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1.C.R.Wu, J.Lee, T.Isokawa, J.Yao, Y.N.Xia: Efficient clustering method based on density peaks with symmetric neighborhood relationship, IEEE Access 2019, 7, 60684-60696.
2.W.L Xu, J.Lee, H.H.Chen, T.Isokawa: Universal computation in a simplified Brownian cellular automaton with von Neumann neighborhood, Fundamenta Informaticae 2019, 165, 139–156.
3.J.Lee, F.Peper, K.Leibnitz, P.Gu: Characterization of random fluctuation-based computation in cellular automata, Information Sciences 2016, 352-353, 150-166.
4.M.X.Tang, J.Lee, K.Morita: General design of reversible sequential machines based on reversible logic elements, Theoretical Computer Science 2015, 568, 19-27.
5.J.Lee, S.Adachi, Y.N.Xia, Q.S.Zhu: Emergence of universal global behavior from reversible local transitions in asynchronous systems, Information Sciences 2014, 282, 38-56.
6.X.Huang, J.Lee, T.H.Sun, F.Peper: Self-adaptive self-reproductions in cellular automata, Physica D 2013, 263, 11-20.
7.F.Peper, J.Lee, J.Carmona, J.Cortadella, K.Morita: Brownian citcuits: fundamentals, ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems 2013, 9, 3:1-3:24.
8.J.Lee, R.L.Yang, K.Morita: Design of 1-tape 2-symbol reversible Turing machines based on reversible logic elements, Theoretical Computer Science 2012, 460, 78-88.
9.J.Lee, K.Imai, Q.S.Zhu: Fluctuation-driven computing on number-conserving cellular automata, Information Sciences 2012, 187, 266-276.
10.J.Lee, S.Adachi, F.Peper: A partitioned cellular automaton approach for efficient implementation of asynchronous circuits, The Computer Journal 2011, 54, 1211-1220.
11.S.Adachi, J.Lee, F.Peper, H.Umeo: Kaleidoscope of life: a 24-neighbourhood outer-totalistic cellular automaton, Physica D 2008, 237, 800-817.
12.J.Lee, S.Adachi, F.Peper: Reliable self-replicating machines in asynchronous cellular automata, Artificial Life 2007, 13, 397–413.
13.J.Lee, F.Peper, Susumu Adachi, Shinro Mashiko: Universal delay-insensitive systems with buffering lines, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-I: Regular Papers, Vol.52, pp.742-754, 2005.
14.F.Peper, J.Lee, F.Abo, T.Isokawa, S.Adachi, N.Matsui, S.Mashiko: Fault-tolerance in nanocomputers: a cellular array approach, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 3.187-201.
15.J.Lee, F.Peper, S.Adachi, K.Morita: Universal delay-insensitive circuits with bi-directional and buffering lines, IEEE Transactions on Computers 2004, 58, 1034-1046.
5.J.Lee, F.Peper, S.Adachi: Reversible logic elements operating in a synchronous mode, USA, Patent No.6987402.