ in N2and H2O mixture wire-plate positive pulsed streamer discharge”,Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2008, 69: 776-781 (SCI, EI收錄)
35. F.Liu. W.-C.Wang*, S.Wang, C.-S.Ren, Y.-N.Wang.“The Study of Atoms in High-Voltage Pulsed Corona Discharge byOptical Diagnostics”, Plasma Science & Technology,2005,7(3):2851-2855 (SCI收錄)
36. 肖重發,徐 勇,王文春, 朱愛民.“氮氣大氣壓介質阻擋放電的發射光譜診斷”,大連理工大學學報,2004,44(8): 625-639 (EI收錄)
36. XIAO Chong-fa, XU Yong, WANG Wen-chun, WANG Wei-guo, ZHU Ai-min.“Diagnosis of optical emission spectrometry of atmosphericdielectric barrier discharges in N2”, Journal of DalianUniversity of Technology, 2004, 44(8): 625-639 (EI收錄)
37. W.-G.Wang, Y.Xu, X.-F.Yang, W.-C.Wang, & A.-M.Zhu.“Determination of atomic hydrogen in non-thermal hydrogen plasmas by means of molecular beam threshold ionization massspectrometry”,Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrommetry.2005,19:1159–1166 (SCI收錄)
38. WANG Weiguo, XU Yong, LIU Zhongwei, ZHU Aimin, WANG Wenchun“Spectroscopic Measurements of Atomic Hydrogen Concentrations inDielectric Barrier Discharge Hydrogen Plasmas”, Spectroscopy andSpectral Analysis, 2006,26(9):1589-1593 (SCI收錄).
39. Zhang Yu, Ding Wanyu, Wang Wenchun et al., “Characteristics ofcollision, capacitive radio frequency sheath”,Plasma Science & Technology, 2005, 7(2): 2741-2744(SCI 收錄)
40. Xuefeng Yang, Yong Xu, Weiguo Wang, Wenchun Wang. “Search forlong-lived metastable H2- and D2- from H2/D2 plasma”,Invited talk on the 8th Acian-Pacific Conference on Plasma Scienceand Technology, July 2-5, 2006, Cairns, Australia. (大會邀請報告)
41. LIU Jia hong; TANG Shu kai; WANG Wen chun; DING Hong bin; YANG Xuefeng.“Mass Spectrum Analyses of Hn+ In The Cathode Sheath of ThePure H2 Abnormal Glow Discharges.”Nuclear fusion and plasma physics, 2000, 20(1): 43-47(EI收錄)
42.Yan Zhang, Biao Gu, Xuwen Peng, Dezhen Wang,Wenchun Wang,“Experiment research on multiple current peaks and mode conversionof atmospheric pressure glow dielectric barrier discharge inHelium”,Solid Thin Films 2008 (已接受,SCI收錄期刊)
43. Zhang Yan; Gu Biao; Wang Wenchun; Wang Dezhen. “Research progressof atmospheric pressure glow discharge plasma and polymer surfacemodification”, China Synthetic Fiber Industry, 2006, 29(3): 41-45.
44. 張燕,顧彪,王文春,王德真,“常壓輝光放電等離子體對化纖及其它聚合物材料的表面處理研究進展”,Comprehensive Review (專題綜述),2006, 7: 7-11.
44. ZHANG Yan, GU Biao, WANG Wenchun, WANG De-zhen. “SurfaceTreatment of Polymeric Materials by Atmospheric Pressure GlowDischarge Plasma”, Synthetic Fiber in China, Comprehensive Review(專題綜述),2006, 7: 7-11
45. 唐書凱,王文春,徐 勇, 楊學鋒,吳彥.“高壓脈衝電暈放電氮等離子體的分子束質譜診斷研究”,真空科學與技術學報, 2000, Vol.20, No.5 pp.322-325(EI收錄)
45. Tang Shukai; Wang Wenchun; Liu Jiahong; Yang Xuefeng. “Diagnosisof Nitrogen Plasma Generated by High Voltage Pulsed CoronaDischarge via Molecular Beam Mass Spectroscopy”, Vacuum Scienceand Technology, 2000, Vol.20, No.5 pp.322-325(EI收錄)
46. Wang Wenchun, Liu Dongping,Wu Yan.A Study of Density Distributions of High Energy ElectronsProduced from CoronaDischarge in the Air along the Radial of Reactor by AdvancedEmission Spectral Method ,分子科學學報, 1999,No.3, pp.125-128
47.王文春 ,李淑風, “用雙、單擺振動示波裝置合成欠阻尼振動實驗研究”,物理與工程(教育部委託清華大學主辦)2002,Vol.27, No.5 pp.27-30
47. Wang Wenchun Li Shufeng. “Displaying the synthesis of under-damping vibration with a double-single pendulum vibration device”,Physics and Engineering, 2002,Vol.27, No.5 pp.27-30
48.劉佳宏,唐書凱,王文春,楊學鋒.”氮異常輝光放電中離子成分及能量分子束質譜診斷”大連理工大學學報, 2000, Vol. 40, No.4, pp. 43-47
48. LIU Jiahong; TANG Shukai; WANG Wenchun; YANG Xuefeng. “Molecularbeam mass spectrometry diagnosis on ion species and their energydistribution in N2 abnormal glow discharges”, Journal of DalianUniversity of Technology, 2000, Vol. 40, No.4, pp. 43-4(EI收錄)
49. 李葉芳,孫 偉,王美田, 賴康生,王文春,梁秀萍, “聲光通訊中最佳傳輸條件的選擇“,物理實驗,2003, Vol.23, No.5 pp.47-48
50. 王文春,吳 彥,李學初, “(SO2,N2)氣體中脈衝電暈放電SO發射光譜測量實驗研究”1999, 分子科學學報 Vol.15 No.1 pp.1-5
52. Wang Wenchun, Wu Yan, Li XUechu, Shen Guanlin. “Electronicdensity distribution produced in corona discharge of NO, N2mixture along the radial of line cylinder reactor.” ActaScientiae Circumstantiae, 1998,No.1 pp.51-55 (CA收錄)
53. 王文春,吳 彥,李學初, “氮氣中電暈放電高能電子密度沿反應器分佈光譜研究”,大連理工大學學報 1998, Vol.38, No.2 pp.162-165
53. Wang Wenchun, Wu Yan, Li XUechu. “Experimental research onelectronic density distributions produced in corona discharge ofN2 along radial of line cylinder reactor by advanced emissionspectral method.” Journal Of Dalian University Of Technology,1998, Vol.38, No.2 pp.162-165
54. 李 芳,王文春,劉東平,吳彥, “脈衝電暈放電脫硫產物研究”, 環境科學1999, Vol.20,No.3 pp.30-33 (EI收錄)
54. Li Fang, Wang Wenchun, Liu Dongping, Wu Yan. “Investigation aboutFormation of Products from Removal of SO2 from Simulated Gas UsingPulse Discharge”, Chinese Journal of Enviromental Science, 1999,Vol.20,No.3 pp.30-33 (EI收錄)
55. 王文春,“正脈衝電暈放電SO2(A3П→X3∑)發射光譜研究”,吉林工學院學報,
1997, No.1 pp.1-4
55. Wang Wenchun, “An Experimental Study on the Emission Spectrum ofSO Fragment Produced by Positive Pulse Corona Discharge of SO2”.Journal of Jilin Institute of Technology, 1997, No.1 pp.1-4.
56. 王文春,王榮毅,王寧會,“脈衝電暈放電煙氣脫硫脫硝反應器結構研究”,吉林工學院學報, 1996, Vol.17 No.12 pp.11-13
57. 趙志斌,王文春,王寧會,王榮毅, “含灰含水煙氣脈衝放電脫除NOX的研究”,環境科學,1996, No.3 (CA收錄)
57. Zhao Zhibin, Wang Wenchun, et. al. “Investigation on the removalof no and NOx from flue gas using a pulsed corona dischargeaccounting for flyash and humidity effects”, Chinese Journal ofEnviromental Science, 1996, No.3 (CA收錄)
58. 周 玲,王文春 , “高溫超導機制研究狀況”, 大學物理, 1999,Vol.15,No.4 pp.29-31
58. Zhou Ling, Wang Wenchun. “Research situation of high-temperaturesuperconductors”, College Physics, 999, Vol.15,No.4 pp.29-31
59. 劉佳宏,丁洪斌,王文春,唐書凱,楊學鋒, “利用分子束質譜“原位”診斷N2 異常輝光放電中的離子成份及能量分佈”, 第九屆全國等離子體會議,1999.8
60. 金恩姬,王文春,“高壓下MT12(PO4)3晶體Raman光譜研究”,吉林工學院學報,1997, No.1 pp.5-9
60. Jin Enji, Wang Wenchun. “A study of raman spectra of MTi2(PO4)3crystal under high pressures”, Journal of Jilin Institute ofTechnology,1997, No.1 pp.5-9
61. Wang Wenchun. “Displaying the synthesis of under-dampingvibration with a double-single pendulum vibration device”, 亞洲際會議, 1996,8
62. 金恩姬,王文春,“燃燒過程CARS光譜研究”,東北師範大學學報1996, No.12 pp.36-39
62. Jin Enji; Wang Wenchun, “The experiment study of CARS spectra incombustion process”, Journal of Northeast Normal University,1996, No.12 pp.36-39
64.王寧會,王文春,王榮毅,“酸雨危害與科技治理最新技術”,中國環境管理 1995, No.2
2000.09 鑒定等級:國際領先水平