



欽州灣圍填海建設對海洋生態環境影響及評價指標體系研究.(桂科攻1140002-2-4). 廣西科技廳計劃開發項目. 15萬元,主持, 2011-2014.
篩選可降低水冰點的天然產物研究. 企業橫向項目, 8.0萬元,主持,2011.4-2011.11.
對“榕湖飯店水源熱泵綜合節能項目”入水進行臭氧除藻處理的研究. 企業橫向項目,5.0萬元,主持,2010.3-2010.10.
新型蔗渣改性材料的製備及其對重金屬離子的吸附性能、吸附機理研究(桂科青0832080),廣西區青年科學基金,4.0萬元,主持. 2008.03-2011.03。
痕量營養鹽監測儀器在線過濾器的製作. 國家"863計劃"(2006AA09Z174和2007AA061501)協作項目, 2.5萬元, 主持,2009.10-2009.12.
水樣中氟離子的在線檢測方法研究及其應用. 桂林電子科技大學博士啟動資金項目. 6.0萬元, 主持,2006-2009.
Ying Liang, Liuxin Wei, Zhiren Zhu, Yingming Pan, Hengshan Wang & Peizhen Liu . Isolationand Purification of kaempferol-3,7-O-a-L-Dirhamnopyranoside from Siraitia grosvenori Leaves by High-Speed Counter-Current Chromatograph and Its Free Radical Scavenging Activity. Separation Science and Technology. 2011. 46(9): 1528-1533. SCI收
Ying Liang, Xiyao Liu, Dongxing Yuan, Zhenbin Gong, Zhen Zhang. Mercury species in seawater and sediment in Xiamen west sea area. Water Environmental Research. 2010, 82(4): 335-41. SCI收錄.
Liang Ying, Yuan Dongxing, Lu Min, Gong Zhenbin, Liu Xiyao, Zhang Zhen. Distribution characteristics of total mercury and methylmercury in the topsoil and dust of Xiamen, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2009, 21(10), 1400-1408. SCI收錄.
Ying Liang, Dongxing Yuan, Quanlong Li, Qingmei Lin. Flow injection analysis of nanomolar level orthophosphate in seawater with solid phase enrichment and colorimetric detection. Marine Chemistry. 2007, 103: 122-130. SCI收錄,影響因子3.085..
Ying Liang, Dongxing Yuan, Quanlong, Li, Qingmei Lin. Flow injection analysis of ultratrace orthophosphate in seawater with solid phase enrichment and luminol chemiluminescence detection. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2006, 571: 184-190. SCI收錄,影響因子3.146.
梁英,袁東星,林慶梅. 固相萃取-分光光度法測定海水中痕量活性磷酸鹽分析化學. 2005,33(8):1053-1057. SCI收錄.,