



2012年獲得北京師範大學理學博士學位(導師:賀永教授)。主要研究方向為基於多模態神經影像技術的複雜腦網路方法學和臨床應用研究(重點關注阿爾茨海默病抑鬱症)。圍繞人腦連接組學重大科學前沿課題,在活體人腦功能網路的模型構建、方法學評價和疾病模型驗證等方面開展了一系列工作。近年來,在本領域國際主流學術期刊Biological Psychiatry、Journal of Neuroscience、Radiology、Human Brain Mapping等發表論文40餘篇,其中Top期刊論文19篇,包括以第一作者或通訊作者發表在影響因子大於10的論文2篇(皆為封面論文)。相關研究成果受到國際同行的廣泛關注,並被Nature系列、Science、NeuronPNAS 等國際頂尖期刊多次正面引用,引用次數達2700餘次,H指數21(google scholar)。6篇研究論文入選ESI Top 1%高被引論文或Top 0.1%熱門論文。關於輕度認知障礙患者的腦功能網路研究入選2013年度 Biological Psychiatry最傑出論文(12篇入選,排名第一),並榮獲2014年度國際生物精神病學協會Ziskind-Somerfeld研究獎(該獎項自2003年設立以來首次由中國人獲得)。作為核心成員開發了“腦網路分析工具包GRETNA”(軟體著作權登記號:2013SR046223)。該工具包被Matlab團隊遴選為12個高質量的神經科學工具包之一,並在2015年度神經科學學會上加以展示。受邀擔任客座副主編(Guest Associate Editor)在Frontiers in Neurosciene組織腦網路研究專刊。主持參與國家自然科學基金資助項目6項,主持浙江省自然科學基金重點項目1項。現為浙江省預防醫學會精神衛生專業委員會委員、國家自然科學基金比利時FWO基金評審人。擔任Cerebral Cortex、Scientific Reports等20餘個國際期刊的審稿人。


2012.7-2018.5,杭州師範大學,認知與腦疾病研究中心, 特聘研究員
2018.6-至今, 華南師範大學,腦科學與康復醫學研究院,研究員


採用靜息態功能影像和圖論網路分析,系統評價了多個關鍵因素(如腦節點定義等)對腦功能網路的影響、詳細刻畫了腦功能網路的重測信度、率先構建了基於功能近紅外光譜成像技術的腦網路計算模型等。這些工作為如何以及穩定可靠地構建腦功能網路提供了方法學指導,為神經精神疾病狀態下的腦功能網路研究奠定了重要的方法學基礎。相關研究成果發表在Human Brain Mapping、NeuroImage等國際權威期刊。
將已構建的腦功能網路方法學應用到阿爾茨海默病和抑鬱症,驗證了疾病狀態下腦網路模型,不但為相關疾病的腦網路紊亂假說提供了實驗證據,更為其早期診斷提供了潛在的腦連接組學生物標記物。相關研究成果發表在Biological Psychiatry、Human Brain Mapping等國際頂級期刊。
鑒於腦功能網路研究過程中步驟複雜繁瑣的特點,開發了腦網路分析軟體包GRETNA(軟體著作權登記號:2013SR046223)。作為重要參與者,開發了腦網路可視化軟體BrainNet Viewer(軟體著作權登記號:2012SR002849)。相關軟體已被國內外同行下載12,000餘次,極大地方便和推進了腦連接組學領域的發展。


1. 國家自然科學基金青年項目(81301284/H1809): 基於多模態神經影像的抑鬱症腦結構和功能網路研究,2014/01-2016/12,主持
2. 浙江省自然科學基金重點項目(LZ13C090001):人腦功能連接組:頻率、零模型、可重複性和再測信度的方法學評價研究,2013.01–2016.12,主持
3. 北京師範大學研究生院優秀博士學位論文培育基金項目:複雜腦網路方法的可靠性評價及其在退行性疾病中的應用研究,2010.12–2012.06,主持
4. 國家自然科學基金青年項目(81201122/H1807):基於近紅外成像的靜息態腦功能網路方法學及其在兒童腦發育中的應用研究,2013/01-2015/12,參與
5. 國家自然科學基金重點項目(81030028/H1809): 基於腦網路計算的多模態醫學圖像數據處理方法及應用,2011/01-2014/12,參與


Graph Theoretical Network Analysis Toolbox (GRETNA): 軟體著作權登記號 2013SR046223
BrainNet Viewer: 軟體著作權登記號 2012SR002849


基金評審:國家自然科學基金(面上項目),Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek-Vlaanderen Research Foundation Flanders (比利時)社會任職:浙江省預防醫學會精神衛生專業委員會委員;國際人腦成像組織會員
期刊審稿:Cerebral Cortex, Scientific Reports, Brain Topography, Brain Connectivity, PLoS ONE, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Journal of Affective Disorders, 科學通報


1.Wang H, Jin X, Zhang Y and Wang J (2016) Single-subject morphological brain networks: connectivity mapping, topological characterization and test-retest reliability. Brain and Behavior, in press.
2. Ma Q, Huang B, Wang J, Seger C, Yang W, Li C, Wang J, Feng J, Weng L, Jiang W and Huang R (2016) Altered modular organization of intrinsic brain functional networks in patients with Parkinson's disease. Brain Imaging Behav, in press.
3. Wang X, Cao Q, Wang J, Wu Z, Wang P, Sun L, Cai T and Wang Y (2016) The effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy on intrinsic functional brain networks in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 76:32-39.
4. Wang J, Wang X, Xia M, Liao X, Evans A and He Y (2015) GRETNA: a graph theoretical network analysis toolbox for imaging connectomics. Frontiers in human neuroscience 9.
5. Wang J, Wang X, He Y, Yu X, Wang H and He Y (2015) Apolipoprotein E epsilon4 modulates functional brain connectome in Alzheimer's disease. Hum Brain Mapp 36:1828-46 (cover paper).
6. Shen Y, Yao J, Jiang X, Zhang L, Xu L, Feng R, Cai L, Liu J, Wang J and Chen W (2015) Sub-hubs of Baseline Functional Brain Networks Are Related to Early Improvement Following Two-week Pharmacological Therapy for Major Depressive Disorder. Hum Brain Mapp, 36:2915-2927 (co-corresponding author).
7. Liu Y, Duan Y, Huang J, Ren Z, Ye J, Dong H, Shi FD, Barkhof F, Vrenken H, Wattjes MP, Wang J and Li K (2015) Multimodal Quantitative MR Imaging of the Thalamus in Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Optica. Radiology, 277:784-792 (corresponding author).
8. Ma X, Jiang G, Li S, Wang J, Zhan W, Zeng S, Tian J and Xu Y (2015) Aberrant functional connectome in neurologically asymptomatic patients with end-stage renal disease. PLoS ONE, 10:e0121085.
9. Ma X, Qiu Y, Tian J, Wang J, Li S, Zhan W, Wang T, Zeng S, Jiang G and Xu Y (2015): Aberrant Default-Mode Functional and Structural Connectivity in Heroin-Dependent Individuals. PLoS ONE 10(4):e0120861.
10. Zhang D, Liu X, Chen J, Liu B and Wang J (2015) Widespread increase of functional connectivity in Parkinson's disease with tremor: a resting-state FMRI study. Front Aging Neurosci 7:6 (co-corresponding author).
11. Zhang D, Wang J, Liu X, Chen J and Liu B (2015) Aberrant brain network efficiency in Parkinson’s disease patients with tremor: a multi-modality study. Front Aging Neurosci 7:169.
12. Wang X, Wang J, He Y, Li H, Yuan H, Evans A, Yu X, He Y and Wang H (2015) Apolipoprotein E ε4 Modulates Cognitive Profiles, Hippocampal Volume, and Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Alzheimer's Disease. J Alzheimers Dis, 45:781-95.
13. Dai Z, Yan C, Li K, Wang Z, Wang J, Cao M, Lin Q, Shu N, Xia M, Bi Y and He Y (2014) Identifying and Mapping Connectivity Patterns of Brain Network Hubs in Alzheimer's Disease. Cereb Cortex, 25:3723-42.
14. Wang J, Zuo X, Dai Z, Xia M, Zhao Z, Zhao X, Jia J, Han Y and He Y (2013) Disrupted Functional Brain Connectome in Individuals at Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease. Biol Psychiatry 73:472-481 (cover paper).
15. Xu P, Huang R, Wang J, Van Dam NT, Xie T, Dong Z, Chen C, Gu R, Zang YF, He Y, Fan J and Luo Y (2014) Different topological organization of human brain functional networks with eyes open versus eyes closed. Neuroimage 90:246-55.
16. Yin C, Yi L, Jia L, Wang J, Liu P, Guo Y and Han Y (2014) Early morphological brain abnormalities in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Translational Neuroscience 5(4):253-259.
17. Cao M, Wang J, Dai Z, Cao X, Jiang L, Fan F, Song X, Xia M, Shu N, Dong Q, Milham MP, Castellanos FX, Zuo X and He Y (2014) Topological organization of the human brain functional connectome across the lifespan. Developmental cognitive neuroscience 7C:76-93.
18. Shin DJ, Jung WH, He Y, Wang J, Shim G, Byun MS, Jang JH, Kim SN, Lee TY, Park HY and Kwon JS (2014) The effects of pharmacological treatment on functional brain connectome in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Biol Psychiatry 75(8):606-14.
19. Jiang L, Xu T, He Y, Hou XH, Wang J, Cao XY, Wei GX, Yang Z, He Y, Zuo XN (2014) Toward neurobiological characterization of functional homogeneity in the human cortex: regional variation, morphological association and functional covariance network organization. Brain Struct Funct, 220:2485-507.
20. Niu H, Li Z, Liao X, Wang J, Zhao T, Shu N, Zhao X and He Y (2013) Test-Retest Reliability of Graph Metrics in Functional Brain Networks: A Resting-State fNIRS Study. PLoS ONE 8(9): e72425.
21. Cao Q, Shu N, An L, Wang P, Sun L, Xia M, Wang J, Gong G, Zang Y, Wang Y and He Y (2013) Probabilistic diffusion tractography and graph theory analysis reveal abnormal white matter structural connectivity networks in drug-naive boys with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Neurosci 33:10676-10687.
22. Xia M, Wang J and He Y (2013) BrainNet Viewer: A Network Visualization Tool for Human Brain Connectomics. PLoS ONE 8(7):e68910.
23. Tang W, Lia B, Huang X, Jiang X, Li F, Wang L, Chen T, Wang J, Gong Q and Yang Y (2013) Morphometric brain characterization of refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder: diffeomorphic anatomic registration using exponentiated Lie algebra. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 46:126-131.
24. Liu B*, Chen J*, Wang J*, Liu X, Duan X, Shang X, Long Y, Chen Z, Li X, Huang Y and He Y (2012) Altered Small-World Efficiency of Brain Functional Networks in Acupuncture at ST36: a Functional MRI Study. PLoS ONE 7:e39342. (*, contributed equally).
25. Niu H*, Wang J*, Zhao T, Shu N and He Y (2012) Revealing topological organization of human brain functional networks with resting-state functional near infrared spectroscopy. PLoS ONE 7:e45771. (*, contributed equally).
26. Yi L*, Wang J*, Jia L,Zhao Z, Lu J, Li K, Jia J, He Y, Jiang C and Han Y (2012) Structural and Functional Changes in Subcortical Vascular Mild Cognitive Impairment: a Combined Voxel-based Morphometry and Resting-State fMRI study. PLoS ONE 7:e44758. (*, contributed equally).
27. Bai, F, Shu, N, Yuan, Y, Shi, Y, Yu, H, Wu, D, Wang J, Xia, M, He, Y, Zhang, Z (2012) Topologically Convergent and Divergent Structural Connectivity Patterns between Patients with Remitted Geriatric Depression and Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment. J Neurosci 32: 4307-4318 (cover paper)
28. Liang X, Wang J, Yan C, Shu N, Xu K, Gong G and He Y (2012) Effects of Different Correlation Metrics and Preprocessing Factors on Small-World Brain Functional Networks: a Resting-State Functional MRI Study. PLoS ONE 7: e32766.
29. Wang J, Zuo XN, Gohel S, Milham MP, Biswal BB and He Y (2011) Graph Theoretical Analysis of Functional Brain Networks: Test-Retest Evaluation on Short- and Long-Term Resting-State Functional MRI Data. PLoS ONE 6: e21976.
30. Zhang J*, Wang J*, Wu Q, Kuang W, Huang X, He Y and Gong Q (2011) Disrupted brain connectivity networks in drug-naive, first-episode major depressive disorder. Biol Psychiatry 70:334-42 (*, contributed equally, cover paper).
31. Tian L, Wang J, Yan C and He Y (2011) Hemisphere- and gender-related differences in small-world brain networks: A resting-state functional MRI study. Neuroimage 54: 191-202.
32. Han Y, Wang J, Zhao Z, Min B, Lu J, Li K, He Y and Jia J (2011) Frequency-dependent changes in the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: A resting-state fMRI study. Neuroimage 55: 287-295.
33. Zhang T, Wang J, Yang Y, Wu Q, Li B, Chen L, Yue Q, Tang H, Yan C, Lui S, Huang X, Chan R, Zang Y, He Y and Gong Q (2011) Abnormal small-world architecture of top-down control networks in obsessive-compulsive disorder. J Psychiatry Neurosci 36: 23-31.
34. Yan C, Gong G, Wang J, Wang D, Liu D, Zhu C, Evans A, Zang Y and He Y (2011) Sex- and brain size-related small-world structural cortical networks in young adults: a DTI tractography study. Cereb Cortex 21: 449-458.
35. Kang J, Wang L, Yan C, Wang J, Liang X and He Y (2011) Characterizing dynamic functional connectivity in the resting brain using variable parameter regression and Kalman filtering approaches. Neuroimage 56: 1222-1234.
36. Dai Z,Yan C, Wang Z, Wang J, Xia M, Li K and He Y (2011) Discriminative analysis of early Alzheimer's disease using multi-modal imaging and multi-level characterization with multi-classifier (M3). Neuroimage 59: 2187-2195.
37. Hu Z, Wang J, Lang Y, Zhao X, Jia J, Han Y (2011) Comparison of the neuropsychological characteristics of two subtypes of mild cognitive impairment. Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry 23:265-271.
38. Wang J, Zuo X and He Y (2010) Graph-based network analysis of resting-state functional MRI. Front Syst Neurosci 4: 16.
39. Lo CY, Wang PN, Chou KH, Wang J, He Y and Lin C (2010) Diffusion tensor tractography reveals abnormal topological organization in structural cortical networks in Alzheimer's disease. J Neurosci 30: 16876-16885.
40. Liang X, Wang J, He Y (2010) Human connectome: Structural and functional brain networks. Chinese Science Bulletin 55: 1565-1583.
41. Wang J, Wang L, Zang Y, Yang H, Tang H, Gong Q, Chen Z, Zhu C and He Y (2009) Parcellation-dependent small-world brain functional networks: a resting-state fMRI study. Hum Brain Mapp 30: 1511-1523.
42. He Y, Wang J, Wang L, Chen ZJ, Yan C, Yang H, Tang H, Zhu C, Gong Q, Zang Y and Evans A. (2009) Uncovering intrinsic modular organization of spontaneous brain activity in humans. PLoS One 4: e5226.