共找到66條詞條名為王棟的結果 展開
- 中國足球運動員
- 杭州市臨安區人民政府黨組成員、副區長
- 甘肅大禹節水股份有限公司原董事長
- 共青團臨汾市委書記
- 寧夏自治區機構編製委員會辦公室綜合處處長
- 中國海洋大學教授
- 山東省發展和改革委員會副主任
- 陝西能源趙石畔煤電公司董事長、黨委書記
- 白銀市公安局平川分局副局長
- 唐河縣人民政府副縣長
- 黑龍江中醫藥大學藥學院教授
- 大連理工大學研究生院環境學院教授
- 芬蘭圖爾庫大學教授
- 中國草原學科奠基人
- 美團網技術總監
- 宜春市公安局網路安全保衛支隊支隊長
- 遼寧撫順市人大常委會副秘書長
- 游泳運動員
- 汾西縣公安局交警大隊大隊長
- 殉職公安民警
- 中國海口市工商局機關黨委專職副書記
- 麗水市委、市政府接待辦公室主任
- 湖南城市學院新生
- 解放戰爭時期革命烈士
- 寧夏籍革命烈士
- 西北工業大學教授
- 中國獸醫藥品監察所研究員
- 健美冠軍
- 團重慶市委中學中職與少先隊工作部幹部
- 青年影視演員
- 安徽大學物理與材料科學學院副教授
- 華縣政務大廳副主任
- 河北省塞罕壩機械林場總場工程師
- 菏澤市定陶縣陳集鎮保寧衛生院院長
- 金華市義烏市府辦黨組成員
- 南京理工大學機械工程學院副教授
- 《廣州日報》上海記者站副站長
- 中國醫學科學院腫瘤醫院泌尿外科醫師
- 山西建築工程有限公司西北分部副總經理
- 原黑龍江省雞西市師範學校校長
- 湛江市原國土局黨組成員、副調研員
- 大黃蜂信息科技有限公司總經理
- 中國馬術運動員
- 1995年生中國足球運動員
- 安徽省六安師範專科學校物理學副教授
- 南京大學教授
- 天津醫科大學副教授
- 北京三勝科技有限責任公司CEO
- 北京市崇文區前門醫院中醫科副主任醫師
- 山西省山西建工集團總承包公司團委書記
- 1985年生中國足球運動員
- 武漢紡織大學教授
- 大連理工大學土木水利學院講師
- 歌手
- 杭州市餘杭區星橋街道黨工委副書記
- 涇川縣黨原鄉人大副主席
- 歷史人物
- 原信陽地區水利局副局長
- 中國作家協會遼寧分會理事
- 大學生創業代表
- 山東省臨沂第九實驗小學教師
- 江南大學教授
- 臨沂大學美術學院教師
- 泰州學派創始人
- 1906~1957
- 醫生
2003–2005Curtin University of Technology, Australia, Research Associate
2007–2016The University of Western Australia, Research Fellow and then Senior Research Fellow
2015-2016, POSCO Korea, “Prediction of long-term displacements of suction piles for 3MW offshore wind turbine and effective measures for reducingdisplacements”
2012-2014, Australia Research Council Discovery Project,“Dynamic evolution of submarine slides and consequences of offshore developments”
2011-2014, Australia-China Natural Gas Technology Partnership Grant, “Geotechnical solutions for engineering deep water gas fields”
2011, Advanced Geomechanics, “Large deformation analysis of spudcan re-penetration in the Starboard Crater, Yolla”
2011, Advanced Geomechanics, “Three-dimensional stability analysis of cut trench of N1K Scarp, Gorgon”
2009-2011, ExxonMobil Global Services Company, “Qualification of SEPLA for permanent mooring –centrifuge testing and numerical analysis”
2002-2003,中交第四航務工程勘察設計院, “長江口深水航道治理工程軟基中大圓筒結構整體穩定性評價”
J46. Zheng J, Hossain MS andWang D(2018). Estimating spudcan penetration resistance in stiff-soft-stiff clay. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 144(3), 04018001.
J45.Dong Y,Wang Dand Randolph MF (2017). Investigation of impact forces on pipeline by submarine landslide using material point method. Ocean Engineering, 146, 21-28.
J44. Gaudin C, Cassidy MJ, O'Loughlin CD, Tian Y,Wang Dand Chow S (2017). Recent advances in anchor design for floating structures. International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 27(1), 44-53.
J43. Koh KX,Wang Dand Hossain MS (2017). Numerical simulation of caisson installation and dissipation in Kaolin clay and calcareous silt. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, accepted.
J42. Dong Y,Wang Dand Randolph MF (2017). Runout of submarine landslide simulated with material point method. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 29(3), 438-444.
J41. Zhang W,Wang D, Randolph MF and Puzrin AM (2017). From progressive to catastrophic failure in submarine landslides with curvilinear slope geometries. Geotechnique, 67(12), 1104-1119.
J40. Zheng J, Hossain MS andWang D(2017). Numerical investigation of spudcan penetration in multi-layer deposits with an interbedded sand layer. Geotechnique, 67(12), 1050-1066.
J39. Ragni R, Bienen B,Wang D, Masin D and Cassidy MJ (2017). Numerical modelling of the effects of consolidation on the undrained spudcan capacity under combined loading in silty clay. Computers and Geotechnics, 86, 33-51.
J38. Zheng J, Hossain MS andWang D(2016). Prediction of spudcan penetration resistance profile in stiff-over-soft clays. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 53(12), 1978-1990.
J37. Zhang W,Wang D, Randolph MF and Puzrin AM (2016). Dynamic propagation criteria for catastrophic failure in planar landslides. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 40, 2312-2338.
J36.Wang Dand Bienen B (2016). Numerical investigation of penetration of a large-diameter footing into normally consolidated kaolin clay with a consolidation phase. Geotechnique, 66(11), 947-952.
J35. Han C,Wang D, Gaudin C, O'Loughlin CD and Cassidy MJ (2016). Behaviour of vertically loaded plate anchors under sustained uplift. Geotechnique, 66(8), 681-693.
J34. Hu P, Stanier SA,Wang Dand Cassidy MJ (2016). Effect of footing shape on penetration in sand overlying clay. International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, 16(3), 119-133.
J33. Ragni R,Wang D, Masin D, Bienen B, Cassidy MJ and Stanier SA (2016). Numerical modelling of the effects of consolidation on jack-up spudcan penetration. Computers and Geotechnics, 78, 25-37.
J32. Kim YH, Hossain MS,Wang Dand Randolph MF (2015). Numerical investigation of dynamic installation of torpedo anchors in clay. Ocean Engineering, 108, 820-832.
J31. Kim YH, Hossain MS andWang D(2015). Effect of strain rate and strain softening on embedment depth of a torpedo anchor in clay. Ocean Engineering, 108, 704-715.
J30. Zhao X, Randolph MF,Wang Dand Gaudin C (2015). Upper bound analysis of uplift capacity of a tapered plate anchor in cohesive soil. Geotechnique Letters, 5(3), 205-211.
J29. Hu P, Stanier SA,Wang Dand Cassidy MJ (2015). A comparison of full profile prediction methods for a spudcan penetrating sand overlying clay. Geotechnique Letters, 5(3), 131-139.
J28. Zheng J, Hossain MS andWang D(2015). Numerical modelling of spudcan deep penetration in three-layer clays. International Journal of Geomechanics, 15(6), 04014089.
J27. Hu P,Wang D, Stanier SA and Cassidy MJ (2015). Assessing the punch-through hazard of a spudcan on sand overlying clay. Geotechnique, 65(11), 883-896.
J26. Mahmoodzadeh H,Wang Dand Randolph MF (2015). Interpretation of piezoball dissipation testing in clay. Geotechnique, 65(10), 831-842.
J25. Zhang W,Wang D, Randolph MF and Puzrin AM (2015). Catastrophic failure in planar landslides with a fully softened weak zone. Geotechnique, 65(9), 755-769.
J24. O'Beirne C, O'Loughlin CD,Wang Dand Gaudin C (2015). Capacity of dynamically installed anchors as assessed through field testing and three dimensional large deformation finite element analyses. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 52(5), 548-562.
J23. Zheng J, Hossain MS andWang D(2015). A new design approach for spudcan penetration in non-Uniform clay with an interbedded stiff layer. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 141(4), 04015003.
J22. Dong Y,Wang Dand Randolph MF (2015). A GPU parallel computing strategy for the material point method. Computers and Geotechnics, 66, 31-38.
J21.Wang D, Bienen B, Nazem M, Tian Y, Zheng J, Pucker T and Randolph MF (2015). Large deformation finite element analyses in geotechnical engineering. Computers and Geotechnics, 65, 104-114.
J20. Gaudin C, O'Loughlin CD, Randolph MF, Cassidy MJ,Wang D, Tian Y, Hambleton JP and Merifield RS (2014). Advances in offshore and onshore anchoring solutions. Australian Geomechanics Journal, 49(4), 59-71.
J19. Mahmoodzadeh H, Randolph MF andWang D(2014). Numerical simulation of piezocone dissipation test in clays. Geotechnique, 64(8), 657-666.
J18.Wang Dand O'Loughlin CD (2014). Numerical study of pull-out capacities of dynamically embedded plate anchors. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 51(11), 1263-1272.
J17. Hu P,Wang D, Cassidy MJ and Stanier SA (2014). Predicting the resistance profile of a spudcan penetrating sand overlying clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 51, 1151-1164.
J16. Zhang Y,Wang D, Cassidy MJ and Bienen B (2014). Numerical analysis of the bearing capacity of a spudcan in soft clay under combined loading accounting for installation effects. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 140(7), 04014029.
J15. Ma J,Wang Dand Randolph MF (2014). A new contact algorithm in the material point method for geotechnical simulations. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 38, 1197-1210.
J14. Hu P, Stanier SA, Cassidy MJ andWang D(2014). Predicting the peak punch-through resistance of a spudcan penetrating sand overlying clay. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 140(2), 04013009.
J13. Tian Y, Cassidy MJ, Randolph MF,Wang Dand Gaudin C (2014). A simple implementation of RITSS and its application in large deformation analysis. Computers and Geotechnics, 56, 160-167.
J12. Kouretzis GP, Sheng D andWang D(2014). Numerical simulation of cone penetration testing using a new critical state constitutive model for sand. Computers and Geotechnics, 56, 50-60.
J11.Wang D, Randolph MF and White DJ (2013). A dynamic large deformation finite element method based on mesh regeneration. Computers and Geotechnics, 54, 192-201.
J10. Zhang X, Krabbenhoft K, Pedroso DM, Lyamin AV, Sheng D, Vicente da Silva M andWang D(2013). Particle finite element analysis of large deformation and granular flow problems. Computers and Geotechnics, 54, 133-142.
J9.Wang D, Merifield RS and Gaudin C (2013). Uplift behaviour of helical anchors in clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 50(6), 575-584.
J8.Wang D, Gaudin C and Randolph MF (2013). Large deformation finite element analysis investigating the performance of anchor keying flap. Ocean Engineering, 59, 107-116.
J7. Cassidy MJ, Gaudin C, Randolph MF, Wong PC,Wang Dand Tian Y (2012). A plasticity model to assess the keying of plate anchors. Geotechnique, 62(9), 825-836.
J6.Wang D, Hu Y and Randolph MF (2011). Keying of rectangular plate anchors in normally consolidated clays. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 137(12), 1244-1253.
J5.Wang D, White DJ and Randolph MF (2010). Large-deformation finite element analysis of pipe penetration and large-amplitude lateral displacement. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 47(8), 842-856.
J4.Wang D, Hu Y and Randolph MF (2010). Three-dimensional large deformation finite element analysis of plate anchors in uniform clay. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 136(2), 355-365.
J3.Wang Dand Jin X (2008). Failure loci of suction caisson foundation under combined loading conditions. China Ocean Engineering, 22(3), 455-464.
J2.Wang Dand Jin X (2006). Finite element analysis of laterally loaded suction caisson in anisotropic clay. China Ocean Engineering, 20(4), 665-672.
J1.Wang D, Hu Y and Jin X (2006). Two-dimensional large deformation finite element analysis for the pulling-up of plate anchor. China Ocean Engineering, 20(2), 269-279.