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劉峰,博士,教授,博士生導師。現任農藥學系主任,中國植物保護學會葡萄病蟲害防治專業委員會常務委員、園藝病蟲害防治專業委員會委員、中國植物病理學會化學防治專業委員會委員,山東省農藥學會常務理事,農業部農藥登記田間藥效試驗殺菌劑技術負責人。1992年山東農業大學植物保護專業獲學士學位,1998年山東農業大學農業昆蟲與害蟲防治學專業獲碩士學位,2001年中國農業大學理學院農藥 學專業獲理學博士學位。現主要從事農藥學教學、科研和技術推廣工作。




1. 農藥環保新劑型開發及加工原理研究緩釋、安全農藥微囊化技術,包括新材料篩選、成囊機理研究和工業化開發;研究環境友好農藥新劑型配方及工業化生產技術;研發環境安全、增效的替代溶劑、表面活性劑及增效助劑
2. 微生物源農藥研究與開發 分離篩選農作物土傳病害的拮抗菌,進行活性測定、分離純化、鑒定和活性成分開發利用
3. 農藥毒理與抗藥性風險評估 研究新農藥毒理作用機制和作用方式,研究農作物重要病、蟲的抗藥性機理、抗性監測及其治理措施
4. 農藥對靶高效施用技術 研究農藥的理化特性、劑型及施藥方法等因素影響對靶標生物沉積效率的規律以及環境風險,研發提高農藥利用率、規避或降低風險的措施


1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,金屬-多酚配合物負載型殺蟲微膠囊的成囊機制、釋放及殺蟲活性調控(31572040,2016-2017),主持
2. 國家公益性行業(農業)科研專項,作物根蛆類害蟲綜合防治技術研究與示範子課題-山東設施韭菜等作物根蛆類害蟲綜合防治技術研究與示範(201303027,2013-2017),主持
3. 國家公益性行業(農業)科研專項,作物孢囊線蟲病控制技術研究與示範子課題-防治孢囊線蟲病新藥劑研製及應用(200903040,2009-2013),主持
4. 國家公益性行業(農業)科研專項,農藥高效安全科學施用技術子項目-白粉病菌對防治藥劑敏感性變異檢測及藥劑對靶高效沉積技術研發(200903033,2009-2013),主持
5. 國家公益性行業(農業)科研專項,農藥風險評估綜合配套技術研究子項目-我國農藥職業暴露典型場景建立與風險分析(200903054,2010-2013),主持
6. 十一五”國家科技支撐計劃,農林重大生物災害防控技術研究-高效減量多靶標化學防治新技術子項目-環保新製劑研製與應用(2006BAD08A03,2006-2010),主持
7. 國家十一五科技支撐計劃,設施菜地殘留農藥生物降解技術集成與示範子項目-滅線磷、涕滅威降解菌篩選及應用(2006BAD17B07,2006-2010),主持
8. 山東省優秀中青年科學家科研獎勵基金,多粘類芽孢桿菌BMP-11揮發性化合物的誘導抗病活性研究(BS2011NY012,2011-2013),主持


1. 山東省科技進步二等獎,韭菜和大蒜根蛆災變機制及綠色防控關鍵技術的研究與應用,2015
2. 山東省科學技術進步三等獎,旱田除草劑新製劑應用技術配套研究,2001
3. 國家科技進步三等獎,棉鈴蟲抗藥性規律及綜合治理研究,1995
4. 山東省科技進步二等獎,50%棉鈴寶乳油研製與應用,1994
5. 山東省科技進步二等獎,棉鈴蟲抗藥性規律及取代藥劑研究,1994


一種微膠囊囊芯釋放率測試所用裝置,ZL 2015 2 0803016.6
一種新型微膠囊,ZL2015 2 1092844.X
一種以單寧酸的金屬離子螯合物作為囊壁的農藥微膠囊及其製備方法,ZL 2014 1 0599573
一種含吡丙醚和氟鈴脲的農藥組合物,ZL2014 1 0739317.7




Yingying Song, Leiming He, Lele Chen, Yupeng Ren, Hongbao Lu, Su Geng, Wei Mu, Feng Liu*. Baseline sensitivity and control efficacy of antibiotic fungicide tetramycin againstBotrytis Cinerea. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2016,146(2), 337-347
Da-xia Zhang, Bei-xing Li, Xian-peng Zhang, Zheng-qun Zhang,Wei-chang Wang, Feng Liu*. Phoxim microcapsules prepared with polyurea and urea-formaldehyde resins differ in photostability and insecticidal activity.J Agr Food Chem, 2016, 64, 2841-2846
BeiXing Li, Lei Guan, Kai Wang, DaXia Zhang, WeiChang Wang, Feng Liu*. Formula and process optimization of controlled-release microcapsules prepared using a coordination assembly and the response surface methodology.J Appl Polym Sci,2016, DOI: 10.1002/APP.42865
Peng Zhang, Min He, Yunhe Zhao, Yupeng Ren, Yan Wei, Wei Mu, Feng Liu*. Dissipation dynamics of clothianidin and its control efficacy againstBradysia odoriphagaYang and Zhang in Chinese chive ecosystems.Pest Manag Sci. 2016; 72: 1396-1404.
Peng Zhang, Xuefeng Zhang, Yunhe Zhao, Yan Wei, Wei Mu, Feng Liu*. Effects of imidacloprid and clothianidin seed treatments on wheat aphids and their natural enemies on winter wheat.Pest Manag Sci. 2016, 72: 1141-1149
Yingying Song, Zhengqun Zhang, Lele Chen, Leiming He,Hongbao Lu, Yupeng Ren, Wei Mu, Feng Liu*. Baseline Sensitivity ofBotrytis cinereato the Succinate Dehydrogenase Inhibitor Isopyrazam and Efficacy of this Fungicide.Plant Disease, 2016, 100(7):1314-1320
YingyingSong,DatongXu,HongbaoLu,LeimingHe,LeleChen,JunanShao,ChunmeiXu,WeiMu, FengLiu*.Baseline sensitivity and efficacy of the sterol biosynthesis inhibitor triflumizole againstBotrytis cinerea.Australasian Plant Pathology. 2016,45,(1):65-72
Peng Zhang,Xuefeng Zhang,Yunhe Zhao,Yupeng Ren,Wei Mu,Feng Liu*.Efficacy of granular applications of clothianidin and nitenpyram againstAphis gossypii(Glover) andApolygus lucorum(Meyer-Dür) in cotton fields in China.Crop Protection, 2015, 78, 27–34
Peng Zhang,Xuefeng Zhang,Yunhe Zhao,Yupeng Ren,Wei Mu,Feng Liu*.Efficacy of granular applications of clothianidin and nitenpyram againstAphis gossypii(Glover) andApolygus lucorum(Meyer-Dür) in cotton fields in China.Crop Protection, 2015, 78, 27–34
Peng Zhang, Yunhe Zhao, Xuefeng Zhang, Yingying Song, Zhengqun Zhang, Feng Liu*. Field resistance monitoring ofApolygus lucorum(Hemiptera: Miridae) in Shandong, China to seven commonly used insecticides.Crop Protection, 2015,76:127-133
Beixing Li, Weichang Wang, Kai Wang , Daxia Zhang , Lei Guan and Feng Liu*. Thiacloprid suspension formula optimization based on a response surface methodology.RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 26654- 26661
Peng Zhang, Feng Liu*, Wei Mu, Qiuhong Wang, Hui Li.Comparison ofBradysia odoriphagaYang and Zhang reared on artificial diet and different host plants based on an age-stage, two-sex life table.Phytoparasitica. 2015,43,(1):107-120
Peng Zhang, Feng Liu*, Wei Mu, Qiuhong Wang, Hui Li, Chengyu Chen. Life table study of the effects of sublethal concentrations of thiamethoxam onBradysia odoriphagaYang and Zhang.Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 2014,111(1): 31-37